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Change companions back to that they used to be


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And so Bioware should change the companions for the 5 or so people who don't like it? You are NEVER going to get back to the image in your head of 'how things were' in the game because time gives you rose colored glasses. If the 'new' companions give you that much heartache then head to the endgame where they are actually valuable at the higher influences. Do KOTFE or KOTET on Vet mode. Then do them again on Master mode. You won't think the companions are overpowered then.


No, they shouldn't change it, they should add a toggle or a buff for the people who want it, just as they did the White Acute Module for people who don't want extra xp. It's not a demand that the comps get changed for EVERYONE, only those who want the thing.


You say five people, but the forum is always a minority, which on the one hand means that the people asking for it here are in the minority, sure, but it also means we don't know what the numbers are for the people who don't go on the forum. We have no accurate information, which is why you shouldn't make assumptions based on your lack of information.


D) 153 favorable companion results would be required to get 40,000 influence from missions. That is beyond the earnable influence from class missions, and is only achievable if you work heroics and other repeatables over and over again, which is in no way a time efficient approach.


Like many before me, I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not. I did not say repeatables. One guy mentioned doing BT once, that's it. For everyone else on this thread who's piped in, they mentioned doing class AND planetary missions AND sidequests. Not repeatables, not tedious, but part of the normal questing. I said as much myself but it hasn't kept you from making your strawman fallacies as usual.


Quote me where someone said that you can get a comp to 50 just doing crew skill missions. YOU said that, as a strawman, but no one else has said that. No one else has said you can get to 50 doing missions of any kind without also comp gifts. Again, YOU said that.


I tire of this combative nonsense. If you don't like x idea, feel free to say you don't like it. If someone is misrepresenting an idea to suggest that 'everyone' wants it, feel free to criticize that. But all too often a suggestion comes up, and people denigrate it for no other reason than because they don't want it, therefore no one should get it. BW has the numbers; we don't, so it's their decision whether to do this or not. All threads like this do is raise awareness to them that SOME players want it. That's all. What exactly is your problem with that?

Edited by Ardrossan
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No, they shouldn't change it, they should add a toggle or a buff for the people who want it, just as they did the White Acute Module for people who don't want extra xp. It's not a demand that the comps get changed for EVERYONE, only those who want the thing.


You say five people, but the forum is always a minority, which on the one hand means that the people asking for it here are in the minority, sure, but it also means we don't know what the numbers are for the people who don't go on the forum. We have no accurate information, which is why you shouldn't make assumptions based on your lack of information.




Like many before me, I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not. I did not say repeatables. One guy mentioned doing BT once, that's it. For everyone else on this thread who's piped in, they mentioned doing class AND planetary missions AND sidequests. Not repeatables, not tedious, but part of the normal questing. I said as much myself but it hasn't kept you from making your strawman fallacies as usual.


Quote me where someone said that you can get a comp to 50 just doing crew skill missions. YOU said that, as a strawman, but no one else has said that. No one else has said you can get to 50 doing missions of any kind without also comp gifts. Again, YOU said that.


I tire of this combative nonsense. If you don't like x idea, feel free to say you don't like it. If someone is misrepresenting an idea to suggest that 'everyone' wants it, feel free to criticize that. But all too often a suggestion comes up, and people denigrate it for no other reason than because they don't want it, therefore no one should get it. BW has the numbers; we don't, so it's their decision whether to do this or not. All threads like this do is raise awareness to them that SOME players want it. That's all. What exactly is your problem with that?


ah sense. thank you.

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I'm happy I don't have to gear my companions, but for crying out loud, I barely have to think while playing. Even while doing dailies I would like to have some sense of "stay on the ball", but when my DPS companion has 2x as much health as my tank character(maybe not the best example cause this was a lower level character), but still. It honestly makes playing...boring, and this is coming from someone who loved the game. If there was a slider that could take your companions overall heal/damage/tank power down a notch or two, till one could find a happy medium, I'd love that. But I doubt it will happen, and that's why I've been subbed back in the game for just under a month, but have maybe played for 2 hours.
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I'm happy I don't have to gear my companions, but for crying out loud, I barely have to think while playing. Even while doing dailies I would like to have some sense of "stay on the ball", but when my DPS companion has 2x as much health as my tank character(maybe not the best example cause this was a lower level character), but still. It honestly makes playing...boring, and this is coming from someone who loved the game. If there was a slider that could take your companions overall heal/damage/tank power down a notch or two, till one could find a happy medium, I'd love that. But I doubt it will happen, and that's why I've been subbed back in the game for just under a month, but have maybe played for 2 hours.


i totally agree with you...


some people on this forum though are so obsessed with themselves and that everything revolves around them, that suggestions from other people are like attacks on their rights or something lol.

