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Can't login

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Things started slowing down during the log-in process a couple of days ago. First I timed out of the server due to inactivity and it then told me it could not reach the server.

Relogged, and things were slow but I finally got in. Several times characters got stuck in the loading screen, but always I've been able to get in eventually.

Seems the trouble has been getting progressively worse and today I can't get in at all. I'm on Xfinity out of Chicago, if that matters. I tested my speed to their server and that's not the issue. Now what backbones we run over after that.. <shrug> who knows...

Edited by Tierische
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Now got in after my third PC restart.


Yeah I don't think it was the restarts. I did the same and at first I couldn't even get past the launcher, it said the log-in services were not available. Then, after I re-entered my password it let me past that and now I was finally able to log in my first character.

It seems to me it's just hit or miss at this time and you just have to keep trying.. annoying but doable.

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Issue continues - at the following places:


1. Tries to patch for ~3-5 minutes then says "this application has encountered an unspecified error. Please try this patch again."

2. Freezes at fidget spinner stage after login but before patch.

3. Freezes at fidget spinner stage before character select.

4. Reaches character select but will allow only starter-planet characters in and claims it needs to download the rest of the game, but remains at 00.0% download indefinitely whether logging in to a level 1 or not (CAN log in to a level 1)

5. Reaches character select but bounces back to server select claiming connectivity issues.


This has been going on for a couple days, on an off, it took me thirty minutes with >10 attempts to log in this morning...which is better than yesterday, sadly (most time consumed trying restarts, seeing if it will do anything during fidget spinner screens.)


Tried the following things:

1. Restarting computer

2. Different computer

3. Different account (also tried with different computer)

4. Resetting router (also with different computers, different accounts)

5. Running a mobile hotspot with cellular data plan for connection

6. Deleting and reinstalling entire game


Issue persists through all of the above, this is extremely irritating. If I do manage to login, there are no connectivity issues and server latency is at its normal levels but every time I switch characters risk a disconnect to server and it all starts over again.

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What I find strange (yes I know its the weekend) that no one from the company has taken the time to say we know about this and am trying to find out what is going on. They have done that in the past and even on the weekend.
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Welp, day 2 and I still can't get in. This time I'm stuck on the endless loading screen. If it isn't fixed soon I'll be hosed for this weeks conquest since I didn't finish on Friday. :(


I am extremely annoyed that no one at Bioware has bothered to even acknowledge the issue. I get that it might well be beyond their control, but they could at least pop in and say so!

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Got in this morning, no issues. Pulled wife aggro and had to make a lunch run. Login service now down on the client, but worked for the forums. Then the client allowed me to sign in, but has gone away after I hit play.


Note to EA execs: This is not how you convince us that you're all about the players. This is how you convince us to be someone else's players.

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I went into my EA/bioware/SWToR files and ran my LauncherDiag and then was able to log in and connect to my server.


Tried that doesn't work for me. A response would be nice. It has been reported on twitter as well and still no response.

Edited by casirabit
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Finally managed to log in after countless attempts this morning... no time left to play so I'm literally moving my character 2 steps forward every few minutes in my SH while I clean my house so that I don't go AFK and can play later when I actually have time... The fact that no one is responding from the dev team is hugely frustrating at this point.
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I noticed that the problem is with the login to the game, and not with the network. If I login (with many attempts) the connection in the game is good.


Same - once I'm in, it's good to go. Its getting connected that seems to be the issue.

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Ive been having this problem since yesterday. Have to try multiple times to log in before one attempt goes through. This is nuts. They havent even addressed whats going on yet, so im wondering if they even know or care.
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Ive been having this problem since yesterday. Have to try multiple times to log in before one attempt goes through. This is nuts. They havent even addressed whats going on yet, so im wondering if they even know or care.


Well I know I sent them a tweet on twitter informing them they needed to address this matter in the forums but alas no response either place.

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I'm inclined to think there is more than one. I'm in Ontario, Canada and I don't think my internet comes from Seattle or goes anywhere near it. I'm not going to worry about it tonight. I'll try again tomorrow.


I think the login service is provided by a server in California.. so I could see a lot of Canada, Northeast, Midwest locations routing through Seattle.


But yes.. there could very well be more than one backhaul in the US causing issues.

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What I find strange (yes I know its the weekend) that no one from the company has taken the time to say we know about this and am trying to find out what is going on. They have done that in the past and even on the weekend.


IF.. as some posts of PingPlotter results shared in this thread are accurate.. then the issue is NOT something EA can do anything about really. So what exactly are they supposed to respond with?

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They could at least respond with exactly that; it's out of their hands. Assure people they are aware of the issue. Now it's just being perceived by many as if they couldn't care less and don't pay attention to their game. Edited by silenthc
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It would also help if and when these issues occur players post specifics such as:




tracert to server



Maybe there is a common correlation. Is everyone on a specific ISP or from the same area.


Maybe it's a network routing issue and everyone is getting stuck at a specific area of the network. Without details like this it's like taking your car to the mechanic and saying there is an issue, but then never telling the mechanic what the issue is and for them to figure it out.

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It would also help if and when these issues occur players post specifics such as:




tracert to server



Maybe there is a common correlation. Is everyone on a specific ISP or from the same area.


Maybe it's a network routing issue and everyone is getting stuck at a specific area of the network. Without details like this it's like taking your car to the mechanic and saying there is an issue, but then never telling the mechanic what the issue is and for them to figure it out.


Yeah.. I suggested that yesterday...... bupkis from players in response.....save for a couple who ran PingPlotter and found a back backhaul in Seattle was an actual issue.

Edited by Andryah
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Yeah.. I suggested that yesterday...... bupkis from players in response.....save for a couple who ran PingPlotter and found a back backhaul in Seattle was an actual issue.


I actually forwarded mine to tech support yesterday. Would have figured an acknowledgement or something.

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They could at least respond with exactly that; it's out of their hands. Assure people they are aware of the issue. Now it's just being perceived by many as if they couldn't care less and don't pay attention to their game.


Exactly. They're definitely giving the impression of not caring at all that their paying customers aren't getting anything in return for their sub fees. If they're not going to bother, they should be a bit more honest, and just shut the game down.

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I actually forwarded mine to tech support yesterday. Would have figured an acknowledgement or something.


That is a good step.. but an isolated step.


If players would simply share the few pieces of information suggested by myself and Nightblazer (you know collectively work together to help narrow down "what and where" ..... then it would fairly quickly confirm/localize the issue (because it clearly is NOT affecting all players). All it requires is a few minutes of troubleshooting and then posting the results here. A common point of failure would emerge fairly quickly I bet. And with a common point of failure emerging.... it actually gives the studio some objective information to pursue... and of course Owen is always watching these kinds of threads and will forward information directly to points of contact in Support.


But no.. instead we get these sorts of hyperbolic "drive bys" in the forum, which are not helpful in any way... just over the top spleen-venting:

Exactly. They're definitely giving the impression of not caring at all that their paying customers aren't getting anything in return for their sub fees. If they're not going to bother, they should be a bit more honest, and just shut the game down.


{Yeah.. because a response from the studio that the issue is downstream on the internet routing, and there is nothing the studio can actually do about it.... would go over so well with folks like yourself.} :rolleyes:

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