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AGAIN FOR THE DEVS: Pvp is dying due to unfairness re snipes, mercs and sorcs


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Also... intelligent people don't use caps when typing, unless it's sarcasm and/or a comical joke.


I was partially joking by being flamboyant ya read? lol


Touche and no I will not add the apostrophe over the e. :D

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It appears a secret buff was added to sorcs and a secret nerf was done to sages! Sorcs really are more powerful than sages! Apparently only an ingenius intellect such as Dowilla is privy to such hidden knowledge.



Edited by Lhancelot
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I am very well aware of the so-called Mirror theory, but that does not mean the classes are balanced in terms of abilities. As for the Sorc, I have seen some Sorcs give out major dps in PVP so not sure why everyone is having such a hard time understanding that. If they were nerfed, it certainly is not showing that in PVP.


One of the primary reasons PVP is a joke, is because Maras/Mercs/Snipers living forever along with Sorcs and Operatives in PVP Premade Groups doing the same routine over and over again, farming non-premade pvp pub groups, that make it unbalanced and boring in PVP. I mean why do they allow three healers on one team and none on the opposite teams? That simply makes No Sense to me. This is just one of many problems in regards to the unbalanced issues in pvp between pubs and imperials, and the devs can fix some of these issues. It is really NOT that hard.


Gingishan posted some good points about this issue. If you have not already read it, I am pretty sure you have, but here is the link:




They need to take Gingishans ideas under some serious consideration or they are just going to keep on losing more players. I hate to see players leaving but it is happening all the time now. There has already been a huge decrease in population on the Satele Shan Server and I know of at least a four other people that have left the game due to the problems in PVP, they were hardcore pvpers and it is the sole reason they played the game.


So THAT is what I am ON about. Yes I know I ranted and raved in my first initial post. I find it kind of amusing lol!


First, it’s not a theory about the mirror classes. ITS FACT. I can guarantee that because there is plenty of evidence (parsing) and documentation. I also have one of every mirror class and they are exactly the same.

If you disagree with this, prove it instead of just saying it’s so, I can provide pages and pages of evidence to support what I’m saying.


Second, if you see Sorcs putting out high DPS, it’s because they either know how to play and are probably better than you or the pubs you are playing with. (Like I said, Imps have way more better players than pubs because they have a bigger population). Or your team left them alone all match to free cast force storm or other AOEs. You will rarely see a Sorc be able to beat any other class (kill them) in a 1v1 unless they are much more skilled than their opponent, who needs to be terrible).


Third, if you are QQing about healing Sorcs, that’s a completely different issue.


Fourth, Sorcs (especially Lightning spec) have been nerfed over and over for 2 years to the point that they are more of an annoyance to most classes. The only thing they’ve had going for them is they are hard to kill “if” played correctly. But even that got nerfed last year. If you don’t believe me, go back through the patch notes for the last two years. When ever Bioware seem to give some buff to Sorcs, they take away more with bigger nerfs. Up until 5.0, Sorcs and Sages had been my main classes for 6 years. When 5.0 came along, Bioware made them useless for anything more than target practice. But if you really want to see first hand, go play one and then come back and tell me how OP they are.


Fifth, Snipers, Mercs and Mara’s have all had nerfs since 5.0. Yes they are strong classes, but they have weaknesses if you know how to exploit them. Unfortunately most people don’t. I do agree that snipers and Mercs could use a bit more fine tuning, but Mara’s are now ok since they had RA nerfed.


Sixth, What you need to understand is it’s impossible for Bioware to ever get every class balanced. Once you get your head around that, you can work out where your class stacks up in the list of the best class to play vs the worst to play in pvp. Honestly, if you become good, it doesn’t even matter what class you play because you can make all of them work. Excellent or expert players of their main class can make the weakest classes seem OP.


Seventh, premades vs full pug teams will have an advantage. If this is your issue, then make the thread about that. I’ve explained myself here already. It fairly obvious where I stand.


Eight, probably the biggest problem dogging pvp in regs is the lack of a match making system. ALL PVPer agree this is a problem and have said so over and over to Bioware. This is nothing new, go back and search and you will find threads only weeks ago discussing this. Bioware will have seen them, they just chose to ignore this problem, like they have for 6 years. Don’t expect this to be fixed. They just don’t care.


