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Which Choices Do You Make That Conflict With Your Toon's Alignment?


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To elaborate: what choices in the game will you make even if they conflict with your current character's alignment? Does your dark side warrior have a soft spot for kids? Does your light sided jedi have a bit of a temper when it comes to politicians? I'm really curious to know which decisions your characters make that defy their general Light Side or Dark Side nature. I always play light sided characters so there aren't a lot of dark side choices that I'll take but there are a few that I just can't resist.


WARNING: from here on in there will likely be spoilers for, well, everything. Continue on at your own risk.


HUTTA: I will always clean the polluted water no matter what that NPC wants. If her people don't want to be mauled by the local wildlife they should just move; the entire population shouldn't have to deal with filthy water just because her people are too damn stubborn.


KOTET: I can't bring myself to not punch and kill Saresh, especially with my main character, a scoundrel. ***** wants to murder me and usurp my position because she's power hungry? A blaster bolt to the face is the least she deserves.


ALDERAAN: As a bounty hunter I cannot resist taking the baron's offer to double my pay for killing that one noble that was trying to extort him. The casual way the hunter just says, 'They're your credits,' and just shoots the guy dead just makes me LOL.

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When I play a DS SW for the DS story differences. My DS SW treats Imp military the same as my LS and Neutral SW variations. Never treating Imp military personnel as fodder, and making choices that protect the most Imp lives. Same for my DS SIs, come to think of it. Even though most every time I choose not to kill an Imperial NPC on my SI, "Khem Val disapproves." Sorry, Khemmie. For the Empire!


With my Smugglers (always ending up between LS 2 to 4) I don't feel conflicted about my decisions as far as being LS or DS, but more like I'm not making proper Smuggler choices at times. Like in the class story on Balmorra, where I have my Smuggler turn over weapons to the Republic. Very LS, but doesn't feel to me as being very Smuggler-y.

HUTTA: I will always clean the polluted water no matter what that NPC wants.

I used to ponder my choice. Now, after doing that mission umpteen times, I make that choice because it's the quickest. :rak_01:

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Belsavis/Inquisitor: I have yet to reach that point on a light Inq. I have yet to go dark and release the Mother Machine. That's just so insanely stupid that even my first Inq, the one who darked out everything she ever came across prior to that, couldn't do it.


KotFE/Chap IV: slaughtering refugees seems excessively googly-eyed maniac even for my googly-eyed maniacs. (When gathering parts for the Gravestone with Koth.)


KotET/Chap VII: most of my people keep Lord D in the box, except for Yerka Kolar, Dark V Rattataki Inq, who suffers from creepy-crawly paranoia and decided not to trust him, and Tela, Light V Gunslinger, who released him on purpose so I could test true-solo Gunslinger against Vaylin. (No, it wasn't impossible, nor particularly hard, once I correctly configured the character.)


Tatooine/Sith Warrior: They all light-side the Sand Demon.


General/dps Operative: My one Operative cackles like a madman whenever he stabs people in the gut with an eighteen-inch knife(1), which is *often*. No way in heck he could be light.


(1) That's really too big to be a knife, but it isn't really long enough to be a sword.

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Belsavis/Inquisitor: I have yet to reach that point on a light Inq. I have yet to go dark and release the Mother Machine. That's just so insanely stupid that even my first Inq, the one who darked out everything she ever came across prior to that, couldn't do it.

I did release the Mother Machine on one of SIs. Out of curiousity, and from a general distaste for the Rakata. I don't regret that decision. I was disappointed that such a huge result never impacted my SI's story later on.

Tatooine/Sith Warrior: They all light-side the Sand Demon.

I forgot about that one. I made the same choice on all of my SWs.

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Regardless of my chosen alignment for playing a particular character:


1. I never piss off T-7 when acquiring him in KOTFE and find it a hard pissing him off in general

2. I've too much compassion to slam the door on the guilt-ridden little Ortalan on Hoth who's hidden himself in a room

3. Even if I'm playing a LS Sith, I don't give the acolyte my shard on Korriban. Too much work to get another.

4. I always purify the river on Hutta on the heroic even though it's a DS choice, because at some point we have to stand up for the environment, and people must contend with the consequences of destroying it, so for me, it's a LS choice.


That said...


I always select the "Burn, weakling!" option interrogating the acolyte on Korriban because I'm thinking about someone I don't like in real life.

