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Level 55 Boost


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So I know there are level 60 and 65 boosts available, (I've even seen 70) but I'd love a 55 boost. Where I can skip ahead if I choose but still be able to do Shadow of Revan. I understand by skipping we don't get rewards, titles, etc and that's fine, but I wish I could do the class story line. It's always been my favorite part. Or maybe even make it so it's able to be turned off/on if not everyone wants to complete the story line. I mean you can scale levels up and down, so why not? Just start level 55 (scaled) on starter planet, that way if I get bored I can do SoR or my class quests. I also wish that your companions didn't just act robotic during SoR. You haven't been lost in carbonite yet, so why do they not get affection/approval anymore? Just my ideas.
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The Masters Datacron (instant level 70) doesn't autocomplete anything. So you can do your class quest if you want and since your level is high enough, you qualify to start all the post-class stories you want (just pick up the mission from your ship's console). You do get your ship and ship droid instantly when you use the MD.
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