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Arms Crossed and Running Man Emotes Released


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They have been in the game since launch, but were never released. Well -- they are finally here.


They do NOT unlock in collections. I am not sure if this is a bug or intended.


Obligatory Arms Crossed GIF: http://puu.sh/zVA71/971d89b5c3.gif !

Obligatory Running Man GIF: http://puu.sh/zVzRX/14d437ccd0.gif !


Thank you for giving us two silly dances, BioWare! :D

Edited by foxxycandy
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didn't even know about those two. They aren't even in collections at all.


They would show up in the dance emotes bar if you had it open but were grayed out. A lot of people wanted to know what they were as they weren't released. Kind of odd that they are released now.

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They have been in the game since launch, but were never released. Well -- they are finally here.


They do NOT unlock in collections. I am not sure if this is a bug or intended.


Obligatory Arms Crossed GIF: http://puu.sh/zVA71/971d89b5c3.gif !

Obligatory Running Man GIF: http://puu.sh/zVzRX/14d437ccd0.gif !


Thank you for giving us two silly dances, BioWare! :D


May i ask how you got them? :)

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