Nineth, Gingishans is hardly the first person to have those ideas in the last 6 years. He’s also been wrong on some of his assumptions. At least he was willing to listen to people here when he was wrong and concede that people knew what they were talking about. Maybe you should take a page out his book and concede you are flat out wrong with your conspiracy about mirror classes.


Tenth, we all hate pvpers leaving the game. But Bioware aren’t just driving pvpers away, they are driving everyone away with their dumb mistakes the last 3 years, culminating with 5.0-5.8 which drove most of the games population from the game in 15 months. It’s a problem, you won’t get any arguments from us about that,


Eleventh, there are plenty of ways Bioware can fix pvp, we’ve whole threads dedicated to them that give constructive feed back to them and aren’t rage threads. If you want to be taken seriously by the Devs, make construct threads that outline fixes or offer real suggestions.


Twelfth, I know of at least 60 dedicated (hardcore) pvpers who’ve left the game since 5.0 was released. My whole pvp guild left and so did my partner, who only ever used to pvp. Bioware know this, those people all gave reasons in the feed back section when they unsubscribed.


Thirteenth, Everything that’s happened since half way through 2016, should tell you EA just don’t give a crap about player retention (not sure Bioware do either). I do understand your frustration with that, but raging at them is pointless, they really aren’t listening. At the end of the day, EA pull the strings at Bioware and they have to dance to their tune. Yes, Bioware have made things much worse all by themselves, but if EA cared about player retention, they would have kept funding the game properly, wouldn’t have shut regional and west coast servers and would have stepped in when it was obvious the people running the game were actively driving players from the game with mistake after mistake.

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What this response shows us all is you don’t understand the classes or the game. I think that is the biggest issue here because you obviously don’t even know your own class.

The only difference between the two factions is animation and special effects of some abilities. Each side has “exactly” the same mirror class and spec. If you don’t believe us, go do some research online before you come here and QQ and tell people they aren’t intelligent.


We’ve all been pvping in this game for years (Lhance), some of us since launch. Most of us have one of each class on both factions. Some of us have one of every spec. Some of us have many of the same classes and specs. I personally have over 60 Alts and pretty much only pvp. I used to only lvl in pvp for 4-5 years until the merge.


I currently main my Guardian and Juggs on SS and SF. I’m also trying to get my Sage and Sorc to CXP 300 and I’m currently lvling another Gun Slinger. I stopped playing my Mara and Sent back in October when people complained about RA all of a sudden being too strong.

I’ve not really played my Merc or Commando since 5.0 launched. I’ve dabled with my Sin and Operative, but stealth feel bugged when you play with 260-300ms (not that they are). The only class I dont really play is PT/VG because I’ve never liked the feel of it. Bounty Hunters in my opinion should be more like Mercs (personal preference). That doesn’t mean I don’t have a few VG/PT Alts.


As you can see, I’ve at least one of every class, but in reality I have one of every spec. That is the only way you can know and anticipate what your enemy is doing or going to do. The best thing anyone can do to get better at pvp, is to learn all the main class abilities by playing them (even if it’s just 1 spec at first). When you do, you will realise just how wrong your statement is to Lhance and why all this QQ is for nothing. Hopefully you’ll apologise to him when you do.


The problem with pubs is faction imbalance in actual player numbers vs how many more people play Imps. In my experience, depending on server, it’s about a 3-5 v1 ratio. For every one Pub, there are 3-5 Imps on at the same time. This means they have a higher amount of good players in the queue at the same time. There are still plenty of bad players on both sides. But more and more good players are leaving or only playing in premades because they are fed up playing with people who are terrible. This is the main issue in reg pvp at the moment, too many extremely bad players (the worst this game has ever seen), and they actually out number the good-competent players for the first time in the history of the game. That makes good players in premades seem 100 times worse than theyve ever come across before.


