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Deny or Die


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BW you need to either deny or this game will end by default.


Do you think with these rumors I am going to spend money on CM?


lol, no, duh.


Renew a sub? Especially more than 30 days?


lol, no, duh.


You already have population issues despite the recent merges, one more exodus and you won't have enough subs to pay the janitor.


Or maybe you guys are just updating your resumes and we should all just read the writing on the wall and move on? :confused:

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BW you need to either deny or this game will end by default.


Do you think with these rumors I am going to spend money on CM?


lol, no, duh.


Renew a sub? Especially more than 30 days?


lol, no, duh.


You already have population issues despite the recent merges, one more exodus and you won't have enough subs to pay the janitor.


Or maybe you guys are just updating your resumes and we should all just read the writing on the wall and move on? :confused:


There's nothing to deny OP, the Kotaku unnamed source said it was "discussed but up in the air" which means if the source was true there's no decision to confirm or deny yet since no decision has yet been made. If closure was being discussed now or was in the past they still may not be able to comment on it per EA corporate rules. Once a business decision is made then either resources will be allocated to the next expansion or they'll announce closure with a timeline but until then demanding a response to an unaswerable question is a bit asinine. One thing is for sure, freaking out claiming the sky is falling will only drive away current players making closure a self fulling prophecy.

Edited by RagnarAugustus
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BW you need to either deny or this game will end by default.


Do you think with these rumors I am going to spend money on CM?


lol, no, duh.


Renew a sub? Especially more than 30 days?


lol, no, duh.


You already have population issues despite the recent merges, one more exodus and you won't have enough subs to pay the janitor.


Or maybe you guys are just updating your resumes and we should all just read the writing on the wall and move on? :confused:


Instead of wasting time on unfounded conspiracy theories, maybe it would be wiser and more constructive to actually play the game ?


This 6 year old mentality is kinda annoying....


You wanna leave the game ? Please do so. No one is forcing to stay, but PLEASE ! Leave the people who want to play and enjoy it alone, and stop spreading this negativity like some poison.

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On the internet un-denied rumors are true. Some you can ignore but once it takes hold it is better to deny.


Especially if it is not true, denial is easy; otherwise :p


So who gives a damn about stupid romours... someone told me who knows someone at bioware that someone who is close to developers told him that the game is shutting down.


This is the bul***** you people make threads about.


Game is still here. Go and play it.

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So who gives a damn about stupid romours... someone told me who knows someone at bioware that someone who is close to developers told him that the game is shutting down.


This is the bul***** you people make threads about.


Game is still here. Go and play it.


Gee you see mad bro? Go read some more threads, people are making CM/Sub decisions based on these rumors, are you saying it is wise for BW to remain silent?

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If they don't know for sure, what would you prefer they say? The report said it was still up in the air, so they very likely don't know what's going to happen. They can't exactly come out and say "the game is fine" if they don't know, but saying the rumors are accurate would further imply to people that the game is definitely going into maintenance mode before the decision is even made. Neither of those situations end well for Bioware.


As far as I can tell, the did what they could by making it clear they still have plans to continue going for now while not directly denying the rumors. We probably won't get a direct response until they know for sure what's going on, which could be soon or could be months from now.


Like I said in another thread, the silence will hurt them too, absolutely. People will take that uncertainty as a sign of things to come and leave. I feel like Bioware is in a no win situation right now and they're doing what they can to try and give themselves a chance to continue. Hopefully they get confirmation of continuing soon enough that they can counter the uncertainty before it hurts them too badly, but with EA... there's no telling if that'll happen.

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BW you need to either deny or this game will end by default.


Do you think with these rumors I am going to spend money on CM?


lol, no, duh.


Renew a sub? Especially more than 30 days?


lol, no, duh.


You already have population issues despite the recent merges, one more exodus and you won't have enough subs to pay the janitor.


Or maybe you guys are just updating your resumes and we should all just read the writing on the wall and move on? :confused:


biowares clear sidestepping what is going on is a bit disconcerting thats for sure. Their inability to deny what was said about them in a rather big article that has reached quite a few game sites and forums is also a bit telling in my eyes.


If the kotaku article was hyperbole and exaggeration or even lies, any smart management would get it under control and quickly as it does quite a bit of damage to swtor. It could and I have no doubt is steering gamers away from the cash shop and the game itself.


However, if the article is true, what could they really say other than some spin and random PR statement about things to come but not actually give any information. Sadly, kinda like what we just got.


Thats not a good sign to me.

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Doesn't matter, they are doing it and SW is losing money when a simple denial could end that.


What do you think is causing more damage - an article that stated an opinion about how the studio is run, or you making a massive leap from that to "game is already dead" while demanding an answer from the studio, and making more and more threads about it?


Ironic that the fear-mongering by the doomsayers on this forum is doing way more damage than that article.

