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Change companions back to that they used to be


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so keep that stuff, but make them not OP. nerf them back to vanilla numbers.


They are definately not OP. We are supposed to use them in place of another player in FP or even solo. We usually need them.


However, I do miss other things about the old companions such as having them on my ship, customization in gear, outfits and all that other stuff.


I do like how they have multiple roles but hasn't it always been that way? Seems like forever now.

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all i want is for them to add an option for us to disable companion rank ups, so if we want, they can stay at rank 1 no matter what.


Setting aside the fact that you are getting overwhelming push back from other players in this thread.......


You do not need this.. please stop refusing to take individual steps to tune for your individual needs/wants when you have the ability to modulate your companions power on any character you play. Asking for nerfs just because you don't want to take any steps on your part is real weak sauce in my view. Further.. I don't think you really understand the power curve for you and your companion for companion levels 1-50.


1) no companion will rank up in any appreciable way just while you level. At most you will see maybe 5 levels total. You have to actually feed them a truck load of gifts to rank them well above level 10. leveling will at most rank up a companion a few levels.. and that is NOT a notable increase in power for either you or the companion. In addition, you can easily turn off one or more of their special attacks and overcome any nominal increase in power from going up a few levels.


2) nothing stops you from whipping out any companion you like, with the few times when you need a specific companion for your class story progression... but even this is minor and seldom triggered.


3) There are companions in game that gain virtually no influence from your leveling. It is only your class specific core companions that do so. If you want to keep them pure and at level 1.. it's easy to swap to another companion you really do not care about for those times when you are going to trigger some influence gain.

Edited by Andryah
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I wish we could disable the presence buffs from the companion legacy and the legacy datacrons which had presence on it. If I had known it would affect the game so much I'd never have gone for those.


Given the current scaling of presence vs companion level since 4.0.. this is a rather small impact that you are trying to conflate from mole-hill to a mountain.

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I like them as they are now, I enjoy the versatility in roles, even though I tend to play most of them in their originally intended roles most of the time. Having the option to make my favorite go from heals to dps etc is nice to have. I'd rather run with Malavai all the time, than have to switch to another companion I like less.
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Setting aside the fact that you are getting overwhelming push back from other players in this thread.......

Indeed. Is this the first thread where there is almost unanimous agreement that the current companion setup is fine the way they are? Is this the first thread where almost everyone thinks that BW/theDevs got something right? :eek: wow!


The current way companions are set allows for much more roleplay options as we're not forced to "take the one that heals" or "the one that tanks" When I came back to the game after a couple of years break, I thought the changes to companions were excellent and it's one of the things that keeps me subbing/playing three years later.

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I would sign on right now if it also brought back their unique abilities. I can't say I've ever been a fan of the jack of all trades companions at the loss of uniqueness.


I would agree with this. I liked the uniqueness each companion had, but disliked having to pick one to travel with just because of their set abilities. So the changeable roles is good, but like many things BW has done, the implementation was half-baked.


And yes, they are still more OP than I would like to see them, but that's a trivial matter.

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NO ---- I like them like they are -- I hate having to use a certain companion I detest personality wise ---

let me keep Risha for everything --- I hate that fish head for healing -- always did ...

there I feel better ... :)

If they are too OP ( which they are not) -- then just don't use any, or as others have said, just don't level them .....

simple --- use low level ones ( we have plenty to choose from ! )

leave it alone for those of us who are happy with one of the best things they ever did for the game ....

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I would agree with this. I liked the uniqueness each companion had, but disliked having to pick one to travel with just because of their set abilities. So the changeable roles is good, but like many things BW has done, the implementation was half-baked.


And yes, they are still more OP than I would like to see them, but that's a trivial matter.


Unique abilities were lost to make sure that no companion was "better" than another in a specific role; because that would mean you'd still "need" (or at least be heavily encouraged) to use the "better" companion.


That some comps are better or worse than the baseline is a problem that ought to be addressed, but pretty low on the list of things that need doing.

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The system is good right now; just stop levelling up your companion. Stop giving them gifts, stop choosing actions that they approve of, it's actually quite simple. You can even choose to not have your companion with you if you want it to be that difficult.


even if they disapprove , you gain affection.

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even if they disapprove , you gain affection.


Yeah, but it's almost nothing. And if they have no reaction, it is nothing.


I don't think you could get through a class story runthrough without getting some influence, but it won't be much.

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No thank you. That's how it used to be, and I hated it. I like the negative = not as much that they have now.

Your campaign on this issue is getting tired.


well, a lot of campaigns dont get tired after years.


original tracer missile animation, anyone?


or how about traditional jedi robes?

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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well, a lot of campaigns dont get tired after years.


original tracer missile animation, anyone?


or how about traditional jedi robes?


I've seen you tossing threads everywhere, including in the suggestion area, and I conclude what you really want is a legacy 2.10.3a server.


That would solve all your "I wish it was the way it was before" posts.

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I've seen you tossing threads everywhere, including in the suggestion area, and I conclude what you really want is a legacy 2.10.3a server.


