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PVP balance out of control


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1 - Cxp is fine if you just pvp with 1 toon. However if you pvp with many toons (22 - 11 each side) its a pain. Its a bioware's lazy excuse to say: Hey! Here is the endgame! I loved pre cxp. It makes me love to play with all classes, both sides. CXP in fact killed the legacy system. Swtor estimulated us to play many toons and it was great... but CXP seems to be a penality for it. Just a bad system.




It's made me focus on one toon and that is really against my typical gameplay on MMOs as I always love jumping from alt to alt. But you really are pigeonholed to play the game their way.


It makes no sense to jump around on alts if you do not have a 300 CXP toon, and so since coming back I have done exactly as they want me to. Play one toon predominantly.


I imagine if you pour tons of time into the game, eventually this isn't as much of a factor as you build all your characters up. I get it that there is a system here, and it works according to the design goals of the devs but I am not fond of it at all.


Luckily I find one toon fun enough I can manage sticking to one character the majority of the time, but I typically am an altaholic and the game design now rewards you more for focusing on one toon at a time.


Even conquest has come to making alts a chore and more simple and easy to just focus on one toon. Guess that's just how they want it now.

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I was under the impression that it was only same class/mirror class.


So a sniper rifle's barrel, mod, and enhancement can be placed in a blaster rifle of a commando or blaster pistol of a merc and still work?


I can see the mod and enhancement because they are always 'neutral' with regard to gear pieces, you can use the mod and enhancement from a helmet in a boots for example. I wouldn't have thought you could use a barrel from a Sniper rifle in a blaster pistol though.


I don't play a ton of classes though so easy to see how I could have missed that.


no, i mean the actual legacy weapon itself is transferable between toons and factions, so if all your chars have legacy weapons and you have 242 gear in them for example, A mainhand lightsaber, you can use it on your sage and then also use it on your Jugg if you decide to go play that char. Unless you have a weapon that is faction specific, i'm not sure if that exists or not as I just use my S3 weapon sets to move between characters.

As for the 7 piece armors, you could theoretically do the same if you didnt care about set bonuses, and yes i just tested it by placing my 242 PT legacy gear on my sage.

To address your question though, a barrel is a barrel, not specific to a blaster or rifle though ive never tried pulling from one to put in the other.

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Good news everyone....or shall i say bad news?

HM....Mr. DEVS, slakers. Is jully (not 4 but 5, HPBDAY USA:)).

Now: When do we see live PvP changes? WHEN??????????????

I want to test them before going for good tho, will give u 1 more chance, since i am a true man and i do not hide behind fingers.:mad:

Edited by Gingishan
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Legacy gear. Legacy lightsaber mainhand can be used across your Sorc/sage Mara/sent Jugg/Gaurdian

Legacy blaster main hand can be used across you Merc-PT-GS etc etc...this really should be obvious to anyone.

Legacy gear makes it quite a bit easier to get some stats on your other toons.


I allrdy do that between sent/mara, jug/guardian, oper/scoundrel, but i do not between merc/vanguard/sniper/sorc/shadow

Edited by Gingishan
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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree. PvP definitely needs a lot of attention. Classes like mercs and snipers need to be toned down for sure. Mercenary's self-heals are way out of control and electro nets duration is way too long. They can already get out of slows and use a speed boost not to mention they have a reflect and energy shield. How can melee even compete with that? The same with snipers. Snipers dont even have to move. They just sit in cover and you cant stun them, knock em back or even interrupt casts. Plus they have a bunch of utilities to mitigate damage. Again how can melee classes even compete when they cant use mobility moves to even get to them and when they do snipers can just hit a button to knock them away. But apparently assassins were hitting too hard so they had to nerf that. Yeah that was clearly the problem.


The other thing is TTK. Dps-ing in warzones feels frustratingly slow. I dont know what kind of formula they're using for bolster but its very annoying. I miss the days before bolster you actually felt like you were hitting for something. It would be nice to have pvp gear again and actually have the enjoyment of building your character and being able to control what stats you want and see what you can hit for.

Edited by Danve
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Haha, so the only thing that makes people have an advantage is gear? Noice!

