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Thanks for SW:TOR!!!! This is a love thread, a save our game thread.


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This is the worst day ever.


I hope they never stop making content for swtor. This style of rpg are the only ones I like all other rpgs pale in comparison. If swtor closes I lose my fix of bioware style rpgs whch keeps me going in between dragon age and mass effect games, the future of which is also up in the air.


No it's not. It's still all opinions and speculations, plausible or not.


For all we know they might announce tomorrow that the roadmap will be made known on Tuesday and life goes on.


If I'm no longer on board is really not going to change anything for the game.


If it does end up to be true then you can call that day the worst day ever...today is just another day full of speculation.

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Like many here this is MY MMO, this is the only one I play and the only one I really want to play. Personally I do not believe all of the rumors going around about the game shutting down. If the game was looking like it might shut down they would not have invested all of that money in new servers, or paid Mr. Zahn to help with the Copera flashpoint, I doubt his time was cheap. I will continue to play and support the game, and I just wish all the Doom and Gloom people would just go away. Of course I do often wonder if you really believe the game is awful and shutting down why are you still playing and paying for a sub.
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Like many here this is MY MMO, this is the only one I play and the only one I really want to play. Personally I do not believe all of the rumors going around about the game shutting down. If the game was looking like it might shut down they would not have invested all of that money in new servers, or paid Mr. Zahn to help with the Copera flashpoint, I doubt his time was cheap. I will continue to play and support the game, and I just wish all the Doom and Gloom people would just go away. Of course I do often wonder if you really believe the game is awful and shutting down why are you still playing and paying for a sub.

Believe what you will but this investment into new servers was also a cost-cutting measure. The rumours also don't say this game is shutting down but the development of new content for this game might be sacrificed in favour of Anthem. Those are two different very different things.


I can tell you that I already am unsubbed by the way and I am no longer playing the game. I have a teenie bit of hope left for the roadmap and that's why I'm still sticking around but you can rest assured that if the roadmap takes too long or is disappointing to me, I will also not linger here on the forums for a day longer.


So hey, that's one gloom and doom person less. You can take that as a positive.

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I felt compelled to make this thread in light of the kotaku thread here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=942924


I want the devs, the powers that be, anyone who might be reading this, to know that SWTOR is loved and wanted and doesn't deserve to be kicked aside like a runt pup in favour of a FPS clone, no one really wants or needs. The mere idea that this game has been put aside and ignored in favour of Anthem makes me upset. I love THIS GAME. I have no interest in a shooter.


I'd like the purpose of this thread to be one that expresses love and interest in SW:TOR and in that maybe ideas how to survive the lull. What can the devs do, that would retain people and encourage new people to join?


One idea I had was to re-offer The Shroud chapter and companions Nico and Shae, so that those who missed out might resub and get them. I suggest these because they are pre-existing things that require no real effort to put forward.


I'd like to think the majority of us want the game to succeed, and rather than speculating about what might happen, maybe the better question is, how do we save the game we love? How do we make them sit up and take notice, that we're not going to go away quietly into the night and play whatever trash they put out next? I want SWTOR, I don't want Anthem, or anything else for that matter. This is the game I love and want to play and I want to see it survive the lull.


So, please stop kicking SWTOR aside like some malformed runt. It's Star Wars and it deserves YOUR FULL ATTENTION.


Additionally I've posted on Twitter and for those that have it, you can cut and paste this message, or make up one of your own, if you're so inclined:


SW:TOR is loved, it's an excellent game. It deserves more attention than the mere crumbs we're getting. EA has pulled staff off SWTOR in favor of Anthem. Please, get more people and work on SW:TOR. We love this game and don't want it to die. #Disney #EA #Bioware #LucasArts #Gaming



Be sure to include the hashtags so the right people see it. Thanks. :)


Also, there are good things yet to come, like Joe Gatt said he was doing more lines for Scourge and that sounded exciting, and then there is yet the Arcann romance for those who like him. And the continuation/conclusion of the Traitor story.


Let's try and see what we can do to save the game, and make these yipsticks running the show sit up and see that we mean business and we love SW:TOR.


I agree so much with your msg. Especially the bolded. Thank you for this thread of positivity, Luna!

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Charming <3 Whatever works, I say. :) Which isn't so far off from crowdfunding?


