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Thanks for SW:TOR!!!! This is a love thread, a save our game thread.


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Agreed to the threat. One more voice to this "save our game".


And, Bioware, you can take Anthem and shove it up your arse. I have no interest in your copypaste of Destiny. The only game I'm interested is in this one. One of the last, true MMORPG that still remains out there.

Edited by Breech
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Agreed to the threat. One more voice to this "save our game".


And, Bioware, you can take Anthem and shove it up your arse. I have no interest in your copypaste of Destiny. The only game I'm interested is in this one. One of the last, true MMORPG that still remains out there.


This. You have my voice as well...and my bow...and my axe :D.

Stupid decision to base everything and sacrifice SWTOR for some multiplayer shooter. CDPR and the Witcher laughs at you. Old BW laughs at you. I personally aint gonna touch Anthem, not after what you did with ME and SW, not into Destiny clones at all.

Edited by ExarSun
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I have no interest in Anthem, but I would continue to support SW:TOR if new content kept coming out - even if it wasn't as much content as used to be released. I felt pretty bad about the all-too-brief companion returns this week, but this article puts them in perspective. I hope that my SWTOR subscription is actually going to support SWTOR and not some new game that I will almost certainly not play.


I feel like Bioware may be in a difficult spot at the moment. CDPR's Witcher 3 has set a new bar for CRPGs, and it's set that bar very high. It's possible that, no matter how hard BW devs try, they may never be able to reach that bar, because development costs in Canada and the US are significantly higher than in Poland (just because wages and the cost of living are lower in Poland). People ask how CDPR were able to make such an amazing game with the budget they had, and some of it is undoubtedly due to the devotion and dedication of their devs, but I'm equally sure that's not the only reason. It all puts BW in a hard position, especially since Anthem (from the admittedly sparse material we've seen so far) looks like it's chasing the trends of other games rather than being a truly innovative passion project. For a studio that's brought us so many amazing games in the past, both using others' IP and creating their own IP, how must it feel to be creating this clone sort of game?

Edited by Estelindis
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Star wars the old republic is the only game that keeps dragging me back, kicking and screaming, to create new characters and replay all the stories. I love it, enjoy it, got attached the the characters and all the story lines. It's kept me going through my current mental breakdowns and depression, gives me the one thing I've been able to sit down and enjoy for the past 6 months. When I start feeling suicidal, I come and play this game to kick myself out of those thoughts. SWtoR got me back into writing, which I hadn't done for a decade until this game was released. It got me back into sketching which I had also given up on due to lack of confidence.


Basically this game has made a huge positive impact on my life, for 6 years now.. and this is how it starts to end? I hope not.. not yet.

Edited by Asmodesu
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Star wars the old republic is the only game that keeps dragging me back, kicking and screaming, to create new characters and replay all the stories. I love it, enjoy it, got attached the the characters and all the story lines. It's kept me going through my current mental breakdowns and depression, gives me the one thing I've been able to sit down and enjoy for the past 6 months. When I start feeling suicidal, I come and play this game to kick myself out of those thoughts. SWtoR got me back into writing, which I hadn't done for a decade until this game was released. It got me back into sketching which I had also given up on due to lack of confidence.


Basically this game has made a huge positive impact on my life, for 6 years now.. and this is how it starts to end? I hope not.. not yet.

Well SWTOR has also been responsible for some of my mental breakdowns so I guess it depends on the person (and no that was not a joke or a light comment).


I'm glad that it helped you but regardless of whether SWTOR will fall apart or not, it will eventually do so. Finding something else that helps you might be a wise idea. Admittedly, it's not that easy to find a game that means so much to a person, so I know it's not easy. For your sake alone I'd hope that they will go to maintenance mode soon and allow the game to just be around for years to come still. I fear that with every expansion they dash more hopes than they create and that needs to stop.


