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I genuinely can't believe how bad faction balance is on every server.


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At end-game, there is literally zero (non-cosmetic) difference between the factions, so why is it like this?


Player Psychology.


Empire is overall better and its clear that developers have seemingly put more effort into that faction...


From class stories to cosmetics, animation and overall feeling imp is just better.


And one of the major reasons is that in star wars games we never had the chance to create characters in the "bad" faction before. I am pretty confident that Empire had more players since day 1.


In previous games were always some Jedi who could make dark side choices. That's it.


I believe that as well. SWTOR was the very first game in which you are able to role-play an Empire-sided character at all.


There are so many games now favouring the dark side of Star Wars that we actually know the military side of the Empire oh so much better and in oh so much more detail than the military of the Rebellion.


The only exception to this is the Old Republic. Which had ended with The Emperor's rise to power.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Could be the stories but that's subjective.


For me the only remotly interesting LS story is the JC and not many like it. The others I find just average with smuggler at the bottom of my list, although Trooper does have my fav romance with Aric but i havent been inclined to run another through since the monthly chapters ended since Arics had zero content.


Impside the only story I really find to be just average is the Sith Warrior story, the others are quite interesting in their own ways.


Whenever I consider which class stories I really want to replay. Pubside stories don't register often compaired to impside


I hear you. The pub side stories are just painful. I did enjoy the JC story, but I don't think I need to play it again. The other three are just awful.

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That is why I put "at end-game". The stories are different and that matters to some people. After chapter 4, the stories are not different, so that isn't a factor any more.


Yes, but you have to get to that Chapter 5, and you might not want to do that in a faction or story you dislike.


In addition to the storie and companions, the lower-level solo flashpoints (Foundry, Black Talon) and planetary quests are way more fun than their Republic counterparts.


The abilities on Imperial side are more fun, too. JC gets to throw rocks. SI gets to throw lightning...

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I'm just going to assume that nobody here plays on Satele Shan, because you'd know how bad it is if you did play on this server. Tython averages 30 players at peak hours. Korriban averages over 100.


Starting planets don't count here. lol They've already stated that most don't make it past level 10. lol


As for the whole argument, it might just depend on who is in what mood to play what? Or what night different guilds/friends have things running.

WoW has faction imbalances too. All the young kids & goody two shoes play Alliance thinking they're all that & a bag of chips. (At least they did when I played. They were the immature ones of the game most of the time.)


Pub in this game has weak stories for sure. Also all the kids want to be sith, like Anakin/Darth Vader. Animations are cooler. lol Lightning vs throwing some pebbles...yeah lightning wins that. lol


For me I played only Pub for the first year or two. Then I finally rolled Imp. Now I have almost equal amount of each. But I do get more activity on the Imp side. Granked pops more there, Ops happen more often. But that could be a major factor of guilds too. More Pubs stick to their guilds, while Imps are unguilded or don't mind running Pugs as much...too many factors to really say.

But there is NOTHING BW can do other than cross server of which they said will NEVER happen. Or cross faction to which I vehemently say NO too.

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Starting planets don't count here. lol They've already stated that most don't make it past level 10. lol


As for the whole argument, it might just depend on who is in what mood to play what? Or what night different guilds/friends have things running.

WoW has faction imbalances too. All the young kids & goody two shoes play Alliance thinking they're all that & a bag of chips. (At least they did when I played. They were the immature ones of the game most of the time.)


Pub in this game has weak stories for sure. Also all the kids want to be sith, like Anakin/Darth Vader. Animations are cooler. lol Lightning vs throwing some pebbles...yeah lightning wins that. lol


For me I played only Pub for the first year or two. Then I finally rolled Imp. Now I have almost equal amount of each. But I do get more activity on the Imp side. Granked pops more there, Ops happen more often. But that could be a major factor of guilds too. More Pubs stick to their guilds, while Imps are unguilded or don't mind running Pugs as much...too many factors to really say.

But there is NOTHING BW can do other than cross server of which they said will NEVER happen. Or cross faction to which I vehemently say NO too.


They can make a Faction Transfer option that allows a player to convert their Imp toons into their Pub-side counterparts (I.E an Operative into a Scoundrel).

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I resent any implication that most imps are in it because they're kiddies or edgelords (only the imp fleet and DK trolls could be considered as such). There are almost zero games out there that allow you to play what would be considered the "bad guy" side, the imp LS stories are very well-written (unlike DS pubs, which are really not that dark at all), the imp-side animations are widely believed to be more awesome than their pub counterparts, the fashion on the imp-side alone is completely skewed in their favor, you can sort of play the imp side as an agent of the republic if you choose, you can kill other imperials almost at will, and the "main" NPCs for the imp side are a lot better (more interesting) than their pub brethren.


Everything is subjective, but almost any category that you want to use to judge on quality will tilt towards the imp side. As someone said upthread--it's very apparent if you're paying attention that the devs spent much more quality time developing the imp side than the pub side.

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I resent any implication that most imps are in it because they're kiddies or edgelords (only the imp fleet and DK trolls could be considered as such). There are almost zero games out there that allow you to play what would be considered the "bad guy" side, the imp LS stories are very well-written (unlike DS pubs, which are really not that dark at all), the imp-side animations are widely believed to be more awesome than their pub counterparts, the fashion on the imp-side alone is completely skewed in their favor, you can sort of play the imp side as an agent of the republic if you choose, you can kill other imperials almost at will, and the "main" NPCs for the imp side are a lot better (more interesting) than their pub brethren.