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I used to ponder my choice. Now, after doing that mission umpteen times, I make that choice because it's the quickest. :rak_01:

Same, it's just much faster to purify the water so i always pick that DS choice even on my LS toons.


Most of my DS toons turn quite neutral starting from KOTFE, because most of the DS choices feel really stupid. I really don't get how a full DS toon, who ends up as a tyranical psychopath can run an Alliance like that and still have people following him. Well i don't get why people would think it was a good idea to free said maniac in the first place.

The only DS choices i keep on all my DS toons are : punching Koth, killing Lorman and Sareh and keeping Dramath.


Well keeping Dramath is the only DS choice i take on all my toons, because from a pure story perspective it also feels stupid not to keep someone who can help you defeat Valkotion, and you know you'll need to sooner or later. And I just love telling Valkorion that you'd love to have more of his family members to use against him.


General/dps Operative: My one Operative cackles like a madman whenever he stabs people in the gut with an eighteen-inch knife(1), which is *often*. No way in heck he could be light.

Feels weird to me too as mine is suppoosed to be mostly LS, but she sure sounds like she loves stabbing people :rolleyes:


3. Even if I'm playing a LS Sith, I don't give the acolyte my shard on Korriban. Too much work to get another.

Same, even on my LS SW, i just told him to grow a pair and get that by himself, or leave Korriban if he's too weak to become a Sith.

And I always LS the Sand demon too.

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I always select the "Burn, weakling!" option interrogating the acolyte on Korriban because I'm thinking about someone I don't like in real life.

"Scream, weakling", but yeah, except one time where I wanted to see what the other options sounded like. It *so* feels wrong to follow the LS path through that one.


I'm also entertained by Harkun's reaction if you LS him at the end of Korriban, before you take the Fleet shuttle, so my more recent dark Inquisitors do that.

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Well keeping Dramath is the only DS choice i take on all my toons, because from a pure story perspective it also feels stupid not to keep someone who can help you defeat Valkotion, and you know you'll need to sooner or later. And I just love telling Valkorion that you'd love to have more of his family members to use against him.

My one Dark V Inq picked light there because she's creepy-crawly paranoid, and not in the slightest bit interested in trusting Sith ghosts (which is largely explicable given her history with Sith ghosts during the class story and SoR/KotFE(1)).


(1) V himself, duh.

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I rarely worry about alignment with my characters, I generally pick an alignment based on my perception of the character and then make whatever choices I want (I have alignment shifts hidden on the dialogue options).


For example, my main characters are a Smuggler/Gunslinger and an Agent/Sniper.


My Gunslinger is the "thief with a heart of gold" archetype. His initial motivation in nearly everything is making credits but if someone is truly desperate and cannot help themselves then he'll help them even if he gains nothing for it. This leads to a pretty healthy mix of LS and DS choices but he ended up being mostly LS by the end of the playthrough. He also ended up siding with the Republic and becoming a privateer not because of some patriotic sense of duty but because he realized the Empire would be really bad for business and much harder to work within.


My Sniper is the epitome of the Empire-loyal Agent. His choices are governed by the pursuit of the greater good for the Empire. This means he cleans up loose ends, often defies the Sith who would rather use him for their own machinations without regard for the greater Empire and chose to remain loyal to the Empire in spite of everything that happened to him in the story. Subsequently he considers himself a champion of the common person in the Empire. He is less concerned with the powermongering among the Moffs and Sith and will make decisions more likely to benefit the common citizen or soldier, or to benefit the Empire as a whole. This led to him being slightly LS aligned by the end of his story.

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I always tell Saresh to shove the medal I just earned at the end of the Trooper Vanilla story :cool:

I do the same.


Seriously, you spent the whole chapter 3 runing after Rakton, you even have to somehow take back Corellia from him and then she's like "Yeah, let's give this super strategist that is a pain in the *** for the Republic back to the Empire to free civilians"

Well, while the intention is good, how many more people will die if he goes back to the Empire ?

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I always get stuck making choices that don't seem to go with my toon's alignment, but really it's a story problem.


For example --

"Hurry to the Mcguffin and activate it, or the whole planet will be destroyed any minute! Once that happens, the evil creature will continue destroying the entire galaxy. You must prevent that. Go fast!"

"Hey, I'm a bad guy, but I surrender. I'm stuck in this underground complex with scary creatures. Can you put off activating the Mcguffin long enough to personally escort me out of this place?"

LIGHT: "Sure, follow me!"

