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Feedback: Rishi Stronghold


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PLEASE ALLOW ability to hand out GUILD stronghold keys to allies/non-guild members. This can only help enhance the new pvp possibilities. With pvp areas, opening guild to public in order to allow guests is ridiculous. Especially for RP guilds. Very frustrating for many guild leaders that we cannot hand out keys to guild strongholds. Edited by Qarrie
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Hey folks,

As I mentioned in the changes thread, there are some changes that didn't make their way into the build today that we are still looking at. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of everything! These are just some of the bigger things we would still like to change before 5.9.2 ships.

  • The ability to sort your Stronghold list.
  • Get resolve bars to show on portraits in the Rishi SH.
  • The ability for players to completely turn off PvP in their Rishi SH.
  • Make it so that SH keys determine players ability to use terminals in another players SH.
  • Address the remaining LoS issues for decorations, especially related to channeled and AoE abilities.

Again, that is not everything but are some of the issues we are still actively working on. Thanks everyone, keep the feedback coming.




These are all great changes, thank you! It feels like this process of getting feedback via the PTS is working very well, even if I'm sure it means a lot more work for your team. I think most of us really appreciate the chance to be heard, and I think it will net positive results. I hope the dev team knows their work is appreciated!


Also nice to know that's not all the planned changes, though, as the SH hooks still need real work.


And though I know you said the list is not comprehensive, I am very anxious that it didn't include something about what you'll be doing with the cap on number of strongholds a person can have. Yes, I've mentioned this before. But it bears repeating. Not everyone may have 21 actively used strongholds like I do, but I promise that after the server merge you absolutely will have people who have at least 10 actively used strongholds or more, and it was previously stated that the cap would be 10. I cannot stress enough how enraging it would be to be needlessly capped when the server merges proved that mechanically the game can support a player having at least up to 35 strongholds. Currently there is no SH I am willing to lose, and that would make me extremely sad. :(


In this old post I suggested that you create a stronghold slot CM unlock just like we have character slot unlocks. Let us purchase additional slots over 10 or whatever your "cap" is. Profit for you, more SHs for us. Everyone wins. (Ideally it would be great if you let people purchase multiple copies of the same stronghold too, I know for a fact tons of decorators want this ability.)

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These are all great changes, thank you! It feels like this process of getting feedback via the PTS is working very well, even if I'm sure it means a lot more work for your team. I think most of us really appreciate the chance to be heard, and I think it will net positive results. I hope the dev team knows their work is appreciated!


Also nice to know that's not all the planned changes, though, as the SH hooks still need real work.




In this old post I suggested that you create a stronghold slot CM unlock just like we have character slot unlocks. Let us purchase additional slots over 10 or whatever your "cap" is. Profit for you, more SHs for us. Everyone wins. (Ideally it would be great if you let people purchase multiple copies of the same stronghold too, I know for a fact tons of decorators want this ability.)


These are great points. Right now story and stronghold stuff are the only things I'm really of a mind to spend real money on.

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I seen the Rishi SH for the first time today and the aesthetics look awesome imo. I think the amount of island motif is great and really looks like a pirate resort of some kind.


I think it's gigantic, but that's fine.


I missed seeing the prior version with trash everywhere, so can't say how this newer version stacks up to the first model but I think this stronghold is a winner. Nice job!

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There need to be more decoratable rooms. Those three windowless silos are inadequate...I could make use of the town atmosphere if I could actually have places I could make into shops and other venues.


I'd really appreciate more proper rooms to work with.

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There need to be more decoratable rooms. Those three windowless silos are inadequate...I could make use of the town atmosphere if I could actually have places I could make into shops and other venues.


I'd really appreciate more proper rooms to work with.


This^ 100 times over! Those windowless round rooms, most of which have open ceilings, are not adequate for making Rishi a home. Also, round rooms without windows on a planet as lovely as Rishi is a terrible waste. Please, please, please give us a proper building for decorating. If you're past the point of this being possible please say so. There has to be a better option than the aptly name "silos". They're really not decorator friendly in terms of a comfortable residence.


Unrelated, I am still getting knocked off of my speeder when I enter or leave the first PvP area. It's not at every entrance, bubt when I go in or out of that area and into the staging aarea, as well as the exit that leads out to the beach. Aside from those two exits, I am not getting dismounted.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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I admit my personal feeling is that not every stronghold needs to feel like a home. I actually quite like the slum-like feel of Rishi. (That being said, I'll admit that while the trash piles didn't bother me, it actually is more neutral without them, and neutrality is good for decorating.)


I honestly don't feel that almost any of the strongholds feel like a home, with the exception of the two apartments coming close. They're all completely huge, and while I've managed to make homes out of a Tatooine and a Nar Shaddaa, I always had to come up with fairly elaborate RP justifications for why my characters were living in sky palaces and homesteads the size of a small town. Never mind what you have to stretch to imagine Yavin being a home. I'm not complaining, mind you! I've made good use of those spaces and I appreciate having them. I just also don't think there's anything wrong with getting a stronghold that is tailored to be a very specific sort of setting.


