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New Augments – Game Update 5.9


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Hey folks,


One of the things we have talked about is that with the launch of Game Update 5.9, there will be a new set of Augments introduced. These Augments are primarily targeted at players who participate in the games most difficult content, Operations and Ranked Warzones. Let’s talk about what they are and how you get them.


The new Augments will all be in a single tier at Item Rating 240 at Legendary quality. The stat distribution for these Augments will mirror the ones which were introduced in Game Update 5.6 (with the Copero Flashpoint).


To craft these Augments will require the same materials as those introduced in Game Update 5.6, but at higher quantities. As a reminder those materials can be found in Command Crates, from Master Mode Operation bosses, and from Ranked PvP Missions. We are also going to add crafting boxes with those materials to Conquests. Medium Yield planets will have a small crafting box and Large Yield Planets will have a large crafting box.


The Schematics to learn these new Augments will not be taught from a trainer. They will be Bind on Equip drops from the new Flashpoint in 5.9. In Master Mode, every boss has a chance to drop a Schematic and the final boss is guaranteed to drop one. Every enemy throughout the Flashpoint has a very low chance to drop one as well.


That is the breakdown of what you can expect of the new Augments, coming in Game Update 5.9. Thanks everyone, let us know if you have any questions.



Edited by EricMusco
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The new Augments will all be in a single tier at Item Rating 240 at Legendary quality. The stat distribution for these Augments will mirror the ones which were introduced in Game Update 5.6 (with the Copero Flashpoint).


Can you please give an example? Is it +14 Endurance +9 Power +1 Actually useful stat? The difference between 230 and 236 rating augs.

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If they truly are aimed at ranked PVP an NiM raiders, then why are the schematics only available thru a FP?


You hopefully realize that the vast majority of players will want these, why gate them behind just one activity? are you nervous that the FP won't gain interest without this? I really dislike the apprapoach.

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I do like the new augments. I am please this will be added.


However, I DO NOT like the fact that the schematics are ONLY obtained through the new flashpoint. Players will be FORCED to do the flashpoint REPEATEDLY just to get the schematics. And because it's in master mode, you can't solo it, hence chances still get lower when people have to roll for it.


I understand new content is encouraged, but it should NOT be forced on everyone, REPEATEDLY. There should be other means to get the schematics IMO.


To satisfy engaging the new flashpoint, why not allow learning the schematic from trainers but ONLY after being able to do the new flashpoint in master mode as a requirement to learn it. Make it a legacy achievement so that only one character has to do it., or a character achievement that only the toon that has cleared the flashpoint in master mode can learn it. Either way, this keeps the game fun and rewarding and not feel like a gruesome, repeatable chore.

Just my 2 cents ofcourse

Edited by Zidovain
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Hey folks,


One of the things we have talked about is that with the launch of Game Update 5.9, there will be a new set of Augments introduced. These Augments are primarily targeted at players who participate in the games most difficult content, Operations and Ranked Warzones. Let’s talk about what they are and how you get them.


The new Augments will all be in a single tier at Item Rating 240 at Legendary quality. The stat distribution for these Augments will mirror the ones which were introduced in Game Update 5.6 (with the Copero Flashpoint).


To craft these Augments will require the same materials as those introduced in Game Update 5.6, but at higher quantities. As a reminder those materials can be found in Command Crates, from Master Mode Operation bosses, and from Ranked PvP Missions. We are also going to add crafting boxes with those materials to Conquests. Medium Yield planets will have a small crafting box and Large Yield Planets will have a large crafting box.


The Schematics to learn these new Augments will not be taught from a trainer. They will be Bind on Equip drops from the new Flashpoint in 5.9. In Master Mode, every boss has a chance to drop a Schematic and the final boss is guaranteed to drop one. Every enemy throughout the Flashpoint has a very low chance to drop one as well.


That is the breakdown of what you can expect of the new Augments, coming in Game Update 5.9. Thanks everyone, let us know if you have any questions.




A little confused by the above Green text--it reads like there is no point in having one augment over the other if they are mirrors...One just costs more materials...but if they're mirrors...

Did you mean they will both have three stat categories but the actual numbers will be different? Maybe I don't know what mirror means in this context.

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A little confused by the above Green text--it reads like there is no point in having one augment over the other if they are mirrors...One just costs more materials...but if they're mirrors...

Did you mean they will both have three stat categories but the actual numbers will be different? Maybe I don't know what mirror means in this context.

The stat distribution will be the same, but the stats will be improved.

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Have you considered this:


What if it binds to someone on the wrong character that cannot craft that or do you care about that? If it is like the others only specific crafting professions craft specific augments. You might want to consider that but you should have considered that before you did this.

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Hey folks,


One of the things we have talked about is that with the launch of Game Update 5.9, there will be a new set of Augments introduced. These Augments are primarily targeted at players who participate in the games most difficult content, Operations and Ranked Warzones. Let’s talk about what they are and how you get them.


The Schematics to learn these new Augments will not be taught from a trainer. They will be Bind on Equip drops from the new Flashpoint in 5.9. In Master Mode, every boss has a chance to drop a Schematic and the final boss is guaranteed to drop one. Every enemy throughout the Flashpoint has a very low chance to drop one as well.




