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Iokath Ship Travel Without Story


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Would like to suggest adding iokath to the Galaxy map without having to have done the story. I've got an army of toons and dont wanna do story just be able to travel there to do machine gods when it's not op of the day.


Or a quick travel we could buy would even work.


As it is, one of my guildships is already permaparked there, but being able to access it easier would be nice, since not all my toons are in that one guild.

Edited by Chryptyk
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You can get Iokath on your map by starting the story from your ship (no need to finish it), but I would really like to be able to go to Zakuul for Eternal Championship without playing the story, because I don't want to do it with the same character all the time and I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than play more KOTFE/KOTET. The story was awesome once. Second time was a meh, after that it got really boring really fast.


I have already won two cybernetic rancors from EC, and because it's bound, and I can only use one per alt. That really pisses me off. So stop gating planets and missions behind some certain storyline please.

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