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HK-55 false advertising as of 01/07/18


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You people do realize that the more money SWTOR takes in, the more content we get, right?

Unfortunately that is actually NOT the case. You see, I've been around here since it all began in 2011 and if I've learned one thing about SWTOR it's that if you put money into the game they don't reinvest it into more content.


I used to buy the cartel packs mostly as a support for the game. I spent about 150 bucks a month, every month. The reason I did this is because I wanted them to have budget to invest more into the game and make it better, make it thrive. And instead we got less and less content each expansion.


So a year and a half ago I stopped and I think more people realised the same and stopped as well and then Galactic Command pushed out a lot of players and Bioware got into gear except they only have 2 forward gears instead of 5. So they went from 1 to 2 but to make this game really move you need at least 3rd gear.


That leads me to two conclusions:

1) Bioware only responds towards content if people stop paying, not if people invest more into the game.

2) Bioware doesn't have the resources to bring out new content in an approppriate manner and pace.


Now both could've been solved by reinvesting more into the game, but I guess that's where the EA shadow looms over all of it.


The bottom line is that if you give Bioware more money, they sit back and enjoy it, instead of taking pride in their product and make it better...really better. Not just bread crumbs here and there for an ever-decreasing group of hungry players but really some robust steps forward. Again, I sense the EA shadow behind that because I'm sure the budgets are determined and allotted by EA, but what I do put at the feet of Bioware themselves is the misguided attempts at content and reward systems they have been putting out. The trend was already set with 4.0 but it was hammered down with 5.0 and that nearly destroyed this game entirely.


Now I do accept and realise that mistakes will be made and they're not psychichs that can predict what will work and what won't every time. But there are things they have done that were so obviously a bad idea that it just baffles me they put it out to begin with. That's where I hold them responsible.


So is there any hope? Well, to me Umbara was a step forward but Copero is definitely a much better example of content that works. I stil wish it had been in combination with an explorable area where you could do dailies and gather crafting materials but I have to say that Copero is definitely a step up. Also, in spite of the story elements being rather short, I do find myself being interested again in what will happen next.


However, the reward system that is Galactic Command and everythin tied to it, is still a millstone around SWTOR's neck. It does almost everything wrong and trivializes the content we do have into CXP generators that are based on high repetition because of the RNG side of it.


I put to you that it is better that FP's take 30-40 minutes to complete and that people want to do the bonuses in them than that people run the same FP skipping all they can and do it twice or three times in the same time frame. Why? Because if you encourage high repetition, then you will have players bored with that content more quickly. That's why it should be equally or more rewarding to do the full thing rather than just rushing and skipping.


Same with operations. It is wrong in my view that last boss runs in the GF are the most rewarding and profitable activity in raiding. It has the same problems as above. I do it because I know it's how I get my toons geared up but it means I have to take more breaks from the game or at least from raiding cause it bores the crap out of me. You see it's TOO easy and TOO repetitive. I believe that killing each boss should be equally rewarding and that when you kill the last boss you should get a bonus reward based on how many bosses you actually killed and not skipped. That way killing more bosses in the same ops will become more rewarding and that if you jump in later in an ops you will get rewarded less but it's still rewarding enough. But then a player has spent less time in the ops so it should balance out with time vs reward.


Also I think there should be a separate set of rewards depending on whether you are doing operations, warzones or more casual activities (quests, heroics, dailies, chapters, FPs). Some rewards can be general but I strongly believe that each of those 3 areas should have their own rewards especially when it comes to stat gear and set bonuses. It seems to me that if the top rating is 248 (as it is now) that all 3 areas should yield gear that is optimised for that type of gameplay but still have that same 248 rating. This way you create a situation where all players can get top rating gear that is BiS for their activities but less effective in the other two areas.


And you can do this with simple things. Raid gear could get an overall set bonus added that increases your resistance and output but only inside operations. PvP gear can get set bonuses that relate to specific PvP elements like stun resistance, speed boosts, resistance against slows etc. Just a percentage chance and it only works in warzones then but it makes it specific. Also the stats can be optimized differently because DPS don't use accuracy for example. To enable this of course you need to have 3 tabs in your character sheet for each set of gear but that will also be a great thing so people don't have to carry additional armour sets in their inventory. If your do PvE and PvP people often do need two sets of gear already.