I have this feeling that maintenance mode might be healthier for the game than keeping on pretending and making people believe just enough to continue to be frustrated another few months at a time in the hopes things will get better. Ultimately I believe that's more destructive for the game than maintenance mode because it's just getting more and more obvious that they can't produce what a lot of people are still hoping for. Best that the game is left to the hardcore fans who will be happy with what is, than to people who will never get what they hope for because Bioware won't be honest.


I have a very slim hope they still have a master plan that they will reveal with the roadmap, but truth be told I don't really believe it anymore and I think this game is already done for me. The main difference for me this time is not that I'm particularly angry. Everything that's wrong for me has already been said many times over. My goal is now to be free from all this. Maybe I shouldn't wait for that roadmap but a sliver of hope is still very powerful. I need that last bit destroyed and then I can peacefully move on from this game. Dramatic? Perhaps, but I invested a lot into this game over the years. I'd rather leave the game at peace than furious. That's all I ask from the devs now. I won't be angry if the roadmap is not up to my lowered expectations this time. I will be grateful for it.

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Can't say I'll be here until the servers are shut down for good, but I definitively love this game. And my love would be greater still if EA took the damn scorpion out of the pocket and actually invested some serious dough in development.


I don't know how much of a shelf life SWTOR still has, but I promise you one thing: I'll never EVER touch Anthem. I hold that game -- that is, EA's decision to sink every resource into it -- as the primary motive behind the shortcomings of Mass Effect and SWTOR.

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Thanks Luna for doing this.


I love Swtor as well and hope the game can survive some more years to come - not on maintenance mode but still with content being produced. I don't have any interest in Anthem - but even if - both games are not comparable they are different and Anthem isn't Star Wars.


Star Trek Online just has its 8th anniversary (and there is still new content coming out) - if Start Trek Online can do this I think Swtor can achieve this as well.


It would be insane to shut it down - besides Battlefront 2 which other Star Wars games did come out lately or are coming this or next year? We could use far more Star Wars games with different genres and not even less.

Edited by Cawyden
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I truly love this game, i do. Since 2014 i've been playing it on and off but it has given me very good moments. I dont want it to die though i know it will eventually.


Obviously i'll never play Anthem, and after SWTOR i dont think i'll ever play any other EA game. This was my first and only mmo, and if i criticised it so much it's because i love it and i'd like it to be better, in every way.


The game is gorgeous, the voice acting is superb and the story, especially the vanilla stories are simply awesome. However, the direction of the dev team has been outright terrible for so much time. They lied over and over, and about many different issues. They lied so much that nobody trusts what they say anymore, their word is worth nothing. When things have gone wrong, the community managers have performed an absurdly disgusting damage control with stuff such as throwing codes to us as if we were a hungry pack of dogs, instead of actually doing proper compensations.


They continually and repeatedly ignored feedback. They ignored requests of all sorts, and they kept making the same mistakes and and taking the worst possible decisions, as if they wanted to kill the game once and for all. When confronted about it, they would lie to or simply ignore the players, cherry picking questions in cantina events and streams, and always going against the wishes of the players (Galactic Command, Gear progressions, endless grind to cover for the lack of content, excessive focus on the Cartel Market...).


When they did something, they did it too little and too late (server merges) so that the players who could potentially leave had already left. They just took the worst possible option each time the game faced a problem. And not only that, but the white Knights and fanboys in here would defend them permanently, contributing to the current situation. And yet, many here decided to ignore all this and live in a world of rainbows and unicorns, because you know, their feelings get hurt if they see anything they deem 'negativity'.


Well, here you have the consequences.


I appreciate the effort, Luna. It comes from the same feeling i have, your love for SWTOR. However, and i'm not adressing this especifically to you, probably we often needed less 'Thanks for' threads, and more 'This is wrong' threads. The world is not a happy, pink colored place. It's a cold, dark and ruthless place, and you gotta fight for what you want, you often wont achieve it just with the thanks.