These don't intuitively line up. If they are meant for ranked warzones, shouldn't there be a way to learn them through warzones? Or I guess the obvious point is, you're trying to incentivize players to do different group content. Or is the idea to make these tradeable on GTN? If either of those is it, which there's nothing wrong with per se, can you just say that so we don't guess and impute all kinds of ulterior motives? Thanks!

Edited by Joonbeams
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Have you considered this:


What if it binds to someone on the wrong character that cannot craft that or do you care about that? If it is like the others only specific crafting professions craft specific augments. You might want to consider that but you should have considered that before you did this.

If it's bind on equip, as they have stated, then the wrong crafter wouldnt be able to learn it, so there is no reason to be concerned.

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Have you considered this:


What if it binds to someone on the wrong character that cannot craft that or do you care about that? If it is like the others only specific crafting professions craft specific augments. You might want to consider that but you should have considered that before you did this.


Forth paragraph down, he says bind on EQUIP, not bind on pick-up. Which, given these are schematics should probably have said something about using them, since it's not like they can be worn.

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Hey folks,


In Master Mode, every boss has a chance to drop a Schematic and the final boss is guaranteed to drop one. Every enemy throughout the Flashpoint has a very low chance to drop one as well.


Numbers Eric? low chance =??

Is it rather 10%, 1% or 0,01%?

Edited by fire-breath
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To craft these Augments will require the same materials as those introduced in Game Update 5.6, but at higher quantities. As a reminder those materials can be found in Command Crates, from Master Mode Operation bosses, and from Ranked PvP Missions. We are also going to add crafting boxes with those materials to Conquests. Medium Yield planets will have a small crafting box and Large Yield Planets will have a large crafting box.


The Schematics to learn these new Augments will not be taught from a trainer. They will be Bind on Equip drops from the new Flashpoint in 5.9. In Master Mode, every boss has a chance to drop a Schematic and the final boss is guaranteed to drop one.




I really don't like this.


One, Raiding (and PvP) guilds tend to be small (the people you earlier said those augs were primarily for) so most won't be able to get the other mats unless they have toons in various conquest guilds.


Second, there is already a disadvantage to raiders with the mat distribution. You need half the PvE mats which can be farmed when Ops are focus from GF.... while the PvP mats stay ONLY in ranked and you need TWICE the amount. Raiders are also the group that can easily spend millions a week in the credit sink that is gear repair.


I would have hoped that when Operations were focus and GF let you get the PvE mat, the same would be true of GSF and PvP daily ( which means a normal player that could *only* get them that way could get one aug a week, too!).


Third, Making the schematics random drops just annoys those wanting to min/max their gear. We KNOW what we need... it's already annoying as hell waiting for those 248 lethal B's to drop for my tank. The lucky guy who gets the accuracy one will be rich, while those that get the near-useless ones will be at the mercy of their wallets.


I understand you want to incentivize doing the flashpoint, but why not make it the ONE place to get PvP mats for PvEers (or some new required mat)?

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Is it possibly to change the distribution of the required Crafting Materials a bit? We can easily earn tons of PvE-Mats through hightlighted Groupfinder Ops. That leaded to the situations, that I currently have 22 PvP-Mats and 153 PvE-Mats. Also, we need 2 PvP-Mats and just one PvE-Mat for a 236-augment. I would request to swap these numbers around.
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Bind on Equip is just stupid eric! Come on here, time to get you act together and stop the instantly.

They need to be legacy bound schematics.


Along with increasing the amount of mats to craft the new augs, dare I ask are you are increasing frequency / chance that they actually drop from command crates. It’s currently ridiculous how low the drops rates for CMT are from command crates. They also need to drop in HM Ops also (not everyone cares for pvp)


How many mats are you getting from the small and large crafting boxes? {I’m guessing 1 and 2 at best}

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Bind on Equip is just stupid eric! Come on here, time to get you act together and stop the instantly.

They need to be legacy bound schematics.


Along with increasing the amount of mats to craft the new augs, dare I ask are you are increasing frequency / chance that they actually drop from command crates. It’s currently ridiculous how low the drops rates for CMT are from command crates. They also need to drop in HM Ops also (not everyone cares for pvp)


How many mats are you getting from the small and large crafting boxes? {I’m guessing 1 and 2 at best}


CMT's should be a reward from GSF/Unranked Weeklies.

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Bind on Equip is just stupid eric! Come on here, time to get you act together and stop the instantly.

They need to be legacy bound schematics


to be fair, BOE for these are better than BOL. BOL means you can only send them your toons, BOE means you can send them to your toons, give them away or sell them. So BOE makes more sense to me.

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Bind on Equip is just stupid eric! Come on here, time to get you act together and stop the instantly.

They need to be legacy bound schematics.


Along with increasing the amount of mats to craft the new augs, dare I ask are you are increasing frequency / chance that they actually drop from command crates. It’s currently ridiculous how low the drops rates for CMT are from command crates. They also need to drop in HM Ops also (not everyone cares for pvp)


How many mats are you getting from the small and large crafting boxes? {I’m guessing 1 and 2 at best}


What's wrong with Bind on Equip? That way people who have no interest whatsoever in doing the FP could buy the schematic off GTN.


It's Bind on Pickup that would be truly idiotic (schematics dropping for characters who couldn't learn them, etc.)

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