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Why can't we get LS Jaesa back? -- Out of touch dev callout


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My Sith Warrior is LS (although she killed Arcann). Her Jaesa was LS. I don't want DS Jaesa. I don't need some bizarro illogical "Force compensation" because I don't have Arcann.




I know this is useless, the devs and writers won't listen, they'll blame story mechanics but they want feedback, they're getting it. Not all of us are forum/genchat/reddit Edgelords, guys.


Again, come visit the fandoms elsewhere. You'll find a lot different environment, and a lot of LS Jaesa supporters

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My Sith Warrior is LS (although she killed Arcann). Her Jaesa was LS. I don't want DS Jaesa. I don't need some bizarro illogical "Force compensation" because I don't have Arcann.




I know this is useless, the devs and writers won't listen, they'll blame story mechanics but they want feedback, they're getting it. Not all of us are forum/genchat/reddit Edgelords, guys.


Again, come visit the fandoms elsewhere. You'll find a lot different environment, and a lot of LS Jaesa supporters


DS Jaesa is the SWTOR canon one. Why, idk. BTW, my LS SW girl wants her padawan back too, so you're not alone.

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I tend to agree. I have both but have no desire to see a return of ds Jaesa at all. I'd rather not have her at all than the DS version on my LS sw. And hopefully that's what happens .... nothing rather than refusing her return.
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Jaesa frustrated me in the class story. Either you got the angelic Jedi who mistakenly thought you were also a Jedi in disguise, or you got the off-the-walls-evil-Vaylin 1.0 Jaesa. Neither were really that interesting; they were both extreme.


But having said that I specifically avoided having DS Jaesa in the class story and I don't want her now.

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Jaesa frustrated me in the class story. Either you got the angelic Jedi who mistakenly thought you were also a Jedi in disguise, or you got the off-the-walls-evil-Vaylin 1.0 Jaesa. Neither were really that interesting; they were both extreme.


But having said that I specifically avoided having DS Jaesa in the class story and I don't want her now.


I never use DS Jaesa on my ds sw any more. Too over the top. She belongs in a mental institution. That sw isn't in FEET and never will be but if he was ... she'd be given the boot upon her return.

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I just don't understand, why they didn't bring them back at the same time. The had to call in the actress anyway, so why not do both?

Because even with the VA right there, it still would have meant twice the work. Two different copies, two different sets of dialogue paths and their varying responses, two different cutscenes etc. VA work aside, doing both Jaesa's would be similar to bringing back two companions instead of one so they looked at whichever data (or threw a dart at a board, who knows?) and went with DS Jaesa.


I mean, they cheesed out on Khem as well given the complications of his story. I'm not too surprised Jaesa's is a tricky situation as well. Better would have been to make her more neutral--either her illusions about you being a cute and fluffy Sith have been shattered in the past 6 years and LS Jaesa is now sobered and more grounded, or, DS Jaesa has over the years come to see how far she'd fallen and strayed from her path, your absence providing her time to reflect and she too has become more down to earth. Not too dissimilar to Ashara's "I've changed and grown in your absence!". Not everyone would have been pleased I suppose, but it feels fairer than to only return one version of Jaesa.

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I made the unfortunate mistake of turning Jeasa DS. I didn't realize the choice was based on one dialogue option. DS Jeasa is awful. My SW spent the rest of the story avoiding her as much as possible and arguing with her during every conversation. I hated that she was in the medbay, I felt like she was doing horrible and disgusting things with all of the medical equipment.


Have they actually said they are never bringing LS Jeasa back? Or is it that they're only bringing DS Jeasa back right now?

Edited by DuchessKristania
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The real question is, If you don't want DS Jaesa, can you get LS Jaesa from the terminal. If the answer is no, I don't see and reason to play KotFE or KotET on any Sith Warriors I have. DS Jaesa is just a bad companion. Has anyone brought Jaesa back from the terminal. Is she LS or DS?
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Because even with the VA right there, it still would have meant twice the work. Two different copies, two different sets of dialogue paths and their varying responses, two different cutscenes etc. VA work aside, doing both Jaesa's would be similar to bringing back two companions instead of one so they looked at whichever data (or threw a dart at a board, who knows?) and went with DS Jaesa.


I mean, they cheesed out on Khem as well given the complications of his story. I'm not too surprised Jaesa's is a tricky situation as well. Better would have been to make her more neutral--either her illusions about you being a cute and fluffy Sith have been shattered in the past 6 years and LS Jaesa is now sobered and more grounded, or, DS Jaesa has over the years come to see how far she'd fallen and strayed from her path, your absence providing her time to reflect and she too has become more down to earth. Not too dissimilar to Ashara's "I've changed and grown in your absence!". Not everyone would have been pleased I suppose, but it feels fairer than to only return one version of Jaesa.


Khem'zash isn't coming back?😕

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Khem'zash isn't coming back?😕

I don't know for certain, perhaps he will but it felt that other puff-snarl guy in one of the Alerts (I forget his name, oopsie), was meant to be taking Khem's place. Haven't heard much about Khem since then, don't recall the devs mention him but perhaps he'll be a surprise at the very end. Just not expecting much since his complications are similar to the Jaesa situation.

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Better would have been to make her more neutral--either her illusions about you being a cute and fluffy Sith have been shattered in the past 6 years and LS Jaesa is now sobered and more grounded, or, DS Jaesa has over the years come to see how far she'd fallen and strayed from her path, your absence providing her time to reflect and she too has become more down to earth. Not too dissimilar to Ashara's "I've changed and grown in your absence!". Not everyone would have been pleased I suppose, but it feels fairer than to only return one version of Jaesa.


IMHO this would do the character a lot of justice, too. She's had nearly seven years on her own to grow, and given all the galactic conflict, it would have taken a lot for her to survive. It would be plausible for her to have gained much more perspective. If they brought her back with more balance it would be great.

