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Quesh Difficulty Needs Examined


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Seems like an obvious answer and the first thing that came to my mind. Imagine needing to find a group in an MMO.


Except from my experiences on my JK, asking for *any* help with solo content is going to get you trolled, laughed at and blacklisted from any pugs at max level. Regardless of how overtuned or silly content is (not saying Quesh is).


This "get a group/guild/friends" is an out of date attitude and needs to die already.

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Jesh is broken.


I'm a level 41 Gunslinger, with Corso as a companion. Yes, level 41. I turned off Corso's area effect abilities, as per Georg's suggestion. I made sure my 20-minute Hero skill was off its cooldown.


Jesh still wiped the floor with us. His abilities do over three times as much damage as other elites. Many appear to be instant attacks. Earlier I was surprised by a boss Elite outside the building when gathering security codes for the bonus quest; even without preparation, I took it down very easily. Jesh is broken.


Gunslingers have the following interrupts: Distraction, Flash Grenade, Dirty Kick, and Pulse Grenade. I interrupted two of Jesh's long-term abilities with Distraction and Flash Grenade. He just started casting again right away. I never got the chance to try the other interrupts; you need to be pretty close to use Pulse Grenade, and right next to him to use Dirty Kick.


The two adds go down immediately. Immediately, with one blow of Aimed Shot. They're not the problem. Jesh is broken.


I'm not an MMO newbie. I played WoW from the start, in its earlier, tougher days. "Just team up" isn't viable advice here: the highest population count I saw at Quesh was 7 people, and none were willing (or able) to help. Besides, if the quest is supposed to be a group quest, why isn't it labeled "Heroic 2+"?


Jesh is broken. Tanks are broken too (tank-specced characters and companions take too much damage for, well, a tank), but they're still usable. Jesh is broken. Honestly, I think that's the problem -- that Jesh's abilities accidentally ignore armour or defense ratings. In other words, Jesh is broken.

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Jesh is very, very broken, from the replies I've seen so far I think many Imperial players are mistakenly thinking of Jesh as a misspelling of Quesh, Captain Jesh is an elite at the end of a republic quest, pretty unremarkable to look at, 17k hp and 2 weak 1k hp adds with him.


I've just had 3 attempts at the guy, I'll admit the first time I wasnt taking it seriously and died, fair enough I thought, so second time I interrupted his cast attack, didnt matter, his regular attacks had me down in literally seconds, and that was after he blasted my companion to shreds as well.


So I changed tactics and brought Doc along instead, worked out even worse... The guy literally hits for over 1/3 of my hp with every STANDARD attack... Note I dont mean a charged attack or anything remotely special, I mean he uses his most basic attack and has me down in 4 attacks.


This isnt a L2P issue, I've been playing MMO's long enough to be able to admit when I'm lacking in skill, but I popped every cooldown, used the best medpacs available, interrupted every interruptable attack and used the few stuns at my disposal and I was still down in about 15 seconds.


Captain Jesh of the Extracting The Scientist quest is broken.


EDIT : Just FYI i'm a lvl 39 DPS Jedi Sentinel and whislt I've struggled with a few quests so far, this is the first time my jaw has hit the floor with disbelief.

Edited by CrobTheResolute
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I'm having the same problem with my LVL 37 Gunslinger. Easily finished every other quest on Quesh but I can't for the life of me beat Jesh. It's like he just ROFLs in my (and Corso's) general direction and that's it for me. My gear is up-to-date and I'm trying to use interrupts (same as I would with any other gold elite) and it's like he just piles attacks on me. The whole thing is so frustrating that I left for Hoth to come back later. Hopefully I'll beat him then. :|
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  • 2 weeks later...
Jesh is broken.


I'm a level 41 Gunslinger, with Corso as a companion. Yes, level 41. I turned off Corso's area effect abilities, as per Georg's suggestion. I made sure my 20-minute Hero skill was off its cooldown.


Jesh still wiped the floor with us. His abilities do over three times as much damage as other elites. Many appear to be instant attacks. Earlier I was surprised by a boss Elite outside the building when gathering security codes for the bonus quest; even without preparation, I took it down very easily. Jesh is broken.


Gunslingers have the following interrupts: Distraction, Flash Grenade, Dirty Kick, and Pulse Grenade. I interrupted two of Jesh's long-term abilities with Distraction and Flash Grenade. He just started casting again right away. I never got the chance to try the other interrupts; you need to be pretty close to use Pulse Grenade, and right next to him to use Dirty Kick.


The two adds go down immediately. Immediately, with one blow of Aimed Shot. They're not the problem. Jesh is broken.


I'm not an MMO newbie. I played WoW from the start, in its earlier, tougher days. "Just team up" isn't viable advice here: the highest population count I saw at Quesh was 7 people, and none were willing (or able) to help. Besides, if the quest is supposed to be a group quest, why isn't it labeled "Heroic 2+"?


