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Izax Veteran Progression Rankings

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@Zwirni did you want a Berserk posting?


As the lead of Berserk I'll answer instead of Zwirni.

Our casual, just for fun Screenshots: https://gyazo.com/80150c2b1e0036565d2f45ef347faf2f & https://prnt.sc/ivx2is


Berserk always said: We won't progress this Boss. We just want to kill it.

Take it as you wish, include us in your ranking or not. It's absolutely not important to us.


Congrats to the Kills and good luck to the others - Izax is awesome! (without P3).

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hey guys here is the info haters didn't wanna share.. AEON best guild ever



You don't speak for our team so don't. We released that info to the public to help others that's it period. We have no expectations others will share info and aren't interested in that topic at all. We release info solely based on what we deem is beneficial. You are to be honest not helping the community at all and would rather you delete your comments. We don't claim to be the best and never have. If you bothered to read the first lines of the guide you would know that the intent is to help. You are not. You are being quite offensive to what we stand for with that comment.

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Not a single offense has been posted and all of the information above is of public knowledge. to my eyes I m just giving praise to the guild of which I am a fan off.. and fyi I tried to delete I just don't know how and I'm in the middle of pulls for izax.. guide helping :)
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Not a single offense has been posted and all of the information above is of public knowledge. to my eyes I m just giving praise to the guild of which I am a fan off.. and fyi I tried to delete I just don't know how and I'm in the middle of pulls for izax.. guide helping :)


There's is none. Just edit the post above to take the Comments out you can leave the guide if you wish. Or edit it to read redacted. We are glad we can help but the comments about haters and what not is not what we stand for. We are here to help anyone who asks or in need. I apologize for being a bit blunt but we don't want drama and prefer others who aren't apart of the team or making of said guide not start it by proxy. Thanks.

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Izax VM Progression Board


Izax Cleared

Raid Team - Faction - Server - Link

8 Man

Team Ninja <Disciples of Babylon> - Imperial - Darth Malgus - Link

Team OMEGALULIGIN <Origin> - Imperial - Star Forge - Link

<It's Lit>/<Failure> - Imperial - Satele Shan - Link

TriHard 7 Squad <Braindead Minds> - Imperial - Tulak Hord - Link

Team Nemesis <Disciples of Babylon> - Imperial - Darth Malgus - Link

Team LSD <Disciples of Babylon> - Imperial - Darth Malgus - Link

Team Gold <Infinitas> - Republic - Tulak Hord - Links

<Berserk> - Imperial - Tulak Hord - Link


As honored as we are feeling to be mentioned as World 7th, Berserk killed Izax 10 minutes before us, so you probably have to swap the last two entries.

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I want to thank you for withholding the kill video's and tactics. This was the most fun week I've had in a while in this game. Scyva was spoiled and stoopid and killing this was so much more satisfying. Just like you said the "old" feeling of progression (which I never experienced cause I started NiMs in 5.0) is something special and should be experienced by all and not to be spoiled by German SJW "do good" socialists who think they do good by releasing it within the first week and spoiling everyone who can't resist it and copy paste strats cause some people hurt their feelings by actually starting a thread like this while they were on PTS spending their own free time testing this fight for Bioware and for them as well. I mean if you can't do this boss within the remaining proposed 4 weeks of "nightmare power" you are probably doing it wrong. Anyways I hope we get another raid before game is ded. good game bye bye
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I want to thank you for withholding the kill video's and tactics. This was the most fun week I've had in a while in this game. Scyva was spoiled and stoopid and killing this was so much more satisfying. Just like you said the "old" feeling of progression (which I never experienced cause I started NiMs in 5.0) is something special and should be experienced by all and not to be spoiled by German SJW "do good" socialists who think they do good by releasing it within the first week and spoiling everyone who can't resist it and copy paste strats cause some people hurt their feelings by actually starting a thread like this while they were on PTS spending their own free time testing this fight for Bioware and for them as well. I mean if you can't do this boss within the remaining proposed 4 weeks of "nightmare power" you are probably doing it wrong. Anyways I hope we get another raid before game is ded. good game bye bye