IMO, and it’s controversial because we’ve always had premades without many problems, is that premades are what is really affecting pug teams the most. In the past this wasn’t really that much of an issue because there were still plenty of good pugs in the queue that could counter premades. This is no longer the case and premades should be limited in pug matches. There are lots of ways that could happen. Make a queue just for premades (doubtful this would happen), reduce the size a premade can be to just 2 (might work, but would be lots of QQ from people who only premade) or add some match making that balances premades against premades and limits them to 1 premade per team (probably the only solution that keeps everyone partially happy).


Back to your posts and this silly thread. You really should go research the classes, they are the same on both factions. And not insult people who actually know how to play the game. I also agree with Lhance, if you want better games, go play on SF, the pubs win there more often than the Imps.



I also have been playing PVP for many years and I am not going to get into all the classes I have and all that nonsense history. Sounds like you have already made up your mind on what the problems are. I agree to a point on some of what you have stated, but I still think that there is an unbalance on some of the classes and their abilities. In my mind dps should only be dps, nobody should not be able to do dps and heal at the same time. Also the rate of stun capabilities that some of the imps have is absolutely ridiculous.


Yes there is a definite unbalance in terms of groups/factions. When you constantly have premades with three healers consisting mostly of Maras/Mercs/Snipers living forever along with Sorcs and Operatives farming non-premade pvp groups, that makes for an unbalanced and boring in PVP. I mean why do they allow three healers on one team and none on the opposite teams? That simply makes No Sense to me. This is why pvp needs to change. If you want to be a premade group fine, but fight only other premade groups. Also, just because there may be lack of premade groups on pub side, Pub players are not as bad as you make them sound. I like how everybody blames the pubs and calls them lousy players. Perhaps I shall do some real research in the near future and show you in terms of stats exactly what I mean in terms of unbalance on some of the classes and abilities, but then what would be the point? because that would be argued and ignored as well.


Also it is not okay for someone to insult me, and then expect me to not reply back when I choose to do so. Attempting to dismiss what I am saying and then tell me to go and play on another server just because that other server may be better for pubs in pvp, is not the solution or answer to the problem I am trying to address here. So no I will not apologize and I also consider that an insult.

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It appears a secret buff was added to sorcs and a secret nerf was done to sages! Sorcs really are more powerful than sages! Apparently only an ingenius intellect such as Dowilla is privy to such hidden knowledge.




Yeah, one throws rocks and the other one electrocutes you ;)

Obviously electricity beats, rock and rock beats scissors.

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First, it’s not a theory about the mirror classes. ITS FACT. I can guarantee that because there is plenty of evidence (parsing) and documentation. I also have one of every mirror class and they are exactly the same.

If you disagree with this, prove it instead of just saying it’s so, I can provide pages and pages of evidence to support what I’m saying.


Second, if you see Sorcs putting out high DPS, it’s because they either know how to play and are probably better than you or the pubs you are playing with. (Like I said, Imps have way more better players than pubs because they have a bigger population). Or your team left them alone all match to free cast force storm or other AOEs. You will rarely see a Sorc be able to beat any other class (kill them) in a 1v1 unless they are much more skilled than their opponent, who needs to be terrible).


Third, if you are QQing about healing Sorcs, that’s a completely different issue.


Fourth, Sorcs (especially Lightning spec) have been nerfed over and over for 2 years to the point that they are more of an annoyance to most classes. The only thing they’ve had going for them is they are hard to kill “if” played correctly. But even that got nerfed last year. If you don’t believe me, go back through the patch notes for the last two years. When ever Bioware seem to give some buff to Sorcs, they take away more with bigger nerfs. Up until 5.0, Sorcs and Sages had been my main classes for 6 years. When 5.0 came along, Bioware made them useless for anything more than target practice. But if you really want to see first hand, go play one and then come back and tell me how OP they are.


Fifth, Snipers, Mercs and Mara’s have all had nerfs since 5.0. Yes they are strong classes, but they have weaknesses if you know how to exploit them. Unfortunately most people don’t. I do agree that snipers and Mercs could use a bit more fine tuning, but Mara’s are now ok since they had RA nerfed.


Sixth, What you need to understand is it’s impossible for Bioware to ever get every class balanced. Once you get your head around that, you can work out where your class stacks up in the list of the best class to play vs the worst to play in pvp. Honestly, if you become good, it doesn’t even matter what class you play because you can make all of them work. Excellent or expert players of their main class can make the weakest classes seem OP.


