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Thanks for SW:TOR!!!! This is a love thread, a save our game thread.


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how about gofundme project?

EA is a very wealthy company, they wont take public funds because they chose to neglect their own game. If they do, they'll probably get mocked at more by other gaming corps.:rak_01:


Actually, Charles Boyd addressed this topic during one of the Bad Feeling podcast Buvettes. I think he said something along the lines of (and this is a paraphrase, not a true direct quote):


I always find the threads about crowdfunding funny. It takes more than just a few thousand crowdsourced dollars to change development priorities with a game this complex and this size. If you want to give us your money, sure, we'll take it, but don't expect us to change development to match your wishlist because of it.


Again, this is a paraphrasing, but it was said by Charles within the past twelve months.


On topic, I like the MMORPG style of gaming, and the options available for play (solo, group, pvp, pve). I like perpetual content delivery and the "dynamic" world offered by this genre. And, I would rather play Star Wars than any other IP. So, I'm with this game for the long haul. I may never agree with all the development choices/priorities, and I may have a vision of the potential this game has that might never be realized. But, I felt that way about SWG and I played from closed beta to the day it shut down. It never lived up to its potential, but the devs never stopped caring about the game, even when it seemed at its lowest point. The SWTOR devs care about this game too, I know as much from the cantina event I attended and from working on Test Server. As long as they care and make an effort to evolve the game, I'll continue to subscribe.

Edited by phalczen
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Actually, Charles Boyd addressed this topic during one of the Bad Feeling podcast Buvettes. I think he said something along the lines of (and this is a paraphrase, not a true direct quote):




Again, this is a paraphrasing, but it was said by Charles within the past twelve months.


On topic, I like the MMORPG style of gaming, and the options available for play (solo, group, pvp, pve). I like perpetual content delivery and the "dynamic" world offered by this genre. And, I would rather play Star Wars than any other IP. So, I'm with this game for the long haul. I may never agree with all the development choices/priorities, and I may have a vision of the potential this game has that might never be realized. But, I felt that way about SWG and I played from closed beta to the day it shut down. It never lived up to its potential, but the devs never stopped caring about the game, even when it seemed at its lowest point. The SWTOR devs care about this game too, I know as much from the cantina event I attended and from working on Test Server. As long as they care and make an effort to evolve the game, I'll continue to subscribe.


It makes sense, our crowdfunded money are pennies compared to what would actually be needed. But to keep things more related to the topic.


I love swtor very much, and I do like the direction the game is taking so far. While not everything is perfect, I still think there is potential to be found! i'd hate to see this game close.

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I'm becoming too disheartened to really articulate much but I will say that SWtOR is the only MMO I have ever liked. The class stories were amazing and I loved every single player expansion released afterwards. As long as I was getting regular SP content I was happy. This sudden neglect of SP story content over the past year lends credence to the rumor that they might be abandoning this game. I don't care about Anthem and I will not play that generic lootbox online shooter. Taking away your current games that I like will not make me play future games that I don't give a crap about, it will just make me stop buying BioWare/EA games entirely. EA bought BioWare because it was popular with its story based single player RPGs. Gutting it and turning it into a random generic branch that churns out random generic garbage...I don't get it. Just as I would have LOVED the single player, story focused Uncharted style Star Wars game Visceral was making, I have zero interest in whatever generic "games as service" crap it will be now. I don't understand why EA buys companies that are good and a certain thing and then does NOT let them continue doing the thing they were purchased for and instead runs them into the ground with cash grabs, lack of proper resources, etc...and then guts them.


SWtOR is currently the only BioWare/EA game I still play, if it's abandoned it will be the LAST BioWare/EA I ever play.

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I rarely log in to post on the forums, but wanted to throw my 2 credits in.


I have loved this game from the beginning, starting my 1st character back in Jan of 2012. Not once have I ever stopped my subscription even when I barely played and took weeks to months off. There have been disappointments, sure, but I still love it. I just came back from one of those long breaks and it was like I was playing it new again. I'm having that much fun.


There are only 2 games that I play - SWTOR and WoW. And frankly, imo, SWTOR kicks WoW's butt when it comes to story. Please, don't kill the game I love.

