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Open up lowbie and midbie PvP to F2P & Preferred


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An experienced PVP would only have 2 reasons to play lowbies/midbies, to troll or to show off.


I cannot think of any other reason to drop my lvl 70 toons and go play a level 30 Sentinel just for the fun of PVP. I mean sure I play it every time I can, but only while I level a toon, which is very rare now, having too many toons and done all achievos etc. Yes its nice to get a pop while leveling you toon, but lets be honest, how long do you level a toon these days? We are talking about hours here.....

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An experienced PVP would only have 2 reasons to play lowbies/midbies, to troll or to show off.


I cannot think of any other reason to drop my lvl 70 toons and go play a level 30 Sentinel just for the fun of PVP. I mean sure I play it every time I can, but only while I level a toon, which is very rare now, having too many toons and done all achievos etc. Yes its nice to get a pop while leveling you toon, but lets be honest, how long do you level a toon these days? We are talking about hours here.....


Because that’s how we lvl Alts. Not everyone enjoys playing the same Alts all the time. I currently have 9 I’m trying to lvl and can’t because pvp doesn’t pop and I detest Pve.

I’m currently trying to teach my wife how to be a better pvper and to learn some other classes. It’s really hard to do that in lvl 70. She’s finally decided to lvl some Alts “only in pvp” and can’t.


I also like lowbies and Mids to have a change of pace and play with limited abilities. Playing with less stuns and mez is refreshing, not to mention there is zero gear gap.

I don’t play those brackets to pummel newbies or troll. I actually like it when there are people with my skill lvl or higher because the matches are fun. This is no different to lvl 70 because both you and I know that you can pummel most of the lvl 70s because they are no more experienced than lowbie or mid players of old.

There needs to be at least some experienced pvpers in lowbies and Mids to “help” people or they don’t learn anything. I used to be the training officer in my guild for newbies to learn the maps and basic tactics and strategy. (I left the combat stuff to better players).


You might feel you don’t need it, but many people do. Experienced pvpers are in short supply these days. Most are newbies or noobs. This is why lvl 70 pvp is such a shambles because they haven’t learnt to pvp in lowbies and Mids, where most of the experienced pvpers learnt ;) You need to give those players the opportunities you and I had to learn.


The way I see it, these days the majority of experienced people don’t want to help new people get better or learn to play. They are too quick to say “git gud” or L2P noobs... instead of trying to help or even understand that these people are trying to learn pvp in the wrong brackets and environment. If you want them to “git gud”... you need to give them somewhere to learn.


Lvl 70 pvp would benefit significantly from having people learn to pvp before they get there. The best way to get them to do that is to give them incentives before they reach lvl 70. I don’t know how you can’t see that.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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You might feel you don’t need it, but many people do.


I simply dont see low/midbies as anything significant, even to Bioware. It should server the purpose to show the people what pvp is about, that is great and should be like that. It also doesnt give them all abilities so the matches are slow paced, as you said, cause thats really better for the new players. So from this aspect I like lowbies and support it, it needs to be in game and is great the way it is. But for Bioware to now go over their daily work to find a way to make this part of the game more attractive..... no.


Leveling with only PVP is a thing of the past, back when we had PVP servers, not now. Even as you said, the matches are quite stale, boring, cause I see many people just running around, getting to know the wz, trying out stuff etc, that is fine. Then you see experienced PVPer who knows what to do and scores or caps etc. In lvl 70s you complain about an afker, bot or what ever, but in lowbies/midbies you have new ppl who also dont contricute at all! Again, its fine, they are new, just saying that the matches arent so dynamic cause of this, so really its a strange place to wanna go back to.


In terms of getting better at PVP in lowbies..... well, how? Killing noobs? I played the game since launch and the way I learned PVP was in the top bracket. Yes, lowbies/midbies are nice to play, from time to time, but to login to the game just to play them is not the way to go. You cant really expect to find people for every part of the game and also, cant expect Devs to now make preparations for people to do lowbies/midbies.

