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Compassion, Healing or Love for the Broken Dark Princess: Vaylin Appreciation <3


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- the Knights of the Eternal Throne should have been a multi-ending RP experience

- IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN : during the campaign u would interact with Vaylin and based on your choices " diplomatic " OR " violent " the outcome of the campaign would be different

- BUT : Bioware cut that content and we got a " whatever your choice " during the dialogue the ending is the same

Why do i personally want her ?

- she could be a "caster" companion ( i want a sorcerer companion channeling lightning at my enemies , and she fits perfectly )

- BUT MOSTLY ... for Senya to have her daughter back ( even if conditioned by the force rituals on Nathema i still think Vaylin would not kill Senya ) . The whole ending of KOTET didn't sit right with me .... i wanted a good ending

- optional : - we could have an ex-companion show up in this Bonus Chapter

- optional : - customization : Blonde & Blue eyes ( trailer ) or KOTEE , KOTET appearance

- and it basically takes 5 min to make her , as her model is already in-game


A bonus chapter? Like the HK-55 bonus chapter?

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Zildrog Annoucement



My fellow Zildrogs, hear me! For I have grave news!


Due to a colossal screw up at the Order of Zildrog tailors workshop (Zildrog outfit: 1 2 3 4 5) the resurrection of our beloved Empress must be delayed until we find a new tailor, I apologise for this setback, but we must look stylish as we rampage across the galaxy.


Praise Zildrog!




Long live Vaylin ... when we get her back!

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The outfits okay ... but I don't like these green lumps! What are they?! Zildrog juice holders?!


Nope. Thats the stuff that helps you to see the truth of Zildrog and do not worry about your fate. The needles on the inside are part of the fashion.

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Zildrog is love, Zildrog is life!


Oh ... and these will be the emergency mascots of Zildrog.


I plan to build an army out of them. They will run around Iokath wild and free and tear to shreds anyone who will try to steal my new Gravestone. The only downside you can have only 50 of them :(.


And I think that new companion that drops in that FP is the Grand-grand...grand-prototype of Death Star.

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I plan to build an army out of them. They will run around Iokath wild and free and tear to shreds anyone who will try to steal my new Gravestone. The only downside you can have only 50 of them :(.


And I think that new companion that drops in that FP is the Grand-grand...grand-prototype of Death Star.


You can only have 1 Gemini 16 and holo of Valkorian too, and the ball companions are bound on pick up :/ once you've got one you can't sell anymore should you come across them.

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I loved that boss. it was like a giant metal puppy!


Yes, it is so adorable! I just hope it is not ANOTHER Zakuul Machine God.


*saber reflects it's spinning bullets


You can only have 1 Gemini 16 and holo of Valkorian too, and the ball companions are bound on pick up :/ once you've got one you can't sell anymore should you come across them.


Holo of Valkorion? Who would want THAT? You mean Zildrog maybe? And 1 Gemini is more then enough for the nestling material for my Little Vay.

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Yes, it is so adorable! I just hope it is not ANOTHER Zakuul Machine God.


*saber reflects it's spinning bullets




Holo of Valkorion? Who would want THAT? You mean Zildrog maybe? And 1 Gemini is more then enough for the nestling material for my Little Vay.


No ... It's Valkoian.


Little Vay? What's that?!

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No ... It's Valkoian.


Little Vay? What's that?!


Weeell. Remember that rumors about Vaylin spirit escaping our heads? And returning to the land of the leaving? She wanted to possess her body, but since you forgot to put it into freezer it's sorta was... runny and smelled bad, so Vaylin had to reincarnate. Sadly karma is a *****, so she returned as a small adorable Banshee.


My Assasin adopted her... by accident. I think I mentioned it a couple of times? How we realised who she really is then we found out that she have been hiding small dead animals in difficult to find places in Senya room? That stench!

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Weeell. Remember that rumors about Vaylin spirit escaping our heads? And returning to the land of the leaving? She wanted to possess her body, but since you forgot to put her body into freezer it's sorta was... runny and smelled bad, so Vaylin had to reincarnate. Sadly karma is a *****, so she returned as a small adorable Banshee.


My Assasin adopted her... by accident. I think I mentioned it a couple of times?


:eek: ... someone get Zash's voodoo stuff ... we've got to fix this ... find ... uhhh ... Kira and put some metal lumps on her forehead. Vaylin can be a redhead now.

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Speaking of Half Life ... I suppose it's a comforting thought to think we could have a Vaylin companion before we see Episode 3 / Half Life 3. :eek:

More precisely: "Rather Vaylin will become our companion, than we will see HL3!":D

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Just hope for y'all's sake the long wait won't end with a Duke Nukem Forever type of result.


.... I didn't think of that. :eek: Please don't suck HL3!!!!


What about an off-story companion? Like Ranos or Hexid? unlocked or purchased, how do you feel about that?


Ranos, Hexid, Vizla & Okarr have some connection to the story, granted it's not much. A better comparision would be with the droids / animal companions. Although I'm all for that if someone else wants to do the resurrection work and I just get the reward :D

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.... I didn't think of that. :eek: Please don't suck HL3!!!!


Wait, have it not been officially iced like... more then a year ago? I know that Marc Laydlow published a plot in his Twitter as a small consolation prize?


Edit: Ah, that was a joke. Sorry, I feel like a giraffe now :D.

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Wait, have it not been officially iced like... more then a year ago? I know that Marc Laydlow published a plot in his Twitter as a small consolation prize?


Not that I'm aware of ... no Vaylin companion is making me crazy ... not that I needed any help with that!


I read that - that sounded awesome ... Combine Dyson Sphere? :o make it ffs Valve!

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