My feeling is what I articulated in an earlier post here, namely that I think because we get fewer strongholds, and when they do come they are always large and sprawling, there's a desire on the part of the community to want each stronghold to serve all purposes. I think if we were getting more smaller strongholds (and I mean, like, the size of a single floor of one of the apartments, but aesthetically unique each time, perhaps tailored to each planet's aesthetic) you would then have more than enough options for people to make homes across a wide spectrum, and there'd be less of a desire to see a single large SH wear all the hats.


Personally, I like Rishi a lot. I am going to be able to make tons of RP use out of it - provided the problems with the hooks get addressed! I don't want the dev team to get discouraged thinking that what they designed isn't welcome. It may not be to everyone's taste, but almost nothing ever will be to everyone's taste.


I do think that adding a new phased area a la Patrol Carrier might be a great idea, if only because we do get fewer strongholds and I imagine Rishi is going to need to tide us over for a while. A smaller phased area feels like the solution to keep more people happy, even if it has to come as an expansion to the SH a month down the line or something.


I mean, I too would love a building like the Blaster's Path! I could make tons of use out of that also! I wouldn't necessarily want to lose the pirate town to get it, though. Ideally both would be great. An expansion sounds like a win-win.

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Just some suggestions

  1. How about adding a grappling hook or two to area's we can't walk to? You have them in Yavin's SH.
  2. Some large hooks in the water so we can place vehicles like: Hutt Cantina Skiff or any Skiff, Mana-D5 Submersible or Baron Deathmark’s Swashbuckling Cutter or any Cutter?
  3. Windows
  4. Raise wall hooks so Copero Hanging Plants aren't on the ground.

Edited by Banthabreeder
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It looks and feels like a big big junkyard. A litte of the design comes from Rishi village and some from Rav. There are several better Environments to chose, the nice forrests, the ponds etc etc. Despite the Umbara total f*ckup which is awful but even that is nicer than this new one! Why not chose the environmet from Nathema? I do the story mode just because it so wonderful to see.


You can create stunning places but this, no way I'll spend 1 cred to get it. Epic clusterf*ck in my opinion but several might like it.


How to create a nice personal retreat being in a junkyard?

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Thank you for listening to feedback! All the changes are great.

In addition to what others already said:


+ Garbage wasn’t an issue for me but I admit, SH looks much better without piles of trash.


+ Glad to see that fake doors were removed and speeder doesn’t fly through buildings anymore.


– You can still hear jungle noises in Starboard Quarters on the ship. It’s actually amusing.


– With the current hook options the Huttball deco is quite useless. It’s much easier to score if you just run on the floor, the way doesn't seem to be longer, and no one is going to knock you down preventing a goal. The easiest solution is being able to put decos which can block the way to all four ramps leading to the scoreline.

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So, I was a little bored today and decided that if there were hooks in that last distant little part of the island than there had to be a way for me to get to those hooks. Took a weirdly placed bunk bed and some parkour type jumps, but I did make it over there. That area really should be opened up and a better building placed there. The part that I could explore was nice and would make a fun addition to the place. They really should consider putting a walkway through to that area and using it for a building like the Blaster Path Cantina.
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So, I was a little bored today and decided that if there were hooks in that last distant little part of the island than there had to be a way for me to get to those hooks. Took a weirdly placed bunk bed and some parkour type jumps, but I did make it over there. That area really should be opened up and a better building placed there. The part that I could explore was nice and would make a fun addition to the place. They really should consider putting a walkway through to that area and using it for a building like the Blaster Path Cantina.


Or a grappling hook.....

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I started off thinking i would get 20 cartel coins for starting a new class character and do 3 to get 60 cartel coins and could buy the Rishi StrongHold but that did not work due to the lock out on the cartel market. So a friend of mine told me he made a copy of his main Character and it even made copies of his credits and every thing else that was in his storage box and personal inventory. So i did that and went to buy the strong hold and seen it said it cost 2,500,000 credits or 60 cartel coin's. all that work of copy my character and it did not touch one credit out of the copy funds :confused: I feel happy but mad at the same time :rolleyes: Any ways, I love the Stronghold it is Super cool and huge as hell I know my guild is going to love it when it comes out. I am going to buy it right away and start unlocking door's. If you looking for a guild and your on Satele server look me up Warchildvolk. On a side note from the stronghold this is to Eric. Please make new planets with story line stuff that brings back the emperor and new heroics and datacrons and planet missions like the start of the game. after all we all know that the emperor lives. I would like to know when the new Cantina Tours are starting with some new codes. Thank you i know i said a lot but had to get it off my chest. please cool looking stuff this time it all looks like repeated stuff. HINT ...HINT ..HINT... A Rancor Mount that eat's a Gamorrean lil legs kicking and him squealing every time you hold ctrl and hit Z :D Edited by WARCHILDvolk
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Can you give me an estimate on the price of the stronghold for a guild. It seems to be around 15.5m for a personal one and if my figures are right based on the 3x for a guild it will be around 46.5 m. Just want to be sure a guild price is still 3x the amount of a personal one. Thank you.