I think your on to something. I continue to sub even when I don’t play a lot to support the game, but I’m increasingly worried that my sub money is going into Anthem or some other project I don’t care about that competes for reasources. Crowdsourcing has a transparency that is lacking with this game.

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I will echo what others have said... There just isn't a substitute for the rich fully voiced storytelling of a proper RPG and this one has star wars in it... I've come and gone at times but never dropped my subscription to SWTOR


Games these days totally lack that story telling substance its sad.


My biggest fear is the future of gaming no longer including games like swtor, mass effect, dragon age and so on that have characters and companions you come to love and care about. Rich worlds and ongoing stories. Its all cookie cutter blow stuff up with no substance and a few fancy shiney aesthetics.


Even anthem is 3rd person, so you dont get to see or give a rats about your own character? Thats already lacking substance right there.

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I LOVE this game. I have no interest in Anthem and am sad that that's the direction EA is taking Bioware. I am a founder of SWTOR and I feel like EA needs to get its head out of its *** and realize it already has an imminently playable and profitable game. The IA story line is one of the best I've ever played, the voice acting is awesome, and it's a beautiful game. I'm going to be as vocal as I can be to make sure our voice is heard.
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Thank you so much for creating this thread. I love this game and I really wish for it to continue. I have been a constant subscriber for five years and I don't regret supporting this game.


For all it's flaws its a unique game and if it shuts down, I won't be playing another MMO. Tried them and I just get tired of them.

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Mr. Kanning said it at the Cantina.


No he didn't. He said he's can't talk about expansion plans yet. That doesn't mean there's an expansion, much less a promise. That could just as well mean there is no expansion to discuss. You just heard what you wanted to hear.

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I love this game too! It wouldn't surprise me if they are winding up to go into a full on maintenance mode. I hope they can continue tricking content out for a good long while, of course I would be thrilled if they manage to do more than trickle it! I just hope that when worse come to worst the servers will be kept up for a long time and the plug just doesn't get pulled. And that they will get a hood toggle and weapons outfit designer implemented first! Edited by Damask_Rose
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I started SWTOR about half a year before 4.0 and was impressed with the amount of content it offered. Though i despise the games mostly toxic community, i enjoy grabbing a cold beer, creating a new character with a new backstory and let the SW vibe flush over me wave after wave.

After watching Firefly i just have to play my smuggler again. A Bourne movie on TV? Time for the agent. Vader just slaughtered this rebel scum on the big screen? Time for the emperors wrath to remind this dark council whom they serve. After watching Game of thrones i just have to play as my Jon Snow inspired Jedi Knight...I think you get the point.

I love the depth of the game, i love my companions (Kira and Lana 4 life :o ) and i just don't want to miss it. Shutting this game down just doesn't make sense to me. EA has the license, so with Disney producing movie after movie i expected EA to produce SW game after SW game. But what do we have? A dying MMORPG and a hated, despised, failed SW - themed casino. So: If EA plans to make money with the SW license there is only SWTOR right now to do so. I understand that, from Biowares POV, Anthem is all in for the studio. MEA was a desaster and not just the companys name is at stake. This is about survival. Of course they get their best and brightest to increase the chance of a successfull Anthem launch. I don't blame them. I would even understand if they decide to put SWTOR development on hold until Anthem is mostly complete and then return to provide more content for SWTOR. And i mean real content. Not like what we got during 2017.


From a business perspective letting this game die just does not make sense to me.


What can be done with minimum efford to reinvest into the game until Anthem is done? Well, Star Trek Online has foundry missions, missions created by players for players. They are non canonical and reach from simple farming missions (capped) to complex fan created story lines. Of course they are not voiced, but i could totally see SWTOR growing again if players would be allowed to create their own flashpoints, raids etc within predefined borders (and a reminder that nothing that happens within these stories is regarded canon for the rest of the game). Just take a look at Skyrim. Even now this game is played, thx to player created content.

Creating content could require a sub to create some revenue for the game.

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I agree so much with your msg. Especially the bolded. Thank you for this thread of positivity, Luna!


Thanks Tina ^^ And you're very welcome. I like getting to read positive stuff and share in everyone else's experiences with the game too. I just hope it makes a difference. It may, it may not, but at least we'll have tried our best and that's worth quite a lot I think. :)


I think your on to something. I continue to sub even when I don’t play a lot to support the game, but I’m increasingly worried that my sub money is going into Anthem or some other project I don’t care about that competes for reasources. Crowdsourcing has a transparency that is lacking with this game.


