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Justice for my people! Rank 300 and no gear at all in command crates!


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I was thinking of creating a ticket for this, but I thought the underlying ethical questions require a broad societal debate, so I am sharing my troubles in this thread, in the hopes that something can and will be done.

I have had this wonderful toon, called Fruitcake Tam (used to be just Fruitcake on Progenitor) and I have played him since around the 3.0 days. Fruitcake and me, we have not always had an easy relationship: many quests became chores, things that should be easy, weren't. But we have always had so much fun together. All through the class missions, the Makeb story line and part of the SoR one, we've managed to survive and overcome all adversity.


Then 5.0 hit, and things became complicated and much much harder (some might say impossible, but where there is a will...), so we picked up where we left, we got to level 70 just fine and then, something strange happened.



There was no gear for Fruitcake Tam in the command boxes at all.



Nothing. All the rest was there: cosmetic gear, companion gifts, reputation items, materials, mods, hilts etc, but no gear in the form of armor pieces or left-side items (ear piece / implant / relic etc). Nothing!


We've fought on, raging through many battles, be it in operations, flashpoints or even PvP, and in the end, we've made it to rank 300 together. I thought that perhaps, at that rank, something would change, and there would be something. I was wrong. But see for yourselves:


No gear at rank 300 at all, no gear for poor Fruitcake


Edit: yes, appears that screenshot is a poor example! Apparently starting at rank 300, you do get the occasional random relic dropped, because apparently that is sub-class unspecific. Sorry for the confusion!


All the gear I am wearing, I crafted myself. At item level 246, it's the best you can craft. But obviously it is missing something: upgradability to 248, and for the armor pieces, set bonus. Now granted, I could not profit from anything more than four pieces of DPS juggernaut set bonus armor, but still, it pains me to know there is almost no way for me to get that (short of ranking a DPS juggernaut I do not have to tier 3 ).


Now I'm not a complainer, I try to cope as best I can, and so far I have survived. But I have to wonder, what of others? What of all those that have trouble playing - and surviving - because of this grave inequality?



Something must be done! Bring justice and equality to my people!



In the name of Fruitcake Tam, basic hero from a simpler age

Edited by Kaldron_Fell
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I was thinking of creating a ticket for this, but I thought the underlying ethical questions require a broad societal debate, so I am sharing my troubles in this thread, in the hopes that something can and will be done.

I have had this wonderful toon, called Fruitcake Tam (used to be just Fruitcake on Progenitor) and I have played him since around the 3.0 days. Fruitcake and me, we have not always had an easy relationship: many quests became chores, things that should be easy, weren't. But we have always had so much fun together. All through the class missions, the Makeb story line and part of the SoR one, we've managed to survive and overcome all adversity.


Then 5.0 hit, and things became complicated and much much harder (some might say impossible, but where there is a will...), so we picked up where we left, we got to level 70 just fine and then, something strange happened.



There was no gear for Fruitcake Tam in the command boxes at all.



Nothing. All the rest was there: cosmetic gear, companion gifts, reputation items, materials, mods, hilts etc, but no gear in the form of armor pieces or left-side items (ear piece / implant / relic etc). Nothing!


We've fought on, raging through many battles, be it in operations, flashpoints or even PvP, and in the end, we've made it to rank 300 together. I thought that perhaps, at that rank, something would change, and there would be something. I was wrong. But see for yourselves:


No gear at rank 300 at all, no gear for poor Fruitcake


All the gear I am wearing, I crafted myself. At item level 246, it's the best you can craft. But obviously it is missing something: upgradability to 248, and for the armor pieces, set bonus. Now granted, I could not profit from anything more than four pieces of DPS juggernaut set bonus armor, but still, it pains me to know there is almost no way for me to get that (short of ranking a DPS juggernaut I do not have to tier 3 ).


Now I'm not a complainer, I try to cope as best I can, and so far I have survived. But I have to wonder, what of others? What of all those that have trouble playing - and surviving - because of this grave inequality?



Something must be done! Bring justice and equality to my people!



In the name of Fruitcake Tam, basic hero from a simpler age


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/106160051, right around the 24 minute mark.

"That's the excitement of RNG, or that's the excitement of the chase."

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I don't think you understand: I'm not saying I didn't get good gear. I did get no gear.


I feel for you, really. Sadly, those of us here on the forums can only sympathize with you. Glad you were able to craft some gear so you can have some decent gear that way.

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All I can say "RNG is RNG"

I'm pretty much got full set 230 for my shadow with command level below 50, I'm at tier 2 command now and getting legendary (gold) modifications items quite often, I just swapping out the lower tier mods. I even got the offhand tier 2 (236) dropped right after I hit tier 2 (level 90).

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I don't think you understand: I'm not saying I didn't get good gear. I did get no gear.


