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Just out of Curiosity, How Many People Coming to the Forums are Long Term Subs


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After reading some of the posts in other threads I am starting to believe that the reason the new rewards are being offered is that the player base has turned over so much, as some have suggested, that only a few people actually were around the last time they were offered. I am curious how many people coming to the forums are long term subs.


Me personally, I have been continuously subbed since launch (Founder's Title, 5 year deco). What is the longest everyone else has subbed continuously and are there any out there who have been subbed since launch like me?

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My sub has never lapsed since launch. Pre-ordered the game and all the premium X-pacs along the way.


I haven't been overly critical about the product and have found ways to enjoy it the whole time. I appreciated being rewarded in the past for loyalty. However, today it feels like a professional sports team is telling me they appreciate all I have done in the past, but don't see me as part of their future. In other words, the loyalty has been severed. I hear EA is working on advancing the "open world Star Wars" game that will likely replace SWTOR when (and if) it is developed. I'm not sure I'm on board with their future products anymore.

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Just missed being subbed in time for the HK by like a week if that. It was so close that when the chapter was released I wasnt sure if I would get it or not. Been subbed ever since. Got Shae, did DVL event and so forth.


Was here at early launch but as a story player going through more then one class story back then was far too slow, having to redo every side quest etc held little appeal to me just to see the other class stories. So I did not remain much past seeing one story through.


Also the expansions when released with no companion content held zero appeal to me either to return for them.


It wasn't until Kotfe and at least some comps being involved in chapters with returns etc that I was really drawn in after discussing it with a friend who was playing. I resubbed and have since remained, playing all class stories some multiple times. I will continue to do so for as long as my characters LIs recieve content but as that is starting to drop off considerably in quality and amount I admit so is my attention span waining.


Right now I am remaining to see out the Theron line and hope there remains something to look forward to after for my much loved comps.

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Been here since beta, got the black/yellow crystal & all that. Played at launch for a month, left for 2 months (didn't care for players attitudes toward new mmo players), came back & have been subbed ever since. I've already got Shae, Nico, HK, and all the other rewards they've offered.
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You can check to see how long ago people registered with the forums by hovering over their name and looking at the number associated with the account. The lower it is, the longer ago it was registered.


On this account, my 'number' is 5511322. On my other account, my 'number' is 2611. I registered as soon as the forums were available, probably 2-3 years before the game launched.


I've been playing, and paying, from before day 1 with early access.

Just cancelled both accounts due to the changes with 5.8.

Now just running out time.

Edited by Darevsool
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My sub has been in effect since just Before, or just After the launch of S.O.R.. I remember the "Shadow of Reven" screen and the "Nar Shaddaa" stronghold screen also (I don't remember which came first :) ). I've been paying ever since even though I'm not always around. Edited by MikeCobalt
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You can check to see how long ago people registered with the forums by hovering over their name and looking at the number associated with the account. The lower it is, the longer ago it was registered.


On this account, my 'number' is 5511322. On my other account, my 'number' is 2611. I registered as soon as the forums were available, probably 2-3 years before the game launched.


I've been playing, and paying, from before day 1 with early access.

Just cancelled both accounts due to the changes with 5.8.

Now just running out time.


As you point out, one could have registered here before the game launched, but that doesn't mean they subbed for any specific duration.

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It's not just how long-time players have been subbed it's how much extra money many of them have spent on the CM monthly. The ones in my guild that have unsubbed spend normally over $200 extra a month on the CM and that's over 20 subs.


The fact they are re-introducing old sub rewards shows me they have no real vision going forward along with all the "Grindy Grind Grinding" they want you do now.


Hello 5.0 Galactic command

Hello 5.8 conquest


Will it be hello 5.9 new augments running that new flash point over 500 times to make one augment with a lockout of legacy after 1 run.


I'm sure 6.0 will be as disappointing as this last year has been. Unless maybe they will add some mini game when you log in that you have to grind to be able to play however it will be legacy so if you fail you are done tor the day.

Edited by Ibokagain
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Subbed basically continuously since just before GSF (I recall doing the preorder of something-or-other to get the GSF rewards. SoR expansion?) Missed maybe a day or two due to credit card issues, but not at critical times.