DARK: "The whole galaxy is at stake and I'm on a short timer, later dude!"


Another example --

"We're little kids living in the steam tunnels and sewers beneath the city. We don't want to find new homes. Please just help us with these scary monsters and leave with our thanks."

LIGHT: "Okay, monsters defeated, have a good life!"

DARK: "Uh, no schools, no medical care, no adults... very Lord of the Flies... I'm turning you in to the authorities."


And yet another --

"I'm a traitor to my people. I'm defecting to save millions of lives on both sides. If captured, they're going to interrogate me, torture me for fun, and then kill me. Would you mind just killing me now, instead of putting me through all that?"

LIGHT: "Nope, I won't' kill you, you're doomed. The rest of your life will be spent in pain and agony, with no hope."

DARK: "Sure, here's a quick, merciful death."


So naturally all my Light side characters had to make Dark side choices.

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For the most part my Light Side JK is pure Light Side. Usually if he doesn't agree with the LS decision it'll be as close to neutral as possible. He only ever made two choices that would be considered dark.


Spoilers for KotFE and KotET follow:



In KotFE when they're trying the raise the Gravestone from the swamp and the Zakuulan Knights show up and do the whole "Zildrog's Wedge" maneuver, my Knight used Valkorian's power to save Lana and then never again used it after. He decided that no life or situation is worth the risk of potentially allowing Valkorian to gain an advantage over him.


In KotET when you return from Dromund Kaas after being targeted by Sarresh for assassination so she could take control of the Alliance, he punched her. He wanted to kill her but and it was hard not to make that decision, but ultimately he decided against it because killing her would have undone everything he fought for while building that Alliance.


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On my LS SI's, generally still kill all baddies who aren't really a threat in FPs. Not because I see it as evil, just that they're still a threat and best to keep them out of the way. They may not be in the way at that point, but who knows if they will later?


Also, they're still basically the enemy at that point.


My LS SI isn't a saint basically.

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My BH well he is basically a nice guy but in the end killing for pay is his job but avoids hurting innocent's

now My main MARA too many instances to post but basically he was raised a sith rose to emperors wrath was the most feared man in the galaxy just to have it all taken away so yea im kinda pissed. but I have found the new chapters trying to push me to make LS decisions. to build the alliance. but here is my two examples of where im at.

"what will you do when we beat arcaan. "work together "? NO!! i have been betrayed by my emperor, put into carbon, stripped of my rank as Wrath and forced to fight in the shadows so NO!! I'm going to rule Im tired of others using me.

yes i let Kaliyo burn down Zakuul this is war

Senya when i chose Kaliyo she has killed millions of my citizens

Boo Friggin Hoo how many plants has Zakuul destroyed and as we speak Arcaan is bombarding plants to get someone to turn on us. Speech authoritarian I am sith i dont care about how you feel just fall in line follow orders or I will kill you for being weak.:rak_03:

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I rarely worry about alignment with my characters, I generally pick an alignment based on my perception of the character and then make whatever choices I want (I have alignment shifts hidden on the dialogue options).


For example, my main characters are a Smuggler/Gunslinger and an Agent/Sniper.


My Gunslinger is the "thief with a heart of gold" archetype. His initial motivation in nearly everything is making credits but if someone is truly desperate and cannot help themselves then he'll help them even if he gains nothing for it. This leads to a pretty healthy mix of LS and DS choices but he ended up being mostly LS by the end of the playthrough. He also ended up siding with the Republic and becoming a privateer not because of some patriotic sense of duty but because he realized the Empire would be really bad for business and much harder to work within.


My Sniper is the epitome of the Empire-loyal Agent. His choices are governed by the pursuit of the greater good for the Empire. This means he cleans up loose ends, often defies the Sith who would rather use him for their own machinations without regard for the greater Empire and chose to remain loyal to the Empire in spite of everything that happened to him in the story. Subsequently he considers himself a champion of the common person in the Empire. He is less concerned with the powermongering among the Moffs and Sith and will make decisions more likely to benefit the common citizen or soldier, or to benefit the Empire as a whole. This led to him being slightly LS aligned by the end of his story.


This pretty much describes my slinger and agent perfectly. About the only difference is my gunslinger is a ladies man, so he sided with the Sith lady on Tat because she offered a better reward. ;)


Other than that, all my characters tend to make choices that benefit the most people.

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My sorceress is dark side V cannot just walk away without trying to save the planet (Koet) from the destruction that Valiyn started. To her if she let the planet be destroyed who in the world is going to do her bidding once she rules the planet.