Same here, I've also continued my sub, even when I took brief breaks that real life demanded I take, and I'm going to continue to support the game I love with my sub, with cartel purchases and keeping up with what I love about the game, and keep on writing my fics for it too, as well as supporting as much as I can other fic writers as well. Like you though, I too, am worried that the money I so happily give up to support this game is being funneled into something like Anthem which I care nothing about. I want to see my money helping the game I love, not funding something I'll never play, and in fact will hold a grudge against because it's hurting the game I do love.


Games these days totally lack that story telling substance its sad.


My biggest fear is the future of gaming no longer including games like swtor, mass effect, dragon age and so on that have characters and companions you come to love and care about. Rich worlds and ongoing stories. Its all cookie cutter blow stuff up with no substance and a few fancy shiney aesthetics.


Even anthem is 3rd person, so you dont get to see or give a rats about your own character? Thats already lacking substance right there.


You're absolutely right. The newer games lack substance and the ablity to retain people, especially those who expect more from their entertainment than, 'ahhahah boom headshot.' :rolleyes: Like you I want great stories, and companions, rich worlds...everything that swtor is. I hope they realize before it's too late that jumping a bandwagon and pursuing 'transients' isn't all that profitable because they have no 'stick-to-it-iveness.'



Thank you so much for creating this thread. I love this game and I really wish for it to continue. I have been a constant subscriber for five years and I don't regret supporting this game.


For all it's flaws its a unique game and if it shuts down, I won't be playing another MMO. Tried them and I just get tired of them.


You're welcome :) I love seeing the support for the game, and I hope it'll make an impression on anyone thinking that tanking our beloved game might be an idea.


Also, it's nice to see so much love instead of the vitriol that haters post.


It really is! ^^


I love this game too! It wouldn't surprise me if they are winding up to go into a full on maintenance mode. I hope they can continue tricking content out for a good long while, of course I would be thrilled if they manage to do more than trickle it! I just hope that when worse come to worst the servers will be kept up for a long time and the plug just doesn't get pulled. And that they will get a hood toggle and weapons outfit designer implemented first!


I agree, I hope they keep on it with, and that the 'trickle' might even become a flood someday. I know that might be overly optimistic, but I do hope for more for this game. I hope that the things you mentioned get implemented too. ^^

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In the wake of all the other posts, it’s nice to see this one here. I truly hope the rumors are not true, but I’ve been a fan and loyal sub since the game opened, and I hope I get to continue playing this game for some time to come. Heck, I even met my fiancee’ through this game :)


Yes, there are other games I enjoy, but this is my number one

sci fi mmorpg :)

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I love this game. I ONLY play this game. I've been here since 12/25/2011 and have played daily since that date, or every other day depending on real life. I used to play Everquest and WoW. I was playing both WoW and SWTOR when SWTOR came out, and dropped WoW when I found this was more engaging.


As I always say, I'm here for the stories and the companions. Everything else is extra for me.


I know gaming companies need to make other games to make money, I have a degree in Business, so I understand the concept.


What annoys the piss out of me is that EA took people off THIS game to make some generic FPS or RPS or whatever the hell Anthem is supposed to be. I have no problems with them wanting to create other games, but EA should hire more people to work on Anthem and not take people from this game for it.


We love this game, Bioware, we want you guys to continue to create new stories and new content to continue making this game great. Don't give us crappy pieces or no pieces just because EA (who should only have helped fund this game, not taken over it) wants you guys to work on some shooter or whatever Anthem is.


SWTOR could be great and awesome if they keep you guys here and not cannabalize you guys to another game, which might bring some people in on the first day to play it, but won't be all that great. Trust me, Anthem won't be game leading.




Stay HERE and continue on SWTOR properly and stop going out and making games no one really wants.

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Lunafox, the EA-Bioware board of directors needs to make you their Morale Officer! You are solely responsible for the positive vibes on these forums even in the face of what many of us thought was certain doom. Keep it up and don't ever leave!
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Thanks Tina ^^ And you're very welcome. I like getting to read positive stuff and share in everyone else's experiences with the game too. I just hope it makes a difference. It may, it may not, but at least we'll have tried our best and that's worth quite a lot I think.