Edited by DeVanagloris
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I would like to add that my best friend for 22 years who I have been trying to get to play videogames that whole time and has rejected all of them...loves SWtOR! I finally got her into it over the summer and it's the only game she's ever liked. From the 8 class stories to the single player expansions to the dialogue choices, companions, and romances she loves it. If this game is gutted to feed Anthem, my friend will not simply go from SWtOR to Anthem and neither will I. They are not interchangeable. Taking resources away from SWtOR means losing SWtOR's paying players. It does not mean a transfer from one game to another.
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Unfortunately every single hater/trolls will be come to this thread due to title. There's so many people in bioware community that wanting and saying things like "their games should die" "swtor is dying" "me3 ending sucks" etc etc.

sad but true.


To the thread creator: I want to say huge "thank you" for creating this specific topic, simply because swtor forums have so many negative posts regardless they are right or not. People just come here to do pointless rants/screams everyday and then never reply back, and then do the same a week later with a different forum name.


as a loyal fan for this game, THANK YOU

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I mean BW Austin did a lot of this to themselves. First, basically saying FU to the guild, and raiding community. Then letting people just log in for a single month and get every bit of content up to that date. They basically were rewarding people for not maintaining a consistent sub.


They made some really bad business decisions, that cost them a large number of consistant subscribers, and MMOs don't run on stardust and happy dreams.


The less money they pull in, the less EA wants to throw good money over bad. That is business.


I hope they pull through, and the game continues....

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SWTOR was the first MMORPG I ever played, and it will probably be the last, because I have not found any other MMO that would hold my attention for longer than a month or so. It's not just the story -- it's the voice acting, it's my character getting to make their own choices, it's the combat, it's the Star Wars. I don't even mind gaps at released story content, and if you don't have the resources to do stuff, then do something you do have resources for.


As much as I felt Andronikos' alliance alert was too short, I still prefer it to getting nothing. Usually people like to say "unless x happens/if y happens, I'll stop playing", so let me take the time to say this: the devs will have to screw up really, really badly or completely change the game in order for me to stop playing this.

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Oh no, isn't a lot of this very premature? I mean, we've had confirmation of an expansion this year and it's still Jan. God's of the Machines isn't so late that it's a backstab, and I think the rush to return Comps means they're gearing up for the next story. Theron should be done in Feb. Why are people demanding stuff faster? It's entirely impractical. Until Bioware Austin says the game is closed I have hope.
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Awesome thread!

Like many of you have already said, I love this game. I've playing from day one, my fiancé was on beta, been hooked ever since.

It is the only MMO that has kept me hooked and kept me coming back.

Pleeeeassee don't shut this game down!!

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I really hope SWTOR is around for a good long while yet. I think I started playing back in April. This is the longest I've ever played a single game for, and I have no intention of stopping at this point. This is the only game I've ever felt was worth paying a subscription for, and the only game I've ever made purchases from a cash shop for. It is the only MMO I have ever enjoyed playing.

So, thanks for making SWTOR!

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I love all you said Luna! And I agree.

Also what we do now, is that we are damaging our game perhaps with all this negativity and place the spiral even more downward. But at the same time our comments can perhaps spark and turn things around up again. Do not forget these things

And if bioware is in trouble, we must not be the catalyst to make the situation even more worse for an game we all love and enjoy. I would love if the game gets more open to public, (open source perhaps at the end), but that some normal players right now with modding skills can assist the bioware team to fix bugs for swtor for example, so bioware can focus on making new content. I for example would love to help, I modded a lot of EA games, this one has a lot of similar core buildup like the others. (so give me a call Keith if you are interested, I am serious and I know there are others out there who are just like me or much better who want to help) And I do it for free (and I think the others would too), this game deserves it, it has it's flaws, but it is still an awesome game in design.


Thank you, it's always great to get more support for this awesome game. And how lovely of you to offer to help in such a meaningful way. :)



Thanks Luna for doing this.


I love Swtor as well and hope the game can survive some more years to come - not on maintenance mode but still with content being produced. I don't have any interest in Anthem - but even if - both games are not comparable they are different and Anthem isn't Star Wars.


Star Trek Online just has its 8th anniversary (and there is still new content coming out) - if Start Trek Online can do this I think Swtor can achieve this as well.


