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Pvp pops slower?


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Is it just me or have the pvp pops slowed down since they reduced Yavin pop?


It just seems like there is a bigger wait, especially in the prime time fringes. I tried to play on my Shadow and it didn’t pop after waiting 40mins. Jumped back to my Sin and it pops, but not as fast as it used to.


If this is a result of Yavin pops being reduced and hence less cross faction pops, would that suggest the need for all pvp to be cross faction


On a side note, did they increase Hutt Ball pops or something? I’m up to 11 HB today.

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Is it just me


is it just me or do you make a thread about every thing that happens in game? :p


On a side note, did they increase Hutt Ball pops or something? I’m up to 11 HB today.


kinda jealous about that, i usually get like 1 huttball out of ~20games :mad:

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is it just me or do you make a thread about every thing that happens in game? :p


kinda jealous about that, i usually get like 1 huttball out of ~20games :mad:


When you sit around waiting for 20mins or more for a pvp pop, it gets boring, so I spend my time on the forum.


Usually I love Hutt Ball too, but there are too many death match noobs around at the moment who won’t even try and win. They expect 1-2 of us to carry their lazy arses. All it takes is half the other team to want to win and you can’t carry your team. It gets frustrating 😒


Have you been playing since the patch?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Is it just me or have the pvp pops slowed down since they reduced Yavin pop?


It just seems like there is a bigger wait, especially in the prime time fringes. I tried to play on my Shadow and it didn’t pop after waiting 40mins. Jumped back to my Sin and it pops, but not as fast as it used to.


If this is a result of Yavin pops being reduced and hence less cross faction pops, would that suggest the need for all pvp to be cross faction


On a side note, did they increase Hutt Ball pops or something? I’m up to 11 HB today.


No cross-faction needed, and Ur playing during sleep time. However, i noticed a way too long time waiting for team ranked pops. Even though iam always playing at the same time. I think bw messed up

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Cross faction is not going to change anything


Current PvP is the most unfun PvP we have seen in ages, people just are not queueing up


The population bump we got for server merges is over, it was overrated and most those people left


Yavin 4 was not good enough to hold the people who returned to check it out


APAC is gone for the most part and many west coast people no longer PvP


It is already time for a server merge of the remaining 5 servers


A lot of PvPers are playing other games hoping for things to improve here, I've been mostly playing EVE since New Years


Mostly barring a miracle this game is over

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Of course pops are slower now, less cross faction maps, pubs do not want to PvP anymore. Don't worry, next time they increase the frequency of cross faction maps maybe pubs will come back again. Until then we can just play with half of the players instead of all of them and wait for slow queues.
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Cross faction is not going to change anything


Current PvP is the most unfun PvP we have seen in ages, people just are not queueing up


The population bump we got for server merges is over, it was overrated and most those people left


Yavin 4 was not good enough to hold the people who returned to check it out


APAC is gone for the most part and many west coast people no longer PvP


It is already time for a server merge of the remaining 5 servers


A lot of PvPers are playing other games hoping for things to improve here, I've been mostly playing EVE since New Years


Mostly barring a miracle this game is over


I disagree about crossfaction not improving pop times. Especially if you play reps.


I will concede that it won’t make pops any faster in the middle of prime time, but it will help at all other times.

One other thing cross faction would help with is skill distribution across both factions. If there are no factions, then it’s one big mixing pot to pop from.


I do agree that pvpers aren’t queueing as much. I think a lot has to do with the server relocation. West coast players feel the extra ping creates a disadvantage and participation by them has dropped. As you also mentioned, most APAC players have also left pvp because 300ms ping is horrendous.


Im not sure it’s time to merge all 5 servers together because EU players would then be placed into the same position as those who played on the west coast. This would cause many more to leave and I think you’d find there would be little improvement after they did.


I do think they shouldn’t have made two east coast servers. It made sense to have two US servers when we thought they’d be in different locations. But seeing as they are in the one data centre, IMO it would have been better to just have one server for the US.


They do need to breath some new life into pvp. The status quo Bioware have followed for 6 years isn’t working anymore. There are things they can do to address this, starting with cross server.

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Of course pops are slower now, less cross faction maps, pubs do not want to PvP anymore. Don't worry, next time they increase the frequency of cross faction maps maybe pubs will come back again. Until then we can just play with half of the players instead of all of them and wait for slow queues.


Good to see someone gets it.

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I disagree about crossfaction not improving pop times. Especially if you play reps.


I will concede that it won’t make pops any faster in the middle of prime time, but it will help at all other times.

One other thing cross faction would help with is skill distribution across both factions. If there are no factions, then it’s one big mixing pot to pop from.


I do agree that pvpers aren’t queueing as much. I think a lot has to do with the server relocation. West coast players feel the extra ping creates a disadvantage and participation by them has dropped. As you also mentioned, most APAC players have also left pvp because 300ms ping is horrendous.


Im not sure it’s time to merge all 5 servers together because EU players would then be placed into the same position as those who played on the west coast. This would cause many more to leave and I think you’d find there would be little improvement after they did.


I do think they shouldn’t have made two east coast servers. It made sense to have two US servers when we thought they’d be in different locations. But seeing as they are in the one data centre, IMO it would have been better to just have one server for the US.


They do need to breath some new life into pvp. The status quo Bioware have followed for 6 years isn’t working anymore. There are things they can do to address this, starting with cross server.


We don't agree and I am not going to discuss it because you post too much :D

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I liked when Yavin popped so much, actually won quite few games being assasin with many pubs players since they have tanks/healers. Also it was healthy to see so many pubs.


All maps should be cross-faction it is healthy for game balance.

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Cross faction is not going to change anything


Current PvP is the most unfun PvP we have seen in ages, people just are not queueing up


Pretty much sums up my feelings.


PvP is really unfun right now. I can't exactly explain it, but its just not fun anymore - playing a DPS jugg or DPS PT is a exercise in futility. Solo ranked a few months ago wasn't that bad, the toxicity was manageable but recently its back to severe toxic levels which killed it. Group ranked was really fun when the new mats were introduced, the amount of new players and pick up teams in fleet actually made group ranked fun since you weren't going against the same macho premade meme teams with cheesy wombo combo tactics. But recently that has not been the case in group ranked, now you sit in a 15 min que with your fleet PUG only to go against a legit premade that are in voice with perfectly timed wombo combos. And you face them over and over again because everyone else stopped queing. So that's pretty much killed it for people who like to PUG granked.


I could go on and on but theirs no point. Alot of it could just be my own personal interest waning, since even regs I been getting demolished by premades pretty regularly which just kills the night for me personally. It's just hard to login and pvp on a relaxed level like I could a few months ago, even premerger.


Another thing that might be hurting que times is alot of people are actually fully geared now - and have stopped queing pvp. With UC's raining from the sky from doing other actives and crates disintegration , you don't actually need to pvp to progress in gear. I'm sure that plays a small factor into que times. Just less people queing because why? If your fully geared with BiS, the only reason to que is because you actually find pvp fun - but what happens when the fun goes? Then you don't que. I'm sure theirs alot of players in this boat right now. Fully decked BiS characters that don't que because PvP is not fun and serves no purpose in progression.

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I liked when Yavin popped so much, actually won quite few games being assasin with many pubs players since they have tanks/healers. Also it was healthy to see so many pubs.


All maps should be cross-faction it is healthy for game balance.





Edited by TrixxieTriss
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