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Deny or Die


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This is almost like watching "Dumb And Dumber" with a cast of thousands. Some people only believe what their worldview allows them to believe no matter what the truth really is while others think it's cool to hate. It doesn't matter what they hate, just so they actually hate something. I've been in the MMO game for a long LONG time and threads like this that spell doom and gloom ... usually backed up with info no one in the thread can possibly know ... have been around forever. Yet, and this is where it's gets good, these very same people keep playing while trying to convince the player-base they are mistaken and not really having fun. This happens in every game. Every. Single. One.


To the sane player-base: If you're having fun then just play. If you're worried about losing a measly $15 on a sub then you most likely have other problems which needs to be addressed in your life ... but that's your call and no ones business but your own. If you're not having fun, why are you here? Go out and find you some fun! There are a ton of games out there and I'm sure you can find one that meets your needs. Regardless of what you want to do, nothing is set in stone. You can leave, come back, leave again ... and as long as you are having fun you're good to go! Remember, the only loyalty you should have is to yourself ... not a game.

Edited by Malkosha
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Having concerns that something someone enjoys might end is not hatred for that particular thing.


The fact that I have to keep explaining this to folks over and over is really the astounding part of threads like these. Not the fact that people tend to skew in the "doom and gloom" direction.


More the fact that people seem obsessed with finding ways to suppress this type of thing on every forum in existence.


So I once again have to inform it seems....


SWTOR is not a religion, family member, political organization or movement. It is a vehicle for profit. Being a business, it is therefore subject to consumer review and critique.


A critique of SWTOR is not a personal insult to you, nor is it an affront to all that is good in the world. SWTOR is a business, and therefore has only one intent. One not only has a right but a DUTY to question any action that may somehow hinder that intent, short or long term, for the overall health of the vehicle.


Raging against any product is next to useless, of course....but so is unqualified fluff. Though there is no harm in providing positive feedback on any product, at the end of the day it is the constructive criticism from the general consumer that is most useful to any commercial product.


Folks will worry about the day that a particular product they are fond of will cease to exist. All products end at some point. Folks may even speak those concerns...but that action is not necessarily a criticism, or a demonstration of raging against a product. Those that attempt to suppress these kind of concerns generally do not wish to hear or see what they perceive as negativity toward something they love, but that derision is misplaced.

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