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Comcast + SWTOR = Lag


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I ran some more WinMTR tonight. Overall tonight wasn't too bad except for one period that started around 10:20PM EST and lasted until almost 11PM I think. Otherwise just smaller spikes to the 100s or 200s. The first WinMTR I ran was without the game running. I just wanted to see if I was pinging it normally while not on the game. I don't know if that matters but here it is anyway. No packet loss, good average ms:




| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 1377 | 1377 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 16 |

| - 0 | 1377 | 1377 | 7 | 11 | 48 | 8 |

|xe-0-3-3-sur02.macomb.mi.michigan.comcast.net - 0 | 1377 | 1377 | 7 | 12 | 58 | 10 |

|be-39-ar02.pontiac.mi.michigan.comcast.net - 0 | 1377 | 1377 | 9 | 13 | 40 | 12 |

| ae2.bar1.Detroit1.Level3.net - 0 | 1377 | 1377 | 10 | 15 | 56 | 17 |

| No response from host - 100 | 276 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| - 0 | 1377 | 1377 | 26 | 64 | 152 | 90 |

| - 0 | 1377 | 1377 | 24 | 29 | 76 | 25 |

| - 0 | 1377 | 1377 | 23 | 30 | 71 | 26 |

| - 0 | 1377 | 1377 | 21 | 28 | 56 | 24 |


WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider




Second one I ran was while I was in the game but wasn't having the spiking problem. It stayed around 30ms mostly, sometimes going up to 50 or 60 but it was all good. Again no packet loss, looks pretty similar to the one when I'm not running the game:




| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 1045 | 1045 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 0 |

| - 0 | 1045 | 1045 | 7 | 11 | 28 | 11 |

|xe-0-3-3-sur02.macomb.mi.michigan.comcast.net - 0 | 1045 | 1045 | 8 | 13 | 50 | 15 |

|be-39-ar02.pontiac.mi.michigan.comcast.net - 0 | 1045 | 1045 | 9 | 14 | 32 | 11 |

| ae2.bar1.Detroit1.Level3.net - 0 | 1045 | 1045 | 10 | 15 | 50 | 19 |

| No response from host - 100 | 209 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| - 0 | 1045 | 1045 | 74 | 108 | 197 | 94 |

| - 0 | 1045 | 1045 | 23 | 29 | 62 | 28 |

| - 0 | 1045 | 1045 | 23 | 29 | 89 | 26 |

| - 0 | 1045 | 1045 | 22 | 28 | 54 | 26 |


WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider




Third one I started as soon as I noticed my in-game latency was "settling" at 50-60ms. I've noticed when it starts rising from 20-30 and then staying at anywhere between 50-150 it usually means the spikes are starting. So I turned it on when I noticed this. During this time I got lots of spikes between 500-600 and then some over 2000. Lots of bouncing down to two bars or the one red dot:




| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 1568 | 1568 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 0 |

| - 0 | 1568 | 1568 | 7 | 11 | 26 | 11 |

|xe-0-3-3-sur02.macomb.mi.michigan.comcast.net - 0 | 1568 | 1568 | 7 | 12 | 51 | 16 |

|be-39-ar02.pontiac.mi.michigan.comcast.net - 0 | 1568 | 1568 | 9 | 13 | 31 | 12 |

| ae2.bar1.Detroit1.Level3.net - 0 | 1568 | 1568 | 10 | 14 | 38 | 14 |

| No response from host - 100 | 314 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| - 0 | 1568 | 1568 | 34 | 86 | 203 | 67 |

| - 6 | 1293 | 1224 | 34 | 111 | 150 | 125 |

| - 7 | 1259 | 1181 | 34 | 112 | 249 | 125 |

| - 6 | 1269 | 1194 | 29 | 110 | 150 | 125 |


WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider




So that's when I started getting packet loss at the EA servers. No packet loss prior to reaching them. Also notice the average ms is quite a lot higher for all three than when I'm not spiking. All I did during the time I was running both the in-game ones were class missions on Balmorra.

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All I did during the time I was running both the in-game ones were class missions on Balmorra.


