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This is just sad...


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Just a general rant. My main lost her Nadia back in 2015. 3 years, two expansions and several content patches later somehow we still haven't gotten all our companions back. Three. Whole. Years.

It's just that, the gameplay is built to include companions and I made the mistake of rather getting attached one single companion on my main. Yes I know I can get all 5 back through that terminal, and no it's not the same for me.

I just cant understand what bioware does sometimes. For example, I remember when affection was replaced by influence... and instead of buffing existing character companions to, say at least 20 influence, they gave the middle finger to the veteran players and said 'hey, new characters can get their favorite companions to almost 20 influence through story missions alone!'

Of all the games that I quit playing this is the only one I miss and keep coming back to. But everytime I return at some point I wonder if the people who initially designed this game all left and were replaced by a new team with zero vision... sorry.

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Hmm, well, which do you think is more likely:

a.) BW is trying to piss people off by not bringing back certain companions


b.) There are technical issues, such as availability of the voice actors, etc, that you are not aware of.

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Hmm, well, which do you think is more likely:

a.) BW is trying to piss people off by not bringing back certain companions


b.) There are technical issues, such as availability of the voice actors, etc, that you are not aware of.


You forgot option C., that BW doesn't have enough resources to do more than 30 minutes of content 2 or 3 times a year, and your 'favorite' companion keeps losing the dice roll on being the 1 that returns with the latest dribble of content.

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