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Upcoming Matchmaking Changes


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We will never split up a group. If you queue as 4 players in a group, you will all be on the same team.


Horse. Sure as heck seems like you're splitting up my group to me ... difference being I won't even be able to queue with my friend because I run a decent (if not half naked) Combat Medic and he happens to main one of the best stealth capping scoundrel's in this game that just so happens to also be a darn good healer.


Congratulations on making healing and tanking even more of drain than they are already, but I guess you have to pander to the facerolling sub million damage FoTM that couldn't roll an interrupt for their life. GG ... I can't wait for a couple months from now when you have to either walk this "plan" back because people are complaining that there aren't any healers or tanks left in a warzone and they get blown up in 3 seconds or the cries to nerf such and such a class or ability become even louder because for YEARS us healers and tanks have helped make bad players seems halfways component by making up for their short comings.


This type of "matchmaking" is just plain lazy

Edited by Vissionary
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The horror or having to play premade against premade.

I'd just like to clarify. I have NO issues with premades but, when I go up against either pugs OR premades and 4+ of them is nothing but tanks (skanks or not) and healers, that is my major issue regarding regs. Thankfully this thread addresses that and will prevent Pub Side on Satele Shan (which has been notorious for doing this for years now) from abusing this any longer. This matchmaking change is long overdue.

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The horror or having to play premade against premade.


You completely missed my point.


There is NO system for objective based group play.


I find nothing fun in rofl stomping. I prefer matches against other premades, like this one last night.


Where it was my 4 man against another 4 man.


I dont get to take 4.5 mill damage, with only 2 deaths, and do 3 mill protection when rofl stomping. Again, as arrogant as it sounds, im not bad at what i do.

Edited by KendraP
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You completely missed my point.


There is NO system for objective based group play.


I find nothing fun in rofl stomping. I prefer matches against other premades, like this one last night.


Where it was my 4 man against another 4 man.


I dont get to take 4.5 mill damage, with only 2 deaths, and do 3 mill protection when rofl stomping. Again, as arrogant as it sounds, im not bad at what i do.

No arrogance taken. I think I gravely misread your post. I assumed you meant you might need to adjust your compositions so that some random tank would not claim a spot, thus placing one of your premades against the other and thus creating a situation you disagreed with. My bad on the less than stellar reading comprehension.

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Honestly my other major objection is i completely despise arenas. I feel ranked is full of cheaters and heavily biased in favor of team composition more than actual skill. I also have more than 4 people on wanting to pvp every night.


The population has apparently declined to the point where it isnt possible, but the real solution would be group v group objective based play. My guys are objective based players. There are plenty of guilds that have better dps than certain people i keep around. There are few who objective as well as we do. And with all due humility here, few tanks who could pull off some of the stunts i have in terms of sheer survival.


So i admit, this does feel like punishment for being decent but not liking ranked or arenas.


I agree with you completely about Ranked, Drax. My guild stopped doing Ranked competitively after 8v8 was killed. The current Ranked arena format has been an unmitigated train wreck, subject to all manner of toxicity, cheating/exploiting, win-trading, account selling, queue manipulation, to the point that Ranked rating isn't even taken seriously anymore. Then there's the whole forced comp thing (in order to be competitive, you need to run certain comps), which reminded me of why I hated WoW Arenas so much. You couldn't play certain classes and hope to be competitive, though that's a whole separate issue.


As for the population decline, I can attest to that as well. Why do you think you hardly see Grim premades anymore, let alone double premades. We have 30 members in our guild (not including alts), but only about 6 or 7 of those are really active, and of those, we rarely have the right people to form a trinity premade. Usually we end up doing a partial premade of 2 DPS and 1 Healer, or 3 DPS. It's also the reason why when the Pub premades starting playing (usually around midnight, CST), I stop queueing on my Imp toons and jump over to my Pub toon. The Imp PUGs around that time of night are just terrible on SS, and a partial premade from my guild isn't enough to compete against a trinity premade from your guild and/or Reactor, or Hallowed, or any of other Pub premades that come out of the woodwork around that time.


But for the same reason that I stop playing my Imp toons around midnight, is the same reason I'm citing premades as an issue that is contributing to the population decline, and despite our personal biases about PvP, that will work against the direction they are trying to go with this new matchmaking system.

Edited by Mournblood
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We will never split up a group.






Sorry to keep hounding on this, but my concerns over regular WZ premades aside, how will not splitting up a premade in GSF help to achieve any kind of match balance there when that is the #1 reason why GSF matches are so ridiculously lopsided? While there are certainly other contributing factors to GSF match inequity, such as mastered ships versus un-mastered ships, it's the premades of veteran players versus players who are literally brand new to GSF (which has a higher learning curve than ground PvP) that crushes the life out of that aspect of the game.


Or should I direct this question to Bret?

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Sorry to keep hounding on this, but my concerns over regular WZ premades aside, how will not splitting up a premade in GSF help to achieve any kind of match balance there when that is the #1 reason why GSF matches are so ridiculously lopsided? While there are certainly other contributing factors to GSF match inequity, such as mastered ships versus un-mastered ships, it's the premades of veteran players versus players who are literally brand new to GSF (which has a higher learning curve than ground PvP) that crushes the life out of that aspect of the game.


Or should I direct this question to Bret?


I must second this. Premades on GSF should be either limited to 2 or separated from solo queues. If the population is too low, you can reduce the time limit in TDM and let pops happen for 6v6 or even 4v4 and things would work just fine when considering match lenght and pop times. As for domination, even 2v2 who play to win will get the match done in approximately the same amount of time (because the satellites count as fast all the same).