And the cosmetics like the cosmetic gear sets and mounts should be buyable with a currency that you gain and that's where the general rewards come in. Of course each reward direction should also have expensive unique rewards...that are tradeable. Because we know people will complain if they cannot get those rewards cause they hate raiding or they hate pvp or whatever. So you can choose to trade or sell them which makes these rewards useful but expensive to get. Right now I have a max of 3000 on command tokens. But I have thousands more sitting in my command stash because the command token vendor only sells mats that I already have hundreds of and boosts that we get regularly in the crates.


So it's not in full detail but I hope you get in what direction I would like this game to go and why. Instead of making one reward system for everything and thereby trivializing the content itself and forcing people in one direction or another, it should be a system where it feels that actually what you do has meaning and is rewarded and where you can work towards specific rewards. It's important that it has a range of cost where some things will be very expensive and other things very cheap dependent on the function and value of having multiple copies.


You see that sort of thing and meaningful new content is what's needed for this game, but looking at my personal experience, giving Bioware/EA more money does not move them to do such things.

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3) Most of you either likely do not care about the content you prize as exclusive and simply dislike the idea of losing that exclusivity REGARDLESS of what it is, or if you fight tooth and nail for the content it is unlikely you will find it engaging for more than a few days at most, and really you just cant stand the idea of not having something someone else has. The content itself is likely truly worthless to both parties.


In all honesty, I actually would run with HK-55 quite often if I had the option to do so. I genuinely liked him and frequently choose him as my companion before he bites it. The first time I ran through kotfe I put some effort into upping his influence and was kind of annoyed when he ended up being blasted my Arcann and unavailable. He cracks me up and I'm not partial to many of the other non-class comps brought into the game throughout kotfe/kotet.


I spend more time in the game than on the forums but this is something I was hoping would one day return. The topic came up because BW goofed and a lot of people who had resigned themselves to never getting the content decided to speak up. Then we had the negative nellies come in and insist that it never be made available again and acted like there was something fundamentally wrong with people voicing a desire for something. BW will either bring it back or they won't I hope they do, apparently this makes me "entitled, petulant, whiny," etc etc. I didn't throw any tantrums, I didn't make any give it to me or I quit threats. I simply voiced a hope that they would bring it back.


Whether they bring something like this back or not won't spell disaster for the game. I just hope they bring it back and think it's completely uncalled for to act like that makes me some kind of a spoiled child. I liked the companion, it would be fun to play with him without having to stop playing the chapters before he dies. There is nothing about that that is entitled, spoiled, or wanting to take from anyone else. My saying that doesn't strong arm BW into doing it, it's just letting them know that I would enjoy the chance to play the chapter and get the companion. They can't read my mind, the only way they'll know what interests me as a paying and playing customer is my speaking up.


What I find seriously aggravating is the attitude that even voicing that interest makes me some kind of leech on those who have been subbed at whatever time for whatever reason, even though I'm a sub and have been for quite some time. I'm not trying to take your toy away, I'm just saying it would be fun to have a shot at earning one of my own. I did what I had to to get the other HK, I'm willing to do that here too.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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What I find seriously aggravating is the attitude that even voicing that interest makes me some kind of leech on those who have been subbed at whatever time for whatever reason. I'm not trying to take your toy away, I'm just saying it would be fun to have one of my own.


meh I was subbed and I got him and never understood that they would give story content only to people who were subbed only in that period.


I really hope BW gives others the chance to get this. It's actually the conclusion of an existing story line in game as well, so it's ridiculous they don't give this to all subs.

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In all honesty, I actually would run with HK-55 quite often if I had the option to do so. I genuinely liked him and frequently choose him as my companion before he bites it. The first time I ran through kotfe I put some effort into upping his influence and was kind of annoyed when he ended up being blasted my Arcann and unavailable. He cracks me up and I'm not partial to many of the other non-class comps brought into the game throughout kotfe/kotet.


I spend more time in the game than on the forums but this is something I was hoping would one day return. The topic came up because BW goofed and a lot of people who had resigned themselves to never getting the content decided to speak up. Then we had the negative nellies come in and insist that it never be made available again and acted like there was something fundamentally wrong with people voicing a desire for something. BW will either bring it back or they won't I hope they do, apparently this makes me "entitled, petulant, whiny," etc etc. I didn't throw any tantrums, I didn't make any give it to me or I quit threats. I simply voiced a hope that they would bring it back.


