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Huttball - What hack was this?


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Playing classic huttball and an assassin on the other team grabs the ball, runs towards our goal and drops into the pit.


He then runs right across the pit and boom, he's back up on top and coasts into our goal.


There was nobody on the ledge in front of him, not our team or anyone from their team. He just magically appeared on the ledge and went right into the goal.


I saw this happen twice over the weekend. I wanted to get back into WZs but stuff like this really turns me off.

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Was s/he directly under one of the platforms when "in the pit"? Because that map (both HB maps actually) is notorious for showing characters at the wrong level. It's very common, in fact, for someone to run along, use roll, or force speed, or any kind of movement enhancer and the game goes crazy trying to show you where they are.


So they could have just been force speeding along the ramps or something like that, or teleported to someone up on a ramp... but it would show them down under for a few seconds. And not like 1/2 a second, but yes, like 2 or 3 seconds worth of you seeing them in the wrong place, not being able to target them, etc.

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Was s/he directly under one of the platforms when "in the pit"? Because that map (both HB maps actually) is notorious for showing characters at the wrong level. It's very common, in fact, for someone to run along, use roll, or force speed, or any kind of movement enhancer and the game goes crazy trying to show you where they are.


So they could have just been force speeding along the ramps or something like that, or teleported to someone up on a ramp... but it would show them down under for a few seconds. And not like 1/2 a second, but yes, like 2 or 3 seconds worth of you seeing them in the wrong place, not being able to target them, etc.

No, they weren't on the platforms. They took the ball directly down into the pit.

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it's called de-sync happens all the time in every warzone, no hack, write a ticket i'm sure bioware will get right on it.


De-sync is the new standard for hack deniers to deflect attention now that hacks have been proven categorically to exist in this game. Yes there is de-sync, but not everything is de-sync, just the same as not everything is hacks.

What the OP describes does indeed sound like a hack.

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Do you play this game?! Have u ever played a huttball yourself!? Youre saying that every time a sorc force speeds up the ranps and disappears in quesh huttball that's a hack?! Youre saying that every time an op rolls off the top ledge and into the endzone in nar shadaa hutball thats a hack!?
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Do you play this game?! Have u ever played a huttball yourself!? Youre saying that every time a sorc force speeds up the ranps and disappears in quesh huttball that's a hack?! Youre saying that every time an op rolls off the top ledge and into the endzone in nar shadaa hutball thats a hack!?


Who are you aiming that at? If it’s me, then you didn’t read what I wrote. I never said those things don’t happen because they do. But if someone running directly into the pit as the OP said and then teleports onto the upper ledge without being pulled or leaping to someone, it’s a hack.

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I do. I care.


The almighty regstar.


If you're playing them and taking them seriously, I'm sorry. Better luck next go around when EA gives the Star Wars licensing to somebody with a clue (I hope), or at least a developer that won't use a **** engine like this one that can't even cope with 16 players in a WZ without it crapping out.


Good luck junior!

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Elitism is what ruins regs. Objective pvpers have no ranked outlet in the game now. So they are relegated to playing regs. Saying it doesn’t matter is just mean and shows people what you really think of them and of yourself.


Get off your white horse lol The pvp playerbase in this game is bottom of the barrel. So sorry the one game you queue into has somebody acting like a turd, there's no deserter debuff, leave and get another match. Queue times are nothing if you're max, if you're a lowbie even more reason not to care.


Sorry your ego is bruised if you lose a reg wz :rolleyes:

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Get off your white horse lol The pvp playerbase in this game is bottom of the barrel. So sorry the one game you queue into has somebody acting like a turd, there's no deserter debuff, leave and get another match. Queue times are nothing if you're max, if you're a lowbie even more reason not to care.


Sorry your ego is bruised if you lose a reg wz :rolleyes:


Says the person looking down his nose at everyone from above the clouds. I really hope you never play in regs because I’m sure your attitude loses more matches for teams than your supreme combat skill helps carry them.

Please stay in Ranked.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The almighty regstar.


If you're playing them and taking them seriously, I'm sorry. Better luck next go around when EA gives the Star Wars licensing to somebody with a clue (I hope), or at least a developer that won't use a **** engine like this one that can't even cope with 16 players in a WZ without it crapping out.


Good luck junior!


I don't recall 8v8 ranked matches really crapping out back in the day..but okay. :p

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there's a lot less hacking/exploiting than people realize


I've only seen people exploit in regs like...twice


and I've done about 10,000 warzones and 1500 ranked matches in the last 4 years


I think I've seen maybe 2 legit hacks since the 1.0s myself.

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