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Charles Boyd and Eric Musco Dev Interview (Rishi Stronghold, PvP, PTS, Expansion)


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OP, thank you for putting this together.


I'm saving up my cc to buy the rishi stronghold. I figure it'll be the standard 2500cc plus x amount for all the room unlocks.


Being that the rishi stronghold is supposedly huge, I'm wondering if EA's target cc expenditure is 5000cc, 2.5k for the sh and another 2.5k for all of the room unlocks. I hope they don't amount to that much, but it wouldn't surprise me.


The advantage of purchasing a stronghold with cartel coins rather than credits is that you can dismiss the sh and re-purchase it for zero, as a quick way to clear all the decos out rather than having to clear each room separately, and should you transfer a toon to another server, the cc-bought stronghold follows the legacy over, while a credit-purchased stronghold must be repurchased on the destination server, for the full purchase amount, after the transfer.


Unlocks are honored whether purchased with cc or credits, but hopefully my cc will accumulate to the point where I can just do it all with cc.


I posted this a moment ago elsewhere, but it bears correction here. I don't own the Tat stronghold so I didn't realize total unlock + purchase price shot well past 5kcc.




I think Rishi's total unlock cc cost will be painful. Again, it's only if you want it in your legacy and not have to purchase again for the full purchase price whenever you transfer a toon to another server to refresh a legacy.

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What I wonder is if the Rishi PVP Stronghold also wont make less people que for pvp and therefore affect the Que!


I would guess that this will be one of the fundamental gripes about the new Stronghold.. that it draws away from PvP queues.


That said... it will very much give a lot of control about PvP to the owner of the stronghold (be it individual, or guild), and frankly that is a good thing and outweighs any impact to queue numbers in my view (but of course those reliant on random queuing will disagree).


The ability to control the PvP instance to some degree (including baring access to those who like to grief or be anti-social in other ways) is a good thing at this stage in the life cycle of this MMO.


I know in our guild.. we are casual-2-moderate PvPers.. and we are very pleased to see that we are going to be in a position to setup guild friendly PvP (as well as invites to like minded guilds) and can avoid all the classic anti-social aspects that normally come with PvP. I would expect that PvPers who can and do organize PvP events will likely love the degree of freedom and control they can have with the new Stronghold.


I also imagine that some PvPers will set up "PvP schools" as well to provide a more positive space to help coach and guide other players who wish to ramp up their PvP skills without having to put up with those who tend to wear their backsides as hats in instanced PvP as it stands today.

Edited by Andryah
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I would guess that this will be one of the fundamental gripes about the new Stronghold.. that it draws away from PvP queues.


Perhaps initially the new stronghold will bleed off people from the queues a little bit, but after the novelty wears off, and since there's no mention anywhere that time spent on conquest for PVP will include PVP activities in the Rishi stronghold, I think the queues will rebound.

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Just wanted to share this part of the interview with Charles Boyd and Eric Musco on the PVP component in the interview. Special thanks to Lady Admiral for the write up. For a full bullet point spread on all topics convered by LadyAdmiral, that can be found here - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9610973#post9610973


* Shouldn't players who exploit be kicked out of a warzone instead of just killed? The hope is that the "slap on the wrist" :mad: of character death will remind them to be a good player and to play like a good player. :rolleyes: You also wind up with a WZ with 1 less person and shorts the team, so hopefully a simple death will make a better match for everyone :rolleyes:. By being slightly less heavy handed, it is also better for players who somehow accidentally enter the exploit areas won't receive a harsh penalty (devs are calling this "death volumes" I believe) - they don't want to throw out non-cheating characters by accident, "Err on the side of kindness"

* With these new anti-hacking measures the devs can see when a player repeatedly dies and not by being killed by other players... let's flag them for investigation. (This already happens, but this is a better way to find them quickly)


I have to say I am very disappointed about this and angry about this. .... will remind them to be a good player and to play like a good player. What world do you live in? One with rainbows and fairy tales? if they were good players they wouldn’t try to do it in the first place. What is this, kindergarten?