Whether they bring something like this back or not won't spell disaster for the game. I just hope they bring it back and think it's completely uncalled for to act like that makes me some kind of a spoiled child. I liked the companion, it would be fun to play with him without having to stop playing the chapters before he dies. There is nothing about that that is entitled, spoiled, or wanting to take from anyone else. My saying that doesn't strong arm into BW doing it, it's just letting them know that I would enjoy the chance to play the chapter and get the companion.


What I find seriously aggravating is the attitude that even voicing that interest makes me some kind of leech on those who have been subbed at whatever time for whatever reason. I'm not trying to take your toy away, I'm just saying it would be fun to have one of my own.


The topic did not "come up" because there was a "glitch with the launcher".


There have been any number of threads asking for past subscriber rewards, including HK-55, to be made available again.


IMO, this thread was started because someone decided that maybe they could use an obvious glitch to their advantage.


As for being able to run with HK-55, I believe that you can do still do so, even if HK-55 will not be a "permanent" companion for you.


Replay any of the KotFE chapters that include HK-55 and leave the chapter. You should see HK-55 in your companion list, with the influence you. I believe that he will still have the raised influence. The caveat to that is that if you replay a chapter that does not still have HK-55, you will have to replay a chapter that does have him in order to reacquire him.

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Replay any of the KotFE chapters that include HK-55 and leave the chapter. You should see HK-55 in your companion list, with the influence you. I believe that he will still have the raised influence. The caveat to that is that if you replay a chapter that does not still have HK-55, you will have to replay a chapter that does have him in order to reacquire him.


Good idea, I'll give that a shot. I just want to have him available to play with. If I have to rerun a chapter or meet some arbitrary requirements I'm happy to do either. I think there is a difference between wanting to have it handed out and being willing to do x,y, and z to get the reward. Personally, even if they do bring back past rewards I hope that there is a requirement beyond simply being subbed. I like earning things by meeting goals. It gives me something new to do in the game.


I agree with the people who don't think past rewards should just be handed out to everyone. Or have concern that if an old reward is released there will be nothing new for them. Where they lose my support is the rigidity of not even being okay with people having a chance EARN it, or having it return along with something new. There are plenty of past subscriber rewards that would be cool to have but I don't expect them to be handed over to me. I want to have a goal to meet and get the prize at the end of my little quest. I also empathize with how frustrating it would be if the big giveaway was something they already have.


Now, it would be cool if they brought back the practice of subscriber rewards so I had a chance to get some new stuff, but again, they will or they won't. All I can do is voice an interest in the thing. Voicing an interest in earning something is not entitlement.

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Hey folks,


In this case there was a back-end issue that caused our launcher images to "break" and display some fairly old ones. The team has resolved the issue now and they are back to normal. Apologies for any confusion.




PS - Unrelated, your interest in being able to earn those rewards again has been noted.



i hope u guys are not that stupid to bring back exclusive awards for being constant sub over 6 months i personally lost out on bonus chapter as didn't play for 2.5 weeks and im fine with it whats the point of having exclusive awards for doing something then just bring them back

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i hope u guys are not that stupid to bring back exclusive awards for being constant sub over 6 months i personally lost out on bonus chapter as didn't play for 2.5 weeks and im fine with it whats the point of having exclusive awards for doing something then just bring them back

Because if you don't agree with my point of view you're stupid?

Great way to start off a conversation.

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I skipped most of this thread, because it's a lot of eyerolling nonsense...


One of my College Diplomas is Marketing, which covers topics like promotions, product, advertising and business law. Which doesn't make me a Lawyer, but I've learned something about the topic at a post-secondary level.


Regarding the Launcher Error

One someone shows up to a cash register, with a product that has a price tag that says the product is $1.99 but it scans in as $2.75, the correct price is $2.75. A business is not obligated to abide by an error like this... assuming of course, the customer didn't just stick a cheaper price tag on themselves. Same thing with advertisements... if someone publishes a flyer where they advertise a smoking fast Gaming PC at $99.99 .... when it was supposed to be $999.99, they don't have to sell their thousand dollar rigs for a hundred bucks; they DO need to take As Soon As Possible steps to communicate the error; probably publish a clarification as soon as possible, put it on their website, post it in their stores.


The TL/DR here, is Business are not legally obligated to abide by this kind of error.