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If GUILD strongholds are going to cost so much, there should at least be the ability to hand out keys to GUILD strongholds to non-guild members. Opening them to the general public is not an option for many, especially RP guilds. Guild strongholds need bronze key to non-guild members ability!!!!! Edited by Qarrie
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Can you give me an estimate on the price of the stronghold for a guild. It seems to be around 15.5m for a personal one and if my figures are right based on the 3x for a guild it will be around 46.5 m. Just want to be sure a guild price is still 3x the amount of a personal one. Thank you.

I hope it's the same price as a personal stronghold. It's already going to cost a lot to outfit and decorate it. It would be awesome if guilds could easily and quickly pick up a Rishi SH to get the new functionality. After all, they already paid a lot of money for their current strongholds and will have to dump them to get this new one...


...unless guilds will be able to have more than one SH now?

Edited by Xina_LA
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Please add ceiling hooks to every room that has a space for them. Often the pre-existing light is still very dim and creates a gloomy environment. There are lights that can be put on walls and floors but they only illuminate a small area and can be difficult or costly to come by. Additionally, the ship's quarters don't have much in the way of wall hooks, further limiting our options for lighting. Edited by DuchessKristania
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I want to start by saying Thank you for the rishi stronghold! Back when i was on Pot5 i had my Yavin Stronghold set up for cross faction Pvpand we used to have guild Pod races and pvp matches on it for prizes. This has brought that back and then some so again Thank you,I been hoping for this ever since I lost the ability to do this on the new servers.

Ok, Now on to the meat of my initial observations and please , feel free to look at my current strongholds and my guild ship to give you an idea of what Im capable of when I get a chance to decorate SH's and such ( for the sake of credibility).

1. The Entry platform could use a few Large Decoration hooks to enable the nicer vendor kiosk decos and to place civilian populations and such. This would also enable the Speeder Station deco to be placed . I dont know if it would be too much trouble but perhaps extending the platform to have the entry area AND a starship hook to make it look like this is where you landed and this is the initial Bazaar area where people are coming and going via Taxi station and such. Perhaps add hooks to the Scaffolding area as well to add to lighting or emplace banners.


2. As this area is soo massive have you increased the limit of PERSONNEL which can be placed? I would hope so as I like to make my SH's seem populated particularly with this one as there are so many areas which would draw crowds to watch the events taking place. One of those areas that begs for more single hooks would be adjacent to the initial death-match area. Again, Please reference my SH .


3. The HUTBALL/ Deathmatch area.

Is it possible to allow for Deco Memory ? As in, if you wanted to have a specific layout for each type of match or to choose whether you want Memorized layout 1 or 2 to be active for the mode you are in , you could just use A console and then Lock in the layout as appropriate without having to spend hours redecorating between the 2 types of having to commit to just 1 Decoration ensemble .


4. What is the likelihood of making Heal Node and Trap decos Available. As there are a wide variety of character classes and a few have virtually no self heals and will quickly die trying to tangle against the Dot Spec classes . Esp since the snipers heals are virtually non existent now.


BUGS encountered.

1. I consistently am finding that my Deco Arrangement control goes blank regularly. I.E. I place multiple decos in an area and then as a theme evolves or if I need to change the flow of a room/area I find that decos I have placed cease to appear when I click on the hook. In addition to this I lose entire groups of decoration types in a situation where the decorations wont even appear in my listing choices . The only way I have found to clear this bug is to EXIT the game and relog into the game. This has a tendency to become frustrating and discourages lengthy amounts of effort.


2. When I created my character copy and went over to the server I found that a LARGE amount of my decorations were completely unavailable and thus I just had to make do with what I crafted and unlocked on the pts.


----- Enable/ unlock all decorations via the vendors in a free option and perhaps unlock operation grade decorations so people can get right into testing the area and experimentation instead of having to send massive amounts of characters and spending LENGTHY periods of time compiling the needed materials and such which they then have to use to purchase the decorations. I believe this will give you the WIDEST variety of players who may develop a new found love for craftingor content grinding to obtain and then recreate the SH they were able to make on the PTS.

I feel that with so many people who may be exceedingly creative if given the chance, they just don't have the time to get on the PTS and spend all that time gathering and crafting the ingredients to trade for decorations when all of their effort remains exclusive to the PTS and then gets wiped out when the PTS gets shut down. Enacting this type of utility would increase the pool of participants who are able to utilize the activity / content more expediently and thus increase the likelihood that more bugs and creative suggestions could be gleaned from their experimentation.



