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Subsriber Rewards too little


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Due to inflation in the game. Especially the Cartel Market, the subscriber bonus is a joke now. All I hear from people is how they can find ways to get where they need so they can unsub and still play. I mean when I get the subscriber cartel coins I look at the market and its like..... uh.... I guess I could get a ???.... Everything is way more expensive than I can afford. Shouldn't the perk for Subscribing be a bit more of a perk?
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Due to inflation in the game. Especially the Cartel Market, the subscriber bonus is a joke now. All I hear from people is how they can find ways to get where they need so they can unsub and still play. I mean when I get the subscriber cartel coins I look at the market and its like..... uh.... I guess I could get a ???.... Everything is way more expensive than I can afford. Shouldn't the perk for Subscribing be a bit more of a perk?


You were the same guy who a minute ago posted that the game should abandon its subscription and go totally FTP (disregarding the hit to revenue that leads to and thus shortens the shelf life of the game) so you can officially hear it from me:


I'm not finding ways to unsub. I'm not rich. I'm on a fixed income.

But I'll still pay my $15 a month.


There. Now you've heard something else.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Out of curiosity, when was the cartel market significantly cheaper than now and what did ex. armor sets or lottery packs cost back then?


Hypercrates were cheaper some years ago. They played around a lot with numbers of packs in a crate (and items in a pack) and prices. I think the most expensive crate was 7200 CC, but most were some 4.500 CC or so? There were also often discounted old crates available. Now a crate costs 5.400 CC.


Regarding direct sale items, it's hard to tell, because they only started putting all the previous pack items for direct sale now, so they never had a price before. I believe that the original direct sale items still have the same (or at least similar prices). However, if you see that an original direct sale crystal costs 500 CC and a white crystal costs 2.200 CC, you can clearly see an increase in prices.

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Due to inflation in the game. Especially the Cartel Market, the subscriber bonus is a joke now. All I hear from people is how they can find ways to get where they need so they can unsub and still play. I mean when I get the subscriber cartel coins I look at the market and its like..... uh.... I guess I could get a ???.... Everything is way more expensive than I can afford. Shouldn't the perk for Subscribing be a bit more of a perk?


Then don't subscribe, and just play the game on the FTP facet that is offered to all non-subs. It really is that simple... and each player must make the value decision for themselves.


I see you have multiple threads running this morning on the same theme about the studio allegedly taking a dump in your Cherrios. And from both your threads it is clear that you want full access to everything but do not want to pay a dime for said access. :rolleyes: I would love to see you walk your talk and produce a totally free MMO for players like yourself. ;) Tip: you can't because nothing is free, in that it cost money to produce and maintain.

Edited by Andryah
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