Just wanted to point out that what you're doing in game doesn't seem to affect this issue really. I can be by myself in my SH and just chatting with friends and getting the Dread Red X. So running missions/fleet/etc. doesn't matter. You can be staring at a brick wall all by yourself and your ping be bouncing all over the place.


As for the suggestion of checking cabling (can't remem who suggested it) or asking if a Comcast customer--I am a webmaster of multiple websites and I do a lot of freelance graphics work (and some other things). Point is, I use my connection CONSTANTLY. I am used to moving huge videos and images to and from various people/companies besides my other stuff I do--having the game running, listening to music, documentaries and the like. And I do this all on a Comcast connection. This issue is NEW, and started with 5.8. It is also affecting people all across the country and on multiple networks. It is NOT us, or our equipment.

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Just wanted to point out that what you're doing in game doesn't seem to affect this issue really. I can be by myself in my SH and just chatting with friends and getting the Dread Red X. So running missions/fleet/etc. doesn't matter. You can be staring at a brick wall all by yourself and your ping be bouncing all over the place.


As for the suggestion of checking cabling (can't remem who suggested it) or asking if a Comcast customer--I am a webmaster of multiple websites and I do a lot of freelance graphics work (and some other things). Point is, I use my connection CONSTANTLY. I am used to moving huge videos and images to and from various people/companies besides my other stuff I do--having the game running, listening to music, documentaries and the like. And I do this all on a Comcast connection. This issue is NEW, and started with 5.8. It is also affecting people all across the country and on multiple networks. It is NOT us, or our equipment.


+1 for this. It is NOT a problem on the consumers side. This has been pretty much confirmed at this point its a problem with EA servers.

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If you're experiencing issues with your ISP, and your home network is setup properly, it's likely a router between you and BW servers that is the culprit. The only way you're going to be able to address the issue is to do some basic troubleshooting on your own, and then provide that information to both your ISP (Comcast) and/or Bioware tech support. For those who are not IT savvy, here's how:


You can generally use NSLOOKUP in your CMD prompt (be sure to run as administrator) to translate domain names such as http://www.swtor.com into an IP address. In this case for looking up a server IP, you'd want to use NETSTAT. The specific command arguments would be NETSTAT -n - p TCP -b | more. You need to already be IN the game when you run that command, otherwise you'll ping the login server instead. To save some of you some time, the IP for Satele Shan I see is (class B network).


Once you know the server IP addy, you can run a trace route in your CMD prompt to determine which router along the path is potentially causing you problems. The syntax to use in your CMD prompt is TRACERT, which in this example is the IP that NETSTAT returned for me. You'll see the hops displayed in milliseconds. If any are inordinately long, like 200-300 ms or more, that is likely where the connection problem is occurring and you can report that to your ISP and Bioware. Keep in mind that if there is a problem with a specific router along your path, your ISP may not own that router and may not be able to resolve the issue for you. Also note that if you see any hops timing out, that's usually because that specific router is not broadcasting its IP address, meaning it's private.


If you don't see any issues in TRACERT, then you need to consider potential issues within your home network setup. Are you using a combination modem/router provided by Comcast (which is what they tend to give you because most customers are not network technicians and don't know how to properly setup their own routers)? If so, you won't be able to configure that router without their help, and even if you do, you'll lose any configurations whenever they swap out your equipment (which is often their solution for issues with your modem/router). My recommendation would be to only use their modem and to go out and buy our own (wireless) router. If you use your own router, you need to setup port forwarding for SWTOR. If you don't know which ports to open, here's the link: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-ports/. You'll need to refer to your specific router manufacturer's instructions on how to access your router's GUI to configure port forwarding. For example, for Linksys routers, you'd type in the web browser of your PC/laptop that's connected to the router.


Hope that helps.