Jesh is broken. Tanks are broken too (tank-specced characters and companions take too much damage for, well, a tank), but they're still usable. Jesh is broken. Honestly, I think that's the problem -- that Jesh's abilities accidentally ignore armour or defense ratings. In other words, Jesh is broken.


I just experienced the EXACT same thing. Level 40 gunslinger. Jesh is most definitely broken.

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most class have certain aspect of the instance to help them beat the elite packs such as consular who had a computer at start givign them a 50% damage reduction shield.


Lol yea, I figured that only after I beat all the packs...


Anyway, who is this Jesh? I don't remember him at all, probably hadn't much trouble with him, as I did all the quests there on my shadow, is it the one after the sith/defector fight with kidnapped hutt?

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Elevator shafts still kill me. ;(


Guildie: What happened?

Me: Elevator shaft happened. :(


3 times in Quesh, Once in Ilum and only God knows how many times in Hoth.


Quesh wasn't too difficult for tank Juggernaut. Don't know how difficult it is for other classes. I will know that in future.

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I get the impression the OP was a consular. Here's the deal, his issue is with that specific quest, not the planet. The class quest for consular takes you to a story zone with groups of multiple silvers and golds. They key that is VERY easy to overlook is that in that room, there are devices to click that will hugely reduce damage taken. It's not obvious at all, but that's what you are supposed to do. Quesh is fine.


I went through 2 story areas on Quesh with a level 40ish sage full heal spec healer and died more than once in each of them. Just way to much DPS in 2 places. Not that I mind a challenge in the least. BUT - It did seem those particular quests were MUCH more difficult than my previous quests. And had no idea that those items were buffing me all that much, they didn't seem to be making much difference in how fast Qyzen got beat down. Yes I used them. Yes I had great gear for both myself and Qyzen. And I pretty much facerolled everything after those class quests on Quesh. And I had no problem at all on Hoth as a level 43.


I don't think it's fair at all to say L2P to someone who's played a toon all the way to lvl 40.... If they didn't know how to play that class by that point, they would have rerolled or quit.

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I didn't have to many issues with Jesh, or Quesh for that matter as a gunslinger. I used Risha, and just burnt away, I'm even Dirty Fighting specced which is far from awesome for pve content.


Well timed stuns, focus fire, and going toe to toe eo ensure I could use pulse detonator and dirty kick to counter effects made it easy enough.

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If it is difficult, whats wrong with a good challenge?


There are other games that provide faceroll leveling, if thats what you are looking for.


OTOH, I've been through Quesh on 4 different toons, none of them really had a problem ... maybe you should look at your gear, utilize CC more, not saying you are bad, just take a look at what you are doing, and what you could be doing ... and if all else fails, god forbid, group up with someone else.

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I don't know if this is fixed already, but there was something very odd about the Graystar battle. I had to ask help to accomplish it. Now, the friendly person who came to help me had done it solo before (we both had the same class, Sniper) we wiped on the first attempt, i died and my helpfull associate died soon after me regardless of all of his/hers efforts. The thing is that sometimes at some point when GS is on low health it seemed like he's just ignoring any damage done and goes to some sort of god mode. We got it through on a second try like a breeze though. Edited by Beansoup
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I've done everything solo as a DPS spec and geared SJ with a DPS companion, at appropriate level, without ever running into a problem. For the record, that's no heals besides medpacs and no significant CC.


Around Quest, 35ish, whatever, I will echo the sentiments of a few previous posters. Strong mobs get stronger, elites get WAY weaker. It's actually kind of insane to end a pull of 1 strong/1 normal with both Jaesa and I at half health...and then fight a so-called "elite" and it barely manages to get me to 80%.


As a few others have said, you absolutely need to start using your tools. You can't get away with ignoring your utility abilities. Look at the classification of the mobs and learn what abilities they tend to have (pro tip: if it has medic in the classification, you should probably kill it first). Vanguard or heavy gunner mobs usually have armor reductions like Grav Round, holo slicers do a lot of damage after they make holo copies of themselves, telekineticists like to throw rocks at your noggin, etc.


Combat in MMOs is all about your situational awareness. If you don't have it, you're in for a bumpy ride.

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So, I have done all of the content on every planet up to Quesh and I'm now level 40. The difficulty on this planet is far too strong and needs to be looked at. I am nearly dying in every 3-mob fight and elites are nearly impossible and I'm 4 levels above them!


Please look into it.


Quesh is a 2 hour run its without doubt the simplest of all the zones an NOTHING in tor is hard remotely lol...

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It was last night that I found the first challenge this game had to offer.


On Taris, with another guildie, we took out the elite cave just outside town (can't remember the quest name).


I not only died for the first time, but learned that little medic droid takes progressively longer to revive you the more you do.


Easily the most memorable moment in the game for us thus far. More so than the class quests.


Why?.... because it was a challenge and we overcame it…… with heavy repair bills.

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