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The Beach On The Rishi Stronghold's Far Shore Should Be Made Accessible.

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I bought the Stronghold without realizing it was there, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the intro pan over it and then saw hooks over there when I entered edit mode. Within seconds my mind was brimming with ideas about a little resort area across the water from the main stronghold, and as I ran across to it I fell in love with the vast, beautiful shallows between myself and the beach. But then I hit the exhaustion zone before I even reached the first of the water's centerpiece hooks...


My question is, quite simply, why? Why not take advantage of this beautiful beach you have and this wonderful shallow expanse of water? Is it that you're worried the water's shallowness will go over poorly? I actually find it quite charming. I also don't think you need to add anything at all to the far shore aside from some extra hooks('cause I can see now that the current ones are just centerpieces so that you can make it look good from a distance) to make it usable; that's what us, the decorators, are for.


In short, if you just remove the exhaustion zone, add a few more hooks in the river, and make sure there's no fall-through-the-floor bugs or anything, you can really add a lot to the stronghold. Hell, even if you added a temporary exhaustion zone that we'd need to pay to get past, I'd still be fine with it as long as I could get access to that beach on the far shore and the beautiful shallows between it and the rest of the Stronghold.

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People asked for this early on during Beta testing. They added the hooks on the far shore, but didn't take out the exhaustion zone. I have a feeling that the far "wall" that looks like mountains and sky wouldn't look good from that close up. I'm sure there's some reason they didn't give us access to it -- after all, they added most of the other things that people asked for in Beta. Who knows, maybe we'll get this later.


At the very least, I hope they take the erroneous "splash" noises off the island so that we can use it.

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Yes, 100% yes!!! Those shore hooks out in the distance are a tease, in fact, they shouldn't have even gave it to us if they weren't going to be accessible. It's laughable, but the devs always add nonsense for no logical reason. Open up and extend the exhaustion zone for crying out loud!! I equate that to the numerous fake doors we had. Heck, we still have bridges to no where and death by drowning. It just doesn't make any sense what so ever! I can count on two hands just how many lil mistakes there are. Crooked, misplaced, not working, or a lack of hooks and unaligned floor or wall patterns are a common theme in The Rishi Stronghold. Quality assurance needs to do a thorough sweep and address these issues. Edited by TonyTricicolo
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Yes, 100% yes!!! Those shore hooks out in the distance are a tease, in fact, they shouldn't have even given it to us if they weren't going to be accessible. It's laughable, but the devs always add nonsense for no logical reason. Open up and extend the exhaustion zone for crying out loud!! I equate that to the numerous fake doors we had. Heck, we still have bridges to nowhere and death by drowning. It just doesn't make any sense what so ever! I can count on two hands just how many 'lil mistakes there are. Crooked, misplaced, not working, or a lack of hooks and unaligned floor or wall patterns are a common theme in The Rishi Stronghold. Quality assurance needs to do a thorough sweep and address these issues.


A: The death by drowning area is to keep you from accessing a certain part of the stronghold without jumping across some rocks and stuff. They have an achievement behind that little parkour course. I don't particularly like it, but I'm not gonna get upset about their desire to make a neat little parkour achievement in the Stronghold: they clearly just want to add some fun easter eggs for the players. I do agree that there should be a way to disable the ability to unlock the achievement in exchange for easier access to the area, however. That way people could make their stronghold a little more to their preference. Still, I'm not that concerned about it.


B: They're a small development team. Cut them some slack with the hook placement. At this point, I think we can all agree that their system for placing hooks in Strongholds is not as convenient/efficient as it should be. They're probably placing them by hand. Besides, it's not like we can't all adjust our decorations accordingly. Consider it a fun little challenge. ...Although to be fair they really should get a better system in place for placing hooks; I can see the agonizing difficulty in many instances. Perspective can really screw ya over when placing stuff in 3D environments, and making the positioning of things precise whilst eyeballing it is utter agony. I know from experience. Some hook placements seem similar to the results I've had at these times, and I just feel pity for the poor devs if they really do place hooks the way I suspect they do. Not enough pity to not want the far shore added, though! ^-^ (Though I wouldn't mind imprecise hook placements, as long as I can position things so that I do not have floating planters :3)


C: I agree that there is A LOT of the Stronghold that is inaccessible, and I do agree that it wouldn't be a bad idea to change this. However, I am also unsure just how developed these areas we can't see are, and do wonder if they might simply be too time-consuming to add. With the far shore, the devs can just add some quick foreground assets like rocks and stuff, but if there's literally no interior or anything to the inaccessible buildings and no real anything to the parts of the roof we cannot see... I still support the inclusion of these areas, but by all means take your time, devs. I understand if they are going to take some work, and I wouldn't dream of pressuring you to add them quickly: that would be inhumane. The devs are people too, and they do have limitations regarding what they're capable of.


In summary: I do agree with most of your points, but I think you're being too harsh on the devs. We shouldn't expect them to drop everything for our whims. I hope they'll improve upon the Stronghold, but let's also let them take their time to do it properly. They're likely also working on many other things, as well.

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