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What do you think is causing more damage - an article that stated an opinion about how the studio is run, or you making a massive leap from that to "game is already dead" while demanding an answer from the studio, and making more and more threads about it?


Ironic that the fear-mongering by the doomsayers on this forum is doing way more damage than that article.


More people read the article in a day then I bet visit these forums in a week.


If you think people don't make decisions based off this stuff, look at the stock market.

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More people read the article in a day then I bet visit these forums in a week.


If you think people don't make decisions based off this stuff, look at the stock market.


The article didn't even say the game was dying. These people are "reading between the lines" and making massive leaps of logic, then coming here, flooding the forum with misinformation, unfounded opinions, and demanding the studio answer them. They're lucky Bioware have got some decent people on the forums, because if it was me, I'd just come on , tell them to piss off and ban the accounts for making up this crap, and causing a lot more panic than the original article did.

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...They're lucky Bioware have got some decent people on the forums, because if it was me, I'd just come on , tell them to piss off and ban the accounts for making up this crap, and causing a lot more panic than the original article did.


lol, your studio is under pressure from the parent company and your just going to ban subs right and left because they don't agree with you.


Sure thing Donald :p

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The article didn't even say the game was dying. These people are "reading between the lines" and making massive leaps of logic, then coming here, flooding the forum with misinformation, unfounded opinions, and demanding the studio answer them. They're lucky Bioware have got some decent people on the forums, because if it was me, I'd just come on , tell them to piss off and ban the accounts for making up this crap, and causing a lot more panic than the original article did.


You don't contemplate putting a product end of life without a reason, also I imagine Bioware has dedicated very little forum moderation resources to this game.


Frankly I'm not spending any more money until I know I won't be throwing it away. Kotaku has more credibility than EA / Bioware in my eyes especially after the all the Mass Effect issues. Kotaku called EA on Mass Effect, EA denied it and later on they did exactly as Kotaku said they were going to do.

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Agreed, no "hints" will end this rumor. There needs to be substantial details in the roadmap released in mid February that cover at least 3 good sized patches by May or solid details about an expansion due by June. Otherwise, the Kotaku article can certainly be considered true. If Bioware isn't currently working hard on a LARGE amount of content, then the future is absolutely up in the air.
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Instead of wasting time on unfounded conspiracy theories, maybe it would be wiser and more constructive to actually play the game ?


This 6 year old mentality is kinda annoying....


You wanna leave the game ? Please do so. No one is forcing to stay, but PLEASE ! Leave the people who want to play and enjoy it alone, and stop spreading this negativity like some poison.


I'm not one to post on the forums or to get involved in these things, but I was bored and felt the need to address your comment. The OP said nothing about wanting to leave, displayed little negativity, and seems to be concerned about a game he has no doubt spent a fair amount of time and money on. It might be an unfounded conspiracy theory or it could be genuine. Who knows? It looks like someone was just looking for some reassurance and I can't blame him. As for "Leave the people who want to play and enjoy it alone..." There's always the potential of not having a game to play. Games have been known to be no longer accessible (like Marvel Heroes). So, if the game is ended and no longer accessible a month from now then you better get your fill. I for one agree with the OP. I WILL NOT be pumping money into this game until I know that it is stable for at least a while. I pumped money into Marvel Heroes, played for hundreds of hours, and now I cannot access any of it. Some other people in this thread have made good points and the OP's post has some flaws, but you managed to not really highlight them. Starting a panic will also hasten the game's demise, but I believe enough people have already seen the rumors and the damage is done. And he's not wrong, but a comment from the developers would potentially help (though I know they might not be able to or have nothing to report because it is still being decided).


And the 6 year old mentality comment is kind of unwarranted in this case, in my opinion. If you detest juvenile behavior then don't add to it. Anyway, that's my thoughts.

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The OP said nothing about wanting to leave, displayed little negativity, and seems to be concerned about a game he has no doubt spent a fair amount of time and money on.


If he wanted a simple answer, he could have PM'd someone from Bioware. This thread is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to stir up ill will towards Bioware, for whatever reason. The same as the other 15 or so threads about the exact same thing.


The title alone is an ultimatum, not something you do when you are asking an innocent question.


If this game does end, it won't be because of Bioware or EA, it will be because people like the OP have scared everyone away, just to satisfy their ego to prove that they were right about the game ending.

Edited by CrazyCT
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It is never wise to make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.


Want to wait to buy cartel coins until you're sure this game is going to be here for another year? Be my guest.


But I wouldn't advise holding your breath waiting for an answer to ultimatums that they quite likely aren't allowed to respond to. They DID make a post on Friday, after the hysteria over one sentence in an article about an entirely different game reached fever pitch around here. I think it was good that Keith posted. I think it's something he needs to do more of, in addition to adding new, quality, repeatable content to this game so that people stay busy playing instead of stirring the pot on the forums out of boredom.

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