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I simply dont see low/midbies as anything significant, even to Bioware. It should server the purpose to show the people what pvp is about, that is great and should be like that. It also doesnt give them all abilities so the matches are slow paced, as you said, cause thats really better for the new players. So from this aspect I like lowbies and support it, it needs to be in game and is great the way it is. But for Bioware to now go over their daily work to find a way to make this part of the game more attractive..... no.


Leveling with only PVP is a thing of the past, back when we had PVP servers, not now. Even as you said, the matches are quite stale, boring, cause I see many people just running around, getting to know the wz, trying out stuff etc, that is fine. Then you see experienced PVPer who knows what to do and scores or caps etc. In lvl 70s you complain about an afker, bot or what ever, but in lowbies/midbies you have new ppl who also dont contricute at all! Again, its fine, they are new, just saying that the matches arent so dynamic cause of this, so really its a strange place to wanna go back to.


In terms of getting better at PVP in lowbies..... well, how? Killing noobs? I played the game since launch and the way I learned PVP was in the top bracket. Yes, lowbies/midbies are nice to play, from time to time, but to login to the game just to play them is not the way to go. You cant really expect to find people for every part of the game and also, cant expect Devs to now make preparations for people to do lowbies/midbies.


Well we obviously disagree why it’s important and nothing I can say will change your opinion and yours won’t change mine. Let’s leave it at that ;)


What I dont understand is if it doesn’t affect or hurt you in anyway, why do you even care if they open it up to F2P or add incentives to get people to play it?


Are you worried there will be less people in lvl 70 pvp?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Well we obviously disagree why it’s important and nothing I can say will change your opinion and yours won’t change mine. Let’s leave it at that ;)


Well ok


What I dont understand is if it doesn’t affect or hurt you in anyway, why do you even care if they open it up to F2P or add incentives to get people to play it?


Are you worried there will be less people in lvl 70 pvp?


Technically anything is possible, you never know, maybe they will make lowbies free then some PVPers will say: "Oh wait, I pay 13,- per month to play 70s pvp, i dont play something else, I can drop my sub and just keep on playing midbie for free, no gear, etc"


So yeah, even if it sounds unlikely, you never know what this could cause. F2P already can play for free if they team up with a subscriber so the possibility is already in the game, just a bit more inconvenient, but that is what F2P is about. I always said F2P is too generous in this game, which might be the reason for the low subs, but they did fix this with the update of the gear system and removal of weekly passes.

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Well ok


Technically anything is possible, you never know, maybe they will make lowbies free then some PVPers will say: "Oh wait, I pay 13,- per month to play 70s pvp, i dont play something else, I can drop my sub and just keep on playing midbie for free, no gear, etc"


So yeah, even if it sounds unlikely, you never know what this could cause. F2P already can play for free if they team up with a subscriber so the possibility is already in the game, just a bit more inconvenient, but that is what F2P is about. I always said F2P is too generous in this game, which might be the reason for the low subs, but they did fix this with the update of the gear system and removal of weekly passes.


(I wish I could pay $13 a month, it costs me $20 after the dollar conversion and then another $15 to pay for WTFast so I can get less lag)


Yeah, I admit I can see that as a possibility and I’ve also felt they gave away the cow instead of just giving them a taste of milk. Personally I think they jumped into the F2P to fast because EA panicked. Other MMOs at the time were just giving people trials or lots of restriction. Bioware just gave most of the content to F2P people and expected subscribers to pay for those free loaders to play.


But, we are in a different situation now, the game is in the old age home and needs people to vist or it gets lonely.

I do think they made a mistake by removing the passes because it removed a portion of players from the game.


Personally I think the best solution to the lowbie problem is to add UCs as an incentive.

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(I wish I could pay $13 a month, it costs me $20 after the dollar conversion and then another $15 to pay for WTFast so I can get less lag)


Yeah, I admit I can see that as a possibility and I’ve also felt they gave away the cow instead of just giving them a taste of milk. Personally I think they jumped into the F2P to fast because EA panicked. Other MMOs at the time were just giving people trials or lots of restriction. Bioware just gave most of the content to F2P people and expected subscribers to pay for those free loaders to play.


