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Server forums/language wars!


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Why cant we have server forums? I am trying to find a decent server to call home but these language wars are getting old fast!


Everyone claims its their language server and all the fighting breaks out as to what people can speak in general chat- alot say this is primarily a Russian server so they speak Russian in general chat regardless if it says English pve when you log in- the same can be said of the Italians- they lay claim to a server and speak Italian in general chat and claim that this is their server.


It gets nasty- can we PLEASE have server forums so we can see whose who on the server please.


this game is tanking fast with the lack of options- just look at these forums- you want a return on your investment- stop been so stubborn with putting in what the customers want!

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Apparantly Bioware mods cant handle moderating more than a handful of forums at a time so the customers of the game have to suffer.


Wonder where that 15 bucks a month is going to.


more then likely a monkey sitting their with a button randomly closing and deleting posts :p

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