No? the gear is available to everyone. Why should a fresh level 70 be at the same level as someone who has actually put a lot of time into the game to acquire good gear? Gear is what makes your character stronger. WHy have it in the game if there are stat templates in place. Pointless. I cant even get the satisfaction of building my character and selecting what stats to go for in pvp.

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No? the gear is available to everyone. Why should a fresh level 70 be at the same level as someone who has actually put a lot of time into the game to acquire good gear? Gear is what makes your character stronger. WHy have it in the game if there are stat templates in place. Pointless. I cant even get the satisfaction of building my character and selecting what stats to go for in pvp.


^ a million times this.

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No? the gear is available to everyone. Why should a fresh level 70 be at the same level as someone who has actually put a lot of time into the game to acquire good gear? Gear is what makes your character stronger. WHy have it in the game if there are stat templates in place. Pointless. I cant even get the satisfaction of building my character and selecting what stats to go for in pvp.


Because pvp should be about skill and not gear gods. If you need gear to win pvp, then you aren’t as good as you think and what happens when everyone has that gear and you have no advantage except over any lowly new pvper who you stomp into the ground. Then they hate pvp and never come back. Yep, that’s awesome for pvp, give people more of an excuse not to play just so you can feel superior against “new” players.

Real pvpers dont care about gear. They care about pitting their skills against other people. So, are you a real pvper or noob farmer?

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For those that don't know, or don't remember, the Devs did try at one point to give everyone a free set of PvP gear once they hit max level.


It wasn't the best by any means but at least it was something.


The issue wasn't the gear itself but the fact that a good portion of the population sold it for credits and then tried jumping into pvp.


Probably have the same issue now if they tried that again.

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Gear to balance skill gap? :eek:


For real pvper the quote from Conan the Barbarian (1982)

'To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.'


Real Pvper's go for BLOOD! (err...go for win actually :o)

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I allrdy do that between sent/mara, jug/guardian, oper/scoundrel, but i do not between merc/vanguard/sniper/sorc/shadow


You can also buy the Gree offhands as they are also legacy bound.


For those that don't know, or don't remember, the Devs did try at one point to give everyone a free set of PvP gear once they hit max level.


It wasn't the best by any means but at least it was something.


The issue wasn't the gear itself but the fact that a good portion of the population sold it for credits and then tried jumping into pvp.


Probably have the same issue now if they tried that again.


The recruit gear was straight trash. You were still pretty much naked.


Edit: also they kinda have this already. With command comms being legacy, after your first character you can just straight up buy 230 gear.

Edited by Ld-Siris
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The issue wasn't the gear itself but the fact that a good portion of the population sold it for credits and then tried jumping into pvp.


Probably have the same issue now if they tried that again.


Yes, that’s true, I remember people doing that.


It really isn’t that different to how Bolster was working in 4.x. People just refused to wear 190 gear if they didn’t have any pvp gear. They would always wear their epic pve gear and get stomped because they had no expertise.


At least the old system was quick to gear up. You could get reg pvp gear in a week and ranked with in 2-3 (depending on how much pvp you played).

There was also only a small gap between reg gear and ranked gear. Bolster even got 190 gear close to reg gear. The main difference between them was lack of set bonuses.

Bolster also worked on all pvp gear, including ranked because it was set higher than the ranked gear. Which meant the gap between the gear was actually less than the rating suggested.


The easiest solution to all the gear issues in pvp is to just increase bolster up 2 gear lvls above the current highest gear. Then all gear, no matter what lvl, will bolster up to it. There would still be some small differences and the highest gear would still give slightly better stats, but the difference would be more in line with the old system and that difference would be much small than now and be closer to skill based and less about gear.

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The easiest solution to all the gear issues in pvp is to just increase bolster up 2 gear lvls above the current highest gear. Then all gear, no matter what lvl, will bolster up to it. There would still be some small differences and the highest gear would still give slightly better stats, but the difference would be more in line with the old system and that difference would be much small than now and be closer to skill based and less about gear.


You know this takes us back to the former discussion of "getting bored in the game". People will tell you that the principle of an MMO is the grind for stuff, gear, items, crafting mats etc. If you enable the mode where you just enter the game, use Masters Datacron to be level 70 and have "top gear in PVP" due to bolster the game will become boring for you after a while.

