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Lana is nice and all, but... More girls to romance, please?


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I understand that females got shafted compared to males in the vanilla stories, but KOTFE/TET have Theron, Koth, and Arcann as choices for more regular, stand-out romance companions, while straight male characters only have Lana as an option.


I am talking about characters that play a regular role in the story—so that would leave out Vette, Kaliyo, and Dorne.


I adore Lana, I do, she is so sweet and caring. Just right. You did good with her, but I just played through SoR as my female smuggler and romanced Theron, and I gotta say that this path was refreshing. I had never romanced Theron, and I loved that particular story, now I understand the Theron love thread. But the point is that I’d like to feel refreshed from dear Lana more regularly on my various straight male characters, as I can be with my girls.


Is there any chance that we can get, I don’t know, Lemda Avesta as a more prominent companion for future story content? Or could you make maybe two more female characters we can romance? I’m pretty sure Shae Viszla deflected me. Senya was amused at me. Kaliyo said she was too old for me, whatever that means. Tora... well, she’s Tora, she doesn’t know what I’m saying to her. Even though I married Vette, I’m still waiting on Jaesa...


Or the better route could be you guys making all the female Force-using companions from vanilla that come back prominent characters for their respective classes, like Theron and Lana, going forward. You can add Mako, Risha, and Akavi to that list, of course. Hell, you could even mirror them with the respective male interests that we already have, that would be awesome.


Anyway, I know that would be hard on the wallet, but that’s my deepest desire. I will be fine with more prominent female leads, aside from Lana, to romance.

Edited by Joluka
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I would not mind having more female LI.


But i'd also like if the male LI stopped being killed nearly every time...

Because straight male characters already have much more choices than straigh female (should i mention too that while there is only 1 ♀/♀ option, all the ♂/♂ options can be killed ?), but nearly all the already returned male LI can be killed, with the exception of Corso, Vector and Iresso (who're all class specific btw), while only Vette and Kaliyo share that fate.


So for future content, i'd like more male and female LI, but also ♀/♀ and ♂/♂ only romances.

And if Lemda is to ever return, then i'd like to have Cytharat too, plz.

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While we may have had Koth, since he has been able to be kill, he is non-existent in my story since that time so I wouldn't count him as a romance option with regard to that.


Arcann (while not my choice) is only now a romance option to those that didn't kill him.


Theron is really the only one that is still sort of active due to the fact that I understand you can marry him if you romanced him.

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Kaliyo said she was too old for me

No, that's not what she said. See box.


She said "I'm too old for head games, and that's all I'm good for with women. Besides, I kinda like you."


(The second part had a special "sting" with my DvL Sorc. She's a Rattataki Body Type 1, just like Kaliyo, so the whole of Chapter X became these two skinny Rattataki women going out for a night on the town, meaning several hours running around blowing stuff up. It was *hysterical*.)


In terms of who she *likes* sleeping with, it's basically 100% men. She'll do the dirty with women to keep them sweet ("head games"), but it's not really her "thing", and evidently she feels like she's getting too old for that sort of nonsense.


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No, that's not what she said. See box.


She said "I'm too old for head games, and that's all I'm good for with women. Besides, I kinda like you."


(The second part had a special "sting" with my DvL Sorc. She's a Rattataki Body Type 1, just like Kaliyo, so the whole of Chapter X became these two skinny Rattataki women going out for a night on the town, meaning several hours running around blowing stuff up. It was *hysterical*.)


In terms of who she *likes* sleeping with, it's basically 100% men. She'll do the dirty with women to keep them sweet ("head games"), but it's not really her "thing", and evidently she feels like she's getting too old for that sort of nonsense.


Yeah, so she’s too old for leading me on. I get it. But she’s not that old, she’s gotta be like mid-30s, right?

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I reckon we'll probably get a new romanceable female character in the next significant storyline. The most prominent female character at the moment who we can't romance is Senya, and frankly I want her to stay that way. I find it refreshing. Makes a difference from vanilla where literally no female companion couldn't be romanced (depending on story / alignment choice with Jaesa). Female characters have reasons to exist beyond being LIs. :)
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I reckon we'll probably get a new romanceable female character in the next significant storyline. The most prominent female character at the moment who we can't romance is Senya, and frankly I want her to stay that way. I find it refreshing. Makes a difference from vanilla where literally no female companion couldn't be romanced (depending on story / alignment choice with Jaesa). Female characters have reasons to exist beyond being LIs. :)


I didn’t want to romance Senya, but I used her as an example because she was a prominent character that could be flirted with. I’d like more of that, but with an actual romance.


I understand female characters have reasons to exists beyond being LIs, but as of KOTFE/TET, you could say the same of male characters lol xD I don’t mind there being many male LIs that are important to the story, I just want more than 1 female LI that is important to the story.

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I reckon we'll probably get a new romanceable female character in the next significant storyline. The most prominent female character at the moment who we can't romance is Senya, and frankly I want her to stay that way. I find it refreshing. Makes a difference from vanilla where literally no female companion couldn't be romanced (depending on story / alignment choice with Jaesa). Female characters have reasons to exist beyond being LIs. :)


I agree with this completely. Same with Acina, Satele and Shae Vizla. Not every female character in the game has to be romanceable and it's nice that some are not.


I love and adore Lana but I do think that it would be nice at this stage in the game if there were more than one option for people who wanted a F/F romance. Killable or not, there are three M/M vs. one F/F.

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I agree with this completely. Same with Acina, Satele and Shae Vizla. Not every female character in the game has to be romanceable and it's nice that some are not.


I love and adore Lana but I do think that it would be nice at this stage in the game if there were more than one option for people who wanted a F/F romance. Killable or not, there are three M/M vs. one F/F.