Seventh, premades vs full pug teams will have an advantage. If this is your issue, then make the thread about that. I’ve explained myself here already. It fairly obvious where I stand.


Eight, probably the biggest problem dogging pvp in regs is the lack of a match making system. ALL PVPer agree this is a problem and have said so over and over to Bioware. This is nothing new, go back and search and you will find threads only weeks ago discussing this. Bioware will have seen them, they just chose to ignore this problem, like they have for 6 years. Don’t expect this to be fixed. They just don’t care.


Nineth, Gingishans is hardly the first person to have those ideas in the last 6 years. He’s also been wrong on some of his assumptions. At least he was willing to listen to people here when he was wrong and concede that people knew what they were talking about. Maybe you should take a page out his book and concede you are flat out wrong with your conspiracy about mirror classes.


Tenth, we all hate pvpers leaving the game. But Bioware aren’t just driving pvpers away, they are driving everyone away with their dumb mistakes the last 3 years, culminating with 5.0-5.8 which drove most of the games population from the game in 15 months. It’s a problem, you won’t get any arguments from us about that,


Eleventh, there are plenty of ways Bioware can fix pvp, we’ve whole threads dedicated to them that give constructive feed back to them and aren’t rage threads. If you want to be taken seriously by the Devs, make construct threads that outline fixes or offer real suggestions.


Twelfth, I know of at least 60 dedicated (hardcore) pvpers who’ve left the game since 5.0 was released. My whole pvp guild left and so did my partner, who only ever used to pvp. Bioware know this, those people all gave reasons in the feed back section when they unsubscribed.


Thirteenth, Everything that’s happened since half way through 2016, should tell you EA just don’t give a crap about player retention (not sure Bioware do either). I do understand your frustration with that, but raging at them is pointless, they really aren’t listening. At the end of the day, EA pull the strings at Bioware and they have to dance to their tune. Yes, Bioware have made things much worse all by themselves, but if EA cared about player retention, they would have kept funding the game properly, wouldn’t have shut regional and west coast servers and would have stepped in when it was obvious the people running the game were actively driving players from the game with mistake after mistake.


I never indicated the mirror theory was Not A Fact. Just because I called it a theory, does not mean I am indicating it as something that is not factual.


Except for your fourth point about Sorcs and also your ninth point where you quote: At least he was willing to listen to people here when he was wrong and concede that people knew what they were talking about. Maybe you should take a page out his book and concede you are flat out wrong with your conspiracy about mirror classes.


Again I never said the mirror theory was some sort of conspiracy so please do not put words in my mouth. I have also conceded with much of what your saying so do not accuse me of not listening or indicate that in some way I am stating that you do not know what your talking about. If anything it is the other way around so do not tell me to stop being rude, and then act that way yourself.


On all other points I agree with what your saying especially on your point number 13 and I quote: "Everything that’s happened since half way through 2016, should tell you EA just don’t give a crap about player retention (not sure Bioware do either). I do understand your frustration with that, but raging at them is pointless, they really aren’t listening. At the end of the day, EA pull the strings at Bioware and they have to dance to their tune. Yes, Bioware have made things much worse all by themselves, but if EA cared about player retention, they would have kept funding the game properly, wouldn’t have shut regional and west coast servers and would have stepped in when it was obvious the people running the game were actively driving players from the game with mistake after mistake."


I am glad that you at least understand my frustration on this issue. Perhaps I shall write the devs directly themselves, as obviously posting on this forum is getting no where. I mean what is the point of even having a forum when the ideas and problems are not even being addressed by the devs themselves? Just another issue that makes no sense in Stwor.


Last but not least: In terms of Sage yes I agree with you that they have made them completely useless, as I also have an alt as a Sage. Use to be enjoyable to play not so much anymore.

Edited by Dowillia
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when will you people learn to recognize a troll and stop replying?


Just because I voice concerns over the game makes me a Troll? Not that I have to explain myself to you but please, use that head of yours and get over yourself. I am not a Troll.

