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[Topic] Which of the OG Companions should/could viably be same/sex romanceable?


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Tharan? Yeah, I could actually see a full-blown romance arc for wither M or F Consular if there was some way to work out an arrangement with Holiday. He and Holiday have an arrangement that exists before the Consular shows up, and poly is a thing. Frankly, if it were an option, things could have turned out very differently for my Consular.


M!Inquisitor? M!Inquisitor and Talos could be a great deal of fun, almost as sweet as the Ashara arc. As a Dark Sider, he would be fascinated by you being all a Sith ought to be. As an LSer, he would be equally intrigued by you being a heretic. Neutral, he would have fun trying to figure you out, and he's absent minded enough to be oblivious to the danger involved (or think it would be an appropriate way for someone that fascinated with Sith history to meet his end).


Wasn't there some dummied out bits with Quinn being just as fixated on M!Warrior as an F!Warrior? Because I can totally see that. My brother in law, when playing his Warrior, came to the conclusion that Quinn was bisexual, masochistic (to the point of Kushiel's Dart), and in love with both Baras and the Warrior.


Bounty Hunter? Well, Mandos don't give a rip about sexual orientation (your partner is of the same gender or a different species? Well, the galaxy has no shortage of orphans and parents who forfeit the honor - go out and ADOPT some kids!), so M!Hunter and Torian could work. Mako and a F!Hunter could work very well, too.

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