Again, I'm not a lawyer, but I'm certain enough of this to be certain that any sort of legal action is entirely futile.


Regarding old Promotions

Implied exclusivity means nothing.


I'll say that again.


If you read a promotion, and you interpret it to mean that something is exclusively yours (inclusive of all qualifying people) but the promotion doesn't specifically state that the product it gives you is actually, and explicitly, exclusive to this particular promotion... you are only operating on an assumption that this reward is exclusive... then it's not exclusive.


People who (erroneously) think their subscriber rewards are exclusive, are confusing Promotion with Product. Now... promotional Terms and Conditions are certainly explicit. For example, Be subscribed between June 1, 2017 and August 31st, 2017. This is very explicit, but this explicit descriptor is for the promotion; unless someone can time travel, they just can't go back and time to qualify for this promotion. Again... PROMOTION.


The promotion... is exclusive. Only people who qualified can possibly qualify.


But... very huge but...


Promotion is not product. In this case, the Product is access to HK-55 (or one of the other companions, I don't care, but HK-55 was the one on the erroneous banner). There is nothing about the promotion (which was exclusive) that demands that the product it relates to must be exclusive. Again: Promotion != Product. Consider, if they instead offered bonus Cartel Coins. People can ALWAYS acquire Cartel Coins. There is absolutely zero difference between a Promotion that offers bonus Cartel Coins and a promotion that offers a bonus Companion. There is literally no difference. None.


I missed the promotion for bonus Cartel Coins. That's very sad; but you can buy Cartel Coins from SWTOR.

I missed the promotion for the HK-55 Companion. That's very sad; but you can by the HK-55 Companion from SWTOR.

....to my eyes, these two statements should apply the exact same way to promotions.



I am a subscriber. I'm usually a subscriber. I already HAVE almost all of the rewards. I've got HK-55. I've got Shae Vizla, Nico Okarr, Darth Hexid... and I just don't CARE if other people have them too. One thing that I would say, is I would not want SWTOR to run a promotion to give out that same reward. New promotions should offer something to me... I honestly think that the only reasonable way to offer old companions, or old rewards (like Nico's gear, or the Recon Walker) that players missed... would be to add those rewards to the Cartel Market.

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I skipped most of this thread, because it's a lot of eyerolling nonsense...


One of my College Diplomas is Marketing, which covers topics like promotions, product, advertising and business law. Which doesn't make me a Lawyer, but I've learned something about the topic at a post-secondary level.


Regarding the Launcher Error

One someone shows up to a cash register, with a product that has a price tag that says the product is $1.99 but it scans in as $2.75, the correct price is $2.75. A business is not obligated to abide by an error like this... assuming of course, the customer didn't just stick a cheaper price tag on themselves. Same thing with advertisements... if someone publishes a flyer where they advertise a smoking fast Gaming PC at $99.99 .... when it was supposed to be $999.99, they don't have to sell their thousand dollar rigs for a hundred bucks; they DO need to take As Soon As Possible steps to communicate the error; probably publish a clarification as soon as possible, put it on their website, post it in their stores.


The TL/DR here, is Business are not legally obligated to abide by this kind of error.

Again, I'm not a lawyer, but I'm certain enough of this to be certain that any sort of legal action is entirely futile.


Regarding old Promotions

Implied exclusivity means nothing.


I'll say that again.


If you read a promotion, and you interpret it to mean that something is exclusively yours (inclusive of all qualifying people) but the promotion doesn't specifically state that the product it gives you is actually, and explicitly, exclusive to this particular promotion... you are only operating on an assumption that this reward is exclusive... then it's not exclusive.


People who (erroneously) think their subscriber rewards are exclusive, are confusing Promotion with Product. Now... promotional Terms and Conditions are certainly explicit. For example, Be subscribed between June 1, 2017 and August 31st, 2017. This is very explicit, but this explicit descriptor is for the promotion; unless someone can time travel, they just can't go back and time to qualify for this promotion. Again... PROMOTION.


The promotion... is exclusive. Only people who qualified can possibly qualify.


But... very huge but...


Promotion is not product. In this case, the Product is access to HK-55 (or one of the other companions, I don't care, but HK-55 was the one on the erroneous banner). There is nothing about the promotion (which was exclusive) that demands that the product it relates to must be exclusive. Again: Promotion != Product. Consider, if they instead offered bonus Cartel Coins. People can ALWAYS acquire Cartel Coins. There is absolutely zero difference between a Promotion that offers bonus Cartel Coins and a promotion that offers a bonus Companion. There is literally no difference. None.