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I'm happy I don't have to gear my companions, but for crying out loud, I barely have to think while playing. Even while doing dailies I would like to have some sense of "stay on the ball", but when my DPS companion has 2x as much health as my tank character(maybe not the best example cause this was a lower level character), but still. It honestly makes playing...boring, and this is coming from someone who loved the game. If there was a slider that could take your companions overall heal/damage/tank power down a notch or two, till one could find a happy medium, I'd love that. But I doubt it will happen, and that's why I've been subbed back in the game for just under a month, but have maybe played for 2 hours.


it is so bloody easy to disable powers on your comp or disable the comp all together that you should be ashamed of complaining of this. you have to be lazy in the extreme to not be able to lower the effectiveness of your companions yourself.

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About the time Traveler's Tales made the only truly successful series of Star Wars games.

Sad, but true. But even my 12 year old didn't get through everything in the games on the very first time.




it is so bloody easy to disable powers on your comp or disable the comp all together that you should be ashamed of complaining of this. you have to be lazy in the extreme to not be able to lower the effectiveness of your companions yourself.

Hmm, disable an integral mechanic built into the game to try to even get close to a normal gaming experience.

Just like I have to unsubscribe and leave my characters guildless to try to achieve a normal leveling experience.


How in any way does that make for a good game design (hint: it doesn't).

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Sad, but true. But even my 12 year old didn't get through everything in the games on the very first time.





Hmm, disable an integral mechanic built into the game to try to even get close to a normal gaming experience.

Just like I have to unsubscribe and leave my characters guildless to try to achieve a normal leveling experience.


How in any way does that make for a good game design (hint: it doesn't).


yet you want the devs to program in EXACTLY that for you. adjusting settings to suit yourself is not disabling part of the game. do you have this much trouble with graphics settings?

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Sad, but true. But even my 12 year old didn't get through everything in the games on the very first time.





Hmm, disable an integral mechanic built into the game to try to even get close to a normal gaming experience.

Just like I have to unsubscribe and leave my characters guildless to try to achieve a normal leveling experience.

How in any way does that make for a good game design (hint: it doesn't).


The ability for players to disable specific combat abilities on companions has been around for a long time. Disabling those abilities over others that any companion might have allows players to contour the behavior of that companion to the player's fighting style.


Perhaps certain players like having Shae Vizla but would rather she use only single-target abilities rather than her sustained AoE. Players have that choice and have been free to exercise it -- for whatever reason suits them.

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The ability for players to disable specific combat abilities on companions has been around for a long time. Disabling those abilities over others that any companion might have allows players to contour the behavior of that companion to the player's fighting style.


Perhaps certain players like having Shae Vizla but would rather she use only single-target abilities rather than her sustained AoE. Players have that choice and have been free to exercise it -- for whatever reason suits them.


I'm talking about dismissing (not using) companions altogether. Sure it was always an available option, but the core game mechanic is to have companions as part of the integral leveling experience. Having to dismiss them in order to get a normal leveling experience when they are designed to be part of the normal leveling experience makes no sense whatsoever. Once again, that is simply poor game design.

Edited by BJWyler
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Companions were taken away and returned to us as game content. Some marketing scumbag got a bonus for that I'm sure. But if you look in more detail you will see that the companions are being slowly re-developed. All the abilities are becoming common between them and it is slowly becoming that they have no distinguishing combat characteristics other than looks. One heals and tanks pretty much the same as the other one. I have seen little difference between them when there used to be a big difference between companions and what they do well and what they don't do well. I know this would make their lives simpler and with the slimy methods they use I would expect that is the case.
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Companions were taken away and returned to us as game content. Some marketing scumbag got a bonus for that I'm sure. But if you look in more detail you will see that the companions are being slowly re-developed. All the abilities are becoming common between them and it is slowly becoming that they have no distinguishing combat characteristics other than looks. One heals and tanks pretty much the same as the other one. I have seen little difference between them when there used to be a big difference between companions and what they do well and what they don't do well. I know this would make their lives simpler and with the slimy methods they use I would expect that is the case.


i agree

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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It wouldn't be asking much to simply have an item or 'buff' which reduces the power of companions by half, or something like that.


They could name it "Companion Suppressor".


Another thing I'd love as well is "Experience Suppressor", as it would actually be nice to be able to finish an entire world's content without being absurdly overlevelled (and yes being the max level for a planet does entirely trivialise the content).


This would surely be easy to implement, and would allow people to play the game how they want.

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Another thing I'd love as well is "Experience Suppressor", as it would actually be nice to be able to finish an entire world's content without being absurdly overlevelled (and yes being the max level for a planet does entirely trivialise the content).


This would surely be easy to implement, and would allow people to play the game how they want.


Go to fleet during 2XP week, go to the GTN area [or maybe it's the pvp area, I can't remember], find the gree delegate and pick up the White Acute Module. It's a BOL item that suppresses not only 2XP and rested XP, but in the normal game mode will bring it back to 2.0 levels.

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