Or you know it could just be a problem with SWTOR SERVERS since 5.8 released. Why would you even need to setup port forwarding if you can already login and play swtor lol. I'm not buying that it's on my end.. I've been networking since windows 95 on 28.8k dial up modem my friend. Matter of fact I've had better pings playing quake 1 lmao. It's just this game, no other game, app, or service does this. This problem hasn't started for me, since 5.8. I've been playing since beta access 7 years ago.


it usually only happens during around prime-time hours.. so my bet is it has something to do with server load and the amount of players on the server causing congestion etc.


update: testing this morning , 10:00am cst.. my ping stays smooth between 50-80ms, stays at full bars no dips or lag. if it was a bad router on your way to the game server, this ping would be a problem at all hours of the day but it is not, for most at least.

Edited by SaerethDL
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Just wanted to point out that what you're doing in game doesn't seem to affect this issue really. I can be by myself in my SH and just chatting with friends and getting the Dread Red X. So running missions/fleet/etc. doesn't matter. You can be staring at a brick wall all by yourself and your ping be bouncing all over the place.


As for the suggestion of checking cabling (can't remem who suggested it) or asking if a Comcast customer--I am a webmaster of multiple websites and I do a lot of freelance graphics work (and some other things). Point is, I use my connection CONSTANTLY. I am used to moving huge videos and images to and from various people/companies besides my other stuff I do--having the game running, listening to music, documentaries and the like. And I do this all on a Comcast connection. This issue is NEW, and started with 5.8. It is also affecting people all across the country and on multiple networks. It is NOT us, or our equipment.


To clarify, the OP suggests there is something specific to Comcast. That's the reason for asking for the tracert. But yes, it's very clear that from time to time something goes wacky at EA and causes lag spikes for certain users. I'm just not sure it's "comcast" per se that's the problem.


To add, I very briefly logged in last night - about 45 min. Did a bunch of lowbie PvP (pubs was dominating for once!) and some SH deco stuff. No issues noted. For the record, I did see a significant spike in lag immediately post-merge, but that's largely resolved for a while now. I can only attribute that to server optimizations that Keith said they needed a bit fo time for, and it looks like they helped. So again, this could be something wonky with the last patch...

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Here is a guildies tracert


1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms

3 12 ms 7 ms 8 ms

4 8 ms 8 ms 9 ms []

5 10 ms 10 ms 27 ms []

6 11 ms 10 ms 11 ms []

7 * * * Request timed out.

8 14 ms 15 ms 14 ms

9 20 ms 14 ms 14 ms

10 15 ms 13 ms 14 ms

11 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms

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I would recommend MX Toolbox to do a lookup. You can lookup ARIN information, PTR records, everything to get you on the right track of where the jumps are failing or lagging out.


For example, using one of the IPs above, is a Level 3 address.


OrgName: Level 3 Parent, LLC

OrgId: LPL-141

Address: 100 CenturyLink Drive

City: Monroe

StateProv: LA

PostalCode: 71203


So, if you hit a point where the traceroute suddenly goes astronomical between one jump or another, you'll be able to make an educated guess where the tracert is failing and between which areas.




I have no idea what you mean here.

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Ran pingplotter for a long time tonight, even when I wasn't on. Didn't have any super bad spikes tonight but looking at the graph there were definitely some worse periods and a bit of packet loss.


Image 1: https://i.imgur.com/3ojHYl0.png

This is when I started it. Times at the bottom of the graph are EST time. This is my "normal". Things run well when it's like this.


Image 2: https://i.imgur.com/NnN3VgG.png

This was the first "spike" of the night but it wasn't a bad one at all.


Image 3: https://i.imgur.com/MvOOwnT.png

This was the next spike, this one was worse with some packet loss (the red line).


Image 4: https://i.imgur.com/4onEV2I.png

Next spike. More packet loss.


Image 5: https://i.imgur.com/opsMiN4.png

This just shows the last spike ending and going back to normal.


Image 6: https://i.imgur.com/hEQgXay.png

This is the last part before I stopped it.