This is a good point, I never thought that there was also only one F/F. More females, please.

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I think I would enjoy bringing Lemda back. And/or making Tora open to an fling. Acina is also a character that can be flirted with, but I would think she's a little too similar to Lana. At least if you were going to add only one new female romance option.
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Yeah, so she’s too old for leading me on. I get it. But she’s not that old, she’s gotta be like mid-30s, right?

She's supposedly 29 when the Agent recruits her on Hutta, so upper 30s, 37 or 38 at the moment she says that in Chapter X.


(One year per class story chapter plus one year for RotHC, one for SoR and five for KotFE I to IX. Hmm. 39, then.)

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I'll just add that all vanilla romances are functionally nonexistent as of KotFE. You're lucky to get one conversation with your LI. That leaves us with four fleshed-out romance paths that are still "active," and the only female one is Lana, who a lot of my characters avoid for one reason or another. I'd be happy with just getting new vanilla-style conversation missions with old companions, but I doubt even that'll happen, and it still doesn't solve the general lack of F/F options.
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She's supposedly 29 when the Agent recruits her on Hutta, so upper 30s, 37 or 38 at the moment she says that in Chapter X.


(One year per class story chapter plus one year for RotHC, one for SoR and five for KotFE I to IX. Hmm. 39, then.)


There have been 13 years since chapter one of the class story.


It's 3630 BBY in game time right now; class stories began in 3643. https://torcommunity.com/guides/game-basics/timeline


The timeline is six years for class stories - Ziost; five frozen before chapter 3 of KOTFE; and then two more years from KOTFE 3 to Nathema.


So if Kaliyo was 29 at the start of the class story, she'd be 42 now.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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While we may have had Koth, since he has been able to be kill, he is non-existent in my story since that time so I wouldn't count him as a romance option with regard to that.


Arcann (while not my choice) is only now a romance option to those that didn't kill him.


Theron is really the only one that is still sort of active due to the fact that I understand you can marry him if you romanced him.

You're correct on all accounts, and I do want to advocate they stop making these romance options killable, but I wouldn't think that their kill-options evens things out in this scenario.


Up until the point in the story where these men do become killable, they are still romance options. Yes, ones who cease to make an appearance (unfortunately), especially in Koth's case, but for a time they're there. For women, there really is only one option--Lana.


Putting aside all the "but can be killed!" and others factors, you're still looking at a 3 to 1 situation. Theron, Koth, and Arcann who are player sexual men and available to all vs. Lana, the one and only player sexual female.


Now I'm pansexual, I'll pick my fancy from the pool and gender be damned. If a woman who matches my 'type' isn't available, one of the men will do and vice versa but the situation is harshly different for lesbian women. Men have a variety in Theron, Koth, and Arcann in terms of romance personality and type. If a lesbian happens to not mesh well with Lana, that's it. They have no other NPC to turn to or take a chance on.


It would be nice to see the pool evened out going forward, should new romances be added to 6.0. I do not believe every romance should be player sexual, I do not believe every NPC should be romanced but a level of balance would be appreciated.

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My female characters have romanced Lana. She it very affectionate and caring for you and would die to protect you. She will tell you that, her Passion for you, gives her power. Unlike any of the others she is truly kind and loving especially for a Sith...


It's cute to watch how a ruthless Sith can by so kind, sweet and gentle...


Remember, Lana (nobody else) risked her life to sneak onto Zakule and into the heart of the Eternal Empire's prison just to rescue YOU. What other Sith would do that, even for one of their OWN, much less for an Enemy of the Empire, and the only person to defeat the Emperor of the Sith.


Lana would

Edited by denavin
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My female characters have romanced Lana. She it very affectionate and caring for you and would die to protect you. She will tell you that, her Passion for you, gives her power. Unlike any of the others she is truly kind and loving especially for a Sith...


It's cute to watch how a ruthless Sith can by so kind, sweet and gentle...


Remember, Lana (nobody else) risked her life to sneak onto Zakule and into the heart of the Eternal Empire's prison just to rescue YOU. What other Sith would do that, even for one of their OWN, much less for an Enemy of the Empire, and the only person to defeat the Emperor of the Sith.


Lana would


Given what we know now ... I would rather have stayed in the carbonite.

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I agree that the genders need to be balanced out, but please god, not that horror Lemda! She was the ruination of Republic Makeb! I’m beyond tired of child/women. Lana is a real woman and she is neither sadistic nor insane. More of that please!
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I agree that the genders need to be balanced out, but please god, not that horror Lemda! She was the ruination of Republic Makeb! I’m beyond tired of child/women. Lana is a real woman and she is neither sadistic nor insane. More of that please!

Just like you, i like Lana, but i really disliked Lemda's attitude.

I think Cytharat was a far better option, and the only male only option too.

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I agree that the genders need to be balanced out, but please god, not that horror Lemda! She was the ruination of Republic Makeb! I’m beyond tired of child/women. Lana is a real woman and she is neither sadistic nor insane. More of that please!


I really liked Lemda. Her genius being paired with hyper and sass really fit with my femSmuggler.

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I agree that the genders need to be balanced out, but please god, not that horror Lemda! She was the ruination of Republic Makeb! I’m beyond tired of child/women. Lana is a real woman and she is neither sadistic nor insane. More of that please!


Agreeing completely. The Lemda "romance" was uncomfortable and she seemed to be barely tolerating the player. I'm not interested in seeing more petulant teenagers or romance options that are sadistic/clearly maladjusted.


Lana treats the romanced player like gold and clearly cares about them, she's very sweet, and she's stable, smart and not a teenager. More of that, please.

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