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This is the only MMO I play and the only MMO I have left and come back to. Why? Story. Pure and simple.


I truly don't care about some generic, FOTM, shooter that is only one is a vast sea of many. Anthem may turn into a swan song at the cost of this game. It is a pity that EA has cannibalized Bioware's vision and not done the justice to this game that it deserves.


SWTOR is wholly unique and should be preserved and nurtured for that alone if nothing else. No other game offers this experience of fully voiced, story-driven play and it is Star Wars. The possibilities of the IP are endless, the surface barely scratched of the lore and history.


As flawed as this game may be at times and no matter how often I may question the sanity of the devs, no other game has endeared me and many others to the characters and companions quite like this one. That ability to strike an emotional chord is priceless.


I hope that a candle still burns to keep this game out of the dark and I will be here until all the lights go out.

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I rarely log in to post on the forums, but wanted to throw my 2 credits in.


I have loved this game from the beginning, starting my 1st character back in Jan of 2012. Not once have I ever stopped my subscription even when I barely played and took weeks to months off. There have been disappointments, sure, but I still love it. I just came back from one of those long breaks and it was like I was playing it new again. I'm having that much fun.


There are only 2 games that I play - SWTOR and WoW. And frankly, imo, SWTOR kicks WoW's butt when it comes to story. Please, don't kill the game I love.

Same here friend, I only really play WoW and SWTOR I bounce between the two. Don't let SWTOR end! Cmon guys we got to pull together and show that we are a community here and we care about this game and where it's headed. It needs to improve for sure, just need a great big rich investor to come along hey? :cool:

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Re-tweeted :) love absolutely what you said.


Thanks, I appreciate that! I hope we can keep the positive momentum going. :)


I'm becoming too disheartened to really articulate much but I will say that SWtOR is the only MMO I have ever liked. The class stories were amazing and I loved every single player expansion released afterwards. As long as I was getting regular SP content I was happy. This sudden neglect of SP story content over the past year lends credence to the rumor that they might be abandoning this game. I don't care about Anthem and I will not play that generic lootbox online shooter. Taking away your current games that I like will not make me play future games that I don't give a crap about, it will just make me stop buying BioWare/EA games entirely. EA bought BioWare because it was popular with its story based single player RPGs. Gutting it and turning it into a random generic branch that churns out random generic garbage...I don't get it. Just as I would have LOVED the single player, story focused Uncharted style Star Wars game Visceral was making, I have zero interest in whatever generic "games as service" crap it will be now. I don't understand why EA buys companies that are good and a certain thing and then does NOT let them continue doing the thing they were purchased for and instead runs them into the ground with cash grabs, lack of proper resources, etc...and then guts them.


SWtOR is currently the only BioWare/EA game I still play, if it's abandoned it will be the LAST BioWare/EA I ever play.


I agree, and I understand how hard it is to muster up postivity in the face of such a disheartening possibility. I'd always thought that Bioware was the sort of company that was the forerunner of things, that they had innovation, and this game was an innovation, it brought so much to the table and was/is head and shoulders above most games because of the story telling and companions. Those things really set it apart from the rest. I'm sad to see that they've given up on innovation and growing what they started here, instead having chosen to become bandwagon jumpers by trying to force through this Destiny clone they're working on. It's never wise to put all your eggs in one basket alone...and that applies more than ever here. Like I said, this is Star Wars, not some lame duck copy off something else that managed to be successful and innovative for what it was. Stories have always been Bioware's strength. Sad that they don't seem to realize or care anymore and have become crap churners like so many other game companies. (Thanks EA).


I hope we can manage to keep it going and I appreciate all the support and hope it'll keep coming. :)


I rarely log in to post on the forums, but wanted to throw my 2 credits in.


I have loved this game from the beginning, starting my 1st character back in Jan of 2012. Not once have I ever stopped my subscription even when I barely played and took weeks to months off. There have been disappointments, sure, but I still love it. I just came back from one of those long breaks and it was like I was playing it new again. I'm having that much fun.


There are only 2 games that I play - SWTOR and WoW. And frankly, imo, SWTOR kicks WoW's butt when it comes to story. Please, don't kill the game I love.


Me too, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences. ^^


This is the only MMO I play and the only MMO I have left and come back to. Why? Story. Pure and simple.