All forums participants are going to be outliers, simply because you have to make an effort to participate.

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Been here since June 9, 2009, was in a beta or two, been subbed since except for one month when I had to deal with a personal matter but came back. Have all the companions.


While I have always been a positive supporter of BW since launch, with this and everything else not sure I am that positive about them anymore and that makes me wonder about another EA game I play from time to time (SIms 4) whether it is worth it or not. (There been some expansions packs for Sims 4 I had been considering, but I don't think it is worth it after all this)

Edited by casirabit
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Subbed since launch - founder. CE owner. Never broken sub except for some trivial period in 2013? where I was traveling and my sub lapsed I guess. Actually had no idea about that until they gave the 5-year reward last year and I didn't get it. I just auto-renew but something must have glitched.


Anyway, I've never finished KOFTE or KOTET, only recently got my first lvl 70 (w/out master's datacron). Never run an OP. I don't understand still half the things people talk about on the forums, lol. Did ranked PvP once back in the day, and well... I go 'dark' for long, long periods, sometimes several months without coming to forums or logging in due to my family, work, and RL stuff. I'm super slow, still discovering new things when I do get to play.


Do lots of PvP now since it fits my lifestyle the most (15min - 1 hr max of play time every now and then). I'm above-average, far from great. Back in the day did lots and lots of crafting, and that was it, and made a boatload of money doing it. It's still a boatload now even with inflation. Like to collect stuff, and decorate a bit. Love to RP, re-roll the class stories over and over, stuff like that. Like reading forums when I can.


I say all this to show that there are many types of players to keep subs active. Even many types of "casuals." Remember that when you're convinced sometime that everyone MUST BE just like you. ;)

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Been here since beta, though at that time, I shared my son's account with him to try the game, cause I wasn't sure I wanted to get into another game, but of course I got the early access and have been here since, except for a 2 month period a few years back, when I had a lot of RL things to deal with and there wasn't enough story at that time to interest me. Have the founder badge and all that sort of stuff, haven't missed out on any rewards except that piece of deco for 'continuous sub' cause of my 2-month break. Figures. :p


Edit: my forum account was made September 2009.

Edited by Lunafox
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I have Shae but not Nico. I am not sure about turnover, but they must have thought that enough people don't have one or the other to make it worth it. I think another likely reason that they are doing it this way is because they don't have enough funds to create new subscriber rewards.
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Eh, I've been with the game since Beta and stayed subbed the entire time up till this past Summer when my computer went kaput till I could get it back up and running (so I cancelled during the down time to get it fixed)... and I've again come to my last subbing stretch. I won't be resubbing again after plenty of thought on it.


I can say this, whatever previous exclusives they're offering as incentives played no part in my cancellation. I've known since I started playing mmorpgs back in SWG that "exclusives" can be offered up again, at any time, after initial release due to player demand. That should just be common sense to people and part of the ToS.


I've always been of a mind that these games would be better if a Day 1 player, or a Day 867 starting player, should always be able to get the same exact stuff-- if they put the time in and/or pay for whatever it is we tend to complain about. So, no lost feelings there from this player.


I'm just fed up with the handling of the game. Should've, would've, could've reaches a breaking point... but these mmorpgs have a natural life-cycle too. I think we've just seen the end of this one and it is, commonly, a nice time for the studio to cash in for as much as they can get out of it if the future is uncertain.


I wish the players that remain, the people working on the game, and hopefully the players that will play again together in new mmorpgs... peace and long life. ;) And, of course, that The Force be with You All... Always... :)

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I've played from the day of release, but two accounts. my first got hacked but I was able to get it locked and swap to this one. I did not subscribe the moment the game started that free to play thing, I gave it a few months to wait and see how restrictive it would hit me, before subscribing, and have been subbed for the majority of the past 5-ish years.


Me remaining a sub, and playing, is all on how the Theron arc finale is handled. Doesn't need to be what I want it to be, just has to not be absolutely rushed and horrible.

Edited by Asmodesu
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