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Why will I quit this game once my sub expires

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PM Eric or Keith by clicking on the pull down menu at your log in name on the top of the page. Oh and really get over your self.. Just because things did not go the way you wanted them to does not mean you throw a tantrum and quit.


You will find that you will have a much better time in life if you just calm down and reevaluate the situation and try again. Not throw your hands up in the air and pout in the corner.


Even if Eric or Keith can not help you, be an adult about it and not a 2 year old. Remember it's only a GAME. Get over it and MOVE ON....


It's real easy to preach about getting over something and moving on when it's not your problem or your personal loss. I'm sure if you dropped 20 bucks on some cartel coins for items, lost them and someone told you to just get over it and move on, you would have a whole different outlook on the situation. Because see then it's not just a game, thats your money being flushed down the drain with nothing to show for it. But to have that kind of perspective, you have to have this thing called "Empathy" for others.

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If you left and a server merge occurred during your absence then you cannot reasonably expect that your account will be the same or that you will be compensated for what any loss as a result of you being unsubbed.


If you abandon the game then why come back and complain? When you leave a game, leave for good, and if that is not your intention then you must follow the updates so that you can know what is going on.


BW did everything to ensure that players would not be affected by the merger, you weren't here and so that's on you. Give it a rest or keep it moving.


I never understand why players always feel the need to announce that they are leaving. No one cares, just leave and go about you life. It's a simple unconventional fact.


I never understand why people feel the need to go out their way to emphasize to others that no one cares about their problems. Thats a horrible thing to tell an upset person that no one cares about their problems and they should just move on. You're just compounding negative emotions on top of negative emotions, escalating their state of alarm instead of deescalating it. It's attitudes like this why we are so divided as a people now. People need to have empathy and understanding for one another. Not everything is about solidarity and thick skin.

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I don't expect that some of BW or EA will notice it or will care about it, but Robert, from Customer Service ruined my experience of this game and this company.


OK, I stopped reading right there. You think that Robert from Customer Service ruined your gaming experience. I think nobody could ruin something that you didn't allow them to ruin. Like if I let somebody cut in line in front of me at the grocery store. If I get all upset about it, then I've essentially given that person permission to ruin my grocery shopping experience. It's my choice to be upset.

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"The screenshot" is a picture taken on my smarthphone, cuz my PC back in those days was really slow to afford ALT-Tabing, running Fraps or Bandicam and taking the screenshot.

Does not compute. All you need to do to get a screenshot in-game is to press the PrtScr key. No faffing with Alt-Tab, Fraps, Bandicam or any of that stuff.

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I've heard a couple of different people telling stories about how they were given flat out wrong information from customer service when they filed complaints recently and who did have the situation rectifyed to their satisfaction upon taking it up the 'chain'.

Exactly. Customer Service isn't infallible. I urge the OP to try this.

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It's real easy to preach about getting over something and moving on when it's not your problem or your personal loss. I'm sure if you dropped 20 bucks on some cartel coins for items, lost them and someone told you to just get over it and move on, you would have a whole different outlook on the situation. Because see then it's not just a game, thats your money being flushed down the drain with nothing to show for it. But to have that kind of perspective, you have to have this thing called "Empathy" for others.


What are you (going) on about? You're talking about a situation that is not even being discussed in this thread. The OP did not spend real world money on the CM. At least, it was not mentioned that they did. The OP brought something, that is advertised on the CM or that you originally get from the CM or cartel packs, that was on the GTN with in-game credits. The OP is talking about companions being nude and them not wanting them to wear the same sets they wear (not sure why, but I'm not the OP), companions not using the same weapons as they remember (this one confused me too when I returned, but I adapted and moved on), and a lightsaber they purchased from the GTN with in-game credits that is "missing". So, again, what are you (going) on about?

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I wonder if EA looks at threads like this and just has to smile when they see a title ending in "once my sub expires".

Angry enough to kavetch about something on the forums but not so angry to stop playing the game.

If the OP were truly pissed, he'd be gone already, remaining sub or no.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Yeah, this sounds like a situation that should be mildly frustrating at best. Maybe "Robert from CS" is a crummy employee. Maybe they really can't track an item like that after all this time. Besides, all OP really lost is the 10k credits used to buy the item.


