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Would flagging off of faction mobs revive OWPVP?


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Much like SWG had. Target a Pub or Sith that results in pvp flags. Attach pvp exclusive rewards and missions as carrots. And maybe we can see some random and immersive pvp again? Oh right...I forgot. PvEers want the open world all to themselves. Pvp instances have no content motive, therefore that was another fail. I for one would enjoy some kind of RvR pvp to top this game off with.


Signed 2K old skool.


PS...save the engine and gank excuses please. There was worst lag and sync issues back in the day, where it was still fun. New Gen players are so spolied these days:P

Edited by Josewales
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This game caters to carebears and casuals, open world PvP is dead and never coming back.


Care Bears can stand aside and be entertained. Much like how SWG Cantina spinner rooms was...oh the cantina light show memories. Doesn’t hurt to beg for it:P

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