It would be insane to shut it down - besides Battlefront 2 which other Star Wars games did come out lately or are coming this or next year? We could use far more Star Wars games with different genres and not even less.


You're welcome. I'm glad we have a place where to voice our appreciation for the game. I agree with you, there is no reason why this game shouldn't continue on, there are lesser franchises that have been around way longer and they're still getting dev attention. Thanks for throwing your support behind the game. ^^


I truly love this game, i do. Since 2014 i've been playing it on and off but it has given me very good moments. I dont want it to die though i know it will eventually.


Obviously i'll never play Anthem, and after SWTOR i dont think i'll ever play any other EA game. This was my first and only mmo, and if i criticised it so much it's because i love it and i'd like it to be better, in every way.


The game is gorgeous, the voice acting is superb and the story, especially the vanilla stories are simply awesome. However, the direction of the dev team has been outright terrible for so much time. They lied over and over, and about many different issues. They lied so much that nobody trusts what they say anymore, their word is worth nothing. When things have gone wrong, the community managers have performed an absurdly disgusting damage control with stuff such as throwing codes to us as if we were a hungry pack of dogs, instead of actually doing proper compensations.


They continually and repeatedly ignored feedback. They ignored requests of all sorts, and they kept making the same mistakes and and taking the worst possible decisions, as if they wanted to kill the game once and for all. When confronted about it, they would lie to or simply ignore the players, cherry picking questions in cantina events and streams, and always going against the wishes of the players (Galactic Command, Gear progressions, endless grind to cover for the lack of content, excessive focus on the Cartel Market...).


When they did something, they did it too little and too late (server merges) so that the players who could potentially leave had already left. They just took the worst possible option each time the game faced a problem. And not only that, but the white Knights and fanboys in here would defend them permanently, contributing to the current situation. And yet, many here decided to ignore all this and live in a world of rainbows and unicorns, because you know, their feelings get hurt if they see anything they deem 'negativity'.


Well, here you have the consequences.


I appreciate the effort, Luna. It comes from the same feeling i have, your love for SWTOR. However, and i'm not adressing this especifically to you, probably we often needed less 'Thanks for' threads, and more 'This is wrong' threads. The world is not a happy, pink colored place. It's a cold, dark and ruthless place, and you gotta fight for what you want, you often wont achieve it just with the thanks.


I agree with how you feel about this game and what's been done over the years. And you're welcome, when I love something, as much as I love swtor, I feel compelled to do what I can. A love thread may not be much in the grand scheme, but I'd like to at least try, it's worth the effort I can give it, in return for the many hours of enjoyment its brought to me and others. When I made the Malavai thread, I really had no inkling of what it would turn into, or what it would spawn, but I'm not sorry, at least they're positive threads, even if there are so many. People are going to love what they love and in light of what's going on I think it's a good thing if we make our love for the game known in a palpable way. Thanks for all you said. ^^


Unfortunately every single hater/trolls will be come to this thread due to title. There's so many people in bioware community that wanting and saying things like "their games should die" "swtor is dying" "me3 ending sucks" etc etc.

sad but true.


To the thread creator: I want to say huge "thank you" for creating this specific topic, simply because swtor forums have so many negative posts regardless they are right or not. People just come here to do pointless rants/screams everyday and then never reply back, and then do the same a week later with a different forum name.


as a loyal fan for this game, THANK YOU


Sadly I don't think any thread can be truly free of trolls and haters, but I'm hoping this one will at least have that to a minimum. I don't think our love for the game is as polarizing as love we might have for certain companions, but over all I think having some positive threads has been a good thing. You're very welcome and I appreciate everything you said. Thank you. ^^




I wish I could thank all of you for everything you've said, and I hope we can keep this going for our game. :)

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This is the worst day ever.


I hope they never stop making content for swtor. This style of rpg are the only ones I like all other rpgs pale in comparison. If swtor closes I lose my fix of bioware style rpgs whch keeps me going in between dragon age and mass effect games, the future of which is also up in the air.

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