If you leave a game for an extended period of time, you have to expect that things are going to be different and maybe even some things lost if you come back. That's just how it goes. This situation is different than if you spent $20 on CCs today and they aren't delivered. That does involve real money and can actually be tracked and is current.


OP, take a deep breath. Step away from the computer for a little while, if you need to. But try to see what's important. If this one item is so important that you will quit over it, then by all means go for it. Seems a bit silly to me, though.

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When they redid the companions a lot of us logged on to find our companions naked. (I accused them of having a party and getting drunk ). While I received most of my companions clothing back, some I didn't. Really didn't bother me that much as I have a ton of collection clothing that I could pull from and if I didn't see something I liked for one, I normally just checked the GTN for something that would work. It really didn't matter what they wore for stats as they no longer had stats so it was just what I wanted them to wear.


As far as their weapons some of that changed due to the way they changed the companions. Yea it was a pain when that happened but I adjusted and went on.


Cartel Market


While you may have brought something from the cartel market and it is not unlocked. You really need to have more proof then just a screenshot as that is not enough evidence for them to return the item. I would go to your bank, paypal account and look for that transaction and then ask for a copy of it and then you can give that to them. That would be the proof they would need.


If you bought off the GTN then they will not refund the item as it was not bought from the Cartel Shop. The only way they may do that is if you unlocked it your collections and again you will need proof that you did that.


Additional Information:

We have had at least 1 server merger (maybe 2 depending on how long you been gone) and a lot of those servers were closed and it is very possible that information is not easily found due to the server mergers. If you were on a server that was merged with another one, it is very possible that server was wiped out of the database and therefore it may be hard for them to locate your information.

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Companion gear: Yea, they made changes to companions. Some don't use their initial weapons anymore. If you play through the expacs, maybe you'll get a better idea why(or not, I didn't pay attention to that :p). You're not limited to named CM sets when it comes to gearing them out. There's plenty of generic sets on the CM, or there's armors you can get in game from various sources(vendors, GTN, loot drops) look for ones that fit the type of companion you're dressing. If you're having trouble, reach out to your fellow RP'ers for help.


The items you bought from the GTN: How long ago did you do that, and are you 100% certain you had the Tythonian saber or did you get a mail with the 10K credits back because someone bought it before you? If you took the item out of the mail and it was in your inventory, have you gone through ALL your toons on ALL the servers? Have you deleted toons since you bought the saber, and if so are you sure it wasn't on a toon that you deleted? And from what I understand, CS can't refund/restore for GTN transactions.

Edited by beattlebilly
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Except a screen shot is not proof of anything.


Then Bioware need to make it so their system e-mails the account owner a digital receipt for every purchase made on the Cartel Market.


Currently the ONLY "proof" we have access to is a screenshot we take of the transaction.


Now you (not Bioware) are saying that is not enough.


If it is not enough Bioware need to implement some form receipt that includes full traceability of all CM purchases.


All The Best

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Then Bioware need to make it so their system e-mails the account owner a digital receipt for every purchase made on the Cartel Market.


Currently the ONLY "proof" we have access to is a screenshot we take of the transaction.


Now you (not Bioware) are saying that is not enough.


If it is not enough Bioware need to implement some form receipt that includes full traceability of all CM purchases.


All The Best


I could be mistaken, and I'm sure if I am I will be pounced on soon:p, but doesn't the game keep a transaction log of all CM purchases? Back when I used to buy coins and stuff like crazy, I seem to remember a log (I think it logs stuff generically but it has the date and cost). And I think it goes back pretty far (maybe even all the way back). I recall using this once for CS if I'm not mistaken. So a screenshot coupled with this log should give some info to CS.


But another reason why just the proof of purchase alone isn't necessarily enough is that you can sell the item on the GTN or trade, etc. So CS will need to verify that too.


But again, the basic point is that the more detail you can provide, they more likely they are to help. If you don't have detail, then it's best to "bend the knee" and be as polite as possible given as much help to them as you can...

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Then Bioware need to make it so their system e-mails the account owner a digital receipt for every purchase made on the Cartel Market.


Currently the ONLY "proof" we have access to is a screenshot we take of the transaction.


Now you (not Bioware) are saying that is not enough.


If it is not enough Bioware need to implement some form receipt that includes full traceability of all CM purchases.