monk is the true hero of the 5.0 era

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I want to thank you for withholding the kill video's and tactics. This was the most fun week I've had in a while in this game. Scyva was spoiled and stoopid and killing this was so much more satisfying. Just like you said the "old" feeling of progression (which I never experienced cause I started NiMs in 5.0) is something special and should be experienced by all and not to be spoiled by German SJW "do good" socialists who think they do good by releasing it within the first week and spoiling everyone who can't resist it and copy paste strats cause some people hurt their feelings by actually starting a thread like this while they were on PTS spending their own free time testing this fight for Bioware and for them as well. I mean if you can't do this boss within the remaining proposed 4 weeks of "nightmare power" you are probably doing it wrong. Anyways I hope we get another raid before game is ded. good game bye bye


I'm glad you figured things out by yourself. I'm also glad that Week 1 guides and videos including my own guild's guide and video helped and is helping others as well. :)



A German SJW do good socialist (Kappa)

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I want to thank you for withholding the kill video's and tactics. This was the most fun week I've had in a while in this game. Scyva was spoiled and stoopid and killing this was so much more satisfying. Just like you said the "old" feeling of progression (which I never experienced cause I started NiMs in 5.0) is something special and should be experienced by all and not to be spoiled by German SJW "do good" socialists who think they do good by releasing it within the first week and spoiling everyone who can't resist it and copy paste strats cause some people hurt their feelings by actually starting a thread like this while they were on PTS spending their own free time testing this fight for Bioware and for them as well. I mean if you can't do this boss within the remaining proposed 4 weeks of "nightmare power" you are probably doing it wrong. Anyways I hope we get another raid before game is ded. good game bye bye


I'm glad you enjoyed working things out <3

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Team Mango - Republic - link

Had multiple ppl in different guilds, sorry for not proper screenshot since everyone was too excited, but I hope that will be enough


I'm probably going to end up being less strict on screenshots at this point anyway.

Updated and congrats on your kill :)

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Oh boy, you should get to know me better :D. So I see my guide totally didn't hinder your ability to progress the boss without information. Nice argument there.


I totally second this. Just an example: Here, on Tulak Hord, there is a raiding group, who's leader said, that they don't want to have information about Izax, so that they can progress through the encounter the regular way. However, they stated, if 5.9 is near and they haven't killed him until then, they probably would consult guides and videos. So, obviously, it's their decision, not to ask for information - not our decision, not to hand it over to them. We don't force them to use our videos and our guides to make them kill the boss faster.

So, it's more or less a decision, made by each raid - some members just want to progress the regular way without external information and others are watching out for every piece of information available. I personally really enjoyed our cooperation with 4 other raiding groups regarding strategies and mechanics. In the end, it helps everyone - and I am not jealous about Berserk killing it 10 minutes before us. It's a great feeling, being part of a wider community, that was built up in the last 10 months. Playing with each other is better, than playing against each other - that's the reason, I prefer PvE over PvP.

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Updated and congrats on all the latest guilds!


This may not be the most appropriate place for these sorts of discussions but on the off chance the devs are reading this it may be a good chance for some feedback. We are almost one lockout into Izax and 11 guilds have cleared 8 man VM already (potentially more too as not everyone may be posting here). Do people think this is a good clearance rate for a 'Master Mode tuned apex boss?' Should the fight have been harder/easier?


I encourage people to keep progressing and trying their best to clear and wish the best of luck :)

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Updated and congrats on all the latest guilds!


This may not be the most appropriate place for these sorts of discussions but on the off chance the devs are reading this it may be a good chance for some feedback. We are almost one lockout into Izax and 11 guilds have cleared 8 man VM already (potentially more too as not everyone may be posting here). Do people think this is a good clearance rate for a 'Master Mode tuned apex boss?' Should the fight have been harder/easier?


I encourage people to keep progressing and trying their best to clear and wish the best of luck :)


We have already discussed this in our group and with other players on our server. My opinion:

1. phases 2 and 3 are too easy regarding mechanics. In phase 2, there would have been much more potential: There are four amplifiers, and you only need 3 charges to break the shield. In my opinion, it would have been better, if they would have given the boss a certain amount of stacks, for each hit with a 1-stack amplifier, one stack disappears. Also add a timer, so that you don't have much time to break the shield and so have to use more then one amplifier, to get the shield down in time. Phase 3 is just... yeah... boring. Tanks are hanging around at the tether droids and one healer is doing the mechanic. Some sort of healing check here would have been nice.