But, we are in a different situation now, the game is in the old age home and needs people to vist or it gets lonely.

I do think they made a mistake by removing the passes because it removed a portion of players from the game.


Personally I think the best solution to the lowbie problem is to add UCs as an incentive.


I buy time cards (cause my credit card got messed up due to being published in my home country and me living in a different one) and you keep on getting discounts, which really make playing swtor cheap.


As F2P you get the best part of the game, you dont need gear due to level sync, get old lvl 50 FPS, PVP, even Group ranked (if you sub once and level to 70 and manage to get gear etc) I know quite a few people who play as preffered and only do Group ranked for free! It will feel quite silly if a preff player gets Top 3 rewards :D


It does not get lonely after the server merge anymore that was fixed well, but about the passes, I dunno, I know people were abusing this system greatly, there were guilds with like 2 subs and 50 preffs and the subs kept buying it all for the people, they really had to do something about it. After all they are just trying to keep the game alive with what they have.


Yeah, I remember back in the days when we had PVP coms you were doing lowbie/midbie and getting PVP coms already. Then when you got to level 60 you already had amassed so much that you bought full expertise gear. The thing now is that there is not that much need, you do get gear pretty easy and those UCs wouldnt help you much. Bolster is 242, that would mean for this to be effective you would need to PVP low and midbies, then get to level 70 do HM operations for 242 gear to use those UCs gathered to buy 248 gear. Before they drastically reduced the PVP gear costs so as I said, you could buy a full set when you got to level 70 but thats not possible now, so the UCs wouldnt help much.

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I buy time cards (cause my credit card got messed up due to being published in my home country and me living in a different one) and you keep on getting discounts, which really make playing swtor cheap.


As F2P you get the best part of the game, you dont need gear due to level sync, get old lvl 50 FPS, PVP, even Group ranked (if you sub once and level to 70 and manage to get gear etc) I know quite a few people who play as preffered and only do Group ranked for free! It will feel quite silly if a preff player gets Top 3 rewards :D


It does not get lonely after the server merge anymore that was fixed well, but about the passes, I dunno, I know people were abusing this system greatly, there were guilds with like 2 subs and 50 preffs and the subs kept buying it all for the people, they really had to do something about it. After all they are just trying to keep the game alive with what they have.


Yeah, I remember back in the days when we had PVP coms you were doing lowbie/midbie and getting PVP coms already. Then when you got to level 60 you already had amassed so much that you bought full expertise gear. The thing now is that there is not that much need, you do get gear pretty easy and those UCs wouldnt help you much. Bolster is 242, that would mean for this to be effective you would need to PVP low and midbies, then get to level 70 do HM operations for 242 gear to use those UCs gathered to buy 248 gear. Before they drastically reduced the PVP gear costs so as I said, you could buy a full set when you got to level 70 but thats not possible now, so the UCs wouldnt help much.


It still gets lonely since the merge, actually it was good for about 2 months and then it went down hill and got worse after conquest changes. Sometimes it’s often worse than Harbinger was before the merge

Come play when I do and you can keep me company while I sit in the pvp section of the fleet by myself.

Its sad as I watch the fleet go from 3 instance, then 2, then 1 and then watch the numbers drop to mid 30s or early 40s. And that’s on the imp fleet. You can hear crickets on the reps fleet. Although they do both seem to bottom out in the 30s. It’s just the rep fleet does it in half the time. So far I haven’t seen the rep fleet drop into the 20s or teens like it used to on Harbinger (fingers crossed I never do).


I didn’t know about the pass abuse by guilds. I can see what that’s a problem, but they could have just kept the passes and made it so they couldn’t be sold on the GTN.


I wish I got more UCs or better RNG crate drops. I swear I’m the most unlucky person when it come to that stuff, I also dont get as many because my pvp pops are slower. I’ve still not got one character in all 248. The best I’ve got is some in 242 with 248 main and off hand.

It pains me when I hear how easy some find gearing or how fast they can do it. I actually hate grinding gear. It’s always been one of those things I dislike about MMOs (I know, that’s ironic). Having those PVP Comms was the best thing about the old system. I would only pvp from lvl 10 to max lvl and gear straight into a full set of pvp gear and jump straight into ranked.