As far as the chapter with Kailyo she allows her to destroy the droids but not the citizens. Again my sorceress wants to rule and if there are no people what is going to rule over? So she only allows Kailyo to destroy the droids.




My smuggler had enough with Saresh that yes she punched her and then Saresh mouth got the better of her once again so my smuggler just killed her. She was not very thrilled having to go through the jungle and dealing with all that and then to find Saresh trying to take her place and then mouthing off to my smuggler again so she shot her. My smuggler has a bit of a temper lol.




My sage (daughter of my smuggler and my boyfriend's jedi) has a bit of a temper as well but she pretty well stays light side except with Saresh. She wanted just to punish Saresh but she has too much of her mother's temper so she killed Saresh for the stunt Saresh pulled.


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I really don't get how a full DS toon, who ends up as a tyranical psychopath can run an Alliance like that and still have people following him. Well i don't get why people would think it was a good idea to free said maniac in the first place.

I don't have many toons in KotFE onward, but I've thought the same things.

"I'm a traitor to my people. I'm defecting to save millions of lives on both sides. If captured, they're going to interrogate me, torture me for fun, and then kill me. Would you mind just killing me now, instead of putting me through all that?"

LIGHT: "Nope, I won't' kill you, you're doomed. The rest of your life will be spent in pain and agony, with no hope."

DARK: "Sure, here's a quick, merciful death."


So naturally all my Light side characters had to make Dark side choices.

I agree with all of your examples, but this one always perplexed me. The Alignment choices seem backwards. Condemning that traitor to torture by the Empire and then death is LS, but not doing so is DS?

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All my characters have quirks that differ from their alignment. Though I'd consider most of them neutral, but since there isn't exactly "neutral" choices its hard to say if picking a side is really breaking character from neutral in this game.



My dark side Knight has a few quirks that make him go light side: If his enemy was incredibly respectful (or even boot-licking) chances are his flattered ego will let them go. He also has a thing for protecting women. He thinks if men are weak they're a waste of space, but women's weakness is to be expected and men should protect them. And yes, this does absolutely make him a sexist :p So mostly dark side unless a woman is in danger or his enemy was being overly respectful.


My dark side Smuggler lass in the other hand is really super jealous towards other women, and violently competitive. She want's everybody's husbands and has zero respect for anyone's feelings. So light side if it means she is getting positive attention from all the guys she wants (she absolutely boot-licks guys she likes). And furious dark side button smashing towards any potential competitor women.


My neutral Agent is fairly morally grey and really just picks whatever option gets his job done with minimal risk. He has been a double agent for so long his real nature is more or less gone at this point, and everything is a statistic to him.


My neutral Warrior prefers to be civil most of the time, but will go dark every time someone taunts him, which is pretty often in the Empire. He will also pick light options pretty easily if whoever was in question humored his curiosity or satisfied his hunger for knowledge.


My light Consular is a boring exemplary Jedi who you'd think can do no wrong... But he is willing to break the law if he thinks greater good will be achieved in the end. So, semi-criminal goody two-shoes Jedi who just wants whats best for everyone and think laws are more like...guidelines.

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My Warrior is Dark. He is fueled by rage and hatred, and his passion is to dominate the galaxy and destroy the Jedi. But he has a soft spot for those loyal to him, especially Vette and Jaesa. He likes to treat his Imperial underlings well, and prefers not to use treachery, lies, and deception (even though he has done so, a couple times), and so more often than not, keeps his word. He also has been sometimes known to spare the lives of those he considers beneath him, or in one single case (Master Timmns), a worthy adversary.


My Jedi Knight is LS, eager to put his life on the line to protect the innocent and dedicated to defending the Republic. But his dedication to justice means he takes an especially dim view of any Sith, and any particularly despicable person. So he usually takes it upon himself to put an end to them for good.


My Agent was also LS. She generally prefers not to hurt people if she feels she can help it, but like Temple, she's also loyal to the Sith and their Empire. Unsurprisingly, those two things came into conflict repeatedly. She was one of the most fascinating PC's I've ever played because of that inner conflict. She ultimately became the Hand of Jadus, but I imagine she suffered PTSD or some other trauma after what she had done. Because of that, she saw something of a kindred spirit in Arden Kothe and spared his life. He went on to kill the Sith who were to take possession of the Black Codex. That really angered me as a player, but it did sort of turn into a kind of poetic ending.