I truly don't care about some generic, FOTM, shooter that is only one is a vast sea of many. Anthem may turn into a swan song at the cost of this game. It is a pity that EA has cannibalized Bioware's vision and not done the justice to this game that it deserves.


SWTOR is wholly unique and should be preserved and nurtured for that alone if nothing else. No other game offers this experience of fully voiced, story-driven play and it is Star Wars. The possibilities of the IP are endless, the surface barely scratched of the lore and history.


As flawed as this game may be at times and no matter how often I may question the sanity of the devs, no other game has endeared me and many others to the characters and companions quite like this one. That ability to strike an emotional chord is priceless.


I hope that a candle still burns to keep this game out of the dark and I will be here until all the lights go out.


Yes! Exactly, I completely agree. Story is everything. There is nothing else like this and yes, that deserves to be recognized and nurtured. Like you say Anthem could wind up killing the whole works and I can't rest easy with that. The Old Republic is much loved and there is much that could be done with it. Why bandwagon jump to pursue a generic shooter Destiny clone, when we have this. If they focussed on this and listened to the feedback and acted on it, there would no worries about this game floudering, but it takes constant applied effort, like any job really.


Like you and some others, I'll be here until that day too. I hope it's not for a long time yet.


I'm here til they turn the lights out, even if I'm not happy about, oh, many things. But IT'S STAR WARS. IT'S AN MMO. That's what I want, not yet another spiffy FPS.


I agree, well said. I don't know what part of 'it's STAR WARS' do they not get? Sweeping it aside like a runt pup for a 'maybe' at best. Star Wars is tried and true.

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This game is the only MMO that I play, been playing this since summer 2014 and despite all of its flaws that there are, I love it. As a Star Wars fan, this game offers me a unique experience to step into shoes of characters within an era of Star Wars history that in few ways, sets the stage for later events, while continuing the story of KoTOR games. I've tried my hand with WoW, but, its not the same thing. I love how the characters are fully voiced, something that brings life into the characters I play. The story is great, especially the class stories and RoTHC and SoR expansions while KoTFE and KoTET deliver us more story that, while being bit "fit for all" is still sort of continuation to our stories.


Please EA/BW/whoever is in charge, please let this game continue and become a marvel that will introduce more people to Old Republic era.

Edited by Rebamcfan
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I love all you said Luna! And I agree.

Also what we do now, is that we are damaging our game perhaps with all this negativity and place the spiral even more downward. But at the same time our comments can perhaps spark and turn things around up again. Do not forget these things

And if bioware is in trouble, we must not be the catalyst to make the situation even more worse for an game we all love and enjoy. I would love if the game gets more open to public, (open source perhaps at the end), but that some normal players right now with modding skills can assist the bioware team to fix bugs for swtor for example, so bioware can focus on making new content. I for example would love to help, I modded a lot of EA games, this one has a lot of similar core buildup like the others. (so give me a call Keith if you are interested, I am serious and I know there are others out there who are just like me or much better who want to help) And I do it for free (and I think the others would too), this game deserves it, it has it's flaws, but it is still an awesome game in design.

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Like others here have said, SWTOR is the only MMO I play. It's unique because of it's depth when it comes to characters and story. It's also pretty much the only real Star Wars game out there right now (I don't count Battlefront). Even if this community is sometimes negative, I still think the silent major loves this game and have been really excited to see where the story next takes us. I really hope these "news" are false.
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Agree with everything said here, been here since the very beginning of testing and would be very sad to this game go, it has been my go to game for years and my favourite mmo to date.


I would really hate to this game get shafted for the sake of what will be a Destiny rip off and another generic shooter that will fail the same way that Destiny did.

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Another vote of SWTOR love. This is about the only game I play, the only one that has continually held my attention. I love this game and want it to stay around for a long time. The buzzing about of possibly closing or stopping development of SWTOR saddens me greatly. Please, please know that this game IS very much loved.
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I agree that we want SWTOR to succeed.. Why it isn't succeeding is up for debate that I'm not going to get into personally...