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You know this takes us back to the former discussion of "getting bored in the game". People will tell you that the principle of an MMO is the grind for stuff, gear, items, crafting mats etc. If you enable the mode where you just enter the game, use Masters Datacron to be level 70 and have "top gear in PVP" due to bolster the game will become boring for you after a while.


Yeah, but isn’t it already? Consider this.


Bioware dumbed down the game and made it super easy. Then made it super fast to lvl, added lvl sync that made gear irrelevant before lvl 70, made flashpoints solo-able with a stupid droid you can’t control. And don’t forget that Bioware want you to get to lvl 70 fast to “just” grind gear, it’s why they’ve added these lvl 70 instant tokens.


Theyve literally made a massive amount of the best parts of the game irrelevant. Bioware honeslty don’t care if your are “bored”, they just want you to play repetitive stuff over and over to get gear, which when you think about it, is pretty boring and is probably why so many people have continued to leave the game.


I know if I was new and all I wanted to do was pvp in the game, I would buy the lvl 70 token and jump straight into pvp. Except I would probably leave soon after I realised I would need to grind gear for 100 days just so the gear gods weren’t stomping my newbie butt into the ground. If your new and learning, the last thing you want is to be disadvantaged by gear.


Now, if you are a pver, that’s different because the game was designed around grinding gear as you lvl. I guess that can sort of translate into grinding gear only when you reach lvl 70. But even progression raiders miss the old gearing system. They don’t find this new system fun and in fact many has said its boring.


But, each to their own. What’s boring for some people is exciting for others, correct? The thing is, the gear grind since 5.0 has been any thing but “Ben Irving exciting”. Sure theyve tweaked stuff, but it is still a rubbish system covered in 20 peeling off bandaids. The things people have found fun, Bioware have systematically tried to change or ruin people’s fun, starting with the nerfing 5.0s original Bolster setting (which was great before the nerf) and culminating in wreaking conquest for many people.


Pvpers really don’t need or want a gear grind to pvp, at least most of the ones I know or have known over the years. They get their enjoyment from playing other people and that doesn’t get boring. Gearing is a Bioware induced distraction and is only in the pvp part of the game because it’s an MMO. The whole RNG loot box thing is at its base, just gambling and a way to try and get you addicted so you won’t leave when you realise they aren’t producing enough content fast enough.


Other games have loot boxes or RNG too, but out of the ones I’ve played, only WoW and swtor make you grind gear to get a competitive advantage in pvp. Most of the other games, ie Overwatch, make gearing irrelevant for performance, instead, they offer vanity items as incentives in their RNG loot boxes.

I know which system I prefer and I dare say a hell of a lot of other people do too, who have all gone to Overwatch to pvp. ie, 80% of my old guild.


I think it’s an old argument that we need a gear grind in pvp to keep people interested. I believe dedicated pvpers find the combat and competition enough of a reason to play. I don’t think the lack of gear grind would drive people from pvp. What’s driven them away are class imbalance issues, bugs, exploiting, cheating and Bioware totally ignoring it all for months/years.


What makes me bored in pvp is when you have too many healers and nothing dies. aka, what’s been happening for too long and is even happening on the pts. It’s also boring when people don’t try to win and only want to stroke their dps stats. It’s boring constantly playing with noobs and it’s boring and frustrating grinding gear so there is no gear gap between you and the guy you are fighting.


Everyone has their own idea of boring or fun or “Ben Irving exciting”.

My idea of boring is gear grinding or playing pvp with gear gods at one end and undergeared people at the other.

My idea of fun is pitting my skills against other people on a lvl playing field. That way I know if they beat me they earned it, not because you had better gear. And if I beat them I get a feeling of accomplishment and I dont have to wonder if gear played a part.


I know you like to grind, which is good, but some people like myself hate it and wish we had no need for gear grinding to pvp. I would pvp naked if I was competive (like I nearly do when I’m clubbing :D)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Yeah, but isn’t it already? Consider this.