I think they finally perfected the system when they finally let the Comms be legacy bound, which was just 6 months before 5.0. The pvp gearing was perfect, it had taken them 5 years to perfect and then they throw it out the window just 6 months later for a system that had already failed pvp at launch and was abandoned. Then it took them most of last year to make the system more acceptable to the “remaining” players who stuck around and didn’t rage quite over it.

Even now, the gearing system is convoluted in how it works and not intuitive when trying to use the UCs.

It feels like one of those things that needs to ripped up and started again because it’s become such a mess.

Remember Ben saying how exciting RNG was :rolleyes:

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I also like lowbies and Mids to have a change of pace and play with limited abilities. Playing with less stuns and mez is refreshing, not to mention there is zero gear gap.


The red part seems like a strange reason to me. The difference between a lvl 15 and a lvl 39 character is waaaay bigger than the difference between a bolstered and a fully 248 geared char in max lvl pvp.

Not to mention, that in midbies there's not only a huge gap between abilities/passives (basicaly a lvl 69 who has all his abilities/passives and a lvl 41 who doesn't even have his third key-ability from his spec...) but there's also the possibility of people having old setbonus-gear from previous expansions. Making it an actual gear gap.

Sure, not a lot of people are try-harding midbies like that, but it's still possible.


Lowbie/midbie pvp is extremly inbalanced. Now, that can be fun for a while, no doubt, especially if your on the "top of the food chain" (lvl 35-40/ 65-70), but personally, I think it gets old quickly. And the fact that rarly anybody cares for objectives in lowbie/midbies doesn't help either.

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The red part seems like a strange reason to me. The difference between a lvl 15 and a lvl 39 character is waaaay bigger than the difference between a bolstered and a fully 248 geared char in max lvl pvp.

Not to mention, that in midbies there's not only a huge gap between abilities/passives (basicaly a lvl 69 who has all his abilities/passives and a lvl 41 who doesn't even have his third key-ability from his spec...) but there's also the possibility of people having old setbonus-gear from previous expansions. Making it an actual gear gap.

Sure, not a lot of people are try-harding midbies like that, but it's still possible.


Lowbie/midbie pvp is extremly inbalanced. Now, that can be fun for a while, no doubt, especially if your on the "top of the food chain" (lvl 35-40/ 65-70), but personally, I think it gets old quickly. And the fact that rarly anybody cares for objectives in lowbie/midbies doesn't help either.


i dunno, sometimes im puzzled with this. Sure a lvl 39 should wreck everyone due to his access to more abilities, but still, I was on a Merc that I was leveling few weeks ago and I was getting smashed by these level 15 Guardians, it was weird. Sometimes the bolster just doesnt make sense.


Yeah I dont even dare to que for pvp after I reach level 41, I wait till I am like 60 at least, there is no point cause if you get 69 lvl people..... also a lot of them are F2P, back then there was this promo where F2P got level 65 character tokens and so you have quite a few of those in midbies.

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Come play when I do and you can keep me company while I sit in the pvp section of the fleet by myself.


I am afraid that when you play is the time when im at work :) but I would gladly try it out cause as I commented on in your previous posts in the past I have never seen someone experience so many hackers and cheaters. I play and played A LOT but didnt see much of that (lately only the Trixxie Triss on DM who was using wall hack in lowbies :D ).

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An experienced PVP would only have 2 reasons to play lowbies/midbies, to troll or to show off.


I cannot think of any other reason to drop my lvl 70 toons and go play a level 30 Sentinel just for the fun of PVP. I mean sure I play it every time I can, but only while I level a toon, which is very rare now, having too many toons and done all achievos etc. Yes its nice to get a pop while leveling you toon, but lets be honest, how long do you level a toon these days? We are talking about hours here.....


If you think lowbie and midbie PvP is populated with actual "new" players you are very, very mistaken. I see more "Legendary" players in lowbie and midbie than I do in 70s. Does the game even get new players anymore?


