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4v4 ranked acid deaths


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So, I ran into a group then a single who will wait in stealth the entire match and let acid kill us for a loss. Does anyone know what is doing the damage on the final death acid? What stat is saving them? The group was two assasin and two operatives. The solo was an operative. I have heard several conflicting ideas. One person said it was a percentage of hp so hp didnt matter. I heard it was alacrity. I wanted to see if anyone actually knows.
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Scoundrels/operatives are the only class that their roll mitigates acid. Sages used to have more life with their god bubble, but that was removed. BW has yet to address this with scoundrel/operatives.


Roll doesnt absorb acid ticks, its only saving from players dmg

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Roll doesnt absorb acid ticks, its only saving from players dmg

Seen too many operatives win alone in this method to believe roll doesn't mitigate acid. Are you sure the operative you saw taking damage was concealment? Only they get the immunity

Edited by Rafiknoll
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Acid games is a dumb idea. I saw so many fights when one sin won 4 alive enemies by just using vanish with force cloak utility right before acid reached him which let him stay in stealth a bit more. Why do players need to learn acid mechanics in addition to their class? Such stupidness must be removed really because it gives unfair advantage to stealth classes. One players shouldnt be able to win 4 players lol. And iam sure there are ways to mitigate acid damage at least for a few seconds. I saw too many sins/opers hiding in it. Bioware must just provide stealth detectors when arena time overs. But not just kill everyone, and letting one guy to win the whole enemies team
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Seen too many operatives win alone in this method to believe roll doesn't mitigate acid. Are you sure the operative you saw taking damage was concealment? Only they get the immunity


Roll only absorbs enemies damage, not acid. They win by doing a bit splash damage to enemies and then rolling away. Should be pretty easy to win against them if your team has more than 1 alive, since they can only roll twice. Throw in a one tech/force attack after rolls and you win (unless they have reflect on evasion and times it right)

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So to win acid on sorc you just stay in bubble the whole time? I'm confused...


No, you pop barrier shortly before acid hits to make sure that you have 100% health or as close to it when acid starts affecting the players in the game.


That way, you have the highest health pool and are more likely to survive the longest. Enduring bastion will protect you against player damage, so you will only be taking acid damage from your 100% hp pool compared to the dps and tanks who are taking player damage + acid damage.


Enduring bastion used to make you immune to acid for 4 seconds, but they removed that a couple seasons ago.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Protip - Clicking off endurance buff heals you during acid phase to live through one additional tic. That's how these people win acid.


Also arenas should should come with a timed nerf to stealth level if someone remains in stealth for too long and doesn't get into combat (so that they don't just los enemy and refresh stealth).

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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The simplest solution is to replace acid with an instant buff on the whole area (not something slowly closing in) which disables stealth and healing completely but deals no damage. Players will then have to kill each other, because without healing and stealth, how long can you possibly troll? [it will even make matches with jeezee infinite, instead of him winning. Maybe add a timer of 3 mins (long enough for everyone to die without hacking, because how would they seriously avoid 150k damage for full 3 minutes??), by the end of the timer, the group with most players win. In this case, unless jeezee is versus 1 man, which is unlikely, he will lose. And fair matches will never get to the 3rd minute anyway. Jeezee will become from a game ruiner to a mere time-waster, increasing the chance that his group will vote to kick him. Gosh I though all that as I was writing it. Please make it happen!!!!]


Alec, did you mean the 5% hunter buff? how exactly does it heal?

Edited by Rafiknoll
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes, it sucks :(



It does seem he clicked off the BH endurance buff, and yes, I think this mechanic should have never existed as it does... [Though as long as it is unfixed, at least in this arena AoEing non-stop could have solved this]


Remove the damn damage from acid, it is just deleting a damn code section, no need to even write anything... XD

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...or just ltp acid. IMO the real question is y are you doing any type of ranked match if you don't fundamentally know what to do with your character at the end of the match.

When force barrier used to work versus acid, granting certain victory to sorcs, was it "ltp acid"? That's a pathetic excuse for a man unwilling to play fairly

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Please ban those people who use this exploit! I've seen them too. This is not fair. This is a bug and devs have to do something about it.


Already reported some players who uses this exploit with removing bounty hunter buff + roll from passive aggressive guild

Edited by BraverDre
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If its an exploit then by the same logic the Sorc bubbling was an exploit.

Really its not an exploit however, though if Roll is mitigating Acid damage then that needs to be stopped.


Up to the Devs to do a little investigation and then fix it if that's the case. Or it'd be nice if they'd inform people if its not the case so the rumor can be proven right or wrong.

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When force barrier used to work versus acid, granting certain victory to sorcs, was it "ltp acid"? That's a pathetic excuse for a man unwilling to play fairly


The difference is that not all classes can force barrier. All classes can click off the buff.


Please ban those people who use this exploit! I've seen them too. This is not fair. This is a bug and devs have to do something about it.


It's not a bug, it's not an exploit. It is working as intended. But regardless of whether or not it is a bug, you have the ability to do the same technique. All classes can click off their endurance buff.


Really its not an exploit however, though if Roll is mitigating Acid damage then that needs to be stopped.


Roll does not mitigate acid damage.

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