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They all float down here.


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Yes, I know, it's old... spoilers: minor rant here. Whatever this bug is, it's still around since the game launch!


Trying to jump over obstacles, trying to go through tight spaces on irregular terrain, always making my characters float. Sometimes (rarely) they unstuck themselves, but having to use fleet pass or /stuck every time I find myself in this situation is rather ludicrous.


Been playing this game since the release, on and off. Just came back after a year long hiatus and I am still baffled that my characters still float on surfaces, untargetable loot under the floor, etc, etc.


Please, do something. You update your cartel market every month. Put on some effort to polish your game a bit more and you will get even happier customers. I really like this game, but every time I see things like this still around, it kinda makes me want to take a long break again.

Edited by Lularapio
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If you are stuck and not in combat, using /stuck will put you back on even ground.


That being said, this game is not Skyrim, so going off the path jumping on rocks and up mountains is not something really planned for our programmed for. Stick to the paths in the game, and you'll be fine.

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I was in a Yavin-4 PvP match the other day and got knocked onto the rocks in front of the control points. I was stuck floating above them while 2 people were just hammering on me with me having no maneuverability. Luckily, I was able to be extricated and survived it.


But yeah, some places aren't meant to be traversed. In cases like this your character should be automatically moved to the nearest flat area without having to utilize the /stuck feature.


Situations like this have been around since beta. At least they changed it to where /stuck doesn't just kill your character (unless you're in combat). But I have been in situations where /stuck still doesn't work properly, and you can't quick travel because the game thinks your moving. Now the only way to get out of that type of situation is to use the stronghold travel (because it's instantaneous) and return. That normally puts you back in a spot where you can move.

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But yeah, some places aren't meant to be traversed. In cases like this your character should be automatically moved to the nearest flat area without having to utilize the /stuck feature.

There's a single player game from 2003 called Postal 2 that figured that out. In it, you beat people with a shovel, strap cats to automatic weapons as silencers and kill Gary Coleman.


If they can do it, you can too!




you'll float too!


Edited by CrutchCricket
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Mobility in this game is terrible IMO, but it is not the only game that suffers from this. Though it is a bit silly that a small rock would stop my progress.


Playing a game where mobility is encouraged and designed right into the game, like Warframe puts this game to shame. But I imagine that the environments would have had to be VERY different to allow more mobility.


Still, wouldnt hurt to allow us to jump a bit farther, and move a bit faster in NPC combat. Tired of feeling like I am moving in sand even WITH speed boosts.

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