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Put Single Purchase Cartel Packs Back On the Cartel Market!!


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Went on the Market to Purchase 600cc worth of Ultimate Cartel packs only to find that they're gone. 98% of my market purchase are are individual cartel packs. One of the main reasons I subscribe is for the monthly cc, now I can't even use them. I'm gonna be really pissed if the packs were removed permanently. I would probably leave the game. Edited by AceMasterSoul
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Went on the Market to Purchase some packs they're gone. 98% of my market purchase are those packs. I'm a subscriber for the monthly cc, to spend on those specifically, now I can't even use them. I'm gonna be really pissed if the packs were removed permanently. I would even quit playing the game.


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Went on the Market to Purchase 600cc worth of Ultimate Cartel packs only to find that they're gone. 98% of my market purchase are are individual cartel packs. One of the main reasons I subscribe is for the monthly cc, now I can't even use them. I'm gonna be really pissed if the packs were removed permanently. I would probably leave the game.

I started a thread on their disappearance and also asked in the patch notes and sent a PM to Eric. No replies anywhere. Generally when BW stick their head in the sand & fail to acknowledge or respond like this, it's a stealth "nerf" that they have no intention of addressing/fixing/returning whatever has gone missing/gone wrong. I'm so annoyed - I went to buy my 5 packs and can't. I think they've wrongly assumed that those of us who buy packs will now be forced to buy hypercrates instead. They are wrong. Maybe the 200cc will return once they see a drop in CM sales.

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