Bioware dumbed down the game and made it super easy. Then made it super fast to lvl, added lvl sync that made gear irrelevant before lvl 70, made flashpoints solo-able with a stupid droid you can’t control. And don’t forget that Bioware want you to get to lvl 70 fast to “just” grind gear, it’s why they’ve added these lvl 70 instant tokens.


Theyve literally made a massive amount of the best parts of the game irrelevant.


Bioware did so to push everyone into "subscriber only" territory to get more money.



No? the gear is available to everyone. Why should a fresh level 70 be at the same level as someone who has actually put a lot of time into the game to acquire good gear? Gear is what makes your character stronger. WHy have it in the game if there are stat templates in place. Pointless. I cant even get the satisfaction of building my character and selecting what stats to go for in pvp.


I have an entirely different theory.


The better people become, the worse their gear should be. Things like gear rotting away, rust, etc. So much that their skill has to outmatch their rotten gear.


Of course no-one will want that. People rather prefer the "Mathew Effect" : "For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away." It's called "Corporate Welfare". Of course those who win want to get more.


The original sign of "you are the best one", the award, is kind of ridiculed by giving the award over and over again to those who cannot lose.


And of course, in our age of egoism, "selfisment" and greed, no-one wants to have something taken away. In the course of nacism, it is essential that the best one always gets the best things.


Which is why this "item rot" will never take place, because everyone - and especially developers catering selfish masses of players - are bound too much in that "Matthew Effect".


No-one would buy a game that doesn't fulfill the neds of greedy narcists.


So, in the end, we have in PvP a very good mirror of what happens in RL.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Yeah, but isn’t it already?


Yes thats why we have an PVP update now. Also, its not boring as people still have the gear grind. If you are a hardcore PVPer you have stacks of 9999 UCs now and are able to gear any new toon. However the grind was there to get to this point, which kept the people subbed and playing PVP.


Bioware dumbed down the game and made it super easy. Then made it super fast to lvl, added lvl sync that made gear irrelevant before lvl 70, made flashpoints solo-able with a stupid droid you can’t control. And don’t forget that Bioware want you to get to lvl 70 fast to “just” grind gear, it’s why they’ve added these lvl 70 instant tokens.


You can see the trend there is in the game. At launch Bioware was hoping people would take 3-5 months to level toons and then start new toons and play other stories etc. This didnt happen, people wanted end game which swtor didnt have. So they changed adapted (too late, but they did). The trend we have now is that there are many new people in the game and they want to again level up! They gave 60-65 tokens, but realized people dont want to start at 65 they want to be lvl 70 at start of class stories! So we have Masters datacron. So basically they are following the trend of the game giving what the players currently want. Its just that sometimes its too late.



the game was designed around grinding gear as you lvl. I guess that can sort of translate into grinding gear only when you reach lvl 70.


This was caused by the situation swtor was in. People have been abusing the subscription system by staying preff and playing PVP in group with friends. They gained PVP coms and got their gear so many many people evaded subscritions. So this was actually caused by the players (yet also due to lack of content). They needed to force people to sub and therefore they introduced the system.


instead, they offer vanity items as incentives in their RNG loot boxes.


Well look at ranked, it has vanity rewards and what does that lead to? Nothing but wintraders to get the rewards! Vanity items are also no way for PVP as players try to reach those in unlegit ways.




I don’t think the lack of gear grind would drive people from pvp.


Again we are at the economic side of the game, what do I have from a player that wants to only PVP as a Developer? He will not pay a subscription since he can que with friends in a group, even in group ranked and finish Top 3! If he needs gear, he needs to sub so he can grind it!

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  • 3 weeks later...
As i predicted before, over and over, PvP is dying, for good! It seems that, after the Infinity War, all decent/good players disapeared, since Thanos snaped his fingers. Those who left are simply Revengers, They have no point to horizon, brain is just a metaphora, objectives are aliens, etc. Yes, WZ are terible now. For example: i caped nodes with my oper with 3 afk defenders, turned the game in my team favor. If u taunt few players, all they do is chasing u with one single purpuse in mind, objectives does not matter anymore. Sacrifice is good maybe, but still, the PvP is almost dead. Anyway: less then 2 weeks left till wow next expansion. This might be the end of my time here. For ever! :mad:
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First of all please sorry for my bad english.

