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I don't like this game. :( but star wars itch brings me back.


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Making the game better is the first step to a better future


There is no better future. What is it about the MMO genre slowly dying out/off that makes you think there's a better future? What is it about the skeleton crew of devs that manage most MMOs that makes you think they can pull off any significant changes? If something like SWTOR is making money for EA as is why would they spend more money on it when it's making money at it's current annual budget? If the game is dying or losing players EA isn't going to dump more money into it then either view it as a lost cause.


no amount of great story matters if the game play is broken and dull.


What are you talking about? KOTFE and KOTET are both terrible stories and they both now represent a significant chunk of the game's story.


What you're suggesting doesn't solve anything nor would it suddenly bring in millions of new players. It's not like a combat overhaul will suddenly make it so that KOTFE and KOTET aren't filled with corridor after corridor of Skytroopers.

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I don't particularly care to jump into this argument in its entirety and I don't mean this as a way to try and discredit your overall point, but I want to point out that this list is absolutely bonkers. It has Marvel Heroes listed at number 6, that should be an immediate red flag.


That list was posted in August, Marvel Heroes was already bleeding players at an astonishing rate at that point with its average Steam player count coming in at under 600. More to the point, Marvel Heroes is now dead. Servers shut down, company out of business, dead. I very seriously question that list's credibility if its writer thought Marvel Heroes was doing well in August, or 2017 period. It had been in a sharp decline since January, only offset briefly by its anniversary event in June.


Again, not trying to discredit your point as a whole, I just couldn't not say something after seeing Marvel Heroes on that list. I was playing Marvel Heroes for a while and I highly highly doubt that game was ever, at any point in its lifetime, doing better than SWTOR, let alone any of the other games on that list. To have it anywhere near that list at all, especially in 2017, is just baffling when you consider the state that game was in prior to its shutdown.

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Yeah and doing nothing to improve the game will totally get more back as well. Sound logic.


That's not my logic.


Overhauling the combat is just something the current dev team isn't capable of. It's not about them doing something versus them doing nothing it has more to do with what they can do isn't all that much.


They have a game that is not only expensive to develop for but difficult due to the terrible engine it's running on.


I get what you are trying to say and frankly that's fine with me. However, I'm asking for the game to improve and put some effort into it's combat. It doesn't even have to be a complete rework but make it more fun and less buggy/clunky.


I never wanted SWTOR's combat to be the way it is. I would much prefer something like GW2, Wildstar, etc, but the game being buggy and clunky has a lot to do with the horrible Hero Engine tech that the game is running on and there's no simple way to fix that.

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There is no better future. What is it about the MMO genre slowly dying out/off that makes you think there's a better future? What is it about the skeleton crew of devs that manage most MMOs that makes you think they can pull off any significant changes? If something like SWTOR is making money for EA as is why would they spend more money on it when it's making money at it's current annual budget? If the game is dying or losing players EA isn't going to dump more money into it then either view it as a lost cause.




What are you talking about? KOTFE and KOTET are both terrible stories and they both now represent a significant chunk of the game's story.


What you're suggesting doesn't solve anything nor would it suddenly bring in millions of new players. It's not like a combat overhaul will suddenly make it so that KOTFE and KOTET aren't filled with corridor after corridor of Skytroopers.


Really? Realm Reborn turned itself around.

ESO turned itself around.



Also, KOTFE and KOTET story was good enough for a mmo storyline. I got the star wars vibe, and am content with that. If I wanted super amazing story I would not be playing an MMO.



What this game needs is a better ground work. Start with the combat.

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Really? Realm Reborn turned itself around.


A Realm Reborn turned FF14 around but only because most people didn't even know FF14 even came out, especially since it didn't have a console release until A Realm Reborn. The public perception was that FF14 was basically still in beta.


Despite the reaction to the original version of FF14 being so overwhelmingly negative the fact that a lot of people didn't even seem to know the game came out ended up helping it to rebrand.


Also FF14 didn't overhaul itself six years into it's life cycle.


There were a number of factors involved with FF14 where Square got extremely lucky, however none of those things apply to SWTOR.


ESO turned itself around.


ESO didn't so much turn itself around but rather Bethesda committed to it by just continuing to pump out content for it due to the fact that we're still years off from an Elder Scrolls 6. They positioned ESO as the next Elder Scrolls game and the only one you're/we're going to get for awhile so people better get with it.


And just like with FF14 it didn't do that 6 years into it's life cycle.


SWTOR's big rebranding moments have already come and gone at this point, and for ever one overhaul that gets lucky like FF14 there's another 5 MMOs out there that aren't like Wildstar for instance.


Also, KOTFE and KOTET story was good enough for a mmo storyline.


That's not saying anything since most MMOs barely have much of a storyline. No other MMO even comes close to the type of cinematic story telling experience as SWTOR and it's unlikely that one ever will because SWTOR didn't become a success as a result of it's story thus nobody tried to copy/emulate it. It's over ambitious story mode is viewed as something that didn't work out by other devs/publishers.


I got the star wars vibe, and am content with that.


Again, it's not all about you.


What this game needs is a better ground work. Start with the combat.


Once again, the team simply doesn't have the resources to do what you're asking for and chances are SWTOR's engine couldn't pull it off anyways.


Once again, what you're suggesting doesn't solve/fix a number of SWTOR's most glaring issues, nor would it suddenly keep more people interested in the game.