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perhaps I shall write the devs directly themselves, as obviously posting on this forum is getting no where. I mean what is the point of even having a forum when the ideas and problems are not even being addressed by the devs themselves? Just another issue that makes no sense in Stwor.


Last but not least: In terms of Sage yes I agree with you that they have made them completely useless, as I also have an alt as a Sage. Use to be enjoyable to play not so much anymore.


You can try and write them a PM, there is always a chance, however slim, that they might listen to you when they’ve ignored everyone else.


I think you are cherry picking in that last statement. It should say “Sages and Sorcs”... as both are the same ;)

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Just because I voice concerns over the game makes me a Troll? Not that I have to explain myself to you but please, use that head of yours and get over yourself. I am not a Troll.

Please, use that head of yours and research the forums to uncover these very same topics you are criticizing and asking questions about, otherwise you are regarded as a troll.

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Snipers are the easiest class to global.... op auto loses with mentioning them in title.


Depends on the class you are on. A good sniper will beat an equally good Jugg. But a Fury Mara can global a sniper. A Lightning Sorc can’t global a sniper, but a Merc can if they have a clue on how to LoS,


It’s all relative based on player skill and class vs class.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Snipers are the easiest class to global.... op auto loses with mentioning them in title.



Depends on who the sniper is and who the op is. I personally have no issues vs snipers. Far from it. I find them rather easy to beat, with Marksmanship being the hardest to kill. Personal opinion, of course.

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Its Maras/Mercs/Snipers living forever along with Sorcs and Operatives in PVP Premade Groups doing the same routine over and over again farming pub players which ruins PVP and makes it boring. This is why pvp needs to change.


You all come up with as much EXCUSES as you want in terms of percentages, diagrams. statistics, frankly I dont give a ****. I have seen it all in PVP AND there is something NOT RIGHT about three snipers AND a COUPLE of Mercs being able to stun you for many seconds, heal their team and also have major defense screens, NOT to mention the DPS that is involved. This also goes for the SORCS DPS is way over in terms of STATS and they can also HEAL if they so choose. All that I can say is it must be NICE to be able to HAVE ALL THOSE ABILITIES FOLDED INTO ONE, WHEREAS AT THE SAME TIME, THE REPUBLICS ABILITIES GET NERFED as in COMMANDOS Healing and DPS AND SAGES Healing and DPS AND EVEN SENTS DPS. So basically when we do get a healer, even a real good one, there is NO *********** CHANCE, BECAUSE THEY are up against THREE OR FOUR other healers who can also stun you for several seconds, do dps on you, and when you try to fight back they ALSO HAVE DEFENSE SCREEN UP, (WOW MUST BE NICE. WISH I HAD THAT!) AND if all that do not do it, our Sages and Commandos with healing and some defensive abilities have been *********** NERFED. God only knows what happened to my defensive Guardian I have not checked her yet.


OH AND by the way just in case you did not know, DEFENSE SCREENS means you are unable to damage the person hiding behind it for as long as the DEFENSE SCREENS LAST..


HONESTLY WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR BRAIN? DO YOU HAVE ONE? I seriously question it at this point.


So please give ALL THE LAME EXCUSES you want to but I have witnessed in THE ******** IN PVP and from where I am looking, the IMPERIAL Snipers, Mercs and Sorcs have it WAY TO EASY and are exploiting the situation at the same time by making PRE MADE GROUPS and FARMING REPUBLICS as a result. This is A REAL PROBLEM and its also an UNFAIR PROBLEM made by the DEVS who must be PRO IMPERIAL or PRO STUPID. They need to FIX IT.


BE ASSURED the game is not going to be that much fun if all YOUR DOING is fighting other Imperials because that is WHERE THIS IS GOING. Without the TRUE JEDI which are in fact Pubs, the game is dead. FIX IT AND STOP *********** NERFING THE LIGHT SIDE.


Also for any or all negative comments, NO, I am not a troll. I do PVP all the time. If your comments cannot be productive and if your a one sided imperial, I do not care, because it was not meant for you in the first place. Ya know it must be nice to have all those abilities huh? So easy to win because it is the only way you can.


