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Parsing with Force Speed with 2 second CD?


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Ok, I don’t do parsing much except to stay warmed up between matches (and not get bored waiting for pops), but I wanted to compare my lighting Sorc perfomance to some people on the parsley website.


When looking at the top ttk in the 500k range, I noticed the persons rotation included force speed being used 2 seconds apart. Which I cannot see how this is possible even with utility choices to reduce it.


Anyone care to comment how the top parser is able to do this. Is it a fault with the website, combat logs or am I missing something?


00:35:44.413 Force Speed

00:35:46.654 Force Speed



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I’ve found an anomaly with my own parsing. I’m not sure what is going on because my DPS is about 3k more on my Sage.


Firstly, I think I might have found a gearing bug and it could be the cause, but I don’t know.


Both my Sage and Sorc have exactly the same gear, but my Sorc’s primary damage stats are higher and my Sages crit is higher. The way I’ve checked is when I remove all gear but ear, implants, relics and focus (all things I can swap in legacy gear)



Prime Damage 853-857

Crit 18.17%



Prime damage 861-865

Crit 17.14%

(FYI, it’s only 230 gear with 228 augments).


All the other stats, alacrity and health are the same.


Now, when I follow the exact same rotation, my Sage does about 8k and my Sorc does between 4.5-5k.


Can anyone offer an explanation or is this a bug?


Edit: on top of that, the highest thundering blast I can do on my Sorc is 13538, but the highest turbulence on my Sage is 20400.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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That... sounds very weird. Do both characters have identical stats while naked? Same stats while naked with bolster? Are the implants etc. the same on both characters?


It would be funny as hell if tk-sages were magically buffed, but the more likely scenario is that you are missing something.




I tested it myself, and my naked stats are completely identical. I also did 5 test on Turbulence / Thundering Blasts:



1: 7015

2: 4065

3: 4055 / 1015

4: 4155

5: 6264



1: 4161

2: 4215

3: 7074

4: 4081

5: 7287 / 1041


Looks normal to me.

Edited by Lundorff
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Hmm that sounds very weird. Are you sure you don't have different stims on? Like a crit stim on sage and a power stim on sorc? Also even then a dps difference of 3k and 6k difference in Thundering Blasts sounds kind of extreme. Are you sure you don't have one attacking the warzone dummy and on attacking the operations dummy? If not these then this is a weird bug indeed. Edited by AdjeYo
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Sounds like you aren’t using the same dummy to parse on.


Or different left side, or augments, or stims, or buffs.


Take everything off, including buffs, and then add stuff back one at a time, and you'll probably find the difference.

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the force is stronk with my sorc


edit: yep, force barrier for the extra two instants during a polarity window at the start and end of the parse (or, in the case of 500k dummy, at the start). instant lightning bolts activate faster than the casts + seem to proc your extra forks more often. credit to malocath for figuring this out

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Or different left side, or augments, or stims, or buffs.


Take everything off, including buffs, and then add stuff back one at a time, and you'll probably find the difference.


She is talking about a 3k difference in dps. Those wouldn’t add up to be a 3k difference. The only thing I can think of is she is attacking a warzone dummy with one and a operation dummy with another one.

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She is talking about a 3k difference in dps. Those wouldn’t add up to be a 3k difference. The only thing I can think of is she is attacking a warzone dummy with one and a operation dummy with another one.


I was referencing more her having different stats once she took off all her gear but left side.


Shouldn't have used the word "or" there, didnt mean to really disagree with you on the 3k difference.

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the force is stronk with my sorc


edit: yep, force barrier for the extra two instants during a polarity window at the start and end of the parse (or, in the case of 500k dummy, at the start). instant lightning bolts activate faster than the casts + seem to proc your extra forks more often. credit to malocath for figuring this out


If you don't mind me asking, what are your stats for lightning sorc?

Edited by DrixHD
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She is talking about a 3k difference in dps. Those wouldn’t add up to be a 3k difference. The only thing I can think of is she is attacking a warzone dummy with one and a operation dummy with another one.