I missed the promotion for bonus Cartel Coins. That's very sad; but you can buy Cartel Coins from SWTOR.

I missed the promotion for the HK-55 Companion. That's very sad; but you can by the HK-55 Companion from SWTOR.

....to my eyes, these two statements should apply the exact same way to promotions.



I am a subscriber. I'm usually a subscriber. I already HAVE almost all of the rewards. I've got HK-55. I've got Shae Vizla, Nico Okarr, Darth Hexid... and I just don't CARE if other people have them too. One thing that I would say, is I would not want SWTOR to run a promotion to give out that same reward. New promotions should offer something to me... I honestly think that the only reasonable way to offer old companions, or old rewards (like Nico's gear, or the Recon Walker) that players missed... would be to add those rewards to the Cartel Market.


Thanks for posting this. It's good to hear from someone with a credible background in the actual topic. What you say about product and promotion makes perfect sense. The promotion is what is exclusive, the product is not. I think being able to purchase former rewards would also be a good compromise between those who want it and those who take issue with it being repeated. Depending on the price and my finances at the time of offer, i'd buy coins for it.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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I think you must be misremembering (intentionally?). There was never a collectors edition mount - there was a DIGITAL DELUXE edition mount that was also included in the Collector's Edition pack.


And "you people" do realize that the more money SWTOR gets from re-releasing previous items, means they'll just keep releasing previous items instead of giving us new content. "Pathetic."


No, I was not misremembering anything. I simply wanted someone to point this out, as you have. You are 100% correct, the mount was not marked as exclusive, and so was available through other means.

The Exclusive Mouse Droid, and Exclusive Collector's Edition Store were indeed marked exclusive, and have remained as such.


Now please, show me where in the promotion page for the SUBSCRIBER REWARDS PROGRAM, anything was marked as exclusive?


Using your very own (and Bioware's) logic, these non-exclusive rewards should and will be available in the future.


As for the other part of your comment, there is only so much old stuff they can release before having to come out with new content. They need subscriptions, and should/will do what they can to get them.

Edited by TheLexinator
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No, I was not misremembering anything. I simply wanted someone to point this out, as you have. You are 100% correct, the mount was not marked as exclusive, and so was available through other means.

The Exclusive Mouse Droid, and Exclusive Collector's Edition Store were indeed marked exclusive, and have remained as such.


Now please, show me where in the promotion page for the SUBSCRIBER REWARDS PROGRAM, anything was marked as exclusive?


Using your very own (and Bioware's) logic, these non-exclusive rewards should and will be available in the future.


As for the other part of your comment, there is only so much old stuff they can release before having to come out with new content. They need subscriptions, and should/will do what they can to get them.


Back in 2012, WoE had an annual pass, it gave you doable 3 for free, early access to the beta and Tyreals charger. They weren't marked as "exclusive" either. You can no longer obtain it in EU/NA.

Recently people found a way to obtain it, you could buy a code from the Taiwan store and use it on your EU/NA account. Someone asked Blizzard why this was possible and it wasn't supposed to be.

Blizzard removed the mounts people purchased and refunded them their money. They could have let it go if they wanted to but they didn't. When you offer a reward with a certain requirement and a deadline, it often means the rewards are exclusive. Why put a deadline when you can just obtain it later again? It makes no sense other than for pure greed.


If they do release the HK stuff and whatever that was a reward, they obviously can, it's their game and crying about it isn't going to make them not do it. But it also makes it not as appealing for people to want to qualify for something that people would have thought would be an exclusive item.

With all the requests of releasing them again, kind of makes it common sense that they were indeed exclusive and how people missed it because they had a broken leg, had a power outage, didn't have money, because their pc broke, because they had a wedding party, were in labour for 100 hours, lost their house, and the list goes on.


Release it again or don't, to me it doesn't really matter all that much, I don't even have them and I won't be getting them either. But every time they will offer rewards such as these again, people will ask if the items will be exclusive, because they got screwed over again. And people may or may not be less inclined to subscribe just for that. The distrust will be there, and we all know why.