I know you all put a great deal of work into making this all possible and it is appreciated and I don't want to be the " Thats nice but how about more " guy but I have an Idea which I can best describe as "TAG meets Dodge the Exploding hutball" which could dove tail with the current HUTBALL Zones , except with an exploding hutball much like the old pvp Deco which could be purchased from the old PvP deco vendor. Add in a consistently increasing Buff akin to the snipers ability ( but which over the length of the match itself never stops increasing unlike the snipers 30 stack cap)on the ball which reveals an ever increasing size sphere around the carrier to locate stealthers to avoid the HIDE=WIN result. Also instead of having a slow placed on the holder, they can gradually move faster as well. The ball would tick down and you could die either via the ball detonation or getting killed normally. team with the last survivor or who eliminates the other team wins.

Anyway Just wanted to throw that out. and perhaps you could use that to add a huge new flavor to pvp . Feel free to contact me for a more in depth explanation.


Thank you again for reading, hopefully you found my post helpful.


Vasmii'na from the Star Forge server.

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Planet Rishi seems very bright and colorful. Well I expected stronghold Rishi to be less bright than Tatoonie and slightly brighter than Yavin. It seems past twilight dark on Stronghold Rishi, reminds me more of DK. Raise the sun and pass the suntan lotion please!
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I like the Arena platform , but it would be even better if you could put fire trap decos on it and there were more of the centerpiece decos underneath so you coul place the giant wall decorations underneath to limit/ slow down the enemies progress. this area could DEFINITELY use a couple Starship hooks so in addition to the platform you could also emplace the Odessan Command center decorations. it would be much more verseatile for both Hutball and 4v4 8v8 this way esp if you could put heal nodes on raised platforms so they would be at the centers of the command center. Perhaps a new kind of hook that is a starship deco with smaller deco hooks so you could effectively LAYER them and magnify their potential. this would also enable say like placing civilian decorations on the map for color, maybe like putting up a rakghoul quarantine cage with rakghoul pets or infected inside of them .. COME ON ERIC YOU KNOW YOU LOVE MY IDEAS!! :)


This would also work on the centerpiece/ large decoration hooks if ,for example, you started with a Rakgoul Quarantine cage and paired it with one of those Vent floor decorations which periodically were dormant for 10-15 seconds and then would eject whoever had the misfortune to get thrown into one from the catwalk. or you could just incorporate the vents in the floor and allow someone to place a rakgoul quarantine cage on top of it. youd probably make a fortune in Cartel purchases in purchasing traps and such. I set mine up so any unwary person attempting to use the scaffold risks getting thrown in Quarantine for the duration of the match. Gotta have some kind of trap or risk V reward.



This format lends to using large walls and Odessan command centers for 4v4 8v8 but in any kind of a hutball match you can still just run right up the middle . In something like this perhaps adding a layered starship hoog or centerpiece hooks to place walls down and slow down would be sorc speedsters or "Bloodthirst"-y Marauders/sentinels.


RANDOM /MIX format, not really useable its too much of a cross, perhaps more of a concentric circle kind of mix between centerpiece/ starship large and medium type hooks which would allow designers to essentially craft Mazes using the myriad of small, medium large and epic sized walls and such. Perhaps a couple of places for 2 Odessan command centers and maybe a couple smaller platform decorations to provide cover for hide and seek or hide and go kill.


I have found out that if you place the Medical facility Decoration or any large decoration on top of where the ball spawns it becomes inaccessible . while great for deathmatches , not so good if anyone wants to score.


How a bout a dual hutball esque map, where theere are 2 hutballs. but this acts like capture the flag. the ball is centered just a little in from of the opposing side and to score you each team has to get the ball from the opposing side and bring t back to your platform.

Edited by IamPolaris
Forgot a mode suggestion
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Seems like... with this being a PvP enabled Stronghold... there should be some "active" decorations that act as one or more traps or hindering mechanics in PvP.


You know.. like oil slicks to slip on, pop-up lightsaber type cutting traps, random flame throwers, some with stealth features until they snap, etc. I'm sure the SH owners would love to be able to customize the hazards in their PvP areas. And they should be able to be placed on any size appropriate hooks.. not some special hooks that everyone knows are there.


Not holding my breath here... just making a logical suggestion for consideration.

Edited by Andryah
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any word on when the next batch of changes will take place? I;d still really like to have more dialogue about the limited indoor space planet side. Is there anything that the team can do to improve that element for decorators who enjoy building homes? I'm probably beating a dead horse here, but the buildings on the planet are terribly small and limited in use. I think the SH would appeal to a much broader audience if you added another building that was more versatile for decorating.
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