Bioware have had this softly softly approach for 6 years and it’s had zero affect. This is just more of the same attitude towards cheaters and shows they don’t take the issue seriously.

We all know that hackers will find a work around for all of these within a month and we’ll be back at square one because there are no real deterrents.

This was a real blow the guts when I read it and deflated all of my optimism for the coming roadmap.

I now have a very bad feeling about what content and changes they will end up delivering in the roadmap.


Mark my words, hackers, cheats, exploiters will be back or will never leave after these “Bioware fixes” because it’s a weak response and only incentivises them to keep trying. It even stinks of people inside or close to Bioware being involved in cheating or Bioware being toooooo greedy or concerned they may lose the subs of people who cheat. Wake up Bioware, they use F2P accounts to do the testing and then troll on paid ones.


Honestly, what does it matter if you try and cheat if nothing is really done to stop you.


Slaps on the wrist are like modern day parenting and political correctness gone mad. Kids these days already have no respect for authority and this just paints a target on swtor’s back for the non player hackers to find work arounds like they did in the old days of swtor when Bioware would fix the holes or broken code and 2-4 weeks later the “same looking hacks or exploits” would be back and we wouldn’t even see one person banned.


Honestly, I dont think one person would care if their team lost a player because the system kicked them for cheating. People would applaud and say good riddance. Being worrying that a team might be left short because a player was kicked for cheating is ridiculous.

It would be better to kick the player and have something pop up in chat that says “exploit detected, player x removed”.

Some competive shooter and pvp games do this already. It’s not something new to gamers.

And let’s face it, so many people rage quit these days that we wouldn’t even notice one more person being kicked for cheating.

I have to say this is the weakest reason I’ve ever heard for not enforcing tough anit cheat policy in matches. It also opens the game up for exploiters to just go in and die in Ranked and still get rewards for doing so. Well done Bioware.


Even announcing this stupid policy emboldens them to try. Whoever thought releasing this information was a good idea needs a slap on the back of the head with a sharp gamorrean axe.

No sane company official releases information like this. Its basic security 101 to not tell hackers what your active backend prevention and detection measures are.

Any deterrent they announce now will have lost its bite.

You may as well give them free subs for being cleaver enough to find ways around your fixes or your mistakes. Oh, that’s right, they are mostly free to play accounts anyway :rolleyes:


What they should have done is kept this secret.

Announce really harsh penalties as a deterrent.

Say they were going to name and shame ledgitmate hacker’s character names so we could all see them.

“Then” or “if” they wanted to use this softly softly approach in the game, they could have. It still would have been a bad decision as far as I’m concerned, but atleast they would have a public deterrent in place to scare of potential kiddy hackers and make it seem unappealing to non player hackers because it would be a waste of their time.


Once again, Bioware shoots themsleves in the foot. Honestly they should hire a risk assessment professional to look at all major policy decisions like this announcement and things like server mergers, server relocations or anything that could have an impact on player retention or have an affect on the integrity of the game.


At this point they may as well announce a bounty program for hackers and then pay them for showing how they do it.


As soon as hackers reappear in this game after these changes, I think people should record and start posting them on the forum and all other social media. I’m past caring and if they are hypocritical and ban people for doing part of their job for them, I will repost it and I don’t care if I get banned too. All it would show is Bioware care more about the hacker’s feelings or privacy than they do about stopping them.


I really can’t express enough how angry and disappointed I am with this decision :mad::mad:. I had such high hopes after 6 years that Bioware we’re finally going to do something significant about cheating.


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Perhaps initially the new stronghold will bleed off people from the queues a little bit, but after the novelty wears off, and since there's no mention anywhere that time spent on conquest for PVP will include PVP activities in the Rishi stronghold, I think the queues will rebound.


You may very well be correct about this... given how many people will not PvP unless their are rewards for doing so. PvP for PvP sake alone seems to be a fading aspect of MMOs.