We all love SWTOR and the game have many good aspects specially in PVE. But when it come to PVP the things are dramatically. A game have the potential to relax players, make them feel great, destress them even. We do not see this in here and this is sad trully.

Things that must be imediatly adresed asap in PVP:

1. Tier gear. Curently i saw 4 Tier. Game should have only 2 Tier, one from normal WZ-nes and second for Ranked WZ-nes, like most decent PVP games have. make the game to distress us not to stres players with over and over grinding gear.

2. Premades should not be alowed to que unless other premades, basically remove premades from normal warzones. Make a third button with que for premades. Go further and make minimum 2 stages of que, 1 for tier 230-242 and onother for 246-248, unless u remove the 4 tier and let only 2 as i posted above. Go even further since is easy: How u chose openents: same number of healers on each side, same with tanks, same number, same ilvl. Played for days against same premades, with abusive players in language, showing how good they are in premades but very bad when quing solo, most of them leaving WZ-nes if they see they lose. For leavers 30 minutes penalties should be fine.

3. OP classes. I realy want Devs to teach us: How can a jug or any any leap class fight with snipers, in my opinion the most OP class in the proper hands (i leveled one so i see it myself). Leap should be usable against any kind of entrech, cover, etc, even against net from commnados/mercs. And not only leap, but include a second leap like heroic leap or jedi leap with hi range but animation like zelous leap. Imunity on leap, minimum 4 seconds, doubled with talent to make pair with mercs/mandos. Jugs/guardians play shank because the dps tree are lamentable to play, so the fault is yours not them.

4. Remove healing from any dps class. Is anoying to see opers/scoundrels kiting and interupting a node from beeing caped just because they heal like mads, they have too much dodge, they are extremly mobile and roll is buging the game in a way out of control ( i have both scoundrel and operative and i know what i am talking about, they outperform even in low ilvl gear). It is annoying to see mercs dps healing more then 2 times their HP by just talents and instant healing procs.

5. Revamping skill tree for every class. Ideeas? YES! OFC! U did excelent job with chapter Shrouds of Memories, the design for classes should match that type of few talents like HK-55 have. Here u can do an excelent job, revamp the game and stop beeing lazy. Go see and learn from Battlefront 2, from Overwatch, Titanfall and decent PVP games, so easy to play and most of all enjoyable.

6. Quing: I saw alot of moments and WZ-nes where 3-4 players must fight vs 8 players, not once but many times.

7. LEAP BUG. I lost nodes by simply leaping under map (have pictures to prove) multiple times in same WZ-ne. Mostly this hapen when sorc speed up or when operatives roll. Since game started this BUG is not fixed. Leaped 5 times undermap in same WZ-ne, cmon, rlly?

8. Cheaters: Will give you 1 example: Darth Malgus, player named ÒÔÖ, jedi shadow. he caped nodes before time start, he caped ball before game start (have pics to prove if u ask).



We can't direct tankers and healers and other class back to the back of the bus because they use their class abilities is not cheating. All class characters are accepted in warzone. Run to a development team for making rules on balance PVP and turning off other players class character abilities for you is cheating. Needs a updates game voices you hear or signs inside warzone arena that your rules don't count and all class abilities counted. Don't like it and you need to retired from PVP warzone. Come back later when your ready.


Warzone and group player game system needs to be setup to prevent players leaving or backing out until its done.

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First of all please sorry for my bad english.

We all love SWTOR and the game have many good aspects specially in PVE. But when it come to PVP the things are dramatically. A game have the potential to relax players, make them feel great, destress them even. We do not see this in here and this is sad trully.

Things that must be imediatly adresed asap in PVP:

1. Tier gear. Curently i saw 4 Tier. Game should have only 2 Tier, one from normal WZ-nes and second for Ranked WZ-nes, like most decent PVP games have. make the game to distress us not to stres players with over and over grinding gear.