Oh I think he understands ... but it's a possibility that your toon is experiencing some incredibly bad rolls. My JC is in the mid to upper 200's and hasn't had a piece of gear drop outside implants. Lots of empty orange shells and the other stuff though. Sort of annoying. I ended up buying a set of tier one stuff with tokens. Meanwhile my brand new psychotic SW is around 100 ... and literally nothing to wear from the crates or to equip. But my JK? He's in full tier 2 stuff and only a 1/4 way through it.


Go ahead and file a ticket. I bet if they respond it'll be something along the lines of "We're sorry, but this is within the realm of possible outcomes. Thank you, come again."

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As I said, everything I am wearing, I crafted myself.


I don't think you understand: I'm not saying I didn't get good gear. I did get no gear.


This is what is confusing. You are emphasizing that you didn't get any gear which would be a bug. What you are showing in the screenshot is that, yes indeed, you got gear, just not gear that was better than your crafted gear, which is sucky RNG but not a bug.

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So, you are claiming that you went through 300 ranks of command crates in in all those crates not a single piece of gear dropped for you..... nothing.. nada.... zip.. zero?


Or are you not being clear and it's just that you are not getting ANY gear drops in crates opened once you are at the 300 cap? And if so.. please tell us how many crates you have actually received and opened since you hit rank 300...though of course we cannot actually tell if you are being truthful about that either.


And then you show us a screen shot of you with crafted gear as your proof (except we cannot actually tell that for sure with your screen shot)?


Sorry... but this alone proves nothing to your claim. In fact.. it is not possible for any of us on the forum to validate your claim at all... which leads me to believe you are quite possibly here for the drama.


IF... IF.. your claim is true.. then take it up with CS via a ticket and substantiate your claims.. and of course they can read the logs for your character and validate/invalidate your claim.. in which case you can come back and show us the CS response (though we cannot verify that either as you could take any CS response and doctor it.


So... I'm not saying your are right or wrong.. I am saying that you cannot prove your are right and that leaves the forum members with --> taking your word for this. What exactly do you expect to gain by this approach? It's not like any of us can fix your perceived/alleged gear problem. If you actually want to make an ethical case here as you claim... you need to be able to provide objective verifiable proof that we can see and evaluate.. which you cannot.

Edited by Andryah
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Go ahead and file a ticket. I bet if they respond it'll be something along the lines of "We're sorry, but this is within the realm of possible outcomes. Thank you, and do buy some cartel coins because we still need to fund Anthem."


I fixed it for you ;)

(This post is not meant to be taken seriously)

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I mean I don't want this to sound rude, but were you expecting to hit 300 and have it open a full set of gear? How many tier 4 crates have you opened? I see 4 or 5 in your pick.. While you seem to have a stash of tokens those could have come from level 1 to 300..


You're not going to get a piece from each crate, in fact I get a piece in about 1 in 10 with quite a few being duplicates. It is an alternate way of gearing vs running PVP or PVE. Then there are also the UC's that you can take your 242 shells and upgrade them to 248.


I don't.. Because that video is old. It has the old interface and your distinigrations aren't resulting in UC's.

Edited by Tahana
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We do not need your permission to be skeptical in the face of such soft and unverifiable evidence of your allegations.


The video he links literally shows no gear appearing from the video other than shells...


Weird bug OP, I would report to cs or Eric, although it seems in the first screenshot you posted, its fixed.

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Maybe it's not intended for "Warriors" to get gear, only Marauders and Juggernauts?

Since gear drop depends on your spec...


All snark, and incredulous feelings aside, how does the OP manage to still be a Sith Warrior? Didn't they change things some time ago so that you could no longer be a base class but had to upon character creation choose your adv. class? And, for existing character that hadn't chosen an adv. class, did you have to choose an adv. class upon logging into that character? (Reference the video in one of the OP's previous posts)

Edited by SolarSaenz
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The video he links literally shows no gear appearing from the video other than shells...


Weird bug OP, I would report to cs or Eric, although it seems in the first screenshot you posted, its fixed.


And we know that is his video, and valid, how?


I fully support him getting resolution if he feels he has an actual issue here... but trying to prosecute it here in the forum, as some ethical issue, with information none of us can actually verify is kind of silly.

Edited by Andryah
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And we know that is his video, and valid, how?


I fully support him getting resolution if he feels he has an actual issue here... but trying to prosecute it here in the forum with information none of us can actually verify is kind of silly.


Were really going to say their is no evidence, and when some is brought to the table, question the validity of it? Did you see any jump cuts in the video? possible edits? I didn't... looked to be all in one piece, and on going the entire time, therefore theirs no need to vilify his claims.

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All snark, and incredulous feelings aside, how does the OP manage to still be a Sith Warrior? Didn't they change things some time ago so that you could no longer be a base class but had to upon character creation choose your adv. class? And, for existing character that hadn't chosen an adv. class, did you have to choose an adv. class upon logging into that character? (Reference the video in one of the OP's previous posts)


Afaik there is a workaround, don't know how, but it's existent

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