Again I repeat myself: Its Maras/Mercs/Snipers living forever along with Sorcs and Operatives in PVP Premade Groups doing the same routine over and over again farming pub players which makes it boring and very unbalanced in PVP. This is why pvp needs to change.


Gingishan posted some good points about this issue. Here is the link:




You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out!


In the meantime Congratulations! Good way to kill the game itself.


Mad Cuz Bad. So much.

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Depends on who the sniper is and who the op is. I personally have no issues vs snipers. Far from it. I find them rather easy to beat, with Marksmanship being the hardest to kill. Personal opinion, of course.


And there are so many FOTM snipers around who can’t play their class. ;)

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And there are so many FOTM snipers around who can’t play their class. ;)


Honestly, anything that has a reflect and/or that can make them waste energy on re positioning the plasma probe a lot, is a detriment for Engineer Snipers.

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Its Maras/Mercs/Snipers living forever along with Sorcs and Operatives in PVP Premade Groups doing the same routine over and over again farming pub players which ruins PVP and makes it boring. This is why pvp needs to change.


You all come up with as much EXCUSES as you want in terms of percentages, diagrams. statistics, frankly I dont give a ****. I have seen it all in PVP AND there is something NOT RIGHT about three snipers AND a COUPLE of Mercs being able to stun you for many seconds, heal their team and also have major defense screens, NOT to mention the DPS that is involved. This also goes for the SORCS DPS is way over in terms of STATS and they can also HEAL if they so choose. All that I can say is it must be NICE to be able to HAVE ALL THOSE ABILITIES FOLDED INTO ONE, WHEREAS AT THE SAME TIME, THE REPUBLICS ABILITIES GET NERFED as in COMMANDOS Healing and DPS AND SAGES Healing and DPS AND EVEN SENTS DPS. So basically when we do get a healer, even a real good one, there is NO *********** CHANCE, BECAUSE THEY are up against THREE OR FOUR other healers who can also stun you for several seconds, do dps on you, and when you try to fight back they ALSO HAVE DEFENSE SCREEN UP, (WOW MUST BE NICE. WISH I HAD THAT!) AND if all that do not do it, our Sages and Commandos with healing and some defensive abilities have been *********** NERFED. God only knows what happened to my defensive Guardian I have not checked her yet.


OH AND by the way just in case you did not know, DEFENSE SCREENS means you are unable to damage the person hiding behind it for as long as the DEFENSE SCREENS LAST..


HONESTLY WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR BRAIN? DO YOU HAVE ONE? I seriously question it at this point.


So please give ALL THE LAME EXCUSES you want to but I have witnessed in THE ******** IN PVP and from where I am looking, the IMPERIAL Snipers, Mercs and Sorcs have it WAY TO EASY and are exploiting the situation at the same time by making PRE MADE GROUPS and FARMING REPUBLICS as a result. This is A REAL PROBLEM and its also an UNFAIR PROBLEM made by the DEVS who must be PRO IMPERIAL or PRO STUPID. They need to FIX IT.


BE ASSURED the game is not going to be that much fun if all YOUR DOING is fighting other Imperials because that is WHERE THIS IS GOING. Without the TRUE JEDI which are in fact Pubs, the game is dead. FIX IT AND STOP *********** NERFING THE LIGHT SIDE.


Also for any or all negative comments, NO, I am not a troll. I do PVP all the time. If your comments cannot be productive and if your a one sided imperial, I do not care, because it was not meant for you in the first place. Ya know it must be nice to have all those abilities huh? So easy to win because it is the only way you can.


Again I repeat myself: Its Maras/Mercs/Snipers living forever along with Sorcs and Operatives in PVP Premade Groups doing the same routine over and over again farming pub players which makes it boring and very unbalanced in PVP. This is why pvp needs to change.


Gingishan posted some good points about this issue. Here is the link:




You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out!


In the meantime Congratulations! Good way to kill the game itself.


He isn't wrong. ive seen exactly what he's dealing with and its frustrating. I don't even suck and geared right.

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Its Maras/Mercs/Snipers living forever along with Sorcs and Operatives in PVP Premade Groups doing the same routine over and over again farming pub players which ruins PVP and makes it boring. This is why pvp needs to change.