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For giggles I did a little bit of admittedly unscientific speed testing tonight to Maryland since several have said the servers are in the MD/DC area. I picked Baltimore at random since I figured it would be the most congested area, and ran a series of tests on various networks in the area. I streamed (simultaneously) HD video from Amazon Prime, Netflix and Youtube and streamed music from Spotify, with SWTOR running. I maintained a 250Mbps dl and a 30Mbps upload across the various networks, with a roughly 30 - 33ms latency. No stuttering in any of the streams. SWTOR is the only thing giving me issues.
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For giggles I did a little bit of admittedly unscientific speed testing tonight to Maryland since several have said the servers are in the MD/DC area. I picked Baltimore at random since I figured it would be the most congested area, and ran a series of tests on various networks in the area. I streamed (simultaneously) HD video from Amazon Prime, Netflix and Youtube and streamed music from Spotify, with SWTOR running. I maintained a 250Mbps dl and a 30Mbps upload across the various networks, with a roughly 30 - 33ms latency. No stuttering in any of the streams. SWTOR is the only thing giving me issues.


I believe the servers are in Virginia... since that has been a server base of operations for EA since at least the time when they purchased Mythic.


You cannot compare the pathway to the servers with any randomly picked city on the east coast though. Why? Because you literally have no control over the hop points to/from server unless you are using some sort of VPN or accelerator application. I personally (from the west coast) have never seen a pingplotter readout to the servers on the east coast that ran through Baltimore for example. Not that it could not happen.. I have just never seen it so far.


As an AT&T customer.... I have seen issues randomly from time to time to the SWTOR servers.. but when I did.. it has so far always been a congestion point inside California... so clearly nothing on the server end of things.


Note: I am in no way saying people are not having issues here.. only that your particular experiment does not serve to provide any clarity. Nor do the..." it only started with 5.8 so it MUST be the servers" meme that is popular at the moment. That does not mean, by itself, that it is a server side issue....... as there are a number of variables that can and will affect this sort of things. It could very well be that when they restart the servers, connection variables to the internet may be different then before.. and this may or may not be something caused.. or it may just be an observable effect. There is also some sort of login-server interlock that takes place as well.. and I believe the login-servers are located in a different place entirely (could be in Redwood City, CA for example). Why would there be any sort of login-server interlock you ask? For things like... they ban an account and they need the servers to immediately boot the offender for one.. and I am sure there are others as well.

Edited by Andryah
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You cannot compare the pathway to the servers with any randomly picked city on the east coast though. Why? Because you literally have no control over the hop points to/from server unless you are using some sort of VPN or accelerator application. I personally (from the west coast) have never seen a pingplotter readout to the servers on the east coast that ran through Baltimore for example. Not that it could not happen.. I have just never seen it so far.


As an AT&T customer.... I have seen issues randomly from time to time to the SWTOR servers.. but when I did.. it has so far always been a congestion point inside California... so clearly nothing on the server end of things.


I specifically stated in my opening sentence it was an unscientific experiment. It was more a test of the stability of my own speeds/ISP under load. I picked a random city in that (believed) state with heavy traffic. And, as I figured, my Internet connection proved capable. Except for SWTOR. Which is intriguing, and telling.


Note: I am in no way saying people are not having issues here.. only that your particular experiment does not serve to provide any clarity. Nor do the..." it only started with 5.8 so it MUST be the servers" meme that is popular at the moment. That does not mean, by itself, that it is a server side issue....... as there are a number of variables that can and will affect this sort of things. It could very well be that when they restart the servers, connection variables to the internet may be different then before.. and this may or may not be something caused.. or it may just be an observable effect. There is also some sort of login-server interlock that takes place as well.. and I believe the login-servers are located in a different place entirely (could be in Redwood City, CA for example). Why would there be any sort of login-server interlock you ask? For things like... they ban an account and they need the servers to immediately boot the offender for one.. and I am sure there are others as well.


A large number of people saying an issue started with a certain patch is in no way a meme, unless you're attempting to use the base definition of the word (which I doubt, most people don't know what it means). The rest of your post in itself would have been fine if you hadn't attempted to toss out the idea that we are all lemmings jumping on a "5.8 is bad" bandwagon. That statement alone makes me question why you even bothered to post, if it was to actually be helpful or if it was to be argumentative for arguing's sake.