It will be a very interesting social experiment when it releases.. as it will fairly clearly show the players if community organized PvP (which means setting up the play field, setting the rules for who can and cannot join to play, and actual rewards from the owner(s) of the Stronghold) has more merit then random grouping for fast runs for fast rewards. I have absolutely no idea what the result will be because I can see the possibility for strong momentum in both sides of the equation. Of course the downside will be all the hatemongering by one or both sides of the equation.... but that is inevitable in MMOs.. where most players operate from a context of acute confirmation bias.

Edited by Andryah
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I repeat my optimistic point of view:


Around November 2018: First FP leading into 6.0


Around March 2019: Second FP leading into 6.0


June 2019: Third FP leading into 6.0


Summer 2019: hyping 6.0


Winter 2019: 6.0


I'd say that 's fairly realistic. They said 6.0 is in the formative stages. The Winter Roadmap said they had started outlining it (or something along those lines). It's more than a year out at this point is my guess.

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You may very well be correct about this... given how many people will not PvP unless their are rewards for doing so. PvP for PvP sake alone seems to be a fading aspect of MMOs.


It will be a very interesting social experiment when it releases.. as it will fairly clearly show the players if community organized PvP (which means setting up the play field, setting the rules for who can and cannot join to play, and actual rewards from the owner(s) of the Stronghold) has more merit then random grouping for fast runs for fast rewards. I have absolutely no idea what the result will be because I can see the possibility for strong momentum in both sides of the equation. Of course the downside will be all the hatemongering by one or both sides of the equation.... but that is inevitable in MMOs.. where most players operate from a context of acute confirmation bias.


Without the addition of a Bolster terminal in the SH, I don’t think participation will be as high as some people think because of unbolstered gear gaps.

Not everyone will have kept lower tiered gear to be able to play these lower geared people and without Bolster, only those with similar gear will play each other.

This means there is an artificial limitation on how many people will participate. Sure, it will be used a lot by some people and guilds who have equal gear or skills, but that’s it. As you say, after the novelty wears off or people get sick of getting pummeled against people with a massive gear advantage, participation in SH pvp will drop off and be limited to a select few.

For this idea to really work, there needs to be a Bolster terminal in the SH and one that allows people of all lvls to participate against higher lvl people. If that were to happen, I think it would last and be fairly successful.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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okay okay okay .... I have a new plan!


Throw Vaylin (and while you're at it, Darth Marr and Empress Acina) into the companion console on Odessen. :)


Then my reign for galactic genocide will begin! :D


Thats quite simple, just do KOTFE/KOTET until you get those comps and dont go on with the story, then you will have them as comps. Well, apart from Vaylin :)

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Thats quite simple, just do KOTFE/KOTET until you get those comps and dont go on with the story, then you will have them as comps. Well, apart from Vaylin :)


but the powers to be want me to play KOTFE / ET chapters for the conquest ... so I lose them :(


So here is my genius 5 minute plan ...


Throw them on the terminal ... lock them into the companions list should you go to the console to claim them ... then play Kotfe/et to your hearts desire without losing them when doing conquest stuff.


Vaylin was a companion briefly during the final fight at the end, but she was in the secondary slot ... so ... gimme gimme!

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Without the addition of a Bolster terminal in the SH, I don’t think participation will be as high as some people think because of unbolstered gear gaps.

Not everyone will have kept lower tiered gear to be able to play these lower geared people and without Bolster, only those with similar gear will play each other.

This means there is an artificial limitation on how many people will participate. Sure, it will be used a lot by some people and guilds who have equal gear or skills, but that’s it. As you say, after the novelty wears off or people get sick of getting pummeled against people with a massive gear advantage, participation in SH pvp will drop off and be limited to a select few.

For this idea to really work, there needs to be a Bolster terminal in the SH and one that allows people of all lvls to participate against higher lvl people. If that were to happen, I think it would last and be fairly successful.


Naked pvp pool parties!

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Does 'server merge' refer to the previous merge or a future one?


That’s a good question. I wrote it off as meaning the last merge, but with people calling for mergers again, maybe they are going to ninja merge and tell us after the fact like they did when they moved the servers.

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