2. Healing- and DPS-checks in general would have been nice. P3 could have been harder here, P4 is ridiculously easy, if you do it right. P5 is okay - maybe add 1 or 2 percentages of boss damage, that has to be done while defending the Gemini-Droid. In P6 (Burn Phase) the DPS-check should be harder, also add a healer check. Maybe Izax can deploy some more Tether Droids and Mines, the tanks have to deal with.


So, @Matt, don't get me wrong, Izax is great. But the encounter is far too easy in my opinion. Most of the time, you are standing around doing nothing. And standing around half the time in a 16-minutes boss fight becomes quite annoying over the time. Maybe it's just me. When GftM started a year ago my raid team was freshly formed out of players, who hadn't progressed in the past and we probably weren't as good as we are now after having around 200 raid nights in the past 13 months.

My suggestion for future operations is, to reintroduce Nightmare/Master Mode. Then, you can tune down Hard/Veteran Mode and Storymode, so that a wider population is able to do it. With a third level of difficulty, you can create a really hard encounter, irrespective of the VM-raid-community.

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Do people think this is a good clearance rate for a 'Master Mode tuned apex boss?' Should the fight have been harder/easier?


My main concern is that there are too few people on the PTS who can actually give quality feedback. If we just look at facts we see that 4 out of the first 5 guilds who killed Izax without PTS access were german from the server Tulak Hord. But these guilds are denied PTS access categorically. I guess it is because they don't want to deal with german feedback, but you can just write in the Terms of Service that all bug-reports for PTS need to be in English.


For example with 4 more guilds writing to Matt stuff like:

"Phase 3 is a joke, you need to tune that, maybe spawn the 2 conductors and 4 tether droids directly and just push the boss with one P3 to 60%. You would by that make the fight harder because after Phase3 you'd only have 3 Grapple-items left in the group instead of 5 and the fight would be shorter. Extending the fight doesn't make it harder, just more annoying."

"In Phase 4 you shouldn't get a damage buff on the boss with only 1 stack. Maybe starting at 2 stacks you deal 25% more damage, 3 stacks 50% more damage. This way the DPS-check isn't such a joke."

we maybe could have changed the boss a little.


All in all the boss is way too easy if you call it MasterMode, especially if you compare it to Brontes or Styrak. But to be honest I am quite shocked about the clearance rate. I thought the game had more raiding potential on other servers. But as it turns out the german server has the highest population of good raiding guilds which is really sad because that means that other servers are as dead as Tulak Hord in regards of raiding.

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My main concern is that there are too few people on the PTS who can actually give quality feedback. If we just look at facts we see that 4 out of the first 5 guilds who killed Izax without PTS access were german from the server Tulak Hord. But these guilds are denied PTS access categorically. I guess it is because they don't want to deal with german feedback


It is not that simple with BW, they seem to be much more random when granting PTS access. When my guild submitted for Tyth, about 40% of the people didn't get invites, making any sort of sensible fight verification impossible. After our pleas to grant access to missing members were ignored 3 or 4 times, we simply stopped bothering. I wonder how many other guilds got a similar treatment, thus denying the devs potentially valuable feedback.


All in all, yes, the fight ended up too easy. Especially considering how long people needed to kill Brontes NiM or Revan HM on release.

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How to spot someone without PTS access, they make wild accusations about what goes on in the PTS :D


You telling me you encouraged the devs to leave P3 like it is?


Obviously there is too little input, otherwise neither P3, P4 nor P6 would be like it is now. The other option of course being that noone listens to your feedback in which case it is irrelevant how many guilds are on the PTS.

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You telling me you encouraged the devs to leave P3 like it is?


Obviously there is too little input, otherwise neither P3, P4 nor P6 would be like it is now. The other option of course being that noone listens to your feedback in which case it is irrelevant how many guilds are on the PTS.


I'm sure you can gather how much they listen based off of the state of Scyva alone :rak_01: There's often not enough time to assess phases correctly due to bugs and other factors as well. We've always been vocal about how phase 3 puts us to sleep xd

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