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I believe the servers are in Virginia... since that has been a server base of operations for EA since at least the time when they purchased Mythic.


You cannot compare the pathway to the servers with any randomly picked city on the east coast though. Why? Because you literally have no control over the hop points to/from server unless you are using some sort of VPN or accelerator application. I personally (from the west coast) have never seen a pingplotter readout to the servers on the east coast that ran through Baltimore for example. Not that it could not happen.. I have just never seen it so far.


As an AT&T customer.... I have seen issues randomly from time to time to the SWTOR servers.. but when I did.. it has so far always been a congestion point inside California... so clearly nothing on the server end of things.


Note: I am in no way saying people are not having issues here.. only that your particular experiment does not serve to provide any clarity. Nor do the..." it only started with 5.8 so it MUST be the servers" meme that is popular at the moment. That does not mean, by itself, that it is a server side issue....... as there are a number of variables that can and will affect this sort of things. It could very well be that when they restart the servers, connection variables to the internet may be different then before.. and this may or may not be something caused.. or it may just be an observable effect. There is also some sort of login-server interlock that takes place as well.. and I believe the login-servers are located in a different place entirely (could be in Redwood City, CA for example). Why would there be any sort of login-server interlock you ask? For things like... they ban an account and they need the servers to immediately boot the offender for one.. and I am sure there are others as well.


No one is saying its specifically the “servers.” We are saying SINCE PATCH 5.8 A TON OF PEOPLE ARE NOW HAVING CONNECTION ISSUES. This doesnt have anything to do with “servers” at all and all with whatever Bioware did in patch 5.8 regarding our connection. Derp.

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Well I was having a good mostly lag free night tonight until about 10PM EST. Then had some fairly bad spikes including some red dots but only for about 10 minutes, then it went back down.


Pingplotter for when it started: https://i.imgur.com/ktdsUCH.png

A bit after that: https://i.imgur.com/OFupSbJ.png

Dropping back to normal: https://i.imgur.com/UaxSfso.png


But other than this and some mild spikes yesterday it has seemed a bit better overall.



A worse one starting around 11:20PM: https://i.imgur.com/0x1KgFE.png

Again only for about 10 minutes then was normal the rest of the night I was on.

Edited by kukumburr
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Well I was having a good mostly lag free night tonight until about 10PM EST. Then had some fairly bad spikes including some red dots but only for about 10 minutes, then it went back down.


Pingplotter for when it started: https://i.imgur.com/ktdsUCH.png

A bit after that: https://i.imgur.com/OFupSbJ.png

Dropping back to normal: https://i.imgur.com/UaxSfso.png


But other than this and some mild spikes yesterday it has seemed a bit better overall.



A worse one starting around 11:20PM: https://i.imgur.com/0x1KgFE.png

Again only for about 10 minutes then was normal the rest of the night I was on.


These are probably the exact times I noticed it. Our guild throws weekly parties on Fri. from 9:30 EST to 12:30 EST (that's how I know the time roughly) and about halfway through last night's I noticed chat responding weird and looked at my ping. And yep, it was climbing. Saw someone say in the OTHER lag thread that they've noticed it slightly better lately and I will say that Thurs night and last night were relatively calm. Other than that brief spike during the party and one I think a little later (maybe just after the party? I don't remem now) the latency has seemed fairly ok. Time will tell.

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I don't understand why we haven't even gotten a comment from EA saying they will look into it. THere is obviously a problem going on and it seems Comcast is the common thread. This exact problem has happened before and they had to work with Comcast to get it fixed. I have the exact same situation as the others here and at time is is so unbearable I have to stop playing.
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I don't understand why we haven't even gotten a comment from EA saying they will look into it. THere is obviously a problem going on and it seems Comcast is the common thread. This exact problem has happened before and they had to work with Comcast to get it fixed. I have the exact same situation as the others here and at time is is so unbearable I have to stop playing.


1) There may not actually be a true problem on with the gateway into the server farm, nor the servers. There is a lot of speculation and accusation based on anecdotes (the only ones of which seems to be clear and definitive is that this is largely affecting Comcast customers, and it coincides with 5.8). Further.. if this is Comcast specific, there is little the studio can actually do about it.. since.. it would be.. wait for it.. a Comcast issue.