2. Premades should not be alowed to que unless other premades, basically remove premades from normal warzones. Make a third button with que for premades. Go further and make minimum 2 stages of que, 1 for tier 230-242 and onother for 246-248, unless u remove the 4 tier and let only 2 as i posted above. Go even further since is easy: How u chose openents: same number of healers on each side, same with tanks, same number, same ilvl. Played for days against same premades, with abusive players in language, showing how good they are in premades but very bad when quing solo, most of them leaving WZ-nes if they see they lose. For leavers 30 minutes penalties should be fine.

3. OP classes. I realy want Devs to teach us: How can a jug or any any leap class fight with snipers, in my opinion the most OP class in the proper hands (i leveled one so i see it myself). Leap should be usable against any kind of entrech, cover, etc, even against net from commnados/mercs. And not only leap, but include a second leap like heroic leap or jedi leap with hi range but animation like zelous leap. Imunity on leap, minimum 4 seconds, doubled with talent to make pair with mercs/mandos. Jugs/guardians play shank because the dps tree are lamentable to play, so the fault is yours not them.

4. Remove healing from any dps class. Is anoying to see opers/scoundrels kiting and interupting a node from beeing caped just because they heal like mads, they have too much dodge, they are extremly mobile and roll is buging the game in a way out of control ( i have both scoundrel and operative and i know what i am talking about, they outperform even in low ilvl gear). It is annoying to see mercs dps healing more then 2 times their HP by just talents and instant healing procs.

5. Revamping skill tree for every class. Ideeas? YES! OFC! U did excelent job with chapter Shrouds of Memories, the design for classes should match that type of few talents like HK-55 have. Here u can do an excelent job, revamp the game and stop beeing lazy. Go see and learn from Battlefront 2, from Overwatch, Titanfall and decent PVP games, so easy to play and most of all enjoyable.

6. Quing: I saw alot of moments and WZ-nes where 3-4 players must fight vs 8 players, not once but many times.

7. LEAP BUG. I lost nodes by simply leaping under map (have pictures to prove) multiple times in same WZ-ne. Mostly this hapen when sorc speed up or when operatives roll. Since game started this BUG is not fixed. Leaped 5 times undermap in same WZ-ne, cmon, rlly?

8. Cheaters: Will give you 1 example: Darth Malgus, player named ÒÔÖ, jedi shadow. he caped nodes before time start, he caped ball before game start (have pics to prove if u ask).



Oh wait let ME REPEAT that. Maybe you all read now lol

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First of all please sorry for my bad english.

We all love SWTOR and the game have many good aspects specially in PVE. But when it come to PVP the things are dramatically. A game have the potential to relax players, make them feel great, destress them even. We do not see this in here and this is sad trully.

Things that must be imediatly adresed asap in PVP:

1. Tier gear. Curently i saw 4 Tier. Game should have only 2 Tier, one from normal WZ-nes and second for Ranked WZ-nes, like most decent PVP games have. make the game to distress us not to stres players with over and over grinding gear.

2. Premades should not be alowed to que unless other premades, basically remove premades from normal warzones. Make a third button with que for premades. Go further and make minimum 2 stages of que, 1 for tier 230-242 and onother for 246-248, unless u remove the 4 tier and let only 2 as i posted above. Go even further since is easy: How u chose openents: same number of healers on each side, same with tanks, same number, same ilvl. Played for days against same premades, with abusive players in language, showing how good they are in premades but very bad when quing solo, most of them leaving WZ-nes if they see they lose. For leavers 30 minutes penalties should be fine.

3. OP classes. I realy want Devs to teach us: How can a jug or any any leap class fight with snipers, in my opinion the most OP class in the proper hands (i leveled one so i see it myself). Leap should be usable against any kind of entrech, cover, etc, even against net from commnados/mercs. And not only leap, but include a second leap like heroic leap or jedi leap with hi range but animation like zelous leap. Imunity on leap, minimum 4 seconds, doubled with talent to make pair with mercs/mandos. Jugs/guardians play shank because the dps tree are lamentable to play, so the fault is yours not them.

4. Remove healing from any dps class. Is anoying to see opers/scoundrels kiting and interupting a node from beeing caped just because they heal like mads, they have too much dodge, they are extremly mobile and roll is buging the game in a way out of control ( i have both scoundrel and operative and i know what i am talking about, they outperform even in low ilvl gear). It is annoying to see mercs dps healing more then 2 times their HP by just talents and instant healing procs.