That being said, the first rule of business is to make money. I deal with this every day.. I need to keep enough work flowing through my doors to keep my employees employed. That is my job as one of the owners. My second job is to ensure they have the tools to do their job. The same is true for Bioware.. They have to keep money flowing through their doors to keep people employed. You can't get loans, or investors to fork over cash if your accounting sheets don't have positive information. Period. If the money isn't flowing through the doors for this game, well the reality is they need to stay viable as a company.. So they're going to invest elsewhere.. I'll probably get tomatoes thrown at me for say it, but that is business.


In this business they constantly have to be developing, and diversifying their development. Gamers are fickle and they want the latest and greatest experiences. Bioware has to continue to develop and to offer games that gamers want to consume. Our mergers, the declining population.. Players have moved on.. Yeah some come back, for a time. But lets be real here, how many of us see returning players come back.. Consume whatever content they've missed and then quit logging in again. I've seen it in my guild. There is a core group of people who have stuck around, but by and large a large portion of those people are transient. They (Bioware) can only do so much with what they've got.


I don't want this game to go away.. It is one of the few MMO's that is space based, and it is Star Wars!!!! But at this point speculation is speculation.. I will play until Bioware says that I can't. Lord knows I spend enough on cartel coins.. lol..


But anyway, I hope that this drought ends.. That we get another expansion and that they can revive the game.

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I have to join with the people here saying that I LOVE this game and will continue to play till the lights go out! There is no other game like it out there. Sure there are MMOs, but swtor is the only futuristic one, not to mention it being Star Wars.


I dont want to play the graphically ancient WoW or the medieval theme MMOs, well maybe Final Fantasy, but its too late to start playing now. This game is the best of its kind out there (and the only of its kind :D ) and its the only game which I play and devote all my free time to. I will be a sad day when it goes down.

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I love the game as well. I'm very attached to my characters and their companions, not to mention my beloved strongholds. I also want to know what's going to happen next in the current storyline.


I'll be very sad if BioWare decides to shut the game down or put it in maintenance mode.

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Another vote of SWTOR love. This is about the only game I play, the only one that has continually held my attention. I love this game and want it to stay around for a long time. The buzzing about of possibly closing or stopping development of SWTOR saddens me greatly. Please, please know that this game IS very much loved.


Same. Don't stop development on SWTOR. I've played it since the beta, it is very much loved.

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I will echo what others have said... There just isn't a substitute for the rich fully voiced storytelling of a proper RPG and this one has star wars in it... And to top it all off you can share the experience with others online. I like the sci fi genre in general but another run of the mill shooter just seems so uninspiring. Give me SWTOR over that every day of the week and twice on Sunday... Edited by Valceanu
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I personally have come to the conclusion that Bioware is not able to do better than they have done. SWTOR does deserve better, but it's just not going to happen.


This game will never be saved. The best you can hope for is that it'll be kept on life-support for some years still. I think the best way to keep it alive is for Bioware to admit they can't keep up and stop developing content. This way everybody knows what they're up against and can make their decisions. The remaining players can then play in peace for as long as they can keep the boat afloat with their expenditures.


That to me is the best case scenario at this stage. Anything better will cost them more than they have or will get from EA.


But hey, I will still say I'll be gladly proven wrong with the upcoming roadmap. I just don't really believe it will blow me away in a positive sense.

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I love the way this game used to be. So yes, thank you for that.

I've had a lot of fun over the years, with some breaks in between, but I've always come back to this game. To my characters, who have accomplished and experienced so much, and really deserve better than to just fade away.

So yes, please do save our game. I won't be holding my breath, though.

I also have no interest in Anthem, so this is the only game EAware will get any of my money from.

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Guys! First of all stop believing what that Kotaku guy says, i suspect his article being clickbait and bs. So what if in the past he guessed correctly some SWTOR related things? Each and every one of us does that once in a while, not necessarily SWTOR related. Yeah, i predict a new Hollywood scandal in approx. 3 months from now. Yeah, i predict a new divorce between famous singer 1 and famous singer 2. And so on..

The producers said : "we are working to bring back Risha,Corso,Andronikos,Felix & DS Jaesa. If one comp is not listed, it doesn't mean they wont come back". This means at least one more year of SWTOR or more. Besides there's still the Theron S. story and at least one OP boss we have yet to encounter ( Zildrog).

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