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Why can't we get LS Jaesa back? -- Out of touch dev callout


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Dark side Jaesa makes more sense story wise honestly. Even if she was LS to begin with, the loss of her Master/Friend was bound to fill her with Rage, Sorrow, Torment and twist her to the Dark side either way. Beside LS Jaesa wasn't so light anyway. I remember her telling me that she would be honored to breed powerful force sensitive babies with me despite us having no romance or relationship between us. What kind of being that follows the light breeds children into the world not for love but for superior genes. She was falling then.


Was just thinking this. Jaesa is pretty unbalanced regardless of the choices you make, and it makes perfect sense to me that five years down the line without her master as a stabilizing influence [or the crew, given they all go their separate ways], she goes bonkers.


What I do hope for though is that for SW chars who made LS Jaesas, the dialogue they present reflects this, and not that she's DS all of a sudden and your character is strangely okay with it. That would be a travesty.

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The only way this would be acceptable is if Jaesa is slightly leaning more towards the dark or is more neutral. From what we hear, only Kira, Nadia, and Jaesa actually fought in the war, so one can say the violence changed her. It would be great if she came back and acted more like Lacriss or Acina rather than angry teenager she was.


The LS version wasn't a Sith but not necessarily a Jedi either. Having to reconcile fighting for the empire for so long would be a good excuse. You could also give Jaesa the same push Revan got before that idiot Karpshyn wrote that the devil made him do it, and gave the KotoR 2 writers the finger.

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I never use DS Jaesa on my ds sw any more. Too over the top. She belongs in a mental institution.


You are exactly right. She is so melodramatic as a DS companion it's down right frighting some of the things she says. It's as if she was taken from Harry Potter series and put in the game, she's that kind of wacko evil. For the life of me, I've never seen, read, nor heard a follower of the dark side so...wild eyed crazy.


So much so, that my main Jugg who turned her to the DS has refused to get involved romantically with anyone because Jaesa will ask and use her power to know the truth. Nope. I already know how nuts she is when she threatened my other Jugg and Vette after he rebuffed her affections for Vette. 'You have to sleep sometime..." or something to that affect. Yeah...The Emperor of Eternal Throne is deathly scared of his wife. Go figure.

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Also in terms of canon wouldn't Khem have unfortunately not been able to survive without the SI nearby due to their special bond? :(


Not unless he knew this and put himself back in stasis where the Inquisitor found him. That would be the perfect way to bring him back. That's how I'd write it. It makes perfect sense and doesn't require shredding belief of this possibility. Heck, Her archeologist companion could be the one that alerts her.


"My lord, I've come into some information concerning a Dashade. There are reports coming out of Korriban that indicate a creature matching matching Khem Val's description is in stasis in the tomb where you found him as an Acolyte."


Talk about coming full circle. This is perfect way to bring him back. At least I believe so.

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