2) This is a problem that is serviced by EA at the Customer Support website for this game... NOT here on the forums. They terminated the Customer Support sub form here long ago.


The most interesting part here to me is that Owen... who is a representative on the EA support site for this page... has made no comments one way or the other. Why not reach out to Owen if you are so much in need of an answer.

Edited by Andryah
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No one is saying its specifically the “servers.” We are saying SINCE PATCH 5.8 A TON OF PEOPLE ARE NOW HAVING CONNECTION ISSUES. This doesnt have anything to do with “servers” at all and all with whatever Bioware did in patch 5.8 regarding our connection. Derp.


Actually.. some players ARE in fact blaming the servers and connect it to the 5.8 patch series. ;)


Derp right back at you there pal. :p

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For the past week, I have had major issues with latency spikes. From my normal 23ms, up to 300, down to 64, up to 2000. I have only been able to play the game in the evenings, so that is when it is happening to me. And it's not constant. Very intermittent. But still very annoying.


I have noticed a few people on reddit have also been experiencing the same issues. Some people have mentioned it was since the last patch, and I tend to agree.


I just wanted to start a thread trying to verify how many people are actually having this issue.


I have Optimum. I had this problem 3 or 4 times a year. Optimum customer service suggested I power off my modem, disconnect all wires from said modem.

, turn off my pc, wait 3 minutes ( I wait for 30 mins), reconnect all wires to the modem then power on. When all lights on the modem are solid and green, turn on the pc. And like Colt 45, it works every time. The last time this happened, I alt-tab out of the game, then ran a speed test (using speed test), my game latency was 100000 ms, speed test showed my latency at 12 ms, my upload speed was 67 MB, the download speed was 48 MB. Also, do not use a router.;););););););)

Edited by ufarax
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Actually.. some players ARE in fact blaming the servers and connect it to the 5.8 patch series. ;)


Derp right back at you there pal. :p


Majority of the playerbase here says there is a problem since patch 5.8 not that the “servers” are the cause of it. There could be something wrong with compatibility but not the server itself. You seem very confident that it is a problem with comcast. Why is that? How would it be comcasts fault if the lag started... wait for it... since patch 5.8! Hurr durrr

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Tonight the only spike with packet loss I saw was this at about 9:10PM: https://i.imgur.com/xIPtmpF.png (ignore the 6th hop that's the one that doesn't usually respond to pings I don't know why it showed up tonight). Again it lasted about 10 minutes, but it wasn't bad.


Other than that there were a couple of brief spikes with no packet loss but they didn't last long at all. So hoping things stay good.

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Tonight the only spike with packet loss I saw was this at about 9:10PM: https://i.imgur.com/xIPtmpF.png (ignore the 6th hop that's the one that doesn't usually respond to pings I don't know why it showed up tonight). Again it lasted about 10 minutes, but it wasn't bad.


Other than that there were a couple of brief spikes with no packet loss but they didn't last long at all. So hoping things stay good.


Just wanted to point out that it's prob best to mention the time zone when saying a time. I mean if you're West coast and say 9:10 that's after midnight for someone on the East coast.

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Just wanted to point out that it's prob best to mention the time zone when saying a time. I mean if you're West coast and say 9:10 that's after midnight for someone on the East coast.


Whoops it's EST, same as my other posts just forgot to mention it this time.

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Well I haven't been on much tonight but there was already a 20 minute long worse one than the last few days. Not too many red dots but it kept jumping over 200 and never went below about 130 ms the whole time. Which isn't terrible itself but the spiking to 600 or 2000+ is obnoxious.


The ascent of the ping followed by packet loss: https://i.imgur.com/QGWmjnO.png

The middle bit: https://i.imgur.com/cYZdcjc.png

In-game bad latency at the same time: https://i.imgur.com/kSsVt47.png

The descent back to normal: https://i.imgur.com/ZiAc3eB.png


All times are EST.

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