Leveling a toon the fastest way possible during double XP may take hours. Leveling a toon through PvP will take days if not weeks if you don't use any boosts. And PvP is the *only* thing that's interesting to a lot of people who play this game :)

Edited by Mycroft-Tarkin
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If you think lowbie and midbie PvP is populated with actual "new" players you are very, very mistaken. I see more "Legendary" players in lowbie and midbie than I do in 70s. Does the game even get new players anymore?


Leveling a toon the fastest way possible during double XP may take hours. Leveling a toon through PvP will take days if not weeks if you don't use any boosts. And PvP is the *only* thing that's interesting to a lot of people who play this game :)


Yes, I was leveling quite a few toons (as thats the only thing to do now) so i know that there are such players in lowbies/midbies. You can see it right away from the behavior and activities the players use in the wz. I mean its not hard to spot a good pvper in lowbies.


As for new people I was surprised myself as with a new toon I went incognito into a few guilds for xp boost and was surprised by the many new people that were coming into those guilds so yes, seems like the game is getting new people.

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The red part seems like a strange reason to me. The difference between a lvl 15 and a lvl 39 character is waaaay bigger than the difference between a bolstered and a fully 248 geared char in max lvl pvp.

Not to mention, that in midbies there's not only a huge gap between abilities/passives (basicaly a lvl 69 who has all his abilities/passives and a lvl 41 who doesn't even have his third key-ability from his spec...) but there's also the possibility of people having old setbonus-gear from previous expansions. Making it an actual gear gap.

Sure, not a lot of people are try-harding midbies like that, but it's still possible.


Lowbie/midbie pvp is extremly inbalanced. Now, that can be fun for a while, no doubt, especially if your on the "top of the food chain" (lvl 35-40/ 65-70), but personally, I think it gets old quickly. And the fact that rarly anybody cares for objectives in lowbie/midbies doesn't help either.


Everyone’s stats are the same. The difference is abilities and utilities. Once you get the basics and a stun and stun break, the difference isn’t as large as you make out.

There is no comparison between gear and abilities. The same as there is no comparison between gear and skill. Each exits in isolation.

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They are too quick to say “git gud” or L2P noobs... instead of trying to help or even understand that these people are trying to learn pvp in the wrong brackets and environment. If you want them to “git gud”... you need to give them somewhere to learn.


I hate anyone and everyone who says that no matter what the reason is that they said it. Triggered and shtter too, autistic as well [unless it's Venk]. All that makes me want to do is bash their face in and I can't because it's the internet and that only makes me angrier.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I simply dont see low/midbies as anything significant, even to Bioware. It should server the purpose to show the people what pvp is about, that is great and should be like that. It also doesnt give them all abilities so the matches are slow paced, as you said, cause thats really better for the new players. So from this aspect I like lowbies and support it, it needs to be in game and is great the way it is. But for Bioware to now go over their daily work to find a way to make this part of the game more attractive..... no.


Leveling with only PVP is a thing of the past, back when we had PVP servers, not now. Even as you said, the matches are quite stale, boring, cause I see many people just running around, getting to know the wz, trying out stuff etc, that is fine. Then you see experienced PVPer who knows what to do and scores or caps etc. In lvl 70s you complain about an afker, bot or what ever, but in lowbies/midbies you have new ppl who also dont contricute at all! Again, its fine, they are new, just saying that the matches arent so dynamic cause of this, so really its a strange place to wanna go back to.


In terms of getting better at PVP in lowbies..... well, how? Killing noobs? I played the game since launch and the way I learned PVP was in the top bracket. Yes, lowbies/midbies are nice to play, from time to time, but to login to the game just to play them is not the way to go. You cant really expect to find people for every part of the game and also, cant expect Devs to now make preparations for people to do lowbies/midbies.


I had a similar experience to you. I was a Progression Raider most of my time in the game from 1.x-5.0. I did start PVPing in 4.x but only here and there. It wasn't until 5.0 dropped and they took all the gear out of Operations and the raiding scene all but died right than and there because progression groups started disbanding from all the raiders leaving the game over it, that's really when I became a full PVP convert. I was already at cap [obviously] when I started getting into PVP so I had to learn like you, the hard way. Raiding doesn't prepare you for PVP anymore than PVP prepares you for HM/NiM Progression raiding , two completely seperate beasts overall. [i know you've done both as well].


I wondered than if it would have been better had I done pvp at lower levels to begin with. I'll never know =p


Welcome back pal, I just got back from a 3 month stint not long ago myself. Was wondering where you got off to :p

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i dunno, sometimes im puzzled with this. Sure a lvl 39 should wreck everyone due to his access to more abilities, but still, I was on a Merc that I was leveling few weeks ago and I was getting smashed by these level 15 Guardians, it was weird. Sometimes the bolster just doesnt make sense.


Yeah I dont even dare to que for pvp after I reach level 41, I wait till I am like 60 at least, there is no point cause if you get 69 lvl people..... also a lot of them are F2P, back then there was this promo where F2P got level 65 character tokens and so you have quite a few of those in midbies.


There is some weird effect with low lvl characters vs higher that I’ve not been able to quantity based on listed stats because they are exaclty the same.

But what Ive experienced and others have too, is that really low lvls can really pump out the dps against higher lvls. ie, the largest amount I do in lowbies is before I get my stun break abilities. Once I get to lvl 20, my damage starts to get lower as I approach lvl 40.


I don’t mind playing lvl 41s against lvl 65s because you have enough of the right abilities and utilities to still be competitive (especially in this meta). What I don’t like it playing against lvl 66-69s because the extra utility and passives that happen after 65 give them a pretty big advantage. Still, it’s not insurmountable to overcome the difference because player skill lvls are all over the place.


What is a problem are those few that get to the top of their brackets at lvl 40 or lvl 69 and then quit each match at the end so they don’t lvl. They then try to sit their permanently to have the biggest advantage they can get in the game vs lower lvl abilities and skilled players. You see the same guys sit there for weeks or even months. Once I get to know who they are, I personally target them and try to mitigate their affects on my teams.

Sadly, these are usually the ones who tell you ”it’s just lowbies, chill out, who cares”,

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What is a problem are those few that get to the top of their brackets at lvl 40 or lvl 69 and then quit each match at the end so they don’t lvl. They then try to sit their permanently to have the biggest advantage they can get in the game vs lower lvl abilities and skilled players. You see the same guys sit there for weeks or even months. Once I get to know who they are, I personally target them and try to mitigate their affects on my teams.

Sadly, these are usually the ones who tell you ”it’s just lowbies, chill out, who cares”,


Appears to be a subtle form of trolling Lowbies ... Higher class using lower class as a playing field ... almost like in RL ...

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With Biowares latest gaffe on a podcast to say -


* Shouldn't players who exploit be kicked out of a warzone instead of just killed? The hope is that the "slap on the wrist" :mad: of character death will remind them to be a good player and to play like a good player. :rolleyes: You also wind up with a WZ with 1 less person and shorts the team, so hopefully a simple death will make a better match for everyone :rolleyes:. By being slightly less heavy handed, it is also better for players who somehow accidentally enter the exploit areas won't receive a harsh penalty (devs are calling this "death volumes" I believe) - they don't want to throw out non-cheating characters by accident, "Err on the side of kindness"

* With these new anti-hacking measures the devs can see when a player repeatedly dies and not by being killed by other players... let's flag them for investigation. (This already happens, but this is a better way to find them quickly)


I think F2P should never be allowed into pvp ever again because Bioware have just announced open season to try cheating with no penalties besides dying.

Letting more F2P access into pvp would make this worse.

So much for a possible solution to adding more players into pvp.

You can read my full response to that under the spoiler.



I have to say I am very disappointed about this and angry about this. .... will remind them to be a good player and to play like a good player. What world do you live in? One with rainbows and fairy tales? if they were good players they wouldn’t try to do it in the first place. What is this, kindergarten?


Bioware have had this softly softly approach for 6 years and it’s had zero affect. This is just more of the same attitude towards cheaters and shows they don’t take the issue seriously.

We all know that hackers will find a work around for all of these within a month and we’ll be back at square one because there are no real deterrents.

This was a real blow the guts when I read it and deflated all of my optimism for the coming roadmap.

I now have a very bad feeling about what content and changes they will end up delivering in the roadmap.


Mark my words, hackers, cheats, exploiters will be back or will never leave after these “Bioware fixes” because it’s a weak response and only incentivises them to keep trying. It even stinks of people inside or close to Bioware being involved in cheating or Bioware being toooooo greedy or concerned they may lose the subs of people who cheat. Wake up Bioware, they use F2P accounts to do the testing and then troll on paid ones.


Honestly, what does it matter if you try and cheat if nothing is really done to stop you.


Slaps on the wrist are like modern day parenting and political correctness gone mad. Kids these days already have no respect for authority and this just paints a target on swtor’s back for the non player hackers to find work arounds like they did in the old days of swtor when Bioware would fix the holes or broken code and 2-4 weeks later the “same looking hacks or exploits” would be back and we wouldn’t even see one person banned.


Honestly, I dont think one person would care if their team lost a player because the system kicked them for cheating. People would applaud and say good riddance. Being worrying that a team might be left short because a player was kicked for cheating is ridiculous.

It would be better to kick the player and have something pop up in chat that says “exploit detected, player x removed”.

Some competive shooter and pvp games do this already. It’s not something new to gamers.

And let’s face it, so many people rage quit these days that we wouldn’t even notice one more person being kicked for cheating.

I have to say this is the weakest reason I’ve ever heard for not enforcing tough anit cheat policy in matches. It also opens the game up for exploiters to just go in and die in Ranked and still get rewards for doing so. Well done Bioware.


Even announcing this stupid policy emboldens them to try. Whoever thought releasing this information was a good idea needs a slap on the back of the head with a sharp gamorrean axe.

No sane company official releases information like this. Its basic security 101 to not tell hackers what your active backend prevention and detection measures are.

Any deterrent they announce now will have lost its bite.

You may as well give them free subs for being cleaver enough to find ways around your fixes or your mistakes. Oh, that’s right, they are mostly free to play accounts anyway :rolleyes:


What they should have done is kept this secret.

Announce really harsh penalties as a deterrent.

Say they were going to name and shame ledgitmate hacker’s character names so we could all see them.

“Then” or “if” they wanted to use this softly softly approach in the game, they could have. It still would have been a bad decision as far as I’m concerned, but atleast they would have a public deterrent in place to scare of potential kiddy hackers and make it seem unappealing to non player hackers because it would be a waste of their time.


Once again, Bioware shoots themsleves in the foot. Honestly they should hire a risk assessment professional to look at all major policy decisions like this announcement and things like server mergers, server relocations or anything that could have an impact on player retention or have an affect on the integrity of the game.


At this point they may as well announce a bounty program for hackers and then pay them for showing how they do it.


As soon as hackers reappear in this game after these changes, I think people should record and start posting them on the forum and all other social media. I’m past caring and if they are hypocritical and ban people for doing part of their job for them, I will repost it and I don’t care if I get banned too. All it would show is Bioware care more about the hacker’s feelings or privacy than they do about stopping them.


I really can’t express enough how angry and disappointed I am with this decision :mad::mad:. I had such high hopes after 6 years that Bioware we’re finally going to do something significant about cheating.



Edited by TrixxieTriss
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With Biowares latest gaffe on a podcast to say -




I think F2P should never be allowed into pvp ever again because Bioware have just announced open season to try cheating with no penalties besides dying.

Letting more F2P access into pvp would make this worse.

So much for a possible solution to adding more players into pvp.

You can read my full response to that under the spoiler.





Aha yeah, there is your main reason right there :) its like with those gold seller "shout outs" on fleet. If you would allow F2P to go lowbie/midbie then yeah, trolls and hackers who just wanna mess stuff could be there 24/7 and cause mayhem. Then if banned they would just make a new F2P account and continue, it would be never ending.

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F2P can queue for pvp though....They just only get 5 matches. That said, lowbies died because of galactic command. It popped super fast prior to that, especially when they made warzone commendations legacy bound.
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