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Compassion, Healing or Love for the Broken Dark Princess: Vaylin Appreciation <3


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Vailyn could be reborn as Outlander's daughter


That would be creepy! Out pops baby Vaylin and the double hood Sutherland likes.



It doesn't look like it from the reddit spoilers, but we'll see. I'd still like to retrieve her carvings.



I wish I hadn't read the spoilers, it's only answered some of my questions concerning this plot and raised a lot more. If what I read is true, I believe they've put too much into this flashpoint, I fear it will feel rushed like KOTET did.

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my fanfic has my character (sw) being one of those many possible offspring. Via Vitiate host body so It doesn't change anything much at all lol. She's not related dna/genetically at all to the Valkorion kids.

I guess that an offspring story that would make sense for reviving Vaylin would probably need to involve DNA as well to look more credible. But well, we don't know the will of the Force. But I'd suggest you do not speak of your character's link to Vitiate out loud too much in the presence of Paul, otherwise he might ask you for sacrifice...

ANd I'm still interested by this fanfic of yours. ;)


And that last sentence made me laugh xD I needed a laugh after today :D

*bow* You're welcome. :p

Luckily humans and Rattataki can't have babies according to Legend's lore (yeah, I ended up reading tons of awkward things for research purpose).

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*bow* You're welcome. :p

Luckily humans and Rattataki can't have babies according to Legend's lore (yeah, I ended up reading tons of awkward things for research purpose).


Been there, done that xD very awkward but hey, gotta know sometimes

Yeah my lass doesn't help, she only inherited the power of the Tenebrae spirit. But it made the already personal feel of the whole failed host thing even more personal.

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. But I'd suggest you do not speak of your character's link to Vitiate out loud too much in the presence of Paul, otherwise he might ask you for sacrifice...


I can't respond to this without a spoiler yet, but if things are going the way I read them, I won't need sacrifices!



Just a copy of Windows: Nathema.



That would be creepy! Out pops baby Vaylin and the double hood Sutherland likes.


Lol ***?


Luckily humans and Rattataki can't have babies according to Legend's lore


But they can have a lot of naughty time with no long term commitments. ;)

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The little wood animals?


Yeah, those. If I can't give her back her daughter, I'd like to get Senya something nice. Or just have something showing how sad this whole mess was, which I don't think we really got.

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Yeah, those. If I can't give her back her daughter, I'd like to get Senya something nice. Or just have something showing how sad this whole mess was, which I don't think we really got.


Cheer up Brother Phil, never give up Phil! Never surrender! We're going to win ... keep fighting!!!!! :D

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So ...



Vaylin got a few references, but overall that flashpoint answered **** all.


So... I am not playing yet, is it as bad as it looked?



Tell me that the traitor have not been gloating while making a total fool of PC as usual and that she is finally down.


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So... I am not playing yet, is it as bad as it looked?



Tell me that the traitor have not been gloating while making a total fool of PC as usual and that she is finally down.


I'm still trying to process what I just saw, minus one plot piece, I'm not sure what the hell just happened.



You have the option to get him back :/ it's so sudden though :/ ... however something happened that is only going to fuel our movement for our Vaylin. :)


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Not bad.



Theron survived being impaled by a lightsaber pike? So now we have another person to survive such a wound. Why not Vaylin?!


Theron has plot armour.



That said ... I've removed 50% of the 'Lana and Theron show' on one character ... one more to go!


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He had plot armor.


Check out the Theron thread, I like the ideas that are putting up concerning how he could have survived being impaled through the chest, then left in a exploding room.


They're now in the same state we are for Vaylin.


The dog droid was hard to beat, and I'm pissed we lost the fleet, but can't we just get a new batch of ships from Iokath?


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Lightsabers from this era really suck ... :mad:



I guess we can ignore the whole lightsaber through the chest part now if Theron can take it through the spine and survive.


Now we just need to dump Vaylin's spirit into her body ... Senya / Sana-Rae ... you're up!


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Not sure why anyone would want her.


She's a Discount Villain, on the level of Kylo Ren. There's nothing intimidating or brilliant about her. She's just another emo throwing fit after fit. She's not smart, she's not cunning, she's not even qualified to lead a team of janitors. All she has is being strong in the force and a mountain of daddy issues.


"Oh my daddy didn't love me, so I'm killing people now. Yay!"


Amazing writing there EAware, that makes the New Jedi Order from old canon look like Nobel Prize in literature material.

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Not sure why anyone would want her.


She's a Discount Villain, on the level of Kylo Ren. There's nothing intimidating or brilliant about her. She's just another emo throwing fit after fit. She's not smart, she's not cunning, she's not even qualified to lead a team of janitors. All she has is being strong in the force and a mountain of daddy issues.


"Oh my daddy didn't love me, so I'm killing people now. Yay!"


Amazing writing there EAware, that makes the New Jedi Order from old canon look like Nobel Prize in literature material.


No one is parallel to crybaby Ren


She was the best character in these past expansions, (IMO) and they just rushed her character and arc for this rushed flashpoint arc.

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"Daddy" put an already troubled child in a cage for something like a decade, had her tortured and brainwashed, and had Force rituals done to her until her eyes went yellow so he could control her. It goes a bit beyond "Daddy didn't love me". It goes beyond even any real world equivalent, since it includes magical mind control powers. For the story they ultimately gave us, she should simply have been a monster from infancy like her father was, a thing out of a horror movie without ambiguity, instead of "troubled" or suffering from "mental instability" or tortured throughout her childhood. Since that's not what they went for, I would simply like something more done with her because I don't believe they handled the story with the sensitivity needed.
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"Daddy" put an already troubled child in a cage for something like a decade, had her tortured and brainwashed, and had Force rituals done to her until her eyes went yellow so he could control her. It goes a bit beyond "Daddy didn't love me". It goes beyond even any real world equivalent, since it includes magical mind control powers. For the story they ultimately gave us, she should simply have been a monster from infancy like her father was, a thing out of a horror movie without ambiguity, instead of "troubled" or suffering from "mental instability" or tortured throughout her childhood. Since that's not what they went for, I would simply like something more done with her because I don't believe they handled the story with the sensitivity needed.


At this point I'll be happy with a Vaylin comp from the cartel market ... why you no like my money Bioware?! *Throws money at screen.*


They added Darth Hexid as an unlock for doing 40 Flashpoints, Warzones etc. Why not do something for Vaylin? 30 Heroics? 300 kills?


I already got Hexid from the previous event, byt yeah!!!! Do the same for Vaylin! :D

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"Daddy" put an already troubled child in a cage for something like a decade, had her tortured and brainwashed, and had Force rituals done to her until her eyes went yellow so he could control her. It goes a bit beyond "Daddy didn't love me". It goes beyond even any real world equivalent, since it includes magical mind control powers. For the story they ultimately gave us, she should simply have been a monster from infancy like her father was, a thing out of a horror movie without ambiguity, instead of "troubled" or suffering from "mental instability" or tortured throughout her childhood. Since that's not what they went for, I would simply like something more done with her because I don't believe they handled the story with the sensitivity needed.

Very well put.

Actually I never really understood why she had not tried to kill her father many times like Arcann before the Outlander time. Arcann has suffered, fine, but the treatment she got was far worse than the simple lack of consideration her brother had to deal with. Did Valkorion break her that much that she could not even try anything face to face?

I find her relationship with Senya as well interesting but perhaps too extreme. There should have been doubts. Senya genuinely tried to save her. Not enough, and too late, but still... The game focuses on Vaylin's hate against her mother and I feel that it is not entirely right, even if I can understand that hate perfectly as well. She was abandoned by her, but Senya did not do the deed.

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