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I don't know for certain, perhaps he will but it felt that other puff-snarl guy in one of the Alerts (I forget his name, oopsie), was meant to be taking Khem's place. Haven't heard much about Khem since then, don't recall the devs mention him but perhaps he'll be a surprise at the very end. Just not expecting much since his complications are similar to the Jaesa situation.


If you have the other Dashade in your stronghold he actually has a Khem Val label depending on who is looking at him. It's pretty clear he was meant to replace Khem.


Also in terms of canon wouldn't Khem have unfortunately not been able to survive without the SI nearby due to their special bond? :(

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I want LS Jasea too but I think she'll get there, The poor Devs have said over and over, that we don't know everything, nor can they tell us. Honestly the amount of vitriol the poor Devs go through is terrible! And I'm not one to gush over everything they do. In fact I'm a little peeved with them ATM. But they are people human beings who deal with the worst manners humanity can offer.
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I knew that Darkside Jaesa was returning, but I assumed that when that was announced, it was just Darkside Jaesa coming first, with Lightside Jaesa returning down the road. Have they seriously decided that, for a companion that is doing the class-specific return only, they won't bother to return the version that half of us chose?


I always play my characters the way I envision them, and let the alignment chips fall where they may. My first Warrior ended up with DS Jaesa, and I rarely used her because she had this nutso "impractical evil" attitude. Basically everything about the Dark Council that I don't like: murder your own people out of the joy of doing things that are bad, or whatever. She never fit with my more pragmatic Warrior who ended up Dark just by virtue of killing his enemies rather than letting them go.


LS Jaesa, on the other hand, was an excellent compliment to my second Warrior, and ended up being my level 48 go-to companion. My second time around I played a Warrior who was always trying to build contacts, to have a network of spies and assistants who he could trust, hidden throughout the galaxy. And LS Jaesa was an apprentice whom my Warrior always felt he could trust. She would do whatever he said, and had none of the plotting, scheming garbage of so many other Sith. It was almost like having a mole inside the Jedi Order. LS Jaesa was excellent and I played with her by my side non-stop until Knights of Knightly Nights.


If she is seriously never returning, I will probably forego the Alliance Alert for Dark Jaesa and just use the Companion Return Terminal to get my LS version back. Forget that noise. They cannot ruin my favorite companion on my main character. I've spent over 100 million credits on Jaesa's outfit alone.

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Honestly, I am surprised they got Jaessa and Kira back, given both actresses are pretty big time in this line of work. Yes, when SWTOR was first made the budget was massive, but that really isn't the case and hasn't been for a long time.


It could be a reason for the only DS version returning, and it might be a shrewd way of saving unequal work going to one companion if they try and continue their stories down the line.

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I have no desire for my Sith Warrior to get Dark Jaesa. I'd rather not have her at all than have the wrong one. :( The fact they're not bringing both back at the same time is awful and feels like a slap to the face to those who played Light sided warriors (or in my case, a Dark Warrior who kept her Light.)
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Just get your companion from the terminal.


I know you want to see LS Jaesa return but since the rest of the comps are going to return in 2 min clips anyway, you are not missing anything. The whole companion return system failed.


I wish they had done a better job bringing our companions back but it’s been pretty weak as of late and it seems they are just going to write them back in with short clips.


I guess it’s better than the way got comps back in KOTOR speak.


The companions should of been NPC in the main plot line but they didn’t and the story is over

Edited by kirorx
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If they couldn't afford to bring both versions of Jaesa back they should have made a gray Jaesa as a compromise. If they make the alert for all warriors, then I don't see how they can bring back LS Jaesa at a later date.


I hope they at least make the alert dropable. I don't want to have to acknowledge the wrong Jaesa on my warriors by doing the alert, but I don't want a triangle flashing at me for years either.

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I don't mind there being a choice. If you want DS Jaesa, you do you.


It's just ridiculous that we are given this choice but it magically can't be preserved now in the One Size Fits All game where Our Choices Matter. Oh, wait. Yeah. I forgot.

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If they couldn't afford to bring both versions of Jaesa back they should have made a gray Jaesa as a compromise. If they make the alert for all warriors, then I don't see how they can bring back LS Jaesa at a later date.


I hope they at least make the alert dropable. I don't want to have to acknowledge the wrong Jaesa on my warriors by doing the alert, but I don't want a triangle flashing at me for years either.


I feel the same way. Gray Jaesa who's weary from all the galactic drama would be fantastic!

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I want LS Jasea too but I think she'll get there, The poor Devs have said over and over, that we don't know everything, nor can they tell us. Honestly the amount of vitriol the poor Devs go through is terrible! And I'm not one to gush over everything they do. In fact I'm a little peeved with them ATM. But they are people human beings who deal with the worst manners humanity can offer.


I'm not calling them out as human beings. They are doing a job and we are consumers who can have our say ... otherwise, why would they open a forum? Be on Twitter? Have "influencers"??


I personally want nothing to do with the cult of personality that follows the devs. AFAIC, they get to go home at night and forget all about us but when it comes to the product and the work day, they have stakeholders to answer to.


And this isn't about Demanding To Know Things. IT WAS THE DEVS who told us DS Jaesa is coming back in this, The Year of the Returning Companions.

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Dark side Jaesa makes more sense story wise honestly. Even if she was LS to begin with, the loss of her Master/Friend was bound to fill her with Rage, Sorrow, Torment and twist her to the Dark side either way. Beside LS Jaesa wasn't so light anyway. I remember her telling me that she would be honored to breed powerful force sensitive babies with me despite us having no romance or relationship between us. What kind of being that follows the light breeds children into the world not for love but for superior genes. She was falling then.
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