Overhauling the combat doesn't fix the fact that a majority of the quests in the game are "Kill 10 & Collect 5" type quests. It wouldn't make KOTFE/KOTET better which now represents a significant amount of the game's content to playthrough.


People just don't want to play SWTOR for a variety of reasons however the combat isn't the thing that drives people away or prevents them from returning. No matter how good the combat could become it would still be attached to a game that people don't want to play.

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SWTOR's combat system is like WoW old school system before cata, that's why i like it.


And how the **** is it clunky? To me GW2 and Wildstar's combat is too console-y, unenjoyable to play. If i wanted to play a third person action game i would play it and not pay a sub to an mmorpg.


Also people are too used to this system. If it is changed drastically , the drawback would be more than whatever positive thing some people imagine would happen. Not to mention that the engine is created with the current system in mind.

Edited by Kaedusz
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SWTOR's combat system is like WoW old school system before cata, that's why i like it.


And how the **** is it clunky? To me GW2 and Wildstar's combat is too console-y, unenjoyable to play. If i wanted to play a third person action game i would play it and not pay a sub to an mmorpg.


Also people are too used to this system. If it is changed drastically , the drawback would be more than whatever positive thing some people imagine would happen. Not to mention that the engine is created with the current system in mind.


I mean the system is flawed, We don't even have sabers hitting each other, The single player games at least had that.


Add an auto attack, or cut back on a few attacks, and make the filler have more impact. For example Sith warrior. Remove GCD from skills, and make it be just base off how much rage you have. That is such a simple fix, and would help the pacing of combat.

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I mean the system is flawed, We don't even have sabers hitting each other


How many MMOs have melee weapons that actually interact with each other?


And yet again given the terrible/horrible engine that the game is running on that since launch has had problems with things like latency, hit detection, etc, I don't see how what you're suggesting is some how all of a sudden avoid those problems.


The single player games at least had that.


You mean the games that weren't server side, didn't have numerous players connecting together, etc, yeah go figure they were able to do it.

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SWTOR's combat system is like WoW old school system before cata, that's why i like it.


And how the **** is it clunky? To me GW2 and Wildstar's combat is too console-y, unenjoyable to play. If i wanted to play a third person action game i would play it and not pay a sub to an mmorpg.


Also people are too used to this system. If it is changed drastically , the drawback would be more than whatever positive thing some people imagine would happen. Not to mention that the engine is created with the current system in mind.


Wait really? You mean to tell me you don't notice when someone rolls or jumps they run around or port in place and then magically appear elsewhere? I'm shocked really. That's a clunky system.

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How many MMOs have melee weapons that actually interact with each other?


And yet again given the terrible/horrible engine that the game is running on that since launch has had problems with things like latency, hit detection, etc, I don't see how what you're suggesting is some how all of a sudden avoid those problems.




You mean the games that weren't server side, didn't have numerous players connecting together, etc, yeah go figure they were able to do it.


It does not have to be a server side thing. It could easily be a client where all that happens is that when saber mobs come close. A set animation happens. Moving will cancel said thing. I mean the game already does this with dodges. you ever watch your person dodge a saber strike?


The problem is, that we have too many combat skills that dull the combat animations. Let warriors spam assault, to build up rage, have that set to the flurry saber combat animation than have them unleash that rage to finish off. That combat CAN be done with the hero engine.


Accepting this sub par combat is just not acceptable for the future of the game.

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I don't know what class you are playing but I main a Sentinel and there are plenty of times that the sabers strike another saber, vibrosword, techblade, or whatever. What I don't have to do is push a key to make that happen and that's the way it should be for a PVE based MMO. What you are asking for is a console game like combat which is totally inappropriate for this game. With that kind of simplification, there would be no difference between any of the classes. Right now those combat differences are what give the classes their flavor.
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Ok I just tested and this game does have some saber to saber combat animations that show sabers blocking and such.



It is just that our skill animations don't let the saber to saber combat go through. So it was very easily not found.

Edited by Teladis
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It does not have to be a server side thing. It could easily be a client where all that happens is that when saber mobs come close. A set animation happens. Moving will cancel said thing. I mean the game already does this with dodges. you ever watch your person dodge a saber strike?


The problem is, that we have too many combat skills that dull the combat animations. Let warriors spam assault, to build up rage, have that set to the flurry saber combat animation than have them unleash that rage to finish off. That combat CAN be done with the hero engine.


Accepting this sub par combat is just not acceptable for the future of the game.


Once again, if the game wasn't running on such a horrid engine what you're talking about might be a little more doable, but unless they're planning on moving the game onto a new engine nothing is really going to see any significant sort of overhaul.

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OP I just stumbled yesterday upon
which shows there are people doing PVP in Jedi Academy with Arcann or Palpatine skins...


Also, nice

(Jedi Academy is a sequel)


Of course these are action games/ multiplayer games.


Yes, a game like JA can easily accomplish those things because it's not a giant MMO connecting 100 people together all at the same time and those games are running on the Id Tech which was well established and is/was easy to develop for.


I don't think people realize/understand just how horrible and limiting SWTOR's engine really is. You can't have more than 25 quests in your quest log because it will/would cause server slow downs, and you seriously think they can overhaul the combat system into something like Jedi Academy?


SWTOR is running on an unfinished build of an engine that was developed for an MMO that never got past the testing stages.

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