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More story!!!!!!


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This game used to pride itself on being such a great story and yet the story keeps slowing to a crawl. I would like to see at least two new unique chapters for each class. I honestly don't see the point in running operations and flashpoints in this game. Galactic Command Points grant gear.
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No thanks! If the stories were engaging like KOTOR, yes. They are my greatest star wars experiences ever. But the SWTOR stories are just an excuse to slow down the leveling process; Travelling maps with a slow speeder and click blue objects is exhausting gameplay. The stories that are made to give these two activities a purpose fail. Also, we are not challenged to use our brain like the KOTOR 1&2. What this game need is pvp class balance, more WZ's maps and OP's. It's mmo after all.
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I would welcome more story, I enjoyed getting monthly chapters and was sorely disappointed when you catered to those who wanted to consume everything at once and have nothing for years. Class stories would be ideal, but if that's not possible, then at least have class story 'flavor' like you did in SoR. :)
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People insist this game should be story, but what they fail to see is that when you play your stories, alone, you don't need the mmo that is available. But since this is a mmo, it should be utilising this feature. Using a mmo platform as a single player story game is like using an airplane as a car. Don’t you see the issue?
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I guess the battle between My content Vs Yours had begun.:confused:

How about more of everything!!


I agree with that, but I hate that op/wz players like myself are forced to do story to access to new planets etc. I can sort of live with having to do it on my main, but not do it on my other twenty alts (I enjoy playing all classes and roles.) I wish there was more freedom.

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I guess the battle between My content Vs Yours had begun.:confused:

How about more of everything!!


I agree with that, but I hate that op/wz players like myself are forced to do story to access to new planets etc. I can sort of live with having to do it on my main, but not do it on my other twenty alts (I enjoy playing all classes and roles.) I wish there was more freedom.

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Whoever doesn't like the mmo utilised content of wz's and op's, go play single player games.


A lot of the players who don't utilize the mmo content of wz's and ops are rather fond of the mmo features of chat, crafting and the gtn, not to mention the endless fashion parade on fleet.

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I'm not against any kind of content in SWTOR, even if I don't care for some of it myself. I doubt if anyone likes -everything- in the game, but if you sacrifice the very thing that brought people to the game in the first place, and the thing that brought a lot of people back when KOTFE started, then you've LOST. Almost every game in existence has PvP, Warzones, or something similar, Raids, Operations, all kinds of group content! But how many have STORY that is fully cinematic, and fully voiced, even your own character? NONE! Story is the ONLY thing that makes SWTOR unique above all other games. So it's an MMO? Who cares? I don't care what name you want to slap on it, but the whole thing is going down the tubes if you lose the only thing that really matters. You guys had the right idea at the beginning of KOTFE, then you RUINED it by changing course! You should never have done that! Please return your main focus to STORY. Whatever other non-story elements you can add to the game, more power to you, but don't lose what made it great in the first place! The little crumbs of story you are throwing us right now are not enough.....and the companion returns are the best examples of a broken promise I have ever seen. They are atrocious!!! You let an anime writer who might barely be out of high school write them!? Really?!:(


/rant off

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I would have loved if swtor went back as it was when it launched. Class story missions (each class had unique story and was the driving force for swtor), leveling etc. Flashpoints like they used to from level 10-50....good times good times. But seems bioware is diverting all resources to their new game anthem which is forceing swtor team to either go for story content like 4.0 and 5.0 (which was not the same as old vanilla swtor) or go for the operations, pvp, grinding etc. And I see we have 2 kinds of groups of players. one group is for story content (Like me), and the other is a group for operations (Raids),pvp. and swtor team have only enough resources to please one group. They started with story group for 4.0-5.0 and now they doing content for operations, pvp group.


I think the new expansion for swtor is far, far away.

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MOAR COW BELL! Er, I mean, more class stories!


The class stories are what hooked me on SWTOR. After that, it's strongholds and decorating.

Now that I'm almost out of class story I haven't played before, I'm a little concerned.

There isn't enough variety in the KOTFE/KOTET storylines to make it fun to play repeatedly.

Well, twice, once Dark and once Light, but that's it.


I desperately hope they go back to more branches in the stories based on our decisions, if not actual class-based chapters.

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