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This whole glitch would be akin to finding an old flyer from Target that somehow managed to get mistakenly placed in with the new flyers that's a few years old with clear sale dates that are long gone and then going to the manager demanding those sale prices and claiming false advertising when all you did was find an old advertisement.




As others have pointed out, nobody paid for something and didn't get it since the dates are clearly old and expired, so not reading the promotion with any care and attention is the fault of the reader since it's all there.


TL;DR - It's not false advertising.

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The effect on subscription could really go either way, but like you said, they will or they won't. I don't understand why everyone is so concerned with who gets what when it has no effect on whether or not they can play the game, but whatever, people gonna argue no matter the topic.


Fun fact however, I just replayed an old chapter (didn't even actually finish it) and TA DA! I have HK-55. What's really funny about this is that 1. the naysayers probably won't even notice my toon running with HK-55, and 2. even if they do notice HK-55 they literally have no way of knowing whether he was obtained from the super special promotion or just picked up via a regular chapter. So there you go, I get HK-55 and they get to maintain their feelings of exclusivity by having a thing that is actually available to everyone already whether they met the promotional criteria or not. YAY! Everybody wins.


Unless my even having the droid is a problem, in which case I'm sorry, but I'm keeping my droid.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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The effect on subscription could really go either way, but like you said, they will or they won't. I don't understand why everyone is so concerned with who gets what when it has no effect on whether or not they can play the game, but whatever, people gonna argue no matter the topic.


If they would release collectors editions again, it would have an effect on your game play personally.

If they would release the classic Chevrolet cars again, wouldn't have an effect on the people who own one now either.

If the original classic WoW physical game collectors edition would be released again, wouldn't really make a difference again either.


I think we can all agree that that isn't the point? Or perhaps not.

Edited by Eshvara
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Too many pages to read...


I'll preface by saying I have two accounts, qualified for HK-55 on both, and have occasionally used him in my Outlander's travels (I have two Outlanders, the freebies I was given, one on each account).


Having said that, HK-55 is...well, okay. I really do like his dialogue, but it's the same VA as HK-51, which I did once for each account, and then bought server transfers to transfer HK-51 so I would never have to do that wretched search for droid parts ever again.


I would not have an issue with the idea of HK-55 being offered again under a specific set of conditions (ironically, I would have an issue with them offering, say, Ranos, Hexid, and so forth). Perhaps those people who have already met the HK-55 conditions the first time around could instead be given a "replacement"? Say, one of the Gemini Captains? Just a thought.

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If they would release collectors editions again, it would have an effect on your game play personally.

If they would release the classic Chevrolet cars again, wouldn't have an effect on the people who own one now either.

If the original classic WoW physical game collectors edition would be released again, wouldn't really make a difference again either.


I think we can all agree that that isn't the point? Or perhaps not.


I think you misunderstand me, I think they should give him out again. I've just found a way to have him regardless. The sense of exclusivity is actually a complete fallacy in this particular instance. He's not exclusive to anyone at all. .So the argument that it shouldn't be repeated for exclusivity is really where I was going with this. That exclusivity is already moot.

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I think you misunderstand me, I think they should give him out again. I've just found a way to have him regardless. The sense of exclusivity is actually a complete fallacy in this particular instance. He's not exclusive to anyone at all. .So the argument that it shouldn't be repeated for exclusivity is really where I was going with this. That exclusivity is already moot.


Hey if you rather have him or completing the KoTFE storyline with that character, I am glad for you. It is the same with Marr. But if you finish the chapters, he will be killed once again. Unless you are talking about the quest HK-55 where you have to collect parts etc.

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Hey if you rather have him or completing the KoTFE storyline with that character, I am glad for you. It is the same with Marr. But if you finish the chapters, he will be killed once again. Unless you are talking about the quest HK-55 where you have to collect parts etc.


You can finish the story, then replay the chapter and leave with the companion. I run around with Darth Acina, for example :)

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Hey if you rather have him or completing the KoTFE storyline with that character, I am glad for you. It is the same with Marr. But if you finish the chapters, he will be killed once again. Unless you are talking about the quest HK-55 where you have to collect parts etc.


No, I just took a toon who has already completed KotFE and KotET and started the Asylum chapter. Since this toon has already run everything, and I don't feel like redoing any of the chapters with this character she can just chill with HK until something new comes out. Then all I have to do is start Asylum again and he's back in my list of active companions. Literally, just have to load the chapter and space bar through cut scenes at the beginning. I don't have to play any of it. So yeah, he's easily obtained by anyone.