My Consular was almost about as Lightside as you could get. I think I might have been able count her DS decisions on one hand. And usually they were decisions that didn't make sense to me. For example, when Nadia wants to kill Stark for murdering her father, I initially tried to stop her. But if she doesn't finish him off, he dies of his wounds anyway. Wounds, that were created by Nadia and myself. So, what's the difference exactly? Another example is on Rakata Prime, Theron tells us to overload the machines and destroy the cyborg slave army so that Lana can't reverse engineer the technology for the Empire. That's the darkside choice. But the lightside choice is just to kill the cyborg slaves in a battle. So it's not like the LS choice is to spare their lives, it's just neglecting to keep a horrifying technology out of the hands of the Sith.

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I am firmly in the camp that every character I play will never be "pure light" or "pure dark". The story is always better if you can go with what's right for the character, instead of being a slave to the white sun or the red triangle.


That being said, there are a handful of decisions that every character makes the same, within the Trooper story (I've done 6 different Troopers through the vanilla story).


First, I always save Ava Jaxo. My first trooper was the "good solider" who always followed orders, but that was the time when he finally bucked against Garza. Next I played a rebellious trooper who was constantly insubordinate. Then it was a kill-happy sociopath soldier. Then a responsible leader trying to win the war. Then an Imperial sympathizer, who gradually became disillusioned after seeing the way the Republic abandoned Tavus and the original Havok, as well as the Deadeyes, and eventually Jaxo. And last, I was the soldier of fortune, who basically always did whatever was the most dangerous, risky decision. Every single Trooper saved Ava Jaxo. I've watched each of my companions react to this, but my favorite is M1-4X who tactfully mentions that the cost of training and outfitting one special forces soldier like Jaxo is higher than the cost of training and equipping 300 generic grunts that were otherwise in holding, pointing out that saving Jaxo is actually the responsible decision for the Republic. But, in a nutshell, I just refuse to kill her because I think she's my favorite character. Whether my trooper is male or female, whether I romanced her or didn't, she's this rocking awesome trooper who infiltrated an Imperial Prison and got message to the Republic without getting caught.


Other than that, I'm a real life prison guard with an intense hatred for inmates, so every time I run a Trooper through Belsavis, I take Tanno Vik as my companion and I beat up the criminal that mouths off to me, and then execute him rather than bothering with the escort him to safety. It is too hilarious seeing Vik say "C'mon, Major. You can do better than that." And then climbing on top of that dude and beating the crap out of the inmate while I'm holding a conversation with the pilots.


Those are the only two decisions I never budge on.

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I agree with all of your examples, but this one always perplexed me. The Alignment choices seem backwards. Condemning that traitor to torture by the Empire and then death is LS, but not doing so is DS?


It's a popular misunderstanding of Light and Dark decisions. Light does not mean "Good" and Dark does not mean "Evil". Light means "Peaceful" or "Calm", while Dark means "Emotional."


Taking pity on the traitor and feeling sorrow for him to the degree that you would end his life is an emotional attachment that the Jedi disapprove of. The Jedi prefer the neutral stance where they feel nothing, and so they have no regard for what future he faces. The Sith react with passion and emotion, both love and hate, so taking pity on the traitor, worrying about him, caring about him to the degree that you would kill for him, that is an emotional decision and channels the dark side of the force.


It's not Good vs Evil, it's Calm vs Emotional. Understanding that, any character Pure Dark ends up looking like a psychopath, while any character Pure Light seems almost like they're autistic.

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It's a popular misunderstanding of Light and Dark decisions. Light does not mean "Good" and Dark does not mean "Evil". Light means "Peaceful" or "Calm", while Dark means "Emotional."


Taking pity on the traitor and feeling sorrow for him to the degree that you would end his life is an emotional attachment that the Jedi disapprove of. The Jedi prefer the neutral stance where they feel nothing, and so they have no regard for what future he faces. The Sith react with passion and emotion, both love and hate, so taking pity on the traitor, worrying about him, caring about him to the degree that you would kill for him, that is an emotional decision and channels the dark side of the force.


It's not Good vs Evil, it's Calm vs Emotional. Understanding that, any character Pure Dark ends up looking like a psychopath, while any character Pure Light seems almost like they're autistic.


That's not it. Many LS choices for Jedi are about feeling sorry for someone in danger, such as the Consular choice on Taris about whether to save a stranded person or medical data.

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