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Compassion, Healing or Love for the Broken Dark Princess: Vaylin Appreciation <3


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I reckon Eshvara be mockin' our code!


First mate Phil, loot away her rum privileges 'til she has proven worthy t' sail on th' Dark Empress!


Someone get th' plank! 'tis time Wench Beniko left th' ship!




Vaylin or Marr? 🤔

Edited by Eshvara
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Darth Marr was interesting for a Sith, he didn't fall into what I would describe as your typical Sith. I was saddened when they decided to take him out the way he did. Darth Marr deserved better too! On a plus side at least you can have him as a companion if you leave on the first expansion chapter while he's registered as a companion.


I wish we could of done the same with Vaylin during the last chapter, but we're forced into using Arcann in both versions of kotet there.

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Yes, please.


First Mate Phil's loyalty t' th' cause be unparalleled. Let it be known that we'll travel t' th' depths o' Davy Jones' locker itself t' save Lady Vaylin from th' horrors o' th' plot.


We'll all make a deposit while were down thar ... so th' lass' called Beniko will be joinin' me noble crew fer th' journey.

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The Rishi-fever must have hit the Order! do you think Vaylin would enjoy a beach?


Ooooh, I'm slow. Now I get the joke. Probably.



I still can't sacrifice Lana, though. Well, OK, if it's the ONLY way I'll do it at least once.


Arrrgh, matey.

Edited by gamephil
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That's one o' those magic flyin' boats used on th' waters 'n th' skies o' Rishi. I be thinkin' Rishi will be th' perfect location t' find some beauties 'n loot!


We'll do battle wit' th' demons o' Rishi then party on th' beaches declarin' our victory t' our Empress!


First mate Phil seems t' be strugglin' wit' th' idea o' throwin' Lana o'erboard, so I be thinkin' I'll needs a new first mate soon!


Now ye dogs will enjoy some local Rishi pirate

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First mate Phil seems t' be strugglin' wit' th' idea o' throwin' Lana o'erboard, so I be thinkin' I'll needs a new first mate soon!


Oh, so it's, Good night, Phil, good work, I'll mostly likely kill you in the morning. After all my hard work. *sniff*

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How do we prove ourselves worthy of the Vaylin crew? Is there like a rum drinking contest? I might win that!




One must cap'n one o' those metallic Rishi flyin' boats into th' swamps o' Zakuul t' do battle wit' th' fierce Kraken!


Once defeated ye must then brin' back th' Kraken's remains t' th' Zakuulan palace 'n present them t' yer royal majesty yourself!


Or jus' say somethin' along th' lines o' 'Vaylin companion please'

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Ahoy crewman Iheaca!


Wha' be this beautiful art ye're bringin' afore us? Has one come t' admire th' beauty o' th' Empress Vaylin? Are ye ready t' pledge yer allegiance t' th' Vaylin crew?

Ah, but I can't, Captain. I am fully pledged to her noble brother...

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So the chances of Vaylin coming back are about the same as world peace?

So it seems


Well, maybe you can take DS Jaesa, dress her like Vaylin and pretend she's your Vaylin companion, then, just HC that she was the sacrifice and that Vaylin's spirit ended up in her body.

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