You all come up with as much EXCUSES as you want in terms of percentages, diagrams. statistics, frankly I dont give a ****. I have seen it all in PVP AND there is something NOT RIGHT about three snipers AND a COUPLE of Mercs being able to stun you for many seconds, heal their team and also have major defense screens, NOT to mention the DPS that is involved. This also goes for the SORCS DPS is way over in terms of STATS and they can also HEAL if they so choose. All that I can say is it must be NICE to be able to HAVE ALL THOSE ABILITIES FOLDED INTO ONE, WHEREAS AT THE SAME TIME, THE REPUBLICS ABILITIES GET NERFED as in COMMANDOS Healing and DPS AND SAGES Healing and DPS AND EVEN SENTS DPS. So basically when we do get a healer, even a real good one, there is NO *********** CHANCE, BECAUSE THEY are up against THREE OR FOUR other healers who can also stun you for several seconds, do dps on you, and when you try to fight back they ALSO HAVE DEFENSE SCREEN UP, (WOW MUST BE NICE. WISH I HAD THAT!) AND if all that do not do it, our Sages and Commandos with healing and some defensive abilities have been *********** NERFED. God only knows what happened to my defensive Guardian I have not checked her yet.


OH AND by the way just in case you did not know, DEFENSE SCREENS means you are unable to damage the person hiding behind it for as long as the DEFENSE SCREENS LAST..


HONESTLY WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR BRAIN? DO YOU HAVE ONE? I seriously question it at this point.


So please give ALL THE LAME EXCUSES you want to but I have witnessed in THE ******** IN PVP and from where I am looking, the IMPERIAL Snipers, Mercs and Sorcs have it WAY TO EASY and are exploiting the situation at the same time by making PRE MADE GROUPS and FARMING REPUBLICS as a result. This is A REAL PROBLEM and its also an UNFAIR PROBLEM made by the DEVS who must be PRO IMPERIAL or PRO STUPID. They need to FIX IT.


BE ASSURED the game is not going to be that much fun if all YOUR DOING is fighting other Imperials because that is WHERE THIS IS GOING. Without the TRUE JEDI which are in fact Pubs, the game is dead. FIX IT AND STOP *********** NERFING THE LIGHT SIDE.


Also for any or all negative comments, NO, I am not a troll. I do PVP all the time. If your comments cannot be productive and if your a one sided imperial, I do not care, because it was not meant for you in the first place. Ya know it must be nice to have all those abilities huh? So easy to win because it is the only way you can.


Again I repeat myself: Its Maras/Mercs/Snipers living forever along with Sorcs and Operatives in PVP Premade Groups doing the same routine over and over again farming pub players which makes it boring and very unbalanced in PVP. This is why pvp needs to change.


Gingishan posted some good points about this issue. Here is the link:




You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out!


In the meantime Congratulations! Good way to kill the game itself.




First problem: trying to play Pubs in PvP. Most pubs are just idiots when it comes to PvP, sorry.


Second: Mercs, Snipers, and Maras don't live forever if you kill the healer and LEARN 2 PLAY!


TL;DR --> You need to L2P and "git gud" because pub side isn't underpowered when compared to imp side. Imp side just knows how to play the game, unlike 99.9999% of pubs.



Wanted to add a little EDIT: I run in premades with my guild all the time because frankly, playing without a premade is the worst experience for a veteran PvP player. I want to play with players who actually know how to play and will heal me, dps targets I'm on (LIKE THE ENEMY HEALER OR HEALERS), and play the objective and win. My Guildies know how to do all of those, unlike every pug group. Every group is either full of noobs, people who are wearing gear from level 30, people who don't know how to play their class/fight other classes, people who don't play the objective, etc. Imp side is just as guilty of having the bad PvP players as pub side is. The thing is, a lot of the veteran PvP players play on Imp side instead of pub side. Pub side has basically no good PvP players who play on it, so the entire pub side PvP population is filled with baddies. However, my L2P statement still stands. If you want to L2P, there's always someone out there to help. Hell, you can contact me on Star Forge if you want and I can try to give tips on how to play (I only play on Imp Side). See my sig for my mains if you wanna talk.

Edited by themasterofevil
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