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Not what he had expected


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This scene has been nagging at me for some time now. Yesterday evening I sat down to write this drabble and post it on tumblr. The responses prompted me to post it here, too. *waves to Lunafox and Charmedseed*

It's headcanon for 'Trouble, Destiny, and Other Complications' and takes place at the end of canon Rishi. Since it will take me a while to get there, I post this drabble as a stand-alone.


Spoilers for Rishi, as well as Theron and Satele Shan's background story.




For some reason the situation felt surreal. His mother and Darth Marr had both been in this room. They hadn’t tried to kill each other. Lana and he had actually accomplished something. The Empire and the Republic would work together to stop Revan. Theron still had difficulties to grasp it.


Ciner harrumphed. “So the rumors are true, the Jedi grandmaster is your mother.” A touch of incredulity resonated in the Wrath’s voice.


Theron suppressed a sigh. Ciner hated him for some reason, and had done his best to turn this into a mutual feeling. Not without success, Theron had to admit. He knew what was coming. Best to get it over with. Why would he even care about a Sith’ opinion? “You got something to say? Maybe lecture me about the Jedis’ hypocrisy?”


Lana opened her mouth to intervene but closed it when she caught his look. This wasn’t her fight. Nox leaned against the wall near the door feigning disinterest. Well, Theron had noticed him c.ock his head. Not that Nox’ opinion mattered.


“Force! I am not going to fight you on Jedi in general being hypocrites.” Ciner shrugged. “But if the rest of the rumors in the intelligence reports we have on your mother are also true, then I would rather say your father is an @sshole.”


“Excuse me?”


“Has it not occurred to you, that he maybe should have used a condom?”


“Now, that would have saved all of us a lot of trouble — especially me.” Theron’s life left much to be desired, yet he never wished for not being born at all. He felt more offended than he should be. Kriffing Sith!


“That is not what I meant!” Ciner tried to appease him to his astonishment.


“Then what did you mean?”


“Doing the math it must have happened on Alderaan.” Ciner waited for Theron’s acknowledging nod. “I know you partook in your share of missions. But have you ever actually been on a battlefield? Can you imagine what it is like for someone who is Force sensitive? The thrill of emotions besieging you when you take people’s life? The despair of fighting to protect your comrades and failing more often than you care to count? She fought against Malgus. Have you ever witnessed the dreadful glory of a Sith in battle rage? Nothing can prepare you for the horrors of war, nothing prevent you from realizing peace in fact is a lie. It is overwhelming for a Sith despite being trained for war since early childhood. What do you think it does to a young Jedi who has been raised reciting there are no emotions? Her master, her point of focus, has been taken from her. There she is, trying to bring her teachings into accordance with reality, emotionally vulnerable. And people blame her for someone far more experienced than herself taking advantage of her? And the @sshole has not even the decency to use a proper form of contraception? Because it sure does not take genius to realize sex ed lacks proper coverage in the Jedi handbook.”


Theron could only stare at the Sith. This was not what he had expected.


“Next time someone insults your mother,” Ciner added, “send them to me.”

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