I was pretty sure I wasn’t... But now you’ve said it, I won’t rule it out as it’s the most logical reason for such a big difference.

When I can get back online I will check it again. Thanks for the feed back.

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So I’ve double checked the naked stats of both and they are the same.


I then double checked the left side and off hand to make sure they have exactly the same items equiped and they were, sort of.

The only difference is I’ve got a purple eternal commander mk3 off hand vs a red shell off hand. All the internals are exactly the same (I’d ripped them out of the other eternal commander and put them into the red shell for some reason).


But there is a difference in stats. So I can only assume it’s the red shell not giving the right stats, even though they are the same in both.


My next step when I get a minute is to double check the training dummies to make sure they are the same type.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It's been a few months since I even played lightning, but I was at 109.93 percent accuracy, around 1300 alacrity, around 1900 crit, and I believe 1-2 mastery augments.


For utilities, the only ones that really stand out for dummy parsing are Force Mobility (in case you derp and need to move during a parse) and Surging Speed (for reduced CD on force speed + force speed reset).


For PvP, sorcs have a ton of viable utilities and it really depends on your playstyle and what you're going up against. In solo ranked, you'll want max survivability (Sith Defiance, Empty Body, Suppression, Emerson, and Shapeless Spirit are pretty much mandatory. Force Mobility and Surging Speed are really good for kiting. Torturous Tactics, Stun Bubble, and Knockback Root are good for kiting/control as well. If you're finding yourself having to offheal and support a team, you might also want to take Dark Resilience. And if you take that utility, you might as well try and take Unnatural Vigor as they have really good synergy.).

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Don't bring lightning sorc into ranked. It takes a lot of skill to make madness viable in ranked, however there is no skill that can make lightning viable. It is fundamentally broken. Even left freecasting, you will do no damage, while you have only a little more survivbility than some other classes/specs. Not to mention, to get max dps output you have to use a huge defensive cooldown (forc speed+emersion+whatever other defensive utilities you might spec into to lower the CD of force speed) offensively.


While Pyro PT maybe the undisputed worst spec to play in ranked, lightning sorc is definitely up there.

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It's been a few months since I even played lightning, but I was at 109.93 percent accuracy, around 1300 alacrity, around 1900 crit, and I believe 1-2 mastery augments.


Is acurracy really needed on sorc? And why 1300 alacrity? The breaks are:



  • 0-702 Alacrity = 1.5 sec GCD
  • 703-1859 Alacrity (7.15+%)= 1.4 sec GCD (1.39991)
  • 1860+ Alacrity (15.41%) = 1.3 sec GCD (1.29971)


Does sorc get some type of passive alacrity boost?


Don't bring lightning sorc into ranked. It takes a lot of skill to make madness viable in ranked, however there is no skill that can make lightning viable. It is fundamentally broken. Even left freecasting, you will do no damage, while you have only a little more survivbility than some other classes/specs. Not to mention, to get max dps output you have to use a huge defensive cooldown (forc speed+emersion+whatever other defensive utilities you might spec into to lower the CD of force speed) offensively.


While Pyro PT maybe the undisputed worst spec to play in ranked, lightning sorc is definitely up there.


Do you really think it is that bad? I could probably survive longer and contribute more on a lightning sorc than a sniper, but perhaps that just reveals how crappy I am on a sniper :p

Edited by Lundorff
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Is acurracy really needed on sorc? And why 1300 alacrity? The breaks are:



  • 0-702 Alacrity = 1.5 sec GCD
  • 703-1859 Alacrity (7.15+%)= 1.4 sec GCD (1.39991)
  • 1860+ Alacrity (15.41%) = 1.3 sec GCD (1.29971)


Does sorc get some type of passive alacrity boost?


Yeah, you build five Focal Lightning stacks granting a total of 5% alacrity in lightning, so ~1100 alacrity is sufficient to reach the magic 1.3 gcd threshold.

Smarty's endgame PvE gearing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tTZEODvA4-N_wLXlizG654Ii1z9gI88HavBk1WbTsk0/edit?usp=sharing


Accuracy-wise, I'm thinking that's his PvE gear and he might use it for PvP too...?

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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