I like reading the positive too. Imo there is way too much negativity, entitlement and drama by some. I don't post often but I do read almost every day and your posts are always a good read along with a few others on these forums. So, thank YOU for bringing the sunny vibes! :)


The devs need to see that not everyone wants to take torches and pitchforks to them. Some of us appreciate your work and efforts, devs. I might not always like everything, but I always appreciate <3


As always, I'm in for the long haul :cool:

Edited by TinaLovesHan
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Hello everyone!!


Don't suppose anyone remembers me, I have been gone for quite some time but now I am back paying and playing. Took some time off from SWTOR to play Mass Effect Andromeda and The Sims 4, feel done with them for the moment and I must say that "The Last Jedi" got my Star Wars-hype going again. The plan was to go straight back to the game after coming out of the theater but then real life got in the way as it usually does. Kiddo got the flu in a really bad way, and then all the grown-ups got it, after that there were some work-trips cross the globe. This adulting-thing is really putting a dent into my gaming at times :p


I just have to say how good it feels to be back in the game. Just logged on my trooper, she is on Taris which is one of my favorite planets. Aric wants to talk to her...... * IHHHH .....fangirling for a minute here because i just adore his voice*


A few chars need a rename but none of my regulars so all is good. Really look forward to seeing some new story, for all my years put into this game the only classes I have played from 0-50 are the JK, Smuggler and Sith Warrior. Can't wait to see the rest of the trooper now, and playing the Agent on the Sith-side. Got a bit burned out on Star Wars earlier so a break as needed but it feels good to be back playing through the story in my own preferred way. One maybe two quests at a time and telling a story around it while I do, main reason why I can't play with others and keep it pretty much solo. Also I enjoy playing with all the companions so I get all their comments from the specific locations and get to know them better. This means keeping all of them in good gear as well.


Cheers everyone and have a good time!

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Lunafox, the EA-Bioware board of directors needs to make you their Morale Officer! You are solely responsible for the positive vibes on these forums even in the face of what many of us thought was certain doom. Keep it up and don't ever leave!


S.C Sarova! You...just made my day, thank you for that. It means a lot to hear. I have no plans on going anywhere, I'm here for the long haul, paying my sub, buying stuff I want from the CC, writing my stories and contributing here and other social media like FB and Twitter. I'm digging my heels in. They just might have to drag me out by the armpits lol if it comes to that. :eek::D


And don't you ever leave either! Quinnmancers forever!! And btw, Happy Quinnversary <3



Hello everyone!!


Don't suppose anyone remembers me, I have been gone for quite some time but now I am back paying and playing. Took some time off from SWTOR to play Mass Effect Andromeda and The Sims 4, feel done with them for the moment and I must say that "The Last Jedi" got my Star Wars-hype going again. The plan was to go straight back to the game after coming out of the theater but then real life got in the way as it usually does. Kiddo got the flu in a really bad way, and then all the grown-ups got it, after that there were some work-trips cross the globe. This adulting-thing is really putting a dent into my gaming at times :p


I just have to say how good it feels to be back in the game. Just logged on my trooper, she is on Taris which is one of my favorite planets. Aric wants to talk to her...... * IHHHH .....fangirling for a minute here because i just adore his voice*


A few chars need a rename but none of my regulars so all is good. Really look forward to seeing some new story, for all my years put into this game the only classes I have played from 0-50 are the JK, Smuggler and Sith Warrior. Can't wait to see the rest of the trooper now, and playing the Agent on the Sith-side. Got a bit burned out on Star Wars earlier so a break as needed but it feels good to be back playing through the story in my own preferred way. One maybe two quests at a time and telling a story around it while I do, main reason why I can't play with others and keep it pretty much solo. Also I enjoy playing with all the companions so I get all their comments from the specific locations and get to know them better. This means keeping all of them in good gear as well.


Cheers everyone and have a good time!


Hiya! Of course, I remember you and your lovely posts here. Welcome back! I hope your kiddo feels better very soon, and that you have fun playing here again. It's a bit of an agitated time here, but I feel better about getting through it.


It sucks that you've had to rename a few characters, but I think everyone was touched by that just a little bit, I know I had to rename a couple too, but my mains were safe. Anyway, have fun, play hard! It's nice to have you back. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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