5. Revamping skill tree for every class. Ideeas? YES! OFC! U did excelent job with chapter Shrouds of Memories, the design for classes should match that type of few talents like HK-55 have. Here u can do an excelent job, revamp the game and stop beeing lazy. Go see and learn from Battlefront 2, from Overwatch, Titanfall and decent PVP games, so easy to play and most of all enjoyable.

6. Quing: I saw alot of moments and WZ-nes where 3-4 players must fight vs 8 players, not once but many times.

7. LEAP BUG. I lost nodes by simply leaping under map (have pictures to prove) multiple times in same WZ-ne. Mostly this hapen when sorc speed up or when operatives roll. Since game started this BUG is not fixed. Leaped 5 times undermap in same WZ-ne, cmon, rlly?

8. Cheaters: Will give you 1 example: Darth Malgus, player named ÒÔÖ, jedi shadow. he caped nodes before time start, he caped ball before game start (have pics to prove if u ask).



Just a repeat of repeat to make sure ya all can read lol ;)

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First of all please sorry for my bad english.

We all love SWTOR and the game have many good aspects specially in PVE. But when it come to PVP the things are dramatically. A game have the potential to relax players, make them feel great, destress them even. We do not see this in here and this is sad trully.

Things that must be imediatly adresed asap in PVP:

1. Tier gear. Curently i saw 4 Tier. Game should have only 2 Tier, one from normal WZ-nes and second for Ranked WZ-nes, like most decent PVP games have. make the game to distress us not to stres players with over and over grinding gear.

2. Premades should not be alowed to que unless other premades, basically remove premades from normal warzones. Make a third button with que for premades. Go further and make minimum 2 stages of que, 1 for tier 230-242 and onother for 246-248, unless u remove the 4 tier and let only 2 as i posted above. Go even further since is easy: How u chose openents: same number of healers on each side, same with tanks, same number, same ilvl. Played for days against same premades, with abusive players in language, showing how good they are in premades but very bad when quing solo, most of them leaving WZ-nes if they see they lose. For leavers 30 minutes penalties should be fine.

3. OP classes. I realy want Devs to teach us: How can a jug or any any leap class fight with snipers, in my opinion the most OP class in the proper hands (i leveled one so i see it myself). Leap should be usable against any kind of entrech, cover, etc, even against net from commnados/mercs. And not only leap, but include a second leap like heroic leap or jedi leap with hi range but animation like zelous leap. Imunity on leap, minimum 4 seconds, doubled with talent to make pair with mercs/mandos. Jugs/guardians play shank because the dps tree are lamentable to play, so the fault is yours not them.

4. Remove healing from any dps class. Is anoying to see opers/scoundrels kiting and interupting a node from beeing caped just because they heal like mads, they have too much dodge, they are extremly mobile and roll is buging the game in a way out of control ( i have both scoundrel and operative and i know what i am talking about, they outperform even in low ilvl gear). It is annoying to see mercs dps healing more then 2 times their HP by just talents and instant healing procs.

5. Revamping skill tree for every class. Ideeas? YES! OFC! U did excelent job with chapter Shrouds of Memories, the design for classes should match that type of few talents like HK-55 have. Here u can do an excelent job, revamp the game and stop beeing lazy. Go see and learn from Battlefront 2, from Overwatch, Titanfall and decent PVP games, so easy to play and most of all enjoyable.

6. Quing: I saw alot of moments and WZ-nes where 3-4 players must fight vs 8 players, not once but many times.

7. LEAP BUG. I lost nodes by simply leaping under map (have pictures to prove) multiple times in same WZ-ne. Mostly this hapen when sorc speed up or when operatives roll. Since game started this BUG is not fixed. Leaped 5 times undermap in same WZ-ne, cmon, rlly?

8. Cheaters: Will give you 1 example: Darth Malgus, player named ÒÔÖ, jedi shadow. he caped nodes before time start, he caped ball before game start (have pics to prove if u ask).



Just Saying AGAIN. lol ;)

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