All The Best


Again, this was NOT a CM purchase. The OP is claiming he lost CM items he bought off the GTN. His "proof" was a screenshot of him purchasing said items from the GTN, not the Store.

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Again, this was NOT a CM purchase. The OP is claiming he lost CM items he bought off the GTN. His "proof" was a screenshot of him purchasing said items from the GTN, not the Store.


Basic question is how is CS supposed to know that at GTN CM item that was never unlocked was not later transferred or sold? A screenshot doesn't provide that information. IMO, it's the same as having no screenshot at all, i.e. it's bupkis as proof. The "protection" in these cases is to unlock the item in your collections. CS can track that at the very least. Otherwise, I really don't understand what CS is supposed to do here...

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Someone who values their monetary investments and would like proof of purchase for their personal records. Like those who keep receipts of every purchase ever made for through the year for when tax season arrives. It is far more odd not to gather some type of proof to prove a transaction happened since the cartel market gives no purchase receipts.


But BW/EA sends receipts of purchases.

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Bioware can access all data related to any item/character in the game that hasn't been purged by the merge(s). There really isn't any need to provide them with visual evidence--all you need to do is point them in the right direction to find the data in the mountains and mountains of data that they have access to. They already have the "visual" evidence at their disposal, but they need to be able to find it and a screenshot lacks enough information to be able to do that. Again, the merges made a lot of that old data moot, so they are very limited in what they can do.


CS reps can't act without evidence (or a REAAAAAAAALLLLLY great sob story), and they most certainly cannot fix bugs or game mechanics (naked comps that affected every single person in the game post-4.0, default weapons being changed, etc.). Can CS reps be kinder in the way they let us down? Certainly. But most CS agents want to help the people that come to them--IF THEY CAN.


It's still not a bad suggestion to go up the totem pole, but be prepared for disappointment. Keith/Eric will not be able to stop naked companions for people who are logging in for the first time post 4.0 just for you, they can't change the companions' default weapons just for you (and that was a design choice, not a bug), but maybe they'll help you with the item(s) you think you lost. Just don't get your hopes up--those merges wiped a lot of data that even they won't be able to access.

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I could be mistaken, and I'm sure if I am I will be pounced on soon:p, but doesn't the game keep a transaction log of all CM purchases?


It indeed does.. but that is not the problem reported here amongst the jumbled complaints in the OPs first post. It will show date and transaction amount.. and I bet the studio actually does keep logs on CM sales for an unlimited amount of time.. being as real money is involved in most cases due to CC purchases.


OP "claims" to have bought some expensive and reare gold CM sourced items off the GTN.. then claims they are missing.


Having been gone for the game for a self admitted long time... and from the complaints gone since pre-4.0 (it multiple years).. they simply may not be log data still to confirm his claim.


Waiting two years to demand missing items be returned is a pretty long stretch for any MMO... so honestly.. while I encourage the OP to contact Eric to see what if anything can be done.. he may just have to suck it up (claims to have only paid 10K credits anyway) and get over it.

Edited by Andryah
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Then Bioware need to make it so their system e-mails the account owner a digital receipt for every purchase made on the Cartel Market.


Currently the ONLY "proof" we have access to is a screenshot we take of the transaction.


Now you (not Bioware) are saying that is not enough.


If it is not enough Bioware need to implement some form receipt that includes full traceability of all CM purchases.


All The Best


First see my post immediately above this one.. where I already cover this.


The OP is complaining about CM items purchased on the GTN.. "missing".. allegedly.. from what appears to be two years ago.


You want digital receipts for every GTN purchase made by every player in the game? :rolleyes: Because it is GTN purchases of some CM items that the Op is harping about. But you know what.. you do actually get a digital receipt in the form of an email with the item attached.. but these only last 30 days, and it would not surprise me that their logs only run for the same length of time for GTN transactions. The OP is complaining about something that allegedly happened pre-4.0 (based on his naked companion complaints and companion weapon complaints as well).


We cannot even confirm if anything claimed by the OP is even true here. I'm not saying it is or is not.. only that there is no way for any of us to verify the accuracy and veracity of his claims. So attempting to indict and prosecute CS over this in the forum is completely inappropriate.. and certainly won't get him his stuff back.

Edited by Andryah
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