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New Conquest System: First Impressions


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I think Keith knew exactly what they were doing. In the livestream last week he said he was excited about the changes coming. I guess he delights in tormenting his customers.


It's sad that they tried to gloss this over with double xp and that nonsensical companion chaos crap.


Keep this in mind: No matter how many roses you put on a pile of manure, the stink will always prevail. And 5.8 is one heaping pile of manure.


T-minus 120 hours.. tick tock, tick tock....


Hahaha.... perfect.

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What if the plan is a fix after 5.9. Will you still stick around or have faith they will change it to include everything that was removed.


That's too late for me. My sub expires next Monday. If it's not fixed before then, it's "Bye, Bye, Cya!" If I want a second rate game, I'll go buy something from SOE.

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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!

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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!


Can I have some of whatever it is you're smoking? :rolleyes:


Edit: I play maybe 15 hours a week, 20 if I'm lucky. I consider myself casual. Granted I can get a lot done in that little amount of time. But this change IS NOT for the better.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!


i am the guild leader of a roughly 10 person guild with players who are all over 21 and include several service members and all of whom have jobs and other real lives.


For us, the old system was easier except on weeks like iokath where it was crafting and small numbers of planets.


the new system means I might cap one toon. I capped 11 last week.

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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!


This post gave me Forest Whitaker eye and makes me want to drink more.....soooooo thanx! Must be the dev that came up with this horrible abomination of conquest.

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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!


You're going to have to explain how you came to that amazingly warped conclusion.

Edited by Quraswren
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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!


What about the rest of us with no guilds, or players with many alts? Do you want me to be forced to join guilds too so I can finally help you achieve something that you never could because of EAware's failure to balance? Should I be punished for that too because I opt out of being in a guild?

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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!


They killed alt play for solo players like me.

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What about the rest of us with no guilds, or players with many alts? Do you want me to be forced to join guilds too so I can finally help you achieve something that you never could because of EAware's failure to balance? Should I be punished for that too because I opt out of being in a guild?


this in response to the previous guy

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If you are in a solo guild, why are you trying to do conquest solo? Is it my problem you have a solo guild to do conquest in? Conquest is about doing stuff with others in the game to achieve something you want. Conquest was never meant to be solo.
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If you are in a solo guild, why are you trying to do conquest solo? Is it my problem you have a solo guild to do conquest in? Conquest is about doing stuff with others in the game to achieve something you want. Conquest was never meant to be solo.


then why is there a solo tab for solo players to get rewarded as well? "personal conquest"

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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My First Impressions:


1) Removal of play options is always the wrong choice. Removing the ability to craft dark projects with exotic isotope stabilizers, dramatically increasing the materials for crafting war supplies to unify them, dramatically reducing the conquest point yield of PVP and GSF, these were all poor choices. My hope for these changes were that solo PVE content would be able to produce a conquest yield similar to PVP and GSF under the old system, as I don't enjoy or partake in those activities and don't have the schedule to again do regular group activities. Not only did that not happen, PVP and GSF had their conquest paths dramatically reduced. All steps in the complete wrong direction.


2) Conquest targets are out to lunch. The yields have diminishing returns against the point targets as you go from small to medium to large which is going to make everyone push for the small yield planets. This reduces the chance of small guilds appearing on the leaderboards which was a stated goal of the revamp. Finally, even the small yield is way too high a target. Small guilds do not have 23 active players. Having the guild target for small guilds being 23x the personal target is therefor beyond stupid. 8x would have been ideal, 16x for the medium, and 24x for the large, with the rewards scaled to match (i.e. medium = 2x small, large = 3x small). A time limited return doesn't need to diminish when you can only obtain it once a week. Guilds would therefor be best served to target the highest planet they think they could obtain and leaderboards would be meaningful for guilds of all sizes as had been stated was the intention.


3) Diminishing returns across multiple characters within a legacy wasn't addressed, and was the easiest thing to address. There is no reason for the one time objectives to be per legacy and not per character, since the targets are per character and not per legacy. There is no reason to punish people who want to participate across multiple characters for their guild. They are already punished by the nature of zero sum with gearing and proficiency for mains vs alts and don't need to be double punished by having all the low hanging fruit removed by the first character they complete the conquest on. I haven't tested the per day rewards yet to see if they are per day per character or per day per legacy. If they are the latter I'm canceling my sub again (I remain subbed for the express purpose of completing the unlocking and decorating of my guild flagship, after a month of frustration with this task I prepared to unsub, and held off at the announcement of a conquest revamp favoring small guilds)


The things that were done well: The interface is cleaner, having command and credit rewards as you hit conquest goals is superb, the stated goals of the revamp, to make conquest friendly towards small guilds, to make leaderboards meaningful to a wider audience, these were all great, and the conceptual ideas for them were spot on. The numbers however, have drowned all that success in a pile of steaming dog sh*t.


In conclusion:

Design - A+

Execution - F-

Edited by DisposableHeero
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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!


You are kidding, right? We managed to win (not just top ten) conquest a few times (crafting weeks) with a core group of 6-8 people, all adults with full time jobs and families. Also, learn to make friends: in the end we found a way to make it easier when we teamed with another small guild: one a crafting week, they've put an alt in our guild for conquest one week and we did the same the next time with their guild.

Edited by Eriamea
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Great Job Bioware:

You've effectively minimized the effort many of us put into making our large guild a top guild, that took sooo much effort and while we thrive now, and I know we still will- you have minimized all of our efforts. Additionally, when I put my other characters into a small guild (which I also love), you've made it so it is more difficult to even be competitive.


I think your changes to crafting are awful, that was one way the small guilds could get titles.


Your changes to PVP, again, awful - you have effectively stopped many of us who survive in our large pve/ conquest guilds, from getting conquest doing what we like.


No rewards for FP - are you kidding me?


Screwing over all the characters I like to play - Now you've gone crazy


What is really wrong with you?


Speaking on behalf of my large pve /conquest guild - Don't minimize all of our hard work by catering to the cry babies!!!!


Sincerely, Kormara

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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!


How exactly did these changes help you? Name ONE small guild on the board even on the small yield right now. . A guild with 20 accounts and no alts is STILL going to do nothing toward getting a title.


They could have easily added the 'everybody gets a prize' mechanic without doing THIS.


I have 53 alts. No, I don't get conquest on every one of them. I do generally get it on about 14 though. I am absolutely NOT playing 24/7 for a week to do that now. Locking too many objectives down to 'ONE time per Legacy' is bad for anyone who has alts. And not everyone who has alts is in a large guild.


I was in a guild that had approximately 25 accounts and I had the same number of alts. We made the board then too. We didn't win, but we made the board. We couldn't do that now in the same situation.

Edited by Kyrra_T
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Considering I had over 1k of invasion forces from all the years of playing and doing conquest. So I clicked on them and turned some of them in to get conquest done on several of my toons. Plus I did my dailies, I did stuff I can do on every toon that didn't take hours. Plus, I did weekly stuff on different toons already to get conquest done on 3 toons. It is easy to do. I play mainly 10-15 toons every week, I don't see much of an effort of getting 5 or more of them to hit conquest every week.
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