I have HK-51 on imp side but have not felt like doing the quest again for pub yet. I will eventually just not right now. I like to explore all the little bonus missions and aspects of the game. I'd love to be able to do the bonus HK-55 chapter but until/unless that is available there isn't much I can do about that. The bonus chapter is really the only thing that is actually exclusive, HK-55 is not. I'm off to post this little workaround in my guild's FB group so anyone who wants HK-55 can go get him.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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No, I just took a toon who has already completed KotFE and KotET and started the Asylum chapter. Since this toon has already run everything, and I don't feel like redoing any of the chapters with this character she can just chill with HK until something new comes out. Then all I have to do is start Asylum again and he's back in my list of active companions. Literally, just have to load the chapter and space bar through cut scenes at the beginning. I don't have to play any of it. So yeah, he's easily obtained by anyone.


I have HK-51 on imp side but have not felt like doing the quest again for pub yet. I will eventually just not right now. I like to explore all the little bonus missions and aspects of the game. I'd love to be able to do the bonus HK-55 chapter but until/unless that is available there isn't much I can do about that. The bonus chapter is really the only thing that is actually exclusive, HK-55 is not. I'm off to post this little workaround in my guild's FB group so anyone who wants HK-55 can go get him.


I'm glad that my suggestion helped and you are able to run with HK-55, but "cheesing the system" does not make HK-55 any less exclusive as a permanent companion.


The bonus chapter is also not the only exclusive reward, not even the only HK-55 related reward.


I also do not know if there is a way to "cheese the system" to obtain Nico Okarr or Shae Vizla as companions, even temporary ones. I may be wrong, but I do not think there is.

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I'm glad that my suggestion helped and you are able to run with HK-55, but "cheesing the system" does not make HK-55 any less exclusive as a permanent companion.


The bonus chapter is also not the only exclusive reward, not even the only HK-55 related reward.


I also do not know if there is a way to "cheese the system" to obtain Nico Okarr or Shae Vizla as companions, even temporary ones. I may be wrong, but I do not think there is.

You keep saying it's exclusive... but it's not.

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I'm glad that my suggestion helped and you are able to run with HK-55, but "cheesing the system" does not make HK-55 any less exclusive as a permanent companion.


The bonus chapter is also not the only exclusive reward, not even the only HK-55 related reward.


I also do not know if there is a way to "cheese the system" to obtain Nico Okarr or Shae Vizla as companions, even temporary ones. I may be wrong, but I do not think there is.


Thanks again, I really appreciate the tip. It will likely require repeating the steps anytime new content comes out but I want the companion, I did what was requited to have him. Different methods, same result.


I don't think there is a workaround for the others and even though I have HK now, I still think that there is no reason a previous reward can't ever be made available again somewhere down the road. As of right now, he's in my list as an active companion the same as any other companion. Even if he goes off the list after running new content I can just go back and get him again. That makes him effectively permanent. The exclusivity is an illusion at that point. Basically they slapped that word on there to encourage subs and may as well make him available through the terminal. Keep the other things as exclusive rewards if they want, but the droid itself is readily available to players.


I've noticed that no matter what the object of desire is, if someone expresses an interest in anything being made available someone always jumps up and starts insisting that letting anyone new have that item is some kind of massive injustice to the people who already have it. It's not particularly realistic to think nothing will ever cycle back through. It's also not realistic to think everything will be made available to everyone. Some things will come back, some things won't. Maybe if they actually provided some new subscriber rewards in general people wouldn't be so up in arms about the old ones.


Perhaps in the future they should scrap the specific date method and just go by uninterrupted subscription length. Then everyone has the same opportunity to qualify at any given time. It would be a much better incentive for new subs and maintaining subs. After all, it's easy enough to keep a sub going for a specific date then let it drop until the next reward.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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I feel the required subscription period is important. That is just my view of course, and is entirely self serving to my interests, as I wish folks to have incentives to sub.


That made clear, ANY iteration of this type of offer is acceptable to me as long as it has the same effect....sub loyalty. I am willing to do almost ANYTHING that works to that end.


Though I would suggest finding an alternative to the prior offer is best, I am not concerned about player concerns with respect to the loss of exclusivity. To me this takes a back seat to game health.

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