That would solve all your "I wish it was the way it was before" posts.


just some companion tweaks and story phase to be properly scaled. besides, its just suggestions anyway :D everything else in the game is fine beyond those two things.

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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I totally want back as things where.


NON OP companions . points is to level up, get stronger get better gear ( even for companions as it was once ) and then feel that you gradually become stronger.


Argument of dont rank uo your companion, turn this and that off , to artificially nerf is redicilus. Why?

Cuz an rpg is about to develop and grow , get things and skill to be able to conquer levels and enmeies u could not before. The feelings of grow in your max potential is a core thing in an rpg.


This way its rubbed me of so much of the feeling, Its so easy and dumb now that its nearly needed to invent a new word for easier than easy

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I totally want back as things where.


NON OP companions . points is to level up, get stronger get better gear ( even for companions as it was once ) and then feel that you gradually become stronger.


Argument of dont rank uo your companion, turn this and that off , to artificially nerf is redicilus. Why?

Cuz an rpg is about to develop and grow , get things and skill to be able to conquer levels and enmeies u could not before. The feelings of grow in your max potential is a core thing in an rpg.


This way its rubbed me of so much of the feeling, Its so easy and dumb now that its nearly needed to invent a new word for easier than easy


You mean the feeling of a false sense of entitlement? the feeling that the devs should tailor the whole game to you? with no need of any effort on your part to tailor the difficulty to yourself?


Protip. this is an MMO not just an RPG. it has to work for all the players, not just you.

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I totally want back as things where.


NON OP companions . points is to level up, get stronger get better gear ( even for companions as it was once ) and then feel that you gradually become stronger.


Argument of dont rank uo your companion, turn this and that off , to artificially nerf is redicilus. Why?

Cuz an rpg is about to develop and grow , get things and skill to be able to conquer levels and enmeies u could not before. The feelings of grow in your max potential is a core thing in an rpg.


This way its rubbed me of so much of the feeling, Its so easy and dumb now that its nearly needed to invent a new word for easier than easy


I can understand the feeling but... no, the true grind of the game is endgame, either farming CXP or unassembled components or doing raids, you already loose more than enough time there trying to gear up with the best gear, I do think that they need to scale the damage of the class stories and planetary quests though.


I was leveling an alt a few days ago and everything just felt so easy, companion or no companion things are way too easy if you know what you're doing and I feel like this harms the learning process of new players, because unless they choose to do the later expansions on veteran/master and eternal championship to train, chances are they'll hit level cap with no idea of what they are doing because the content is easy, I feel like EC and KOTFE/KOTET with different difficulties help mitigate this issue, but of course it doesn't address the vanilla game or the previous expansions. If they add difficulty modes for that or make it so that things aren't a cakewalk so that you can properly learn your class I think that would help.

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I can understand the feeling but... no, the true grind of the game is endgame, either farming CXP or unassembled components or doing raids, you already loose more than enough time there trying to gear up with the best gear, I do think that they need to scale the damage of the class stories and planetary quests though.


I was leveling an alt a few days ago and everything just felt so easy, companion or no companion things are way too easy if you know what you're doing and I feel like this harms the learning process of new players, because unless they choose to do the later expansions on veteran/master and eternal championship to train, chances are they'll hit level cap with no idea of what they are doing because the content is easy, I feel like EC and KOTFE/KOTET with different difficulties help mitigate this issue, but of course it doesn't address the vanilla game or the previous expansions. If they add difficulty modes for that or make it so that things aren't a cakewalk so that you can properly learn your class I think that would help.


I can't tell you how many 'actual' new folk I have seen struggling with mobs and helped before they died. The 'OP' comp was influence 1 I am sure, and they had no datacrons. Just pointing out that you are centering your point of view solely on an experienced gamer coming back to the game and who has in all likelihood at least some of the datacrons. Just a thought to remember when calling for changing something back to YOUR fond memories of the game (which may only be fond memories and not the reality of what happened at the time you were actually creating them).

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I can't tell you how many 'actual' new folk I have seen struggling with mobs and helped before they died. The 'OP' comp was influence 1 I am sure, and they had no datacrons. Just pointing out that you are centering your point of view solely on an experienced gamer coming back to the game and who has in all likelihood at least some of the datacrons. Just a thought to remember when calling for changing something back to YOUR fond memories of the game (which may only be fond memories and not the reality of what happened at the time you were actually creating them).


We were all noobs in the game at one point or another. At what point in time did getting killed by a mob or failing a quest objective become a bad thing? This game was never overly difficult even back in the vanilla days. When I failed at something the first time, I just tried again, perhaps with a slightly different strategy. There were a couple of boss battles I recall back in the early days that I had a Dickens of a time beating.


Know what I did? I went and did some other things to level up and get better stuff for my character and companion and tried again and won the battle. It was a much more satisfying experience doing it that way because I had complete control over how powerful my character was and thusly could tailor the challenge I got from any piece of content to my liking.

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