Everything is subjective, but almost any category that you want to use to judge on quality will tilt towards the imp side. As someone said upthread--it's very apparent if you're paying attention that the devs spent much more quality time developing the imp side than the pub side.


I don't know, I got the impression that the JK storyline was intended to be the "main" storyline, the one they spent the most time on.

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They can make a Faction Transfer option that allows a player to convert their Imp toons into their Pub-side counterparts (I.E an Operative into a Scoundrel).


That won't ever happen because of vanilla story and companions. If you "defected" your default companions would have to change. Not to mention they'd have to write up a whole new storyline for each of the classes.

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That won't ever happen because of vanilla story and companions. If you "defected" your default companions would have to change. Not to mention they'd have to write up a whole new storyline for each of the classes.


No, you just wipe the slate clean. Your character keeps their levels, equipment, money, etc, but they have to start the entire storyline over.

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No, you just wipe the slate clean. Your character keeps their levels, equipment, money, etc, but they have to start the entire storyline over.

Good luck with that...they already sell the insta 70 token...they're not going to do anything to harm that revenue stream.

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No, you just wipe the slate clean. Your character keeps their levels, equipment, money, etc, but they have to start the entire storyline over.


They can't get conquest right. They can't balance PvP and PvE. And you expect them to be able to do that? You sure have a lot of faith. I put more faith in Wile E. Coyote (super genius) and his Acme items. Or if you'd prefer a WoW reference: Goblin Jumper Cables.

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They can't get conquest right. They can't balance PvP and PvE. And you expect them to be able to do that? You sure have a lot of faith. I put more faith in Wile E. Coyote (super genius) and his Acme items. Or if you'd prefer a WoW reference: Goblin Jumper Cables.
The Goblin Jumper Cables (or better yet, Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife) actually has a reasonably high success rate. Certainly a lot more reliable than Bioware's QA for this game.
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I don't know, I got the impression that the JK storyline was intended to be the "main" storyline, the one they spent the most time on.


From the perspective from SOR onwards, yes.


TBH I haven't felt like my JK was even written very well for KOTFE/ET. I assumed JK and/or SW would be the best but they have been very disappointing. Only on my Sorc does it even kind of make any sense.

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I resent any implication that most imps are in it because they're kiddies or edgelords (only the imp fleet and DK trolls could be considered as such). There are almost zero games out there that allow you to play what would be considered the "bad guy" side, the imp LS stories are very well-written (unlike DS pubs, which are really not that dark at all), the imp-side animations are widely believed to be more awesome than their pub counterparts, the fashion on the imp-side alone is completely skewed in their favor, you can sort of play the imp side as an agent of the republic if you choose, you can kill other imperials almost at will, and the "main" NPCs for the imp side are a lot better (more interesting) than their pub brethren.


Everything is subjective, but almost any category that you want to use to judge on quality will tilt towards the imp side. As someone said upthread--it's very apparent if you're paying attention that the devs spent much more quality time developing the imp side than the pub side.


ITA. Sure, you have the edgelords who want to do as much sick disgusting stuff to the NPCs as they can and gank other players and the whole nine yards, but you have that Republic side, too.


I feel like the Imperial side is far more nuanced and that you have a lot more people there who are considering the true implications of what they do and shades of gray and lots of different perspectives. Whereas Republic seems to be a very simplistic JEDI GOOD!! SITH BAD!! mindset a lot of the time, even though the Republic engages in all sorts of shady things (genocide, subjugating others, corruption) too.


I think that both the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior were meant to be the main stories; opposite sides of the same coin. One ends the class story defeating the Emperor; one ends the class story as the Emperor's champion.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Maybe what they should do is keep a running tally of imp and pub toons, and no one can make any more of one until everyone's made enough of the other to even it out.


I have an equal number of Imp and Pub characters, but that doesn't mean I play them equally. Not to mention you'd be unduly punishing new players or those who want alts to play through the story of another faction.

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Maybe what they should do is keep a running tally of imp and pub toons, and no one can make any more of one until everyone's made enough of the other to even it out.


Don't give them any ideas. Their "intended way" is already proving to be idiotic. Something like that would be putting the final nail in the coffin for a lot of people.

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Internet tough guys think it's good to be bad. Too few think it's hip to be square. Suddenly I want to start a cover band where the gag is I sing Huey Lewis songs while wearing a bad comb-over wig and orange-crush body toner and call my group Huey Lewis and the Fake News.


Huey, I agree. Let me know when tickets go on sale.

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Well for me most of the best stories in the game are imp. The imp stories provide great lore and backround info on the dark side that is really fascinating . Also, the first story arc I finished was a LS Sith Warrior. So I guess I'm a little sentimental there. But mechanics-wise the Sith toons overall have better animations(Although dirty kick gets me laughing anytime). Also the Pub heroics in general are badley designed imo. I don't know how people with pub mains get through doing pub alderaan more then once. Also you have to admit all the variations of the Sith Empire Music theme are pretty awesome to listen too.
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-_- you do realize those imps does have pubs toons too....anyone can just log out and log in to each faction under a few seconds.


What now? Please Bioware, put debuff every time someone stay too long in one faction? As if 17 hours of LS alignments isn't enough?

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