[if both sides choose not to pick satellites and win the game with 1000 kills, they can suit themselves, it would make hilarious numbers :D]

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I think full premades should always be forced to play against equally skilled players (or more hopefully) and or premades.


If the population supports this im behind it. The issue is i think the population can't support group v group objective based ranked/premade v premade.

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If the population supports this im behind it. The issue is i think the population can't support group v group objective based ranked/premade v premade.


If they brought back 8v8 Ranked, I bet you'd see interest in that.

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Would prefer that matches were faction based unless the population dips to a point during the day where its a case of "having" to implement cross faction to get a pop.


I'd like to see the devs look at WHY there are less pops and address that issue as a priority. For example - I play all aspects of the game but I play less PVP now as there are not multipliers attached to activities when invading planets in conquests. Its really cut back my interest in PVP.


Also, the overall population in the game is clearly dwindling due to lack of new and regular content. I know this is a vicious circle but as someone who has subscribed since start I have upheld my part of the deal - I pay the same now as I did on day one......I'm getting less for it though - thats on you guys. Those who have left just don't have my patience but thats kinda on you too at this stage, I can understand why they have gone. Star Wars is stilll a massive IP and you need to be doing something thats worth shouting about to bring people back (and new people into) the game.

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provide your own chat !


I said i would love to only fight other premades but i do not think the population is large enough to support it. Outside of a select few guilds, how many even have 8 people to run pvp?


What does chat have to do with anything?

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I will pay twice my monthly sub if you'll show peoples regs rating and how its calculated. Srsly. You shouldnt have mentioned it because now its all I want.


It just might be a win/loss counter completely unrelated to personal performance. Statistically, it should quite balance everyone's win/loss rate, because it makes statistical losers get more statistical winners on their teams and that forces either the winners or the losers to get a result against their own statistics (because the match can only have one outcome). It is most probably not directly related to personal skill. I wouldn't concern myself with it.


Besides, if it is any other system other than the above, they MUSTN'T tell what it is or people might find a way to keep winning or farming while keeping their "rating" low, thus having better group members and continuing their stomp parties.

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I said i would love to only fight other premades but i do not think the population is large enough to support it. Outside of a select few guilds, how many even have 8 people to run pvp?


What does chat have to do with anything?

It gives premades a huge advantage because you only have to tell someone hey focus X or I need a heal vs those in a pug who have to type it out. It is the single greatest strength premades have.

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However, keep in mind what you describe above is not possible, you could no longer queue if you had two healers in your group. You can only queue with a max of 1 tank and 1 healer in a 4 man group.

Does this restriction apply to team ranked as well?
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It just might be a win/loss counter completely unrelated to personal performance. Statistically, it should quite balance everyone's win/loss rate, because it makes statistical losers get more statistical winners on their teams and that forces either the winners or the losers to get a result against their own statistics (because the match can only have one outcome). It is most probably not directly related to personal skill. I wouldn't concern myself with it.


Besides, if it is any other system other than the above, they MUSTN'T tell what it is or people might find a way to keep winning or farming while keeping their "rating" low, thus having better group members and continuing their stomp parties.


You can already see your win/loss rate. Kills and votes can also be seen. And since Eric said it's something that we cannot see, it is none of these.

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You completely missed my point.


There is NO system for objective based group play.


I find nothing fun in rofl stomping. I prefer matches against other premades, like this one last night.


Where it was my 4 man against another 4 man.


I dont get to take 4.5 mill damage, with only 2 deaths, and do 3 mill protection when rofl stomping. Again, as arrogant as it sounds, im not bad at what i do.


Again you prove my point of tank/healer stacking being cancer, have a look at the actual amount of deaths half the players haven't died once and these "attrition" matches are boring parse matches. PVP objectives or not is about killing other players, not boring them into submission. There is zero skill as a tank when you are playing with multiple healers, there is zero skill as a healer when you are getting crosshealing. Maybe if you and your friends could actually do some decent damage without causing stalemates you wouldn't have to run these cancer comps. This change is necessary .

Edited by MuskyBoy
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It gives premades a huge advantage because you only have to tell someone hey focus X or I need a heal vs those in a pug who have to type it out. It is the single greatest strength premades have.


That would be a voice chat, i interpreted him as meaning text chat

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Again you prove my point of tank/healer stacking being cancer, have a look at the actual amount of deaths half the players haven't died once and these "attrition" matches are boring parse matches. PVP objectives or not is about killing other players, not boring them into submission. There is zero skill as a tank when you are playing with multiple healers, there is zero skill as a healer when you are getting crosshealing. Maybe if you and your friends could actually do some decent damage without causing stalemates you wouldn't have to run these cancer comps. This change is necessary .


We had 1 healer 1 tank on my team, with 1 healer and 1 tank from the other group it put with us. This is exactly what the matchmaking intends to do. The other team had 1 tank, 3 heals.


What the matchmaker intends is a cancer comp? The way it ended up is exactly how the matchmaking system they are planning would have set this queue.


So in fact for this particular match the proposed changes would have done exactly nothing, as my 4 man consisted of exactly what the gf intends to limit premades to with the changes.


These teams were pretty equitable matchmaking and skill wise, which is why i counted it as a good match.


So you want tanks and heals to not be able to queue together? On the odd chance i run anything solo i go dps, because at some point killing things is better than trying a stall.

Edited by KendraP
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