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It appears everyone in the Star Wars universe that actually has been in space can pilot any ship. Why do we have some actually called pilots then? I get that some may be better than others, but in the Star Wars universe, has anyone seen where piloting is actually a special skill, or is it all just like driving a car? Just curious as to what people think, or if anyone has an actual link that explains this. I could not find anything on it.


I know every character you play in game is a pilot of sorts, and that I understand can be explained. I have no problem with it, just wondering how people view ships and the skill to operate them.

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My take on it is that the people *called* "pilot" are called that because it's their *job* to be pilots.


And how does my character know enough about operating machinery to be able to jump into a Zakuulan fighter (end of Chapter XVI) and just launch and go? Surely everything's labelled in black on a black background, er, no, sorry, in Zakuulan writing? When did my character learn to read Zakuulan?

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I've always thought of it as basically analogous to driving. J. Random Citizen can hop in a skycar or a basic shuttle and get it from point A to point B without too much work, but when there's dangerous conditions, they're in combat, or it's a specialized vehicle, then you need trained professionals - just like how most people can drive, but not everybody is a Formula 1 driver, a truck driver, or a tank driver.


And how does my character know enough about operating machinery to be able to jump into a Zakuulan fighter (end of Chapter XVI) and just launch and go?


Presumably it's similar to that Zakuul shuttle the Alliance uses all the time, which Koth, Lana, and Theron all appear familiar with. There's plenty of time in between chapters for you to have gotten a crash course.

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Surely everything's labelled in black on a black background, er, no, sorry, in Zakuulan writing?


I think